Why do the Republicans want to stop blacks from voting?

You may answer my two questions if you desire. I have no interest in another's opinion and they don't address my two questions. Those questions are easy and straightforward and totally independent of a mouth piece. They really are quite simple and not confusing and have no relationship to finding an opinion to speak for you or droi
In the post I replied to you asked about 10 questions. Sorry I couldn't read your mind.

My answer did happen to address one of your questions. The only reason you care about the question is you were told the last election was unfair and you believe it.

You can't ensure an election is free of way......
so the question is irrelevant on its face.
You want to have a bipartisan group inspect every voter's ID and the same group count all 150 million votes? Maybe then you could guarantee there was no fraud or mistakes.......take us a couple months to learn who the winner was. Your party was also the one bitching about how long it takes to get results. Guess that's out.

At some point we have to have faith in the process. Seems to me we had that before this election. But when the loser says he was cheated, the same guy who didn't say a freakin word when he won four years ago, suddenly his fan base decides there was widespread abuse of the system and people like you expect a perfect election.

To investigate elected officials who make a ton of money in office you need to pass laws that keep them from doing just that. Do you even know the reporting laws about senators buying stock? Are you an informed voter?
Until we stop electing the same people who abuse the system to make money and won't change the laws that allow themselves to get rich, nothing will change. But people are so focused on maintaining or getting control of congress we put your concern on the back burner. It's abortion on the supreme court that cause people to vote one way or another, not congressmen getting rich.
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Good, my questions were not lengthy. My response in trying to word my questions in an easier manner due to lengthy responses grew mine. There are several people that make 150 does the growth of politicians compare? Can explanations provide reasonable answers to the legitimacy of several million dollars of a flippant answer quickly. Just think everyone should be concerned...
Illegally obtained wealth bad, yes
Boilers hangin in
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In the post I replied to you asked about 10 questions. Sorry I couldn't read your mind.

My answer did happen to address one of your questions. The only reason you care about the question is you were told the last election was unfair and you believe it.

You can't ensure an election is free of way......
so the question is irrelevant on its face.
You want to have a bipartisan group inspect every voter's ID and the same group count all 150 million votes? Maybe then you could guarantee there was no fraud or mistakes.......take us a couple months to learn who the winner was. Your party was also the one bitching about how long it takes to get results. Guess that's out.

At some point we have to have faith in the process. Seems to me we had that before this election. But when the loser says he was cheated, the same guy who didn't say a freakin word when he won four years ago, suddenly his fan base decides there was widespread abuse of the system and people like you expect a perfect election.

To investigate elected officials who make a ton of money in office you need to pass laws that keep them from doing just that. Do you even know the reporting laws about senators buying stock? Are you an informed voter?
Until we stop electing the same people who abuse the system to make money and won't change the laws that allow themselves to get rich, nothing will change. But people are so focused on maintaining or getting control of congress we put your concern on the back burner. It's abortion on the supreme court that cause people to vote one way or another, not congressmen getting rich.
Again, I'm trying to understand how important preventing fraud is. I'm not looking for a yes, but...and then a repeat of some link, another's feelings etc.. I was wishful someone would say it is absolutely imperative and must be sought. I was looking for an original thought, not a link, not what someone tells another to believe...nor a diversion into what someone feels I must think. That is why I tried to keep it simple...I'm not looking for those things as diversionary tactics. and someones answers to something not asked. FWIW, there was a thread months ago in this forum about potential fraud.

