Catchings and Release

First I think it unlikely DJ starts. Yes he looks like a nice player but like Edey I'm going to guess he's going to start out backing up the more experienced player.

Second, it's very clear 5 is where TKR wants to play. He's sacrificed for the team for two seasons, it's his time now.

Third, there are options for the 4. Heide, Furst are two real options depending on whether the other team has a big 4 or whatever best sets up mismatches.

Now is it possible that at moments we will see DJ and TKR in the game at the same time? Sure. Matchups, foul trouble, etc. but I think people have been clear they don't want TKR starting at the 5 for his whole career. So they want a big 7 footer in there.
So if Trey is playing alongside Caleb you'd consider Trey to be the five?

We dodged a bullet on Catchings

So tangent but I have a feeling Colvin explodes this coming season. He certainly looks to have hit the weight room and you can just sorta feel he is going to go off at any moment. His biggest issue has always been defense, but I even think that will improve enough.

Catchings moving on as has been stated, opens up that door for him.
I have been saying that since before the season last year 😂 Myles has all the ability to be Jaden like…he’s got as much athleticism, but in different ways. He can jump higher than Jaden but Jaden was quicker end to end (so far from what we’ve seen). Colvins shot is waaaaay ahead of Jaden’s and Colvin grew another inch already. Hopefully Myles buys into defense more than Jaden did…I think he will and is going to be really good for us.
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Catchings Reopens Recruitment

Two or three Purdue obsessed Indinia fans are melting down over this. It’s the only activity on their board, as was the case all season long. The DMs are flying, including quite a few alleging that Woodson has been tampering with Catchings for months trying to get him to Methington and his rent-a-team, where it’s hoops, checks and positively no academic pressure whatsoever.
He goes to Bloomington, that team is blown up for the following year. Catchings won’t start on that team and if he does, transfers on that team that were promised playing time are going to be really upset and guys like Galloway who have been loyal won’t get to play much at all. Maybe he won’t care, but it’ll mess up that locker room. I don’t think he’s going there though.

Catchings Reopens Recruitment

Two or three Purdue obsessed Indinia fans are melting down over this. It’s the only activity on their board, as was the case all season long. The DMs are flying, including quite a few alleging that Woodson has been tampering with Catchings for months trying to get him to Methington and his rent-a-team, where it’s hoops, checks and positively no academic pressure whatsoever.

Catchings and Release

I wouldn’t be stunned to see DJ get time at the 4 along side TKR. I don’t believe he starts at either position though. I think he moves well enough to cover the 4 and his length helps out when he would get beat .
If DJ can give us 10-20 (may be too high/might get this later in the year) of solid mins protecting the rim and scoring 4-8 points with 3-5 boards a game, then that’d be great. I’m interested to see Berg and how he performs.
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Catchings and Release

Yah I don’t get it. He has openly stated he prefers/fits at the 5 better than the 4. He played the 5 when Zach was not on the European trip last year and was very efficient and comfortable. I don’t think Jacobsen is ready to start at the 5 yet. He is talented and playing well currently but not at starting big 10 caliber. He’s likely to see minutes but will definitely be coached up as the season progresses. Berg is the big unknown in this situation. How capable is he of playing competitively? I don’t think TKR is at the top of the list for the 4 spot given the other players and their strengths. Just my opinion.

I think TKR @ 5 too. But wherever, 4 or 5, likely on one of 3 All B10 teams come end of year. I just think this is his year.
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Catchings and Release

TKR will be our low post scorer…DJ will be the rim protector when he’s in. I see Furst and DJ playing alongside TKR than Berg. I think Berg backs up TKR.
I wouldn’t be stunned to see DJ get time at the 4 along side TKR. I don’t believe he starts at either position though. I think he moves well enough to cover the 4 and his length helps out when he would get beat .

We dodged a bullet on Catchings

So tangent but I have a feeling Colvin explodes this coming season. He certainly looks to have hit the weight room and you can just sorta feel he is going to go off at any moment. His biggest issue has always been defense, but I even think that will improve enough.

Catchings moving on as has been stated, opens up that door for him.

Catchings Reopens Recruitment

I use my brain, rather than saying what everyone else has already said. duh ! it's easy just to echo what the majority here say. it takes intelligence and a brain to think of other possibilities.

one rumor several months ago was catchings was thinking about playing in a developmental league instead of going to college. then his parents squashed that rumor.

