19 children

Oh when you and BSIT were crying about Brian from the main board and how you’re done at the end of this month blah blah pout and cry blah. Your poor kids. What a dumb fukking father they have. Hopefully they will grow up and leave before you ruin them. Please make sure that on 5/31 your whiny bitch ass stays gone for good.
I was done with GBI in February of 2021 and haven’t been back since I’m having too much fun over here on the dark web
I was done with GBI in February of 2021 and haven’t been back since I’m having too much fun over here on the dark web
Is this when I curse you out for being whiny and tell you that I hope you never come back? Asking for a friend…
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Agreed, sure, it’s their prerogative. I get that. But it does nothing to address why they have to be there. It does nothing to address why this kid could go buy his arsenal unchecked before he could buy his first beer. I just don’t see how it should ever be normal for kids to see an armed guard on their way into school every day. That can’t be the answer.
Agree with you that’s sad for kids to see armed guards but I bet they feel safer and are safer with them. Bet many would be more anxious if they saw zero policemen at their schools in light of the shootings
Like I said, go after him. Fine. But take his name out and slot someone else in because they’re all doing the same thing. It’s just semantics otherwise
And you'll be shocked by this, but I don't disagree with you. The issue with this one is the timing and there really is no reason to block it.

See look. If you and I can find common ground.... EVERYONE should be able to.
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Is this when I curse you out for being whiny and tell you that I hope you never come back? Asking for a friend…
Lol, believe it or not the FB and BB free board is more civil and just as knowledgeable IMO. This dark web is where my crazy friends hangout
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Okay. Then let’s do this. Let’s put armed guards at every school and every entrance. It’s better than sitting on our hands waiting for the next one.

Let’s open the floodgates for a lot more mental health resources to try and see the red flag well in advance. It’s better than sitting on our hands and waiting for the next one.

Let’s make it a lot harder to buy a gun. If, at the end of the day you still end up with your gun, then you should have no problem with a gauntlet of checks and balances and training. It’s better than sitting on our hands and waiting for the next one.

At this point, we need to throw the kitchen sink at it. But we also have to be willing to compromise and be open to anything and everything.

I don’t like the idea of armed guards at every school, but if it’s done in conjunction with other things and provides a sense of security, then let’s go. Because whatever it is that we’re doing now clearly isn’t working. I’m game!
Most will laugh at this, but put a ban on all violent video games. I believe this is making people more apt to do these murders as their brains at a young age gets conditioned of seeing this violence over and over.
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And you'll be shocked by this, but I don't disagree with you. The issue with this one is the timing and there really is no reason to block it.

See look. If you and I can find common ground.... EVERYONE should be able to.
Fully agree. 🍻
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Agree with you that’s sad for kids to see armed guards but I bet they feel safer and are safer with them. Bet many would be more anxious if they saw zero policemen at their schools in light of the shootings
Perhaps. And there’s really only one way to find out.
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So someone justify this, if it's the Republicans that don't want to do anything for kids safety, why did Chuck Schumer block a GOP bill just DAYS after a mass shooting?

You can hate that it's on Fox all you want, but the fact remains it's GOP sitting idly by. As many democrats have said in this thread, doing SOMETHING is better than nothing right? Because of Chuck nothing is getting done.

Looks like Schumer trying to get bargaining chip to pass the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act.

I haven't looked into the detail of the Luke and Alex School Safety Act. But if it is indeed about school safety and not just trying to put more guns in school, then I think Schumer is wrong to play politics on school safety.

We can all call a spade a spade and not have to limit ourselves to the tribal mentality. Instead of demonizing the other side, I wish more liberals would call out Schumer if he put politics first, and more conservatives would call out McConnell likewise.
Looks like Schumer trying to get bargaining chip to pass the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act.

I haven't looked into the detail of the Luke and Alex School Safety Act. But if it is indeed about school safety and not just trying to put more guns in school, then I think Schumer is wrong to play politics on school safety.

We can all call a spade a spade and not have to limit ourselves to the tribal mentality. Instead of demonizing the other side, I wish more liberals would call out Schumer if he put politics first, and more conservatives would call out McConnell likewise.
I would also call out Beto O'rouke for his staged antics at a press briefing and most (rightfully) are. That was simply disgusting, party affiliation aside.. I mean what kind of a human does that?
I would also call out Beto O'rouke for his staged antics at a press briefing and most (rightfully) are. That was simply disgusting, party affiliation aside.. I mean what kind of a human does that?
Isn’t that better than just sitting on your hands though? I mean let’s be honest, Abbott has made it simple for the evil folks to get guns. Good, bad and ugly, let’s lay it all out there. We can agree to disagree here, but I’d much rather it get dragged out into the open vs say someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene harassing kids from Parkland.
To be fair, Republicans aren't in charge now nor for Sandy Hook. But what is even more disgusting is a tragedy like this being made political.

As I said before, there was an opportunity to stop this when the person posted their plan online ......with pictures.... and no one did anything. The kid had nothing in his history that any existing nor new (other than outright banning) law would of stopped.

It is far past time to stop focusing on an object and focus on the person.

No, it is not "even more disgusting" than the deaths of these children.
Isn’t that better than just sitting on your hands though? I mean let’s be honest, Abbott has made it simple for the evil folks to get guns. Good, bad and ugly, let’s lay it all out there. We can agree to disagree here, but I’d much rather it get dragged out into the open vs say someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene harassing kids from Parkland.
Don't know whether he has made it simple for evil folks to get guns but I know he is fighting the Feds vigorously regarding illegal immigration and I believe had plans to start rebuilding the wall at Texas expense. Wish Beto would protest illegals as much as he does guns
Isn’t that better than just sitting on your hands though? I mean let’s be honest, Abbott has made it simple for the evil folks to get guns. Good, bad and ugly, let’s lay it all out there. We can agree to disagree here, but I’d much rather it get dragged out into the open vs say someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene harassing kids from Parkland.
Making an ass out of himself and creating a spectacle for attention immediately after a horrific tragedy isn’t better than sitting on his hands. There are many, many, many more ways to be effective in making a difference if you’re Beto. What exactly did he accomplish by doing what he did? He looked pathetic and desperate but then again, he’s both. Of course you’d defend him 😂. You’ve been busy today.
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So now it's coming out he was outside the school, randomly firing off shots for 12 minutes and was then still able to just walk into the school?

