Why do the Republicans want to stop blacks from voting?

I’m not against voter ID’s. My issue is the timing on when the repubs started changing the laws. Again, it all started in 2009 after Obama became president. These laws were geared to make harder for blacks to vote. Plain and simple. Prior to that there no laws in the red states that changed the voting ID rules.
Dude, you're wrong. I post the facts for you a while back. Voter ID has been an issue for a long time. Stop looking for things that aren't there.
Agreed. But, do you have any evidence at all that this happens a few thousand times per election cycle and in only one state? Texas, as I showed earlier, had only 3 in the period of 14 years. It also only takes preventing a few thousand people from voting to flip a state.
Wrong. There is at least one person on trial right now in Texas from the 2020 election. She illegally attained thousands of votes. One person.

The laws the democrats want to pass will make it very easy for people to do everywhere what this woman did in Texas. There was also people in Minnesota that did the same thing. The moron put a video of himself online bragging about all the ballots he paid for. This is a bigger problem than you realize because nobody on the left wants to even look.
Bullshit! I don't GAF if they give the ID's out for free. Hell, pay people to go get them so everyone has an incentive to get one. But voter ID laws are absolutely necessary. Love how you people just simply ignore that all the rest of the modern world has voter ID laws. Why can't we? Our poor are much more wealthy than the poor of anywhere else yet ours can't get an ID and theirs can? Get your head out of your ass.
This is fine. Remove the obstacles to obtaining an ID and I have no problem with voter ID.
Wrong. There is at least one person on trial right now in Texas from the 2020 election. She illegally attained thousands of votes. One person.

The laws the democrats want to pass will make it very easy for people to do everywhere what this woman did in Texas. There was also people in Minnesota that did the same thing. The moron put a video of himself online bragging about all the ballots he paid for. This is a bigger problem than you realize because nobody on the left wants to even look.
I've seen the Minnesota video in question. Has that person been accused of election fraud in any legal proceedings? Can you post a link to the Texas case? I'm not aware of it.

Regardless, Voter ID would not have prevented either of these issues.
Dude, I literally post a video for you where she said the election was stolen from her. The video was from 2019.
I’ve seen that video. Still waiting for the part where she says the election was stolen from her like you’re claiming she is.
This is fine. Remove the obstacles to obtaining an ID and I have no problem with voter ID.
What obstacles are there other than proof of US citizen? Shouldn't be that hard to prove. If not, then we still pass voter ID laws and then start a program to help people get an ID, one election cycle only. If you didn't take the time to get an ID, you're shit out of luck.
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I've seen the Minnesota video in question. Has that person been accused of election fraud in any legal proceedings? Can you post a link to the Texas case? I'm not aware of it.

Regardless, Voter ID would not have prevented either of these issues.
True, not having mass mail in voting with no identification checks would prevent that. Also, not allowing ballot harvesting.
I’ve seen that video. Still waiting for the part where she says the election was stolen from her like you’re claiming she is.
OMG, then you're deaf. Here, she's definitely more nuance about it, but she's been saying she was jobbed for a long time.

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I'm assuming all of those people never have jobs? Don't buy alcohol or cigarettes? Do they have a bank account? Food stamps, welfare, social security/medicaid, rent/buy a home, fly, get married, get a hotel room, buy a cell phone, buy medical prescriptions? Every single one of these things require an ID and many more. Spare me that there are that many people that don't have an ID.
Just because you choose to live in your little bubble and and don't bother to think about people less fortunate than yourself doesn't mean you know a damn thing about how some of these American citizens live. Do you know anything about life in rural America?

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What obstacles are there other than proof of US resident? Shouldn't be that hard to prove. If not, then we still pass voter ID laws and then start a program to help people get an ID, one election cycle only. If you didn't take the time to get an ID, you're shit out of luck.

  • Law requires that these states provide a free photo ID to eligible voters who do not have one, however many government offices where photo ID’s can be obtained are not accessible to everyone.
  • Nearly 500,000 eligible voters do not have access to a vehicle and live more than 10 miles from the nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. Many live in rural areas with limited public transportation options.
  • Documentation for obtaining a photo ID, such as birth certificates or marriage licenses incurred costs of between $8 and $25 which may burden poor and low-income voters. More than 1 million eligible voters in these states fall below the federal poverty line.
  • 1.2 million eligible black voters and 500,000 eligible Hispanic voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. People of color are more likely to be disenfranchised by these laws since they are less likely to have photo ID than the general population.
  • Many ID-issuing offices maintain limited business hours. For example, the office in Sauk City, Wisconsin is open only on the fifth Wednesday of any month. But only four months in 2012 — February, May, August, and October — have five Wednesdays.

The story I posted earlier told of people trying for up to two years to get ID because the name on their current legal documents doesn't match the one on their birth certificate, in one case because of a typo on the birth certificate.