Look at Catchings. he's not a 4. he's a 3 in the NBA. and that's where he wants to be rather than doing an engineering internship.

Look at jacobson's recent performance. he's ready to play at center. if Jacobson's ready to play at center, TKR isn't going to be his back-up. Furst is.

and look at the 3 position at Purdue. when was the last time Painter used a true forward to play the 3 at Purdue.

it's rather clear if Catchings wants to play in the NBA, and really isn't that interested in obtaining a college degree, what course he would pursue.

I've said multiple times, Catchings isn't going to be a one and done if he plays the 4 at Purdue because there wouldn't be enough minutes for him to show case his tlents.

Catchings picked a very odd time to decommit. Before doing so, he talked to Painter on the phone. after that conversation, he decommitted. It's logical to assume that conversation was not about Bruno's pizza.

I'm sorry, I'm not a Purdue engineer. Rather than an in the box thinker, I'm an out of the box thinker. and I'm usually way out in space, but usually 95% right. I examine different pieces of data and draw conclusions. I'm sorry my conclusions are different than yours.

if you don't like my conclusion, do you have one of your own ? I'd sure like to read it, unless it's the same stuff 100 people before you already posted.

I guess you don't like and appreciate the viewpoints of people who are different than you. there is a word to describe that. it's called being narrow mined. Harry chapin wrote a song about that. it's called Flowers are red.
WOW! 95%huh?🤔 that’s batshit crazy talk right there! It is good I guess that you have such a high opinion of yourself but it also explains why you get so hurt at any criticism you always feel is aimed towards you.
I don’t disagree that Catchings would have played the 3 as well as the 4. I think it would be his best position.
I’m not 100% sure the starting role was his to just walk into. There’s a plethora of really talented options, he’d need to prove himself the best fit. He’d get plenty of time even if he didn’t start.
I completely disagree that Jacobsen is the starting 5. He’s playing well and is a good rim protector but I don’t believe he’s ready to be the starting 5 in the B1G currently. Hes gonna be great before it’s all said and done but not “the guy” immediately.
I’d wager that TKR is the starter at the 5 and likely remains so most of the year unless Berg shows out and can’t be left sitting on the bench. TKR is a natural 5 and feels comfortable at the 5 per his own statement.
I read all of your posts, and can assure you that historically you are not correct 95% of the time when comparing how your takes compare with what actually eventually happens. You often end up editing your takes in responses trying to make them look better. I appreciate everyone’s right to an opinion but don’t feel so sure that yours are always right 🤷🏼‍♂️! Your deductive reasoning leads to some pretty crazy comments/conclusions on this page. Oh well, it is what it is.

We dodged a bullet on Catchings

So tangent but I have a feeling Colvin explodes this coming season. He certainly looks to have hit the weight room and you can just sorta feel he is going to go off at any moment. His biggest issue has always been defense, but I even think that will improve enough.

Catchings moving on as has been stated, opens up that door for him.

Or Catchings thought Colvin might close the door on him and wanted a guarantee against that.

Catchings and Release

Sorry, you've probably answered this elsewhere, but when you say Trey at the 5, are you thinking that's because someone like Cam will start as a stretch 4, or would you still consider Trey the 5 if someone like Caleb or DJ starts as the other big?
First I think it unlikely DJ starts. Yes he looks like a nice player but like Edey I'm going to guess he's going to start out backing up the more experienced player.

Second, it's very clear 5 is where TKR wants to play. He's sacrificed for the team for two seasons, it's his time now.

Third, there are options for the 4. Heide, Furst are two real options depending on whether the other team has a big 4 or whatever best sets up mismatches.

Now is it possible that at moments we will see DJ and TKR in the game at the same time? Sure. Matchups, foul trouble, etc. but I think people have been clear they don't want TKR starting at the 5 for his whole career. So they want a big 7 footer in there.
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Catchings and Release

Yah I don’t get it. He has openly stated he prefers/fits at the 5 better than the 4. He played the 5 when Zach was not on the European trip last year and was very efficient and comfortable. I don’t think Jacobsen is ready to start at the 5 yet. He is talented and playing well currently but not at starting big 10 caliber. He’s likely to see minutes but will definitely be coached up as the season progresses. Berg is the big unknown in this situation. How capable is he of playing competitively? I don’t think TKR is at the top of the list for the 4 spot given the other players and their strengths. Just my opinion.
TKR will be our low post scorer…DJ will be the rim protector when he’s in. I see Furst and DJ playing alongside TKR than Berg. I think Berg backs up TKR.

