Why do the Republicans want to stop blacks from voting?

Facts obviously don't matter to you. This is exactly what we've been trying to say to you for a long time. You're so brainwashed by the left that even when faced with the truth, you don't believe it. I've given you facts that disprove your ridiculous claim that things changed because of Obama. You've also seen the FBI data on police brutality. When does a fact actually penetrate that bubble of oppression you live in?
Comments like that is why your cities get torn up by rioters. You guys to hear what we have to say. You see another on this board that dismiss racism when is brought to attention.
there you go again playing the victim card. Things will not get better as long as it is everyone else’s fault. As has been pointed out on this board people need to take responsibility for themselves and want to make their own life better just as Candace Owens has. I grew up in the gutter and my mom always preached to us kids that if you want to get out of the gutter then get out. Don’t make excuses.
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small limited government conservatives used to be against requirements for government issued ID / permission to conduct daily life activity
Have you read the HR-1 Bill proposed by Pelosi and the House.
FYI HR-1 is significant in that it is the 1st bill drafted and is priority 1 for the Dems.
I don't know if you are familiar with the Indiana proposed legislation that would remove the concealed weapons permit requirement.
This is in response to the Federal HR-1 legislation.
The argument is if it is to inconvenient and costly to get an ID to vote, the right to vote is constitutionally protected.
Why should someone be inconvenienced with the hassle and cost of a permit for something that is also a constitutionally protected.
I carry a permit and it is good in Indiana and 31 other states.
Have you read the HR-1 Bill proposed by Pelosi and the House.
FYI HR-1 is significant in that it is the 1st bill drafted and is priority 1 for the Dems.
I don't know if you are familiar with the Indiana proposed legislation that would remove the concealed weapons permit requirement.
This is in response to the Federal HR-1 legislation.
The argument is if it is to inconvenient and costly to get an ID to vote, the right to vote is constitutionally protected.
Why should someone be inconvenienced with the hassle and cost of a permit for something that is also a constitutionally protected.
I carry a permit and it is good in Indiana and 31 other states.
sounds good
as long as indiana Rs advocated for it in the past,
and not simply retaliatory to Ds in the present
Facts obviously don't matter to you. This is exactly what we've been trying to say to you for a long time. You're so brainwashed by the left that even when faced with the truth, you don't believe it. I've given you facts that disprove your ridiculous claim that things changed because of Obama. You've also seen the FBI data on police brutality. When does a fact actually penetrate that bubble of oppression you live in?
Why are y’all so obsessed by “the left”. That is all i here you and Faux News. I told you before, as a black man in the US we don’t need anyone from the left or whoever tell us what is racist. We don’t look for anything racist. Racism seems to always find us. When we say that voter suppression started in 2009 we mean it. We see it. That is a dumb statement to say that a black person is brainwashed to believe something is racist. When we say it is racist then it is racist.
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there you go again playing the victim card. Things will not get better as long as it is everyone else’s fault. As has been pointed out on this board people need to take responsibility for themselves and want to make their own life better just as Candace Owens has. I grew up in the gutter and my mom always preached to us kids that if you want to get out of the gutter then get out. Don’t make excuses.
Do you believe that the 2020 presidential election is rigged?
I didn't say I have a problem with it. That's fine if people enjoy doing that, but taking that one day away is not voter suppression. To call it voter suppression you'd have to prove that it was their only option. I think you'd have an uphill battle making that case.

You're last sentence is ridiculous. Ever think that the people that decided to take away voting on Sundays have no idea that it's such a big deal to blacks? I would never have known that. You might want to find out the reasoning behind their decisions before jumping to racism as the answer.

"You're last sentence is ridiculous. Ever think that the people that decided to take away voting on Sundays have no idea that it's such a big deal to blacks? I would never have known that. You might want to find out the reasoning behind their decisions before jumping to racism as the answer."

I'm retroactively reading this thread, and I'm only thru the first page. But this statement was so outlandishly ridiculous that it's hard to imagine anything else more ridiculous being posted later...Let's address obvious voter suppression attempts by GOP Controlled Legislatures, like NC for example. Since you want us to explore "the reasoning" behind their decisions...:rolleyes:

First off back in 2013 NC GOP officials were forced to fire then Buncombe Co GOP Precinct leader Don Yelton after he exposed the exact motivation behind Voter ID laws.
Notice his use of the generic demonization of "lazy Blacks"...