People won't say it is imperative that the voters know for certain that all actions are taken to ensure an accuracy of votes. More than half the country sees many problems and many of the others have no idea of much of anything...I'm also unaware of how many investigations have actually pursued wealth in office. Its okay Bob, obviously we have closed the door on doing the very best to avoid fraud and doing our very best to investigate wealth by politicians. The reality is many have no desire for investigations or imrpovements that could be taken to preven tboth for either area I mentioned...

had there been a real interest, then I'm sure we would read about potential solutions down the road. Point is there is no real interest in solutions or if that wording is taboo...improvements, and so we don't hear anything. This was not meant to be anymore than a quick thermometer of this site on fraud and political wealth. I'm perfectly fine being an outcast on this site...perfectly fine...
Again, I'm trying to understand how important preventing fraud is. I'm not looking for a yes, but...and then a repeat of some link, another's feelings etc.. I was wishful someone would say it is absolutely imperative and must be sought. I was looking for an original thought, not a link, not what someone tells another to believe...nor a diversion into what someone feels I must think. That is why I tried to keep it simple...I'm not looking for those things as diversionary tactics. and someones answers to something not asked. FWIW, there was a thread months ago in this forum about potential fraud.

People won't say it is imperative that the voters know for certain that all actions are taken to ensure an accuracy of votes. More than half the country sees many problems and many of the others have no idea of much of anything...I'm also unaware of how many investigations have actually pursued wealth in office. Its okay Bob, obviously we have closed the door on doing the very best to avoid fraud and doing our very best to investigate wealth by politicians. The reality is many have no desire for investigations or imrpovements that could be taken to preven tboth for either area I mentioned...

had there been a real interest, then I'm sure we would read about potential solutions down the road. Point is there is no real interest in solutions or if that wording is taboo...improvements, and so we don't hear anything. This was not meant to be anymore than a quick thermometer of this site on fraud and political wealth. I'm perfectly fine being an outcast on this site...perfectly fine...
Then do a poll or ask how important it is on a scale of 1-10.
3 people have tried but no one seems to be able to give you what you want. Maybe that should tell you something.

Seems to me you're looking for a specific answer and no one is giving it to you.

You keep spouting about how half the country or more wants less fraud in the elections........and completely ignore the possibility that the election was fair.......and that half the country is just plain WRONG because they are blindly believing what the losing candidate said. Your question assumes these people have valid reasons for their distrust. I call bullshit.
Then do a poll or ask how important it is on a scale of 1-10.
3 people have tried but no one seems to be able to give you what you want. Maybe that should tell you something.

Seems to me you're looking for a specific answer and no one is giving it to you.

You keep spouting about how half the country or more wants less fraud in the elections........and completely ignore the possibility that the election was fair.......and that half the country is just plain WRONG because they are blindly believing what the losing candidate said. Your question assumes these people have valid reasons for their distrust. I call bullshit.
okay,...I woudl appease that half since it is pretty damn important and improve things so that questions don't arise in two years...I mean you eleiminate their concerns wiht the results..not that any unity is desireable. is that not a good thing or is it better to just say someone said or this link believes or...and deflect rather than seek those things that "should" be of utmost importance and ensure what you know to be true is true and teach those dumbasses a thing. None of those people understand numbers anyway...
had there been a real interest, then I'm sure we would read about potential solutions down the road. Point is there is no real interest in solutions or if that wording is taboo...improvements, and so we don't hear anything.

solution/improvement could be government implanted ID chips.
do enough people think the fraud issue is great enough to accept that
solution/improvement could be government implanted ID chips.
do enough people think the fraud issue is great enough to accept that
1 I don't know. I would have no problem with it being reviewed as an option
2 there could be other options, but it is the desire to actually pursue voter integrity that is important...wherever it takes you
3 an obvious question would be what information is in the chip
4 ensuring a legal vote is a good first step. But you must also ensure that the vote is securely processed

