If Big Ten Football is back then several schools will be in a quagmire.

Jan 12, 2004
If Michigan State is having all of their classes remote and all of Northwestern’s underclassmen’s classes are all remote then how can they field a team?
By bringing the players on campus...... where there are no students to get them sick...... is this a troll thread?
By bringing the players on campus...... where there are no students to get them sick...... is this a troll thread?
No it is not a troll thread. Also, if the students are supposed to be basically grounded to their dorm rooms how can they practice?
sorry but IMHO, they shouldn't have a season this fall.
If Michigan State is having all of their classes remote and all of Northwestern’s underclassmen’s classes are all remote then how can they field a team?

Given the rapid testing, I don't think it will matter much. The players will be expected to go to practice, and return right back from practice.