Btw, the point the host in this particular video (the original interview was conducted on the Daily Show) makes about how difficult it is to obtain documentation like Birth Certificates for elderly Blacks born during Jim Crow administrations is extremely valid. It's not the "free ID" that's the problem, it's the difficulty for a Black person born in 1920-1950 AL, MS, GA, etc... to years later track down and produce the documentation a state like NC wants to require in order to obtain that "free" ID...

Before you argue that the NC state GOP fired Yelton because they were shocked to discover he was a racist and found it repugnant, think for a moment what you're going to claim. You're going to try and claim (presumably with a straight face) that the FIRST time GOP Precinct Chairman Yelton let his racist notions "slip" was in front of the live cameras on a tv show? That somehow in all his years of working closely with fellow GOP officials and co-workers he never once let his racist flag fly? Seriously?

And just how brazenly racist did the NC Legislature get in its 2013 redistricting efforts? Imagine the city of West Lafayette trying to take half of Purdue's 45,000+ campus and move it from the 4th Congressional District to a redrawn 5th, for example...What if say the Library is part of the 4th, and suddenly the classrooms on the other side of the street are now part of the redrawn 5th?

That's exactly what the NC Legislature (GOP) did in 2010 when they split the campus of NC A&T into 2 Districts. The largest traditional HBC was split from a 13,000 mostly Black voting block into two separate Congressional districts with half of that voting power. So during the course of an average day, most students would cross from district to district repeatedly as part of their daily routine...

The (intended) result was to dilute any power Black student voters might seek to have to influence politics on a Congressional level. Instead of a single district where the 16,000 voting block would likely choose a Democrat, the end result was two separate Districts controlled by the GOP. Fortunately, the illegal gerrymander was ruled unconstitutional, and 2020 saw the Black voter turnout in the newly constituted single district reach historic levels...

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Why are y’all so obsessed by “the left”. That is all i here you and Faux News. I told you before, as a black man in the US we don’t need anyone from the left or whoever tell us what is racist. We don’t look for anything racist. Racism seems to always find us. When we say that voter suppression started in 2009 we mean it. We see it. That is a dumb statement to say that a black person is brainwashed to believe something is racist. When we say it is racist then it is racist.
I never realized racism is at the magnitude that it is today. Everything is labeled racism or offensive to someone regardless if it is or not. This country has fallen off the rails.
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Why are y’all so obsessed by “the left”. That is all i here you and Faux News. I told you before, as a black man in the US we don’t need anyone from the left or whoever tell us what is racist. We don’t look for anything racist. Racism seems to always find us. When we say that voter suppression started in 2009 we mean it. We see it. That is a dumb statement to say that a black person is brainwashed to believe something is racist. When we say it is racist then it is racist.
You're hopeless.
You are hopeless. This is why racism will never go away in this country. This is why blacks are turned off by the Republican party.
It's 2 bad because Republicans are thriving and not looking for a handout while feeling sorry for themselves like black Democrats! Keep waiting for that government assistance :cool:
It's 2 bad because Republicans are thriving and not looking for a handout while feeling sorry for themselves like black Democrats! Keep waiting for that government assistance :cool:
Do you know of any farmers that returned money they get from the government? Do you know of any millionaires and billionaires that returned money from the tax breaks to the government? Do you know of any repubs that return their COVID-19 money to the government? Hell, did you ever return money you ever got back to the government?
It's 2 bad because Republicans are thriving and not looking for a handout while feeling sorry for themselves like black Democrats! Keep waiting for that government assistance :cool:
I think the country will receive government assistance from now on. Don’t think the punch bowl will ever be removed as we have moved to socialism. People will expect and get checks and other benefits, forgiveness of debt and the like moving ahead.
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"You're last sentence is ridiculous. Ever think that the people that decided to take away voting on Sundays have no idea that it's such a big deal to blacks? I would never have known that. You might want to find out the reasoning behind their decisions before jumping to racism as the answer."

I'm retroactively reading this thread, and I'm only thru the first page. But this statement was so outlandishly ridiculous that it's hard to imagine anything else more ridiculous being posted later...Let's address obvious voter suppression attempts by GOP Controlled Legislatures, like NC for example. Since you want us to explore "the reasoning" behind their decisions...:rolleyes:

First off back in 2013 NC GOP officials were forced to fire then Buncombe Co GOP Precinct leader Don Yelton after he exposed the exact motivation behind Voter ID laws.
Notice his use of the generic demonization of "lazy Blacks"...

Btw, the point the host in this particular video (the original interview was conducted on the Daily Show) makes about how difficult it is to obtain documentation like Birth Certificates for elderly Blacks born during Jim Crow administrations is extremely valid. It's not the "free ID" that's the problem, it's the difficulty for a Black person born in 1920-1950 AL, MS, GA, etc... to years later track down and produce the documentation a state like NC wants to require in order to obtain that "free" ID...

Before you argue that the NC state GOP fired Yelton because they were shocked to discover he was a racist and found it repugnant, think for a moment what you're going to claim. You're going to try and claim (presumably with a straight face) that the FIRST time GOP Precinct Chairman Yelton let his racist notions "slip" was in front of the live cameras on a tv show? That somehow in all his years of working closely with fellow GOP officials and co-workers he never once let his racist flag fly? Seriously?

And just how brazenly racist did the NC Legislature get in its 2013 redistricting efforts? Imagine the city of West Lafayette trying to take half of Purdue's 45,000+ campus and move it from the 4th Congressional District to a redrawn 5th, for example...What if say the Library is part of the 4th, and suddenly the classrooms on the other side of the street are now part of the redrawn 5th?

That's exactly what the NC Legislature (GOP) did in 2010 when they split the campus of NC A&T into 2 Districts. The largest traditional HBC was split from a 13,000 mostly Black voting block into two separate Congressional districts with half of that voting power. So during the course of an average day, most students would cross from district to district repeatedly as part of their daily routine...

The (intended) result was to dilute any power Black student voters might seek to have to influence politics on a Congressional level. Instead of a single district where the 16,000 voting block would likely choose a Democrat, the end result was two separate Districts controlled by the GOP. Fortunately, the illegal gerrymander was ruled unconstitutional, and 2020 saw the Black voter turnout in the newly constituted single district reach historic levels...

Dude, the worst thing he says about the law is that "it's going to kick the democrats in the butt." Such a racist remark, how could anyone miss it... :rolleyes:

This radio host and program is a joke btw. This is the definition of a propaganda piece. Good to see that the video has all of 1 up vote on YouTube, LOL.
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Do you know of any farmers that returned money they get from the government? Do you know of any millionaires and billionaires that returned money from the tax breaks to the government? Do you know of any repubs that return their COVID-19 money to the government? Hell, did you ever return money you ever got back to the government?
No, I'd never return any money I got from the government. Know why? IT'S MY MONEY. They are paying me with my money that I already paid in taxes.
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Not rigged; lax oversight of mail in voting, voter identification and signature verification. Only as rigged as “voter suppression”.
Another question. Do you feel that President Slick and the supporters that do think the election is rigged are playing the victim card?
Another question. Do you feel that President Slick and the supporters that do think the election is rigged are playing the victim card?
I am sure Obama is not happy with people seeing just how stupid his vice President is after he got elected, not sure he is playing a victim but likely not happy.
I am sure Obama is not happy with people seeing just how stupid his vice President is after he got elected, not sure he is playing a victim but likely not happy.
First of all, what does Obama being happy or not with Biden have to do with anything?

Secondly, since you brought it up, I’m pretty sure Obama is pretty happy with Biden as Biden will continue to undo the mess and policies that Slick did.
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First of all, what does Obama being happy or not with Biden have to do with anything?

Secondly, since you brought it up, I’m pretty sure Obama is pretty happy with Biden as Biden will continue to undo the mess and policies that Slick did.

''Another question. Do you feel that President Slick and the supporters that do think the election is rigged are playing the victim card?''

I was answering your question about President Slick but I prefer to call him by his name
First of all, what does Obama being happy or not with Biden have to do with anything?

Secondly, since you brought it up, I’m pretty sure Obama is pretty happy with Biden as Biden will continue to undo the mess and policies that Slick did.
You're right, Biden is off to a hot start on all of those non wars Trump started.
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Another question. Do you feel that President Slick and the supporters that do think the election is rigged are playing the victim card?
They feel screwed because the lax election circumstances with mail in voting, lack of voter id and signature verification with the mail in voting, as I do too, but we have to live with it. If we want rules and regulations then we’ll make it happen. We won’t sit on our asses and cry foul but allow the same thing to be repeated. We will make real change to ensure there’s integrity with the USA voting system.
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First of all, what does Obama being happy or not with Biden have to do with anything?