That's plenty of time to have the school locked down and police to respond. He should've never been able to make into that school. Their is some much failure here that is completely inexcusable. It seems the police did not want to get involved and the head of the police should be fired immediately.
Isn’t that better than just sitting on your hands though? I mean let’s be honest, Abbott has made it simple for the evil folks to get guns. Good, bad and ugly, let’s lay it all out there. We can agree to disagree here, but I’d much rather it get dragged out into the open vs say someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene harassing kids from Parkland.
No not when he chose to do it and even the police that were there called him out. He also apparently staged the whole thing. There was nothing to drag out in to the open at a conference giving an update on the tragedy, it was all disgusting political theater.

I will say that I appreciate the civil conversation we are having as well. It's okay to not agree on things, that is what makes us unique... but the division in this country because of differing opinions is driving us to the ground. And it all starts in DC .. on BOTH sides of the isle.
Making an ass out of himself and creating a spectacle for attention immediately after a horrific tragedy isn’t better than sitting on his hands. There are many, many, many more ways to be effective in making a difference if you’re Beto. What exactly did he accomplish by doing what he did? He looked pathetic and desperate but then again, he’s both. Of course you’d defend him 😂. You’ve been busy today.
In sportsworld we talk about making "bulletin board material" when someone does or says something that will come back to bite them. Beto just gave Gov Abbott bulletin board material heading into the fall election season.
No not when he chose to do it and even the police that were there called him out. He also apparently staged the whole thing. There was nothing to drag out in to the open at a conference giving an update on the tragedy, it was all disgusting political theater.
Yeap, time and place and that wasn't either.
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Isn’t that better than just sitting on your hands though? I mean let’s be honest, Abbott has made it simple for the evil folks to get guns. Good, bad and ugly, let’s lay it all out there. We can agree to disagree here, but I’d much rather it get dragged out into the open vs say someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene harassing kids from Parkland.
Beto hasn't done jack shit. He talks a big game. But until he actually accomplishes something, he may want to stop accusing others of doing nothing, especially at a moment where it wasn't appropriate. There would have been plenty of other opportunities for him to debate Abbott on that topic. And the mayor had asked for no political antics from anyone. But he did it anyway, and for political gain.
Beto hasn't done jack shit. He talks a big game. But until he actually accomplishes something, he may want to stop accusing others of doing nothing, especially at a moment where it wasn't appropriate. There would have been plenty of other opportunities for him to debate Abbott on that topic. And the mayor had asked for no political antics from anyone. But he did it anyway, and for political gain.
It WaS bEtTeR tHaN sItTiNg On HiS hAnDs ThOuGh!!!**!!! Go BeTo Go
In sportsworld we talk about making "bulletin board material" when someone does or says something that will come back to bite them. Beto just gave Gov Abbott bulletin board material heading into the fall election season.
Abbott won’t have anything to worry about. Beto just keeps bouncing around losing everything he runs for. And this is the Democrat way, kicking and screaming while getting all emotional. No results. All emotion, all the time.
Details coming out are making this look worse and worse for law enforcement.
Had a full year of one political party slamming and shaming law enforcement. It’s a shame to see what that’s done to the quality, desire, and morale of our men and women in uniform. See, we can make everything about this political.
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Don't know whether he has made it simple for evil folks to get guns but I know he is fighting the Feds vigorously regarding illegal immigration and I believe had plans to start rebuilding the wall at Texas expense. Wish Beto would protest illegals as much as he does guns
Pivot….. drink!
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Just call it down the middle. The pubs didn't exactly embrace law enforcement after 1/6.

Seems like most here are being pretty realistic, and non partisan, about the issues at the school.
There we go, a reference to 1/6. Had to get one in eventually. Well done. And which “pubs” outside of the 2,500 rioters didn’t embrace law enforcement after that day?
Mental health needs to be addressed. Red flag laws are not being enforced.

We need to have mental health screenings as a prerequisite to purchasing and owning a firearm.
While I agree in theory, I'm not sure if red flag regulations would have caught this kid. He turned 18 and bought a AR 15, then 375 rounds, then another AR 15. He shot his grandmother and posted about it in such a short window before the shooting began at the school and did so in a private message to an individual.

It appears that he had nothing in his past - mental health is a tricky thing to assess. I think gun ownership should be an escalating process. You start out with a plinking rifle, then graduate from there. I've shots plinking rifles with my kids and it gets them to understand basic gun handling and how dangerous guns can be.
While I agree in theory, I'm not sure if red flag regulations would have caught this kid. He turned 18 and bought a AR 15, then 375 rounds, then another AR 15. He shot his grandmother and posted about it in such a short window before the shooting began at the school and did so in a private message to an individual.

It appears that he had nothing in his past - mental health is a tricky thing to assess. I think gun ownership should be an escalating process. You start out with a plinking rifle, then graduate from there. I've shots plinking rifles with my kids and it gets them to understand basic gun handling and how dangerous guns can be.
I think mental health screenings have to be a part of it. And sorry, but his grandmother had to be seeing signs and ignoring them.

I have no issue with your second suggestion. I agree some training needs to be involved. I had it from my father from a young age. But some aren't that lucky.