Make them easy to get and free (including making it free to get the documents needed in order to then obtain the voter ID) and this isn't a problem. If there is any money required at any point in the process to gain a voter ID, it's basically a poll tax. If the place you have to go to get a voter ID is only open 4 days a year, that's clearly a problem. If someone has to travel, in some cases, hundreds of miles (also in the WaPo link above), then it will clearly prevent people from voting.

Just because something is easy for you or me doesn't mean it's easy for everyone.
OMG, then you're deaf. Here, she's definitely more nuance about it, but she's been saying she was jobbed for a long time.

Still waiting for the video where she says it like you claim she did.
Just because you choose to live in your little bubble and and don't bother to think about people less fortunate than yourself doesn't mean you know a damn thing about how some of these American citizens live. Do you know anything about life in rural America?

And just what are the demographics of those 2 million Americans? I'm willing to bet that a large number are homeless. So now your down to 1.4 million people. Like I said before. Create a program to get them an ID, but the program only lasts one election cycle (4 years). After that, if you don't have an ID you get one the way everyone else does.

There, I fixed all of our problems. We get voter ID laws and those that have a hard time getting ID can get ID. Done.
And just what are the demographics of those 2 million Americans? I'm willing to bet that a large number are homeless. So now your down to 1.4 million people. Like I said before. Create a program to get them an ID, but the program only lasts one election cycle (4 years). After that, if you don't have an ID you get one the way everyone else does.

There, I fixed all of our problems. We get voter ID laws and those that have a hard time getting ID can get ID. Done.
I'm with you on creating a program for all to get an ID that don't have one. That seems like a bare minimum requirement if we are going to require photo ID to vote. Surely you know, though, that the lawmakers advocating for voter ID laws are not also advocating for these types of programs. If they were, it'd be easier to take them at face value that the intent is to prevent fraud rather than to prevent voting.

But, I don't understand the statement about homeless. Do homeless citizens not have the right to vote?
No, actually I didn't say the left was screaming. I asked if they were. I wanted to see if he was going to hold those on the left to the same standard. Big difference.

I've never said that the multiple ballots thing WAS where fraud happened. I said it's where it's easiest. Doesn't it make sense to do away with the area that is easiest to commit fraud, just like our European counterparts have done?

As for the rest of your response, :rolleyes:
"You had Democrats all screaming the election was stolen." That's what you said. And nothing in your post...AT ALL....about multiple ballots being the easiest. You've gotten to the point you won't even take a minute to see what you actually said, just lie whenever it suits you.

The rest of the response? You mean the part where I pointed out that despite people being mailed multiple ballots only one vote gets counted? You the mean the part that makes your argument complete bullshit?

You lie about what you said then conveniently ignore and make fun of the proof that you are once again throwing around lies to fit your narrative that the election was fraudulent.

You're knee deep in the trump fantasy and have no choice but to continue to promote the argument. I expect you'll wait a couple weeks before bringing up the multiple ballots fallacy again, hoping people will forget that's it's garbage.
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If you're going to claim that she didn't say the exact words then you're splitting hairs dude. The crowd knew what she was implying. Sad that you don't.
All I’m asking is for the video where she says the election was stolen from her, like you keep claiming she said. This should be an easy grab for you. Just go down one of your YouTube rabbit holes; I’m sure the video is there somewhere.
If you're going to claim that she didn't say the exact words then you're splitting hairs dude. The crowd knew what she was implying. Sad that you don't.
Just because you choose to live in your little bubble and and don't bother to think about people less fortunate than yourself doesn't mean you know a damn thing about how some of these American citizens live. Do you know anything about life in rural America?

"You had Democrats all screaming the election was stolen." That's what you said. And nothing in your post...AT ALL....about multiple ballots being the easiest. You've gotten to the point you won't even take a minute to see what you actually said, just lie whenever it suits you.

The rest of the response? You mean the part where I pointed out that despite people being mailed multiple ballots only one vote gets counted? You the mean the part that makes your argument complete bullshit?

You lie about what you said then conveniently ignore and make fun of the proof that you are once again throwing around lies to fit your narrative that the election was fraudulent.

You're knee deep in the trump fantasy and have no choice but to continue to promote the argument. I expect you'll wait a couple weeks before bringing up the multiple ballots fallacy again, hoping people will forget that's it's garbage.
@BuilderBob6 talking about others living in a bubble and being knee deep in fantasies is like The Pope making fun of Catholics
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Dude, you're wrong. I post the facts for you a while back. Voter ID has been an issue for a long time. Stop looking for things that aren't there.
Remember we are not just talking about voter ID. After 2008 the red states in addition to voter ID restricted voting hours, removed Sunday voting, restricted absentