It is difficult to defend Gruden, and, I say that as someone that actually met him way more than 10 years ago, and, has met/crossed paths with him several times since.
I don't know how anyone can defend the things that he said, including himself for that matter. He has hurt a lot of people with what has happened, and, let a lot of people down as well.
His career is over, but, he has only himself to blame for that...he is indeed who he is...the things he said were not just stupid...they were very much racist, discriminatory, biased, etc.
Now if this had been a case of someone indeed having a bone to pick and trying to find something and going back 10 years and finding an email with some questionable things...yeah, I would side with those that are making a case that this was a witch hunt of some sort, but, the things that he said then, and, continued to say were more than just some misunderstanding or questionable.
That goes then to the bigger, if he was comfortable enough to say any, much less all, of those things in an email, he absolutely would be/was comfortable saying them otherwise, and, yet, he had a tremendously long career in/around the NFL...all because of having connections to begin with that others do not.
I am as against the witch hunt and cancel culture as anyone, and, hate so many of those types of things, but, I don't think this fits that.
As difficult as it is to understand what he said/did, it is as difficult, if not more so, to understand how he got to where he was at so many different times in his lengthy career in light/despite that.
Society is soft in many ways...people are out to get others, more so now than ever, in many cases, but, I don't feel like that was the case here.
I don't see this as a political matter...a racial matter...I just see it as a right or wrong one, and, Gruden could not have been more wrong.