There could be many options offered for review which would be a great first step and something the country deserves.
Of course you use a card and a PIN but not have a photo ID. I thought a photo ID is what we were talking about. Are you intentionally acting dense?
It all is related to voter identification and verification. Of course I wouldn’t except you to be able to connect the two. I’d hate to have you as one of my employees if you’re not able to see the big picture as obvious as it is.
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It all is related to voter identification and verification. Of course I wouldn’t except you to be able to connect the two. I’d hate to have you as one of my employees if you’re not able to see the big picture as obvious as it is.
Why wasn’t ID’s and changing voting laws, I call voter suppression laws limportant to the repubs prior to 2008?
Why wasn’t ID’s and changing voting laws, I call voter suppression laws limportant to the repubs prior to 2008?
Because they weren't racist enough then. They've become more racist since they supported the Civil Rights act of 1965, so it just took some time for the racism to build up. Does that fit with what you want to hear?
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At some point we have to have faith in the process. Seems to me we had that before this election. But when the loser says he was cheated, the same guy who didn't say a freakin word when he won four years ago, suddenly his fan base decides there was widespread abuse of the system and people like you expect a perfect election.
Well, first of all, the 2016 election was way different than the 2020 election. You had Democrats all screaming the election was stolen. What was your opinion of those claims?

Trump said for months that there were going to be issues with doing mail in ballots the way the Democrats were pushing it. He talked about it over and over, but the Left didn't listen because they knew it was in their favor.

With the latest mail in methods for election you had multiple ballots going out to one person. You then had states that did away with any sort of checks on signature matching, etc. The opportunity for fraud was rife and to say otherwise is being ignorant of the facts.

The left seems really bent on making us like Europe, but they don't want Europe's voter laws. Like voter ID. Why is voter ID ok for most of the developed world but it's "racist" here?
Well, first of all, the 2016 election was way different than the 2020 election. You had Democrats all screaming the election was stolen. What was your opinion of those claims?

Trump said for months that there were going to be issues with doing mail in ballots the way the Democrats were pushing it. He talked about it over and over, but the Left didn't listen because they knew it was in their favor.

With the latest mail in methods for election you had multiple ballots going out to one person. You then had states that did away with any sort of checks on signature matching, etc. The opportunity for fraud was rife and to say otherwise is being ignorant of the facts.

The left seems really bent on making us like Europe, but they don't want Europe's voter laws. Like voter ID. Why is voter ID ok for most of the developed world but it's "racist" here?

No one was screaming in 2016 that the election was stolen. Jfc. I mean look at you: it’s March and you’re still crying about November. Projection is not a good look, FYI. Let it go.
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No one was screaming in 2016 that the election was stolen. Jfc. I mean look at you: it’s March and you’re still crying about November. Projection is not a good look, FYI. Let it go.
Screaming? Could you be more hyperbolic? I'm pointing out issues. Issues that you and people like you just want to ignore. The facts are there that the rest of the developed world banned mail in voting because of massive fraud issues. Not just fraud mind you. Massive fraud. In case you decided to ignore it last time, I'll link it for you again.

Nobody was mad about the 2016 election? Our President was impeached over it. Are you dense? Hillary is STILL making claims that it was stolen from her.

That crowd cheer sure makes it seem like most of those people believe her. Way less evidence that anything was stolen from her than Trump. Are these people crying?
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Screaming? Could you be more hyperbolic? I'm pointing out issues. Issues that you and people like you just want to ignore. The facts are there that the rest of the developed world banned mail in voting because of massive fraud issues. Not just fraud mind you. Massive fraud. In case you decided to ignore it last time, I'll link it for you again.

Nobody was mad about the 2016 election? Our President was impeached over it. Are you dense? Hillary is STILL making claims that it was stolen from her.

That crowd cheer sure makes it seem like most of those people believe her. Way less evidence that anything was stolen from her than Trump. Are these people crying?

Your “issues” are all loony and disproven conspiracy theories. You keep vomiting the same ridiculous shit about the election over and over. It’s done, dude. Move on to the next conspiracy. Goddamn.
Your “issues” are all loony and disproven conspiracy theories. You keep vomiting the same ridiculous shit about the election over and over. It’s done, dude. Move on to the next conspiracy. Goddamn.
LOL, no they aren't disproven, but nice try. In fact many claims are still being investigated and people are on trial right now for voter fraud that according to you and the MSM.... didn't happen.

BTW here is a Democrat in this video claiming that Republicans cheated in the 2020 election. Seriously!

