Any idea who Coach Painter is talking about?

The point is that it's not just a magical "get transfers and we're more likely to win more games thing," which is being proposed. There are times and places and the right fits.

While that may be true for average coaches, that is not our situation.

Thus, I trust our coach to bring in the right guy(s), just as UConn's coach did this year. I will be surprised if CMP doesn't take advantage of open spots to upgrade his team. In Hurley and Painter you have two of the best in the nation. They always try to improve and are usually successful at doing so because of their experience and ability.

J6 Bombshell: Trump Didn't Just Offer Military to Protect Capitol, He Ordered It but Was Disobeyed

You are a Jim Crow lie. It ain't woke gibberish. Cops have been killing unarmed negroes for decades. Long before all this so called woke crap. I'm tired of this woke this, woke that. DEI this, DEI that. The police restrained from opening fire on the Flavor Aiders because they were white. Plain and simple.
the facts remain.....Cops kill a lot more unarmed white people than black people. I know you don't like to deal in facts and statistics, particularly this uncomfortable one, but it's the cold hard truth.

Illini looking strong

Woodson says that it’s hard to jell a team with so many new players. True, but this way beyond jelling, it’s falling apart. He need only look on the floor at the opponent last night to see a team that has jelled with mostly new players up 30 points on his squad.
Very true, Illinois replaced their whole roster except for DGL I think. That's nuts. Right and left.

Nice....Iowa over iu

Some of you are dumber than the box of rocks that look down on Doornob.
Has trump ever NOT quit on ANYTHING?
Dude. I posted a gif that is funny. If Woodsa said Something about Trump, I woulda posted a trump gif. Same goes for any president he would have mentioned.

You have no idea which way I view things. And frankly, I dislike both parties cuz they BOTH suck. But I am able to laugh at everything and not take things too seriously.

So go touch grass and take a deep breath. It’s all going to be ok.
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Any idea who Coach Painter is talking about?

There is no evidence that there is one. Plus with the ability to develop a player and the skills DJ has already shown, it'd be silly to recruit over him and we know it isn't happening unless something dramatic happens with DJ which so far seems doubtful.

Painter knows the team and what he is doing far more than anyone on here can even come close to. He proved that last season when he quite literally played for a National Title.
Painter has never said he's not recruiting over anyone, that's a manifestation of this board not him. So citing him as the expert to bootstrap personal board theories isn't compelling.

He goes after talented players every year. Including ones that, wait for it, play at positions currently held. He's proven time and again he will start freshman over other players including talented ones. DJ is no more an exception to that than anyone else.
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update on portal

I know I’m not alone in thinking that beating Notre Dame in football is one of the best Purdue experiences, but having seen that you’re a reversible jersey guy for ND I get that you can’t understand that this is our in state football rivalry. Basketball is different - the key to rivalry (and blood rival is just lame) is that there has to be a storied history between the two teams. IU has never sustained any success in football, but Purdue has a reputation as the Spoilermakers built on upset wins over dominant top 5 teams (most in the nation) and that is built on several big wins over ND. My personal favorite was the 1997 win that propelled Tillers success at Purdue.
I still remember the 2009 game when Hope called a timeout with around 24-25 seconds left that probably would have sealed the victory. I remember looking to my buddy and yelled "your coach called a timeout with zero left. That's a penalty". He replied: your dumbass coach called it.
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Former commit "going through it right now"

Hadn't seen what Catchings has been up to lately, so took a quick peek. He started out playing lots of minutes and shooting lots of threes. Not a a particularly good percentage, but he was getting shots up. Now he has been replaced in the starting lineup by Mawot Mag of Rutgers fame. In the last 2 games, he has played just 7 and 9 minutes. in their last game, he got both a flagrant 1 and a tech. Reports that he is didn't even bother taking a shot during pregame shootaround. Just stood there doing nothing.

This dude had no shot here. Had he come, he'd be off the team by now.

Trump flexed, Hamas caved.. Shocker

Dude if you think just 4 words uttered by a fool is what led to this then you are more imbedded in the MAGA cult than ever. How about the months of negotiations between Netanyahu/Israel and Hamas that led to this. Give me a break.
(1) The agreement accepted by Hamas (I.e. Iran) is not materially different then the terms which have been on the table for months. What changed? (2) Trump transition members have been involved in the negotiations since the election as they are the incoming administration (not allowing would be stupid and does not allow for an efficient transition). (3) This was confirmed during the lengthy press conference last week. (4) To juxtapose, the Biden administration NEVER made humanitarian aid contingent upon the release of hostages and therefore what would you expect to change if hundreds of millions continued to flow to the hostage takers? (5) And you just defeated your argument in saying these negotiations have been going on for months, yet oddly an agreement has been agreed to but a few days prior to a new administration. Ironic timing.

Any idea who Coach Painter is talking about?

After losing at least 4 of their top players from last year, they still are......
Second in their conference. 13-4 overall.
So yes they are doing extremely well.......
Thus, not making the.point you are trying to.

I hope Purdue can continue as well as UConn has post Braden's class.....
The point is that it's not just a magical "get transfers and we're more likely to win more games thing," which is being proposed. There are times and places and the right fits.

Illini looking strong

Hard to say? We just know that cerebral players do well at Purdue where they may be lacking in athleticism and not have a chance at another school. Matt likes players out of Carmel assuming they meet other criteria due to what he sees as "structured" team play. Certainly it is easier if players were properly instructed before college so they don't have other issues show up later "IF" a coach has somewhat of a structured team. FWIW, Matt even shared as much when he said that Zach not only being humble and a hard worker, but since he was so new to the game he didn't have all those bad habits to eliminate. Lets take Bryson and Brenton Scott. Bryson had all the attributes necessary to pass the eye test, but his offensive skill set was hindered since his high school pressed all the time and he was used to gambling on D and shooting layups due to his speed. His brother Brenton perhaps less athletic did shoot in high school on the perimeter some and that carried over to college. IMO had Bryson had a more structured game in high school that would have prepared him for Purdue better. Not all are going to be that way or suggest that players that press a LOT are going to have issues at a school like Purdue, but IMO they are more likely to not be as prepared as they may believe on that first practice.
I've mentioned this before, but my son called after his first D1 practice and said the slowest guy on his team was quicker than anyone he'd played against. Is this the depth of Colvin's struggle?

How Long Until Sisley De-Commits?

The names and faces have changed, but the story remains the same.

IU has no choice. They have to replace Woody. I always felt he was a class act who represented the university well. It's a shame that his legacy will be that the finacial and other support he received was the envy of any other program, but he failed so badly the fans were literally screaming for him to be fired.

From hero to zero.
What's funny is... under a Knight coached IU team, those players probably would not even been dressed in uniform after half time, & definitely would not have played. Woody not only let them play, but played the entire second half. There is no dicipline on that team. How someone could chose IU over Purdue when the could come in and play a key role is beyond me. Like others said, they aren't a Purdue fit if that is there thinking.

Any idea who Coach Painter is talking about?

How is UConn with all their transfers (as many or more than last year) doing this year?

After losing at least 4 of their top players from last year, they still are......
Second in their conference. 13-4 overall.
So yes they are doing extremely well.......
Thus, not making the.point you are trying to.

I hope Purdue can continue as well as UConn has post Braden's class.....
