Why do the Republicans want to stop blacks from voting?

Of course it’s popular on black radio because they like playing the victim card. I listen to Candace Owens regularly, Charles Payne and others.
You would listen to Queen Gumbo/Sambo. You need listen the SiriusXM Ch. 126 the “Urban View” particularly the Joe Madison show to a get the real perspective of what black people are talking about. Or have a conversation with a black person which you probably have not done in a while. If at all. These Gumbo/Sambos like Owens, Elder, and others say things they know white people want to hear. To white people these are the good Negros. Remember Ann Coulter a while back saying on Faux News that our blacks, the conservative blacks like the aforementioned, are better than their blacks, the progressive/liberal ones. That is why Faux News parades these folks on the air to counter what another black person said that they don’t like or done like kneeling during the National Anthem.
You would listen to Queen Gumbo/Sambo. You need listen the SiriusXM Ch. 126 the “Urban View” particularly the Joe Madison show to a get the real perspective of what black people are talking about. Or have a conversation with a black person which you probably have not done in a while. If at all. These Gumbo/Sambos like Owens, Elder, and others say things they know white people want to hear. To white people these are the good Negros. Remember Ann Coulter a while back saying on Faux News that our blacks, the conservative blacks like the aforementioned, are better than their blacks, the progressive/liberal ones. That is why Faux News parades these folks on the air to counter what another black person said that they don’t like or done like kneeling during the National Anthem.
So, you tell me to listen to blacks. I tell you the ones I listen to and then you tell me not to listen to them. Now I can only listen to the ones you are with. Maybe you should start listening to Candace and Charles. They’ve obviously done something very, very right. Same skin color, very successful. Actually had a black roommate at Purdue, have many black friends and clients. Talk to them all the time. They tell me what made them successful and it’s pretty similar to what other successful blacks have said. We need to make sure that everyone understands the importance of an education. If college is right for someone then the trades. Without these any group is screwed.
You would listen to Queen Gumbo/Sambo. You need listen the SiriusXM Ch. 126 the “Urban View” particularly the Joe Madison show to a get the real perspective of what black people are talking about. Or have a conversation with a black person which you probably have not done in a while. If at all. These Gumbo/Sambos like Owens, Elder, and others say things they know white people want to hear. To white people these are the good Negros. Remember Ann Coulter a while back saying on Faux News that our blacks, the conservative blacks like the aforementioned, are better than their blacks, the progressive/liberal ones. That is why Faux News parades these folks on the air to counter what another black person said that they don’t like or done like kneeling during the National Anthem.
Still can’t figure out the kneeling during the National Anthem. The keys to success aren’t rocket science.
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You would listen to Queen Gumbo/Sambo. You need listen the SiriusXM Ch. 126 the “Urban View” particularly the Joe Madison show to a get the real perspective of what black people are talking about. Or have a conversation with a black person which you probably have not done in a while. If at all. These Gumbo/Sambos like Owens, Elder, and others say things they know white people want to hear. To white people these are the good Negros. Remember Ann Coulter a while back saying on Faux News that our blacks, the conservative blacks like the aforementioned, are better than their blacks, the progressive/liberal ones. That is why Faux News parades these folks on the air to counter what another black person said that they don’t like or done like kneeling during the National Anthem.

Why do you do the Gumbo/Sambo bit in every post?