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LOL, no they aren't disproven, but nice try. In fact many claims are still being investigated and people are on trial right now for voter fraud that according to you and the MSM.... didn't happen.

BTW here is a Democrat in this video claiming that Republicans cheated in the 2020 election. Seriously!

I mean I stepped away from the GD board for a few months to tend to some family stuff, pop back in and you’re STILL posting nonsensical crap about November. A for effort I guess but I’m embarrassed for you at this point.
@BNIBoiler Watch this to answer any of your questions about voter laws being proposed. It's not suppression. Dems don't like voter security so they scream suppression any time something is proposed they don't like.

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Hold your embarrassment for yourself. I don't need if from you thanks.
I know you don’t because you clearly are going to keep beating that dead horse. Ten years from now you’re going to still be posting random YouTube videos and saying more of your classic lines like “there may be some false things in there but lots of truth “ because that somehow is supposed to convince anyone with a functioning brain.
Well, first of all, the 2016 election was way different than the 2020 election. You had Democrats all screaming the election was stolen. What was your opinion of those claims?

Trump said for months that there were going to be issues with doing mail in ballots the way the Democrats were pushing it. He talked about it over and over, but the Left didn't listen because they knew it was in their favor.

With the latest mail in methods for election you had multiple ballots going out to one person. You then had states that did away with any sort of checks on signature matching, etc. The opportunity for fraud was rife and to say otherwise is being ignorant of the facts.

The left seems really bent on making us like Europe, but they don't want Europe's voter laws. Like voter ID. Why is voter ID ok for most of the developed world but it's "racist" here?
First of all, you said Dems were "screaming" in 2016 but when Fan1 uses the same term you call it hyperbolic. C'mon.

Comparing the screaming extreme whackos on the left after 2016 to what is being said and done by the trump right since November is clearly a false equivalency. The loser and his fearful followers in Congress STILL won't acknowledge the results of the election.

The multiple ballots issue is a perfect example of how you and the trump right operate. Yeah, multiple ballots shouldn't be sent to the same person. It's wrong and looks scandalous on the surface. But that's where you stop. You throw out this shit and "scream" rigged election.
But the reality is the ballots have bar codes on them.......and each code is attached to one voter. Every ballot sent to that voter has the same code on it. It's only counted once. If the voter fills out the three they receive in the mail only one gets counted, or all three are tossed and the voter could be accused of voting more than all depends on which state we're talking about.

When you throw out these accusations of voter fraud or irregularities in the system, you don't for the explanations. You don't look for the answers. You're all about throwing out as many questions as possible and ignoring even the possibility of a logical answer. The hayseeds in the red states aren't going to look for the answer, they're simply going to believe what trump or fox news tells them. That's why we are still seeing these completely disproven accusations being thrown around 4 months after the election.
It's the trump playbook. He did his entire term. Throw out the leading questions knowing his supporters won't look for or care about the answers.
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Screaming? Could you be more hyperbolic? I'm pointing out issues. Issues that you and people like you just want to ignore. The facts are there that the rest of the developed world banned mail in voting because of massive fraud issues. Not just fraud mind you. Massive fraud. In case you decided to ignore it last time, I'll link it for you again.

Nobody was mad about the 2016 election? Our President was impeached over it. Are you dense? Hillary is STILL making claims that it was stolen from her.

