Never you worm. I just believed that he should be given a chance. You and 18 had a daily circle jerk for Brohm when he tore the hell out of the Purdue program. You made excuse after excuse for what Brohm did. You constantly blessed his leaving and torching our program. I have never said Walters was the best we could do. I thought we were left in an untenable position with the timing and the way Brohm left and I was proven right in that regard. You however never gave credence to the FACT that Brohm torched us. You were one of his apologists and kissed his ass at ever turn, just like 18 did. You have no high ground, you had no answers except to constantly trash someone. Did you email the AD? Did you talk to any trustees? I did you worthless piece of shit. Walters was the result of Brohm's leaving. With more time, Purdue would have had a better chance to hire someone. I'm guessing with our first loss you will be trashing the new coach and whining about "schemes" instead of offering answers. No you can go back to your Brohm circle jerk. Loser.