You know, I was responding to you in a constructive and respectful manner. No name calling or derogatory comments. Why is it so difficult for you to give me the same courtesy? Because this is the same treatment people you disagree with get everywhere any more. The only free speech for people like you is total agreement- nothing more, nothing less.
Two thoughts and I am done with you (yeah, spare me the crocodile tears- huh?). You are not looking for discussion, are you? Just anything to try to make Ted look tough and in charge.
Different people have different opinions as to what is "offensive and racially charged". The raison d'etre for this thread is that very point, which you are proving every day on this board. Instead of talk we get blasted as racists- which according to Mr BNI we all are on here, except for you select few correct thinkers. You know who you are. And as racists, anything we say or do is beyond suspect- it convicts us and confirm our status as white supremacists and race mongers. I would tend to think my definition of offensive and racially charged would be somewhat at variance with a professor at Georgetown U.
Then the concept that conservatives being mistreated on college campuses is covered thoroughly by the MSM and similar issues of liberal speakers and professors being punished or discharged not being covered- does that raise a red flag anywhere in your mind? Conservative malfeasance is an accepted trope by the MSM- we are targeted everyday and every way. Reporting conservative speakers being shouted down is considered letting people know how despicable these guys are and look, these courageous students are standing up to them. Not covering the woke wing getting their angel wings clipped is perhaps because the things they say and do might ring warning bells in the minds of many middle of the road voters who might think they are not comfortable with those kind of opinions running universities and educating their kids. Tell these folks only what they need to know.
So maybe more libs do get punished (but there are so many more of them to begin with it is a much smaller %-age of the whole) but the conservatives get more coverage, making us more aware of it, for the above reasons.
No response is necessary. I wrote this for others on this thread who might read it in the spirit in which I wrote it. I realize I am still way up the an*s of Ben Shapiro as you so quaintly put it, which all these many words do not dispel. I would never credit you as flexible, Ted, except I can not explain in any other fashion how you are able to get your head so far up your own an*s. You are truly a wonder! (see, always finish with a compliment- that is how you win friends and influence people)