Flawed logic.
Half of all lawers lose, there is a winning side and losing side. Sometimes your client is guilty, sometimes the prosecuters are wrong and the defendent is innocent. But yes many of times the jury gets it wrong too. Point is nothing lke an engineer, they have to get it right all the time.
As for doctors, everyone dies eventually. If a doctor messes up, they can lose their lcense and money. The doctors job isnt to save everyone's life all the tme, that is an impossble task Once again, the engineer cant be wrong, non sick people will die, their job is to get it right.
As for politicians, nothing like the engineer. They screw us over all the time, both parties, they only really look out for themselves. The engineer has a noble important job, the politician wouldnt know noble if it smacked them in the face.
Just saying flawed logic, lol.