Catchings and Release

I think folks are so eager for TKR to not start at the 5. He is very likely our starter at the 5 all season.
Yah I don’t get it. He has openly stated he prefers/fits at the 5 better than the 4. He played the 5 when Zach was not on the European trip last year and was very efficient and comfortable. I don’t think Jacobsen is ready to start at the 5 yet. He is talented and playing well currently but not at starting big 10 caliber. He’s likely to see minutes but will definitely be coached up as the season progresses. Berg is the big unknown in this situation. How capable is he of playing competitively? I don’t think TKR is at the top of the list for the 4 spot given the other players and their strengths. Just my opinion.
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Judge allowing Jury to pick between 3 "crimes"

What actually seems to be weaponized here is the general public's lack of knowledge about how criminal legal proceedings work. They pick something that looks shady if you don't understand the reasons and then scream about it like it's some great injustice.
Are you pretending to be a lawyer with your commentary, JM, after earlier discounting the commentary of experienced and proven lawyers on the absurdities of this political hack job of a case?

We dodged a bullet on Catchings

I picked those three guys because along with Colvin they would have been the guys competing for minutes with Catchings. Those three guys are college basketball players who will reach the pinnacle of their basketball career when they stop playing ball at Purdue. I'm sure they understand that. They are perfect fits for Painter's system. Colvin is a long shot to make it to the NBA, but I suppose there is a chance. He certainly didn't improve his chances by being barried on the bench last year.

Barried.....on the bench?

I am from S. Indiana....I actually understood that.

We dodged a bullet on Catchings

You missed my point. Wasn't about us.

It was, if you are good, scouts find you. You are saying they wouldn't find a player @ Purdue. I just disagree. These scouts flat out know what they are doing. They will find you. Whether you are here or overseas, G league or wherever.

And your first sentence is highly disrespectful of Purdue players.
I picked those three guys because along with Colvin they would have been the guys competing for minutes with Catchings. Those three guys are college basketball players who will reach the pinnacle of their basketball career when they stop playing ball at Purdue. I'm sure they understand that. They are perfect fits for Painter's system. Colvin is a long shot to make it to the NBA, but I suppose there is a chance. He certainly didn't improve his chances by being barried on the bench last year.

Judge allowing Jury to pick between 3 "crimes"

I have not seen anything about first amendment arguments had been made in this case.
Whether they mentioned the words "first amendment" or not, they made the argument that the hush money was paid to protect his family or whatever, rather than to influence the election. The jury obviously didn't buy it, or, perhaps, the jury members didn't deem election interference as being the thing that the falsified records were attempting to hide. And my other point still stands that the payments themselves were not illegal, so I don't think anyone would dispute that he had a right (first amendment or otherwise) to make the payments. But the first amendment does not protect the right to falsify business records.
The Judge neutered this argument by not allowing the Trump team's expert testify to this argument. So the Judge didn't allow Trump to make this argument to the jury.
So you didn't read the judge's decision which cites New York law about what expert witnesses are allowed to testify about and what they're not allowed to testify about? It wasn't in youtube video format, so I can't say that surprises me. But, suffice it to say, it appears to me (as a lay-person) that it was New York law that didn't allow the witness to make this argument, not the judge.
In some sense the Judge didn't let the expert testify. He was only allowed to speak in generalities. So, even though he was technically allowed to testify, he wasn't allowed to talk in any way about what the Trump team needed him to. Thus, Trump's statement, although somewhat an exaggeration, was also somewhat true in the sense in which they needed.
FFS. It wasn't "somewhat true." He lied. Just like he did saying the judge wouldn't allow the "advice of counsel" defense (which is true only inasmuch as Trump's defense team told the judge before the trial that they wouldn't be using it, which prevents them from being able to use it). Just like he did when he said the judge didn't require a unanimous decision (which seems to have duped you, given you're the one who started this thread). Just like he did when he said he didn't know what the charges even were.

What actually seems to be weaponized here is the general public's lack of knowledge about how criminal legal proceedings work. They pick something that looks shady if you don't understand the reasons and then scream about it like it's some great injustice.