That crowd cheer sure makes it seem like most of those people believe her. Way less evidence that anything was stolen from her than Trump. Are these people crying?
It’s absolutely unbelievable that some democratic imbeciles will talk about no one was troubled by the 2016 election yet 2020 everyone is upset. What you posted is spot on regardless if they recognize it or not. People don’t have to agree with it, but it’s what happened.
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It’s absolutely unbelievable that some democratic imbeciles will talk about no one was troubled by the 2016 election yet 2020 everyone is upset. What you posted is spot on regardless if they recognize it or not. People don’t have to agree with it, but it’s what happened.
People were upset Trump won. They weren’t saying It was rigged, especially the person who lost. Get with it.
Why wasn’t ID’s and changing voting laws, I call voter suppression laws limportant to the repubs prior to 2008?
They have always been important for as long as I’ve been voting, at least since 1991. I can’t find anywhere, and I looked, where it states voter id wasn’t ever important. It’s like saying you shouldn’t have to show an id to get through airport security. Who in the hell doesn’t have id?
They have always been important for as long as I’ve been voting, at least since 1991. I can’t find anywhere, and I looked, where it states voter id wasn’t ever important. It’s like saying you shouldn’t have to show an id to get through airport security. Who in the hell doesn’t have id?
More than you would think do not have an ID. First of all there are a lot of elderly people that do not have ID’s. There are one the most demographic groups affected by the voter suppression laws. Then combined with the fact that a lot of elderly blacks don’t have their birth certificate anymore or transportation to even try to apply for one. There is a story of an elderly black lady that has been voting for 60 years. After they changed the laws she could not vote in the 2012 election cycle.

Also, there are quite a few blacks in the inner cities that do not have ID’s either or at least didn’t have them at the time when they first implemented these suppression laws in 2009.

The repubs knew all this and changed the laws in the red states.
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They have always been important for as long as I’ve been voting, at least since 1991. I can’t find anywhere, and I looked, where it states voter id wasn’t ever important. It’s like saying you shouldn’t have to show an id to get through airport security. Who in the hell doesn’t have id?
The elderly who don't drive anymore. The poor. Inner city people who don't drive. If you've voted forever with no ID or yours expires........and now have to show it, do you know what's it's like to prove your identity these days?
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Who in the hell doesn’t have id?
It's probably really difficult to get a super accurate number, but here's what the research says, at least:

Brennan Center's 11% estimate is probably way too high, but even if it's only, say, 1% of the voting-eligible population, you're talking about 2+ million people. How often do you suppose people show up at the polls pretending to be someone they're not or trying to vote twice? I bet it's several orders of magnitude less than 2 million. It's less common than being struck by lightning, at least in Texas, where there were 4 cases of confirmed in-person voter fraud between 2000 and 2014. Even if for every person that got caught there were 100 that got away with it, you're talking about 400 votes over the course of 14 years, a fraud rate of .0005% based on the 72 million ballots cast in Texas during that time frame.

So, do we prevent 2 million people from voting to protect against something that just doesn't happen? Which would be more likely to change the election results, MAYBE a few dozen fraudulent votes that we don't catch or, say 250,000 people prevented from voting because they don't have proper ID (if only 25% of those without ID even want to vote)?

It's easy to say that those people should just go get an ID, but if they cost money, a poor person might understandably save their money for necessities, if they require proof of residence (ie. utility bills and whatnot) a homeless person can't get one. Some may not have transportation to get to the location to get one, some may not be able to afford to take off work to spend the time to go get one. There are many reasons why someone may not have an ID that could be used for voting (including, ridiculously, a misspelling on one's birth certificate), and it's not always the most convenient task to get one.
The elderly who don't drive anymore. The poor. Inner city people who don't drive. If you've voted forever with no ID or yours expires........and now have to show it, do you know what's it's like to prove your identity these days?
I guess then people don’t have to prove who they are to get any type of government assistance or social security benefits. A social security card, marriage license, birth certificate, utility bills, medical bill, etc. There has to be something they can provide to identify themselves.
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I didn't say I have a problem with it. That's fine if people enjoy doing that, but taking that one day away is not voter suppression. To call it voter suppression you'd have to prove that it was their only option. I think you'd have an uphill battle making that case.