Secondly, since you brought it up, I’m pretty sure Obama is pretty happy with Biden as Biden will continue to undo the mess and policies that Slick did.
Exactly what policies did “slick” enact that you don’t agree with? Border wall, China, N. Korea, bringing back manufacturing to the USA to rebuild our middle class, make America first priority, lower taxes, faster wage growth, record low unemployment for the black community, stop subsidizing the rest of the world, fund the HBC’s for several years at a time instead of them coming to DC annually to beg, prison reform? What don’t you like because I truly need to know what I’m missing. I vote for policy not the person.
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They feel screwed because the lax election circumstances with mail in voting, lack of voter id and signature verification with the mail in voting, as I do too, but we have to live with it. If we want rules and regulations then we’ll make it happen. We won’t sit on our asses and cry foul but allow the same thing to be repeated. We will make real change to ensure there’s integrity with the USA voting system.
You mean the lax election circumstances that Republicans in office take full advantage of all the time? Those lax circumstances? Because I just want to make sure you direct the same ire at them and their hypocrisy over their pearl clutching (yours too since you’re also a master class in what happens when you fall down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole) while they take full advantage of the rules in place. Especially when there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud under any circumstance. It’s just interesting to me that you’re all for making it more difficult to vote based on nothing more than suppression disguised as fraud, even more so that it only became a real “issue” after this past election. Wonder why.
They feel screwed because the lax election circumstances with mail in voting, lack of voter id and signature verification with the mail in voting, as I do too, but we have to live with it. If we want rules and regulations then we’ll make it happen. We won’t sit on our asses and cry foul but allow the same thing to be repeated. We will make real change to ensure there’s integrity with the USA voting system.
You know I gotcha don’t ya? I asked a simple question and you did not answer. I asked if you feel the President Slick and supporters are playing the victim card by claiming that the 2020 election is rigged. Instead you say that they the election circumstances were lax. Those lax election circumstances, as you say, were proved in the courts with conservative judges to be untrue. These states recounted the votes from 6 ways to Sunday. Signatures were verified. THERE WERE NO FREAKIN’ VOTER FRAUD IN THIS ELECTION. IT’S A LIE. Y’all don’t sit on your asses all right. Y’all storm the Capitol building to try to stop the constitution and kill the VP and members of Congress.

So it is ok with the Slickers to feel as they do about the election that was fair and square. And not ok with black people that feel that there is voter suppression. Wow.
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You know I gotcha don’t ya? I asked a simple question and you did not answer. I asked if you feel the President Slick and supporters are playing the victim card by claiming that the 2020 election is rigged. Instead you say that they the election circumstances were lax. Those lax election circumstances, as you say, were proved in the courts with conservative judges to be untrue. These states recounted the votes from 6 ways to Sunday. Signatures were verified. THERE WERE NO FREAKIN’ VOTER FRAUD IN THIS ELECTION. IT’S A LIE. Y’all don’t sit on your asses all right. Y’all storm the Capitol building to try to stop the constitution and kill the VP and members of Congress.

So it is ok with the Slickers to feel as they do about the election that was fair and square. And not ok with black people that feel that there is voter suppression. Wow.
The signatures were not verified as there wasn’t enough time or ways to do it for millions of people after the election. If you think all the signatures were legit then so be it, as I don’t. The court’s didn’t prove anything as many of the cases were not heard in the courts.
The signatures were not verified as there wasn’t enough time or ways to do it for millions of people after the election. If you think all the signatures were legit then so be it, as I don’t. The court’s didn’t prove anything as many of the cases were not heard in the courts.
Lol. So the actual registered voter didn't vote, someone else forged their signature.

Then obviously the registered voter chose not to vote. Did they knowingly ask someone else to vote for them? Or did someone pick their name from a voter roll and decide to vote for them instead........not knowing if the registered voter was going to vote or not.....because if there were two votes from the same name the vote wouldn't count. Then there's the real possibility that this cheating voter could get caught and go to jail.......all for one vote.

What if the election workers ask for an ID? Busted. What if they compare to a previous signature.......which is the minimum in most states? Busted.

All you people do is throw out questions and NEVER explain HOW these people accomplished voter fraud.

Explain it to me. I want to take Joe Fishbone's vote. How do I do that?
You mean the lax election circumstances that Republicans in office take full advantage of all the time? Those lax circumstances? Because I just want to make sure you direct the same ire at them and their hypocrisy over their pearl clutching (yours too since you’re also a master class in what happens when you fall down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole) while they take full advantage of the rules in place. Especially when there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud under any circumstance. It’s just interesting to me that you’re all for making it more difficult to vote based on nothing more than suppression disguised as fraud, even more so that it only became a real “issue” after this past election. Wonder why.
Can you explain how proving a person’s identity is suppression? So you’re saying the TSA and airlines are suppressing travel? The DMV is suppressing people’s ability to drive? Government is suppressing one’s ability to buy alcohol? Please tell me you aren’t actually this stupid?
You know I gotcha don’t ya? I asked a simple question and you did not answer. I asked if you feel the President Slick and supporters are playing the victim card by claiming that the 2020 election is rigged. Instead you say that they the election circumstances were lax. Those lax election circumstances, as you say, were proved in the courts with conservative judges to be untrue. These states recounted the votes from 6 ways to Sunday. Signatures were verified. THERE WERE NO FREAKIN’ VOTER FRAUD IN THIS ELECTION. IT’S A LIE. Y’all don’t sit on your asses all right. Y’all storm the Capitol building to try to stop the constitution and kill the VP and members of Congress.