You sound like a child.
Kneeling during the national anthem (which is dumber than you) has happened for years and still happens and the Capitol storming happened on a single day. CNN still talking about the Capitol storming and is that why you’re still talking about it? Move on, man! It was sad and terrible but why continue to talk about it?
You guys are something else. You know why people are still talking about it. They are still talking about it because you got a couple thousand jackasses beating the sh*t out of police officers with the US flag, bear spray fire extinguishers whatever else they could use. If it was Antifa you guys would still be talking about it. Speaking of Antifa, remember you guys initially blame the insurrection on Antifa. I think storming the Capitol while Congress and the Senate are in session, in addition the VP being in attendance and threatening to hang Pence and the legislators is a big deal. You may not think so but it is. You guys have not forgotten and bring up all the time the riots last summer. The attack by the deplorables on Jan 6 was the attack on the Capitol since the British burned it down during the War of 1812.
You guys are something else. You know why people are still talking about it. They are still talking about it because you got a couple thousand jackasses beating the sh*t out of police officers with the US flag, bear spray fire extinguishers whatever else they could use. If it was Antifa you guys would still be talking about it. Speaking of Antifa, remember you guys initially blame the insurrection on Antifa. I think storming the Capitol while Congress and the Senate are in session, in addition the VP being in attendance and threatening to hang Pence and the legislators is a big deal. You may not think so but it is. You guys have not forgotten and bring up all the time the riots last summer. The attack by the deplorables on Jan 6 was the attack on the Capitol since the British burned it down during the War of 1812.
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The book “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Thank you; what have you done differently that made you as successful as you are today that others aren’t doing in your community you speak of? Why have you been successful and others aren’t/can’t? Serious question.
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It's probably really difficult to get a super accurate number, but here's what the research says, at least:

Brennan Center's 11% estimate is probably way too high, but even if it's only, say, 1% of the voting-eligible population, you're talking about 2+ million people. How often do you suppose people show up at the polls pretending to be someone they're not or trying to vote twice? I bet it's several orders of magnitude less than 2 million. It's less common than being struck by lightning, at least in Texas, where there were 4 cases of confirmed in-person voter fraud between 2000 and 2014. Even if for every person that got caught there were 100 that got away with it, you're talking about 400 votes over the course of 14 years, a fraud rate of .0005% based on the 72 million ballots cast in Texas during that time frame.

So, do we prevent 2 million people from voting to protect against something that just doesn't happen? Which would be more likely to change the election results, MAYBE a few dozen fraudulent votes that we don't catch or, say 250,000 people prevented from voting because they don't have proper ID (if only 25% of those without ID even want to vote)?

It's easy to say that those people should just go get an ID, but if they cost money, a poor person might understandably save their money for necessities, if they require proof of residence (ie. utility bills and whatnot) a homeless person can't get one. Some may not have transportation to get to the location to get one, some may not be able to afford to take off work to spend the time to go get one. There are many reasons why someone may not have an ID that could be used for voting (including, ridiculously, a misspelling on one's birth certificate), and it's not always the most convenient task to get one.
I am curious as to whether you feel that the article has anything to do with the last election and that the results you reference in the article were under the same conditions as previous elections and are applicable or if you posted by accident? The inference is that the numbers you found serve as an answer to a condition created of similar nature and yet we know the conditions were entirely different. did you really want to post that?
Thank you; what have you done differently that made you as successful as you are today that others aren’t doing in your community you speak of? Why have you been successful and others aren’t/can’t? Serious question.
I was blessed with 2 working parents that allowed us to live in good, diverse neighborhoods. Graduated from Purdue and had good jobs.
You must be a lawyer because you sure like to argue just to argue. As always you don’t get the point. The point not when they can vote. The point is the reason that they want to remove it. They are taking away Sunday vote for sole purpose of suppressing the black vote. Black people, that mostly vote Democrat, like to vote on Sundays right after church and have been doing so for decades. If they voted Republican, they would leave it alone.
Prove it. Otherwise you're just talking out of your ass. So until you can prove it, STFU about this suppression nonsense...
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I don’t know why I keep going down these rabbit holes with you. You just don’t get it. Blacks have adapted to these changes since
Here's where your facts ended.