You're last sentence is ridiculous. Ever think that the people that decided to take away voting on Sundays have no idea that it's such a big deal to blacks? I would never have known that. You might want to find out the reasoning behind their decisions before jumping to racism as the answer.
stop all this pretend rubbish. we all know deep down, each party supports voting policies that best maximizes their chances of winning. On average, democrats have a voting population that's more sensitive to nuisance costs of voting. So they tend to favor policies that reduces those nuisance costs and increase voting conveniences (elimination of voter id, expanding voting locations and hours, making voter registration easier)

For republicans, it nearly always is "how can we best reduce voter turn outs amongst folks less likely to vote for us without it obviously looking like we are deliberating targeting those folks". They have all sorts of fancy explanations, "election integrity", "voter-id laws", "not enough election staff" We are all intelligent enough to know its a charade. It's all really just disenfranchisement one way or the other. Blacks do overwhelmingly vote democrat, which inevitably means that republican policies will always have disparate racial effect. That's why racism get brought up.

Having one early voting place for nearly 1 million people and placing it downtown, right next to the police station and without free parking. Yup, basically, you dont really want those guys voting.
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I guess then people don’t have to prove who they are to get any type of government assistance or social security benefits. A social security card, marriage license, birth certificate, utility bills, medical bill, etc. There has to be something they can provide to identify themselves.
Of course they should. Didn't say they shouldn't.
Have you looked at some of these bills being passed by the states? I thought not. Many want a photo ID.

And to be clear, I'm fine with a photo ID if the laws make accomodations for everyone to get one without an act of God.
Please answer the question, were your concerned about voter ID prior to the 2008 election? 2004 electron just to pick an election year?
Was I? No, but then again, I wasn't political at all at the time either. Having an ID to vote is common sense. Why would you not want to be able to identify who is voting and verify that they are a legal voter?
First of all, you said Dems were "screaming" in 2016 but when Fan1 uses the same term you call it hyperbolic. C'mon.

Comparing the screaming extreme whackos on the left after 2016 to what is being said and done by the trump right since November is clearly a false equivalency. The loser and his fearful followers in Congress STILL won't acknowledge the results of the election.

The multiple ballots issue is a perfect example of how you and the trump right operate. Yeah, multiple ballots shouldn't be sent to the same person. It's wrong and looks scandalous on the surface. But that's where you stop. You throw out this shit and "scream" rigged election.
But the reality is the ballots have bar codes on them.......and each code is attached to one voter. Every ballot sent to that voter has the same code on it. It's only counted once. If the voter fills out the three they receive in the mail only one gets counted, or all three are tossed and the voter could be accused of voting more than all depends on which state we're talking about.

When you throw out these accusations of voter fraud or irregularities in the system, you don't for the explanations. You don't look for the answers. You're all about throwing out as many questions as possible and ignoring even the possibility of a logical answer. The hayseeds in the red states aren't going to look for the answer, they're simply going to believe what trump or fox news tells them. That's why we are still seeing these completely disproven accusations being thrown around 4 months after the election.
It's the trump playbook. He did his entire term. Throw out the leading questions knowing his supporters won't look for or care about the answers.
No, actually I didn't say the left was screaming. I asked if they were. I wanted to see if he was going to hold those on the left to the same standard. Big difference.

I've never said that the multiple ballots thing WAS where fraud happened. I said it's where it's easiest. Doesn't it make sense to do away with the area that is easiest to commit fraud, just like our European counterparts have done?

As for the rest of your response, :rolleyes:
More than you would think do not have an ID. First of all there are a lot of elderly people that do not have ID’s. There are one the most demographic groups affected by the voter suppression laws. Then combined with the fact that a lot of elderly blacks don’t have their birth certificate anymore or transportation to even try to apply for one. There is a story of an elderly black lady that has been voting for 60 years. After they changed the laws she could not vote in the 2012 election cycle.

Also, there are quite a few blacks in the inner cities that do not have ID’s either or at least didn’t have them at the time when they first implemented these suppression laws in 2009.