So it is ok with the Slickers to feel as they do about the election that was fair and square. And not ok with black people that feel that there is voter suppression. Wow.
Please show me what percentage a signature needed to match what was on file in Georgia this year. End of story, mic drop.
Can you explain how proving a person’s identity is suppression? So you’re saying the TSA and airlines are suppressing travel? The DMV is suppressing people’s ability to drive? Government is suppressing one’s ability to buy alcohol? Please tell me you aren’t actually this stupid?
I know you think you’re clever with your constant snark, but you’re really not that deep. You’re also using a false equivalency to try to make some kind of point (if that’s what you want to call it). It’s also a stupid analogy, so if you’re going to call anyone stupid here, feel free to stand in front of your mirror and say it.

All I need you to do is explain why the Republican lawmakers who take full advantage of those supposed lax voting rules are also crying about them being unfair. Removing voting options that have been around for a long time that have been proven time and again to be safe doesn’t raise any eyebrows huh? Come on, Mr It’s Easy For Me To Do Anything I Want and Therefore Think It Is For Everyone Else, this should be a slam dunk. And I’m sure you have some proof to go along with why those lax voting rules are so bad now but they weren’t before this past election.
Lol. So the actual registered voter didn't vote, someone else forged their signature.

Then obviously the registered voter chose not to vote. Did they knowingly ask someone else to vote for them? Or did someone pick their name from a voter roll and decide to vote for them instead........not knowing if the registered voter was going to vote or not.....because if there were two votes from the same name the vote wouldn't count. Then there's the real possibility that this cheating voter could get caught and go to jail.......all for one vote.

What if the election workers ask for an ID? Busted. What if they compare to a previous signature.......which is the minimum in most states? Busted.

All you people do is throw out questions and NEVER explain HOW these people accomplished voter fraud.

Explain it to me. I want to take Joe Fishbone's vote. How do I do that?
The signature verification was set so low that even you could vote.
I know you think you’re clever with your constant snark, but you’re really not that deep. You’re also using a false equivalency to try to make some kind of point (if that’s what you want to call it). It’s also a stupid analogy, so if you’re going to call anyone stupid here, feel free to stand in front of your mirror and say it.

All I need you to do is explain why the Republican lawmakers who take full advantage of those supposed lax voting rules are also crying about them being unfair. Removing voting options that have been around for a long time that have been proven time and again to be safe doesn’t raise any eyebrows huh? Come on, Mr It’s Easy For Me To Do Anything I Want and Therefore Think It Is For Everyone Else, this should be a slam dunk. And I’m sure you have some proof to go along with why those lax voting rules are so bad now but they weren’t before this past election.
Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. I’m tired of lazy ass people making excuses.
The signature verification was set so low that even you could vote.
Please show me what percentage a signature needed to match what was on file in Georgia this year. End of story, mic drop.

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I know you think you’re clever with your constant snark, but you’re really not that deep. You’re also using a false equivalency to try to make some kind of point (if that’s what you want to call it). It’s also a stupid analogy, so if you’re going to call anyone stupid here, feel free to stand in front of your mirror and say it.

All I need you to do is explain why the Republican lawmakers who take full advantage of those supposed lax voting rules are also crying about them being unfair. Removing voting options that have been around for a long time that have been proven time and again to be safe doesn’t raise any eyebrows huh? Come on, Mr It’s Easy For Me To Do Anything I Want and Therefore Think It Is For Everyone Else, this should be a slam dunk. And I’m sure you have some proof to go along with why those lax voting rules are so bad now but they weren’t before this past election.
Did you notice how accurate my “Snark” comments are, too?
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Exactly as I suspected. All snark and no substance. Can’t back any of it up. So lame.
You’re full of excuses and that’s the problem. Always someone else’s fault, poor me mentality. You’ll never become anything with that attitude. Which explains a lot about a lot of people.
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