Guess what. Everyone adapts to the changes. You're not a victim. Trump received a historical amount of minority votes this past election so your statement about blacks voting him out is also false.
Good gracious. You and bonefish1 can really beat a dead horse to death. Y’all are pretty dense. Y’all get fixated on one thing. When did I say blacks only vote on Sunday. I said that it has been a tradition for black people for decades to vote after church. I’m a black person, how is what I said treating blacks people as being helpless? I participate in the forums to give a black person’s perspective of the topics here. I’m telling you voter suppression is one of the biggest topics on black talk radio right now. It took the time to listen to black talk radio or talk to a black person directly you would know better. When was the last time you actually talked and had a conversation with a blacks person? You are really showing your ignorance with these topics involving black people. You are certainly not the only one in this forum. I guess that is why a take the time and try to educate folks from a black perspective.
This right here is the left telling you what to think. I've been pointing that out to you for quite some time, but you keep dismissing it. The left is telling you you're being suppressed, but your not. You have the exact same opportunities to vote that I do. Stop listening to the victim narrative and tell others to do the same. They just might finally see the world for what it is and better themselves.
You would listen to Queen Gumbo/Sambo. You need listen the SiriusXM Ch. 126 the “Urban View” particularly the Joe Madison show to a get the real perspective of what black people are talking about. Or have a conversation with a black person which you probably have not done in a while. If at all. These Gumbo/Sambos like Owens, Elder, and others say things they know white people want to hear. To white people these are the good Negros. Remember Ann Coulter a while back saying on Faux News that our blacks, the conservative blacks like the aforementioned, are better than their blacks, the progressive/liberal ones. That is why Faux News parades these folks on the air to counter what another black person said that they don’t like or done like kneeling during the National Anthem.
Wow, way to assume all white people are racist... Your stance on Elder and Owens is amazingly ignorant. If you ever took the time to listen to them and not what people told you about them, you might actually learn something.
Prove it. Otherwise you're just talking out of your ass. So until you can prove it, STFU about this suppression nonsense...
Why don’t you prove that it is not voter suppression.

If you voted for President Slick this past election, do you agree that the election was rigged? Yes or No.
Why don’t you prove that it is not voter suppression.

If you voted for President Slick this past election, do you agree that the election was rigged? Yes or No.
How in the hell am I supposed to prove a negative? Common man, you know that the proper way is to prove your argument.
Here's where your facts ended.

Guess what. Everyone adapts to the changes. You're not a victim. Trump received a historical amount of minority votes this past election so your statement about blacks voting him out is also false.
You guys have to really stop saying victim. Just because I point out racism does not not mean we are trying to be the victim. Slick got only 12% of the black vote. Biden got 88%. 88 is a hell of lot more than 12. Black voters are what took Biden over the hump in large cities that you guys keep crying about voter fraud. Who is the victim now? How do you think Georgia elected 2 democratic Senators. Blacks came out in droves and took the 2 Senators over the hump. Why do you think Georgia is one the states leading the way in changing the voting laws including Sunday voting that blacks enjoyed.
You guys have to really stop saying victim. Just because I point out racism does not not mean we are trying to be the victim. Slick got only 12% of the black vote. Biden got 88%. 88 is a hell of lot more than 12. Black voters are what took Biden over the hump in large cities that you guys keep crying about voter fraud. Who is the victim now? How do you think Georgia elected 2 democratic Senators. Blacks came out in droves and took the 2 Senators over the hump. Why do you think Georgia is one the states leading the way in changing the voting laws including Sunday voting that blacks enjoyed.
Most Republicans only get around 5%. So "slick" as you sound like an idiot calling him, doubled the black vote towards Republicans.

Georgia voted in two Dem Senators because idiots boycotted the vote. They wanted the Presidential election looked into and they stupidly thought not turning out for the runoff was a way to show that disapproval.

I for one suspect that Georgia is leading the way in these voting laws because the KNOW that shit happened during the Presidential election, but they hated Trump and they let it happen. Now that it's over, they want to fix the problem so it doesn't take over their state.
I was blessed with 2 working parents that allowed us to live in good, diverse neighborhoods. Graduated from Purdue and had good jobs.
So if you don’t live in a diverse neighborhood just give up, drop out of school and rely on someone else to care for you. Got it.
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You guys have to really stop saying victim. Just because I point out racism does not not mean we are trying to be the victim. Slick got only 12% of the black vote. Biden got 88%. 88 is a hell of lot more than 12. Black voters are what took Biden over the hump in large cities that you guys keep crying about voter fraud. Who is the victim now? How do you think Georgia elected 2 democratic Senators. Blacks came out in droves and took the 2 Senators over the hump. Why do you think Georgia is one the states leading the way in changing the voting laws including Sunday voting that blacks enjoyed.
And Biden and the dems have done so much for the AA community the last 50 years I understand why you’d vote for him, LOL.
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Blacks only vote on Sunday? I see many blacks voting on Election Day and at early voting. Why do you give black people so little credit and treat them as if they’re helpless; despicable. I happen to know they are just as capable at doing everything that every other demographic sets their mind out to do.