The repubs knew all this and changed the laws in the red states.
You're so right. When people passed voter ID laws, they weren't concerned about illegals coming here and voting or people cheating, they wanted to suppress black grandma. Jesus, do you hear yourself? There is a MUCH better explanation for voter ID laws that voter suppression...
The elderly who don't drive anymore. The poor. Inner city people who don't drive. If you've voted forever with no ID or yours expires........and now have to show it, do you know what's it's like to prove your identity these days?
I'm assuming all of those people never have jobs? Don't buy alcohol or cigarettes? Do they have a bank account? Food stamps, welfare, social security/medicaid, rent/buy a home, fly, get married, get a hotel room, buy a cell phone, buy medical prescriptions? Every single one of these things require an ID and many more. Spare me that there are that many people that don't have an ID.
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It's probably really difficult to get a super accurate number, but here's what the research says, at least:

Brennan Center's 11% estimate is probably way too high, but even if it's only, say, 1% of the voting-eligible population, you're talking about 2+ million people. How often do you suppose people show up at the polls pretending to be someone they're not or trying to vote twice? I bet it's several orders of magnitude less than 2 million. It's less common than being struck by lightning, at least in Texas, where there were 4 cases of confirmed in-person voter fraud between 2000 and 2014. Even if for every person that got caught there were 100 that got away with it, you're talking about 400 votes over the course of 14 years, a fraud rate of .0005% based on the 72 million ballots cast in Texas during that time frame.

So, do we prevent 2 million people from voting to protect against something that just doesn't happen? Which would be more likely to change the election results, MAYBE a few dozen fraudulent votes that we don't catch or, say 250,000 people prevented from voting because they don't have proper ID (if only 25% of those without ID even want to vote)?

It's easy to say that those people should just go get an ID, but if they cost money, a poor person might understandably save their money for necessities, if they require proof of residence (ie. utility bills and whatnot) a homeless person can't get one. Some may not have transportation to get to the location to get one, some may not be able to afford to take off work to spend the time to go get one. There are many reasons why someone may not have an ID that could be used for voting (including, ridiculously, a misspelling on one's birth certificate), and it's not always the most convenient task to get one.
You are probably right. It's less than 2 million that show up and try to vote as someone they aren't. However, it only takes a few thousand to flip a state from red to blue or vice versa.
Was I? No, but then again, I wasn't political at all at the time either. Having an ID to vote is common sense. Why would you not want to be able to identify who is voting and verify that they are a legal voter?
I’m not against voter ID’s. My issue is the timing on when the repubs started changing the laws. Again, it all started in 2009 after Obama became president. These laws were geared to make harder for blacks to vote. Plain and simple. Prior to that there no laws in the red states that changed the voting ID rules.
stop all this pretend rubbish. we all know deep down, each party supports voting policies that best maximizes their chances of winning. On average, democrats have a voting population that's more sensitive to nuisance costs of voting. So they tend to favor policies that reduces those nuisance costs and increase voting conveniences (elimination of voter id, expanding voting locations and hours, making voter registration easier)

For republicans, it nearly always is "how can we best reduce voter turn outs amongst folks less likely to vote for us without it obviously looking like we are deliberating targeting those folks". They have all sorts of fancy explanations, "election integrity", "voter-id laws", "not enough election staff" We are all intelligent enough to know its a charade. It's all really just disenfranchisement one way or the other. Blacks do overwhelmingly vote democrat, which inevitably means that republican policies will always have disparate racial effect. That's why racism get brought up.

Having one early voting place for nearly 1 million people and placing it downtown, right next to the police station and without free parking. Yup, basically, you dont really want those guys voting.
Bullshit! I don't GAF if they give the ID's out for free. Hell, pay people to go get them so everyone has an incentive to get one. But voter ID laws are absolutely necessary. Love how you people just simply ignore that all the rest of the modern world has voter ID laws. Why can't we? Our poor are much more wealthy than the poor of anywhere else yet ours can't get an ID and theirs can? Get your head out of your ass.
You are probably right. It's less than 2 million that show up and try to vote as someone they aren't. However, it only takes a few thousand to flip a state from red to blue or vice versa.
Agreed. But, do you have any evidence at all that this happens a few thousand times per election cycle nationwide let alone in only one state? Texas, as I showed earlier, had only 3 in the period of 14 years. It also only takes preventing a few thousand people from voting to flip a state.