Not according to Dem, libs and lefties. According to them, blacks are victims and need to be treated differently soley because of their skin color.
Good gracious. You and bonefish1 can really beat a dead horse to death. Y’all are pretty dense. Y’all get fixated on one thing. When did I say blacks only vote on Sunday. I said that it has been a tradition for black people for decades to vote after church. I’m a black person, how is what I said treating blacks people as being helpless? I participate in the forums to give a black person’s perspective of the topics here. I’m telling you voter suppression is one of the biggest topics on black talk radio right now. It took the time to listen to black talk radio or talk to a black person directly you would know better. When was the last time you actually talked and had a conversation with a blacks person? You are really showing your ignorance with these topics involving black people. You are certainly not the only one in this forum. I guess that is why a take the time and try to educate folks from a black perspective.

Traditions change. Is voting on Sunday such an ingrained tradition in the black community that they can't adapt to voting on Saturdays?
Yeh, I get always voted on Sunday. It was a tradition and it was fun. But now, if you can't vote on Sunday, will you not vote at all?
That's like saying "Hey, the closed the plant I worked at for 30 years. That's not fair. Therefore, I'm not going to try and find a new job in a different plant because I really liked my old job in the old plant.:"
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I was blessed with 2 working parents that allowed us to live in good, diverse neighborhoods. Graduated from Purdue and had good jobs.
So you realize you just undermined your own argument? You just gave an example that proves it’s not skin color or racism that holds people back or makes people successful, it’s work ethic, two parent homes, and education
So you realize you just undermined your own argument? You just gave an example that proves it’s not skin color or racism that holds people back or makes people successful, it’s work ethic, two parent homes, and education

But, what BNI will now say is that many blacks don't have the benefit of growing up in a 2 parent household where they're taught discipline and work ethic.
Well......who's fault is that? (he'll probably say "white people's")
I am curious as to whether you feel that the article has anything to do with the last election and that the results you reference in the article were under the same conditions as previous elections and are applicable or if you posted by accident? The inference is that the numbers you found serve as an answer to a condition created of similar nature and yet we know the conditions were entirely different. did you really want to post that?
I don't understand the question as I don't know which article you're referencing (I linked three in the post), and I also said nothing regarding the last election.
Trump received a historical amount of minority votes
Most Republicans only get around 5%
For someone who's all up in arms about not believing what the media tells you in another thread and relying only on evidence, it's interesting you've made two claims here that are not supported by evidence:

While he improved on his own 2016 numbers, it looks to me like he did about as well with minority voters as a Republican presidential candidate would be expected to do. He was better than average, sure, but hardly "historic." The average black vote, specifically, for Republican candidates in the 15 elections from 1964 forward, is 10.46%, fully double your claim that they get 5% -- and not very far from Trump's 12%, which ALSO isn't the highest.
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You would listen to Queen Gumbo/Sambo. You need listen the SiriusXM Ch. 126 the “Urban View” particularly the Joe Madison show to a get the real perspective of what black people are talking about. Or have a conversation with a black person which you probably have not done in a while. If at all. These Gumbo/Sambos like Owens, Elder, and others say things they know white people want to hear. To white people these are the good Negros. Remember Ann Coulter a while back saying on Faux News that our blacks, the conservative blacks like the aforementioned, are better than their blacks, the progressive/liberal ones. That is why Faux News parades these folks on the air to counter what another black person said that they don’t like or done like kneeling during the National Anthem.
I took your suggestion and listened to Sirius 126 for a couple days in the car. I was disappointed the woman host at 9:00 was talking about police a hundred years ago and continued to correlate racism today versus back then. I believe this only stirs the pot and we as a nation will not be able to move on from racism in the past to the present. If we continue to allow this verbiage to infect the minds of people today the United States will be and remain the divided states. I wish everyone could put racism behind and move forward to uniting us all.
I took your suggestion and listened to Sirius 126 for a couple days in the car. I was disappointed the woman host at 9:00 was talking about police a hundred years ago and continued to correlate racism today versus back then. I believe this only stirs the pot and we as a nation will not be able to move on from racism in the past to the present. If we continue to allow this verbiage to infect the minds of people today the United States will be and remain the divided states. I wish everyone could put racism behind and move forward to uniting us all.
I mostly listen to Joe Madison on Ch. 126 in the mornings between 5:00am to 9:00am Central time. I do listen to the Patriot channel every now and then to see what the right wing folks are talking about.
I don't understand the question as I don't know which article you're referencing (I linked three in the post), and I also said nothing regarding the last election.
Any surveys, data or beliefs prior to the last election would come from a population entirely different than the special situations and populations created for comparison. A 70% FT shooter on a 10 ' goal 15 feet away would be different than changing the variables that the 70% data was gathered. Change that goal to 20 feet away, 15 feet high, 3 feet high...all would produce a different data set than that were produced at 10', 15 ft away. So, I'm suggesting that previous understandings...whatever those were based on a different animal than all the "special circumstances" that led to so many things being different.
Any surveys, data or beliefs prior to the last election would come from a population entirely different than the special situations and populations created for comparison. A 70% FT shooter on a 10 ' goal 15 feet away would be different than changing the variables that the 70% data was gathered. Change that goal to 20 feet away, 15 feet high, 3 feet high...all would produce a different data set than that were produced at 10', 15 ft away. So, I'm suggesting that previous understandings...whatever those were based on a different animal than all the "special circumstances" that led to so many things being different.
I understand what you're saying in principle, but not how it applies to the question of Voter ID, which is what my post talked about.

Are you saying that information about in-peson voter fraud from before 2020 is not valid because, somehow, there was MORE in-person voter fraud in 2020 in a state that still had voter ID laws in place in 2020?
I took your suggestion and listened to Sirius 126 for a couple days in the car. I was disappointed the woman host at 9:00 was talking about police a hundred years ago and continued to correlate racism today versus back then. I believe this only stirs the pot and we as a nation will not be able to move on from racism in the past to the present. If we continue to allow this verbiage to infect the minds of people today the United States will be and remain the divided states. I wish everyone could put racism behind and move forward to uniting us all.
Division is the absolute goal of intersectionality. There is no other goal or explanation. I believe that one of the questions people should question is not only the illogical nature of intersectionality on the whole, but why the demographics “chosen” for that divide? Why were they chosen? Who is more oppressed than those lacking intellect? Are people considered not very nice looking oppressed? Do both find the world a bit harder? Sure they do, but how does someone politically use that division for political advantage today, when it hasn’t been grown over time? This is not an accident. It has been cultivated for a long time
I understand what you're saying in principle, but not how it applies to the question of Voter ID, which is what my post talked about.

Are you saying that information about in-peson voter fraud from before 2020 is not valid because, somehow, there was MORE in-person voter fraud in 2020 in a state that still had voter ID laws in place in 2020?
fraud which I assume is the subject area in question was touched on with voter ID. That subject area called fraud has a whole lot of tenacles today that never existed before the special circumstances to the same degree alllowed and that fraud potential getting more of a concern is allowed by making special conditions now normal, and we now have a whole new ball game if eliminating fraud is a goal. If processing of those votes is not controlled then why would any report be of value relative to voter ID. I have no doubt I could generate a lot of questions any article written with a definitive suggestion

Anything other than total in person voter identification and verification with oversight satisfactory to eliminating fraud is the only way it could happen and even then, it doesn't stop cheating if the processing of those votes are in error. If you posted an opinion piece without the numbers and someone telling you what it says...I probably have questions. I think the whole suppression of vote due to clear identification sought is fought by a group that has shown over and over a sense of neurosis and need for power and control and however that happens is good to go. Thomas Sowell would call that an unconstrained vision.

If a desire is to actually eliminate fraud we will see progress and if not, we won't. For a country that had a Purdue grad walk the moon over a half a century ago it can if desired choose to make illegal voting nonexistent, but I don't believe that is a desire and everything else is puffery
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fraud which I assume is the subject area in question was touched on with voter ID. That subject area called fraud has a whole lot of tenacles today that never existed before the special circumstances to the same degree alllowed and that fraud potential getting more of a concern is allowed by making special conditions now normal, and we now have a whole new ball game if eliminating fraud is a goal. If processing of those votes is not controlled then why would any report be of value relative to voter ID. I have no doubt I could generate a lot of questions any article written with a definitive suggestion

Anything other than total in person voter identification and verification with oversight satisfactory to eliminating fraud is the only way it could happen and even then, it doesn't stop cheating if the processing of those votes are in error. If you posted an opinion piece without the numbers and someone telling you what it says...I probably have questions. I think the whole suppression of vote due to clear identification sought is fought by a group that has shown over and over a sense of neurosis and need for power and control and however that happens is good to go. Thomas Sowell would call that an unconstrained vision.

If a desire is to actually eliminate fraud we will see progress and if not, we won't. For a country that had a Purdue grad walk the moon over a half a century ago it can if desired choose to make illegal voting nonexistent, but I don't believe that is a desire and everything else is puffery
The only subject area in question in my post was voter ID. The argument for voter ID is that it will prevent fraud. The flaw in this argument is that the type of fraud that can be prevented by voter ID is extremely, exceedingly rare -- the evidence of which, at least in Texas, was presented in my link. The ONLY thing voter ID can prevent is someone pretending to be someone they are not. Even without voter ID requirements for in-person voting, to succeed in attempting this type of fraud, one would have to know the registration information of another voter, hope that person hasn't voted already, fake that person's signature in the poll book, vote for that person, then hope that person doesn't vote after the fake vote has been cast. If you succeed, you have successfully (maybe) stolen 1 vote, presuming the person you pretended to be wasn't actually going to vote for the same person you did. In order to, maybe, steal a single vote, one risks several hundred dollars in fines, a year or more in prison, and the loss of their own right to vote (penalties vary by state). That's a pretty hefty price to pay for one vote.

This type of voter fraud is, obviously, very ineffective at changing the results of an election, as a single vote is extremely unlikely to change the outcome. As such, it basically almost never happens, as demonstrated in the article I posted about Texas, where there are single-digit confirmed cases over a 14-year period in which over 70 million ballots were cast.

I am all for election integrity and doing things that can reasonably be shown to prevent fraud. I'm not even particularly against voter ID as a concept, as long as that ID is free and easy to obtain for everyone. Currently, that is not the case, as is demonstrated in a couple other articles I have posted. But, to argue that we NEED voter ID because there is all this rampant fraud ignores all evidence that there basically is no fraud of the type that voter ID is capable of preventing.
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The only subject area in question in my post was voter ID. The argument for voter ID is that it will prevent fraud. The flaw in this argument is that the type of fraud that can be prevented by voter ID is extremely, exceedingly rare -- the evidence of which, at least in Texas, was presented in my link. The ONLY thing voter ID can prevent is someone pretending to be someone they are not. Even without voter ID requirements for in-person voting, to succeed in attempting this type of fraud, one would have to know the registration information of another voter, hope that person hasn't voted already, fake that person's signature in the poll book, vote for that person, then hope that person doesn't vote after the fake vote has been cast. If you succeed, you have successfully (maybe) stolen 1 vote, presuming the person you pretended to be wasn't actually going to vote for the same person you did. In order to, maybe, steal a single vote, one risks several hundred dollars in fines, a year or more in prison, and the loss of their own right to vote (penalties vary by state). That's a pretty hefty price to pay for one vote.

This type of voter fraud is, obviously, very ineffective at changing the results of an election, as a single vote is extremely unlikely to change the outcome. As such, it basically almost never happens, as demonstrated in the article I posted about Texas, where there are single-digit confirmed cases over a 14-year period in which over 70 million ballots were cast.

I am all for election integrity and doing things that can reasonably be shown to prevent fraud. I'm not even particularly against voter ID as a concept, as long as that ID is free and easy to obtain for everyone. Currently, that is not the case, as is demonstrated in a couple other articles I have posted. But, to argue that we NEED voter ID because there is all this rampant fraud ignores all evidence that there basically is no fraud of the type that voter ID is capable of preventing.
You will not get a reply that deals with the specifics of voter fraud on this board. I've made this same argument about how the real actions required to fraudulently vote in another's place or take their vote away make it practically impossible to accomplish. Too many unknowns, too many ways to get caught.........all for one vote........and no sane person would attempt it given the legal ramifications.

But this isn't about reality. It's about tossing out the questions and repeating them over and over. It's about creating doubt. It's about people that aren't interested in the truth, they just need a an argument that is sellable to the uninformed. That's just one aspect of trumpism.
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The only subject area in question in my post was voter ID. The argument for voter ID is that it will prevent fraud. The flaw in this argument is that the type of fraud that can be prevented by voter ID is extremely, exceedingly rare -- the evidence of which, at least in Texas, was presented in my link. The ONLY thing voter ID can prevent is someone pretending to be someone they are not. Even without voter ID requirements for in-person voting, to succeed in attempting this type of fraud, one would have to know the registration information of another voter, hope that person hasn't voted already, fake that person's signature in the poll book, vote for that person, then hope that person doesn't vote after the fake vote has been cast. If you succeed, you have successfully (maybe) stolen 1 vote, presuming the person you pretended to be wasn't actually going to vote for the same person you did. In order to, maybe, steal a single vote, one risks several hundred dollars in fines, a year or more in prison, and the loss of their own right to vote (penalties vary by state). That's a pretty hefty price to pay for one vote.

This type of voter fraud is, obviously, very ineffective at changing the results of an election, as a single vote is extremely unlikely to change the outcome. As such, it basically almost never happens, as demonstrated in the article I posted about Texas, where there are single-digit confirmed cases over a 14-year period in which over 70 million ballots were cast.

I am all for election integrity and doing things that can reasonably be shown to prevent fraud. I'm not even particularly against voter ID as a concept, as long as that ID is free and easy to obtain for everyone. Currently, that is not the case, as is demonstrated in a couple other articles I have posted. But, to argue that we NEED voter ID because there is all this rampant fraud ignores all evidence that there basically is no fraud of the type that voter ID is capable of preventing.
no question you woul dhave to vote in a certain area with cross references and no question that personal identity is being stolen today. Computers are fast adn should a desire to prevent fraud exist...there will be actions to do so which has no other way to start without true verification of the voter and then integrity of that vote. I have no IDEA and will need to actually see what created an idea in you that there is little fraud other than someone writing something...and we should have a pretty good idea about that at this time. My past experience is that things that should be listed are rare in occurence becasue most just want to be told what to think and get that info in a written piece that more often than not doesn't lay out the pertinent info that should be available. Sample size, stratification, questions asked that I'm sure like usual are not listed...just someones' opinion. I may get a chance to see if the links actually say something or not in a bit, but have a couple of things going on right now.
I took your suggestion and listened to Sirius 126 for a couple days in the car. I was disappointed the woman host at 9:00 was talking about police a hundred years ago and continued to correlate racism today versus back then. I believe this only stirs the pot and we as a nation will not be able to move on from racism in the past to the present. If we continue to allow this verbiage to infect the minds of people today the United States will be and remain the divided states. I wish everyone could put racism behind and move forward to uniting us all.
Acknowledging racism does not stir the pot. You are a denier if you think it does. Just by the mere presence of confederate flags and monuments is the s fact that racism exist. Anyone in possession of a confederate flag is a racist. There is no other reason to own one. We are not going to move forward until people first acknowledge that is racism and not deny it like some folks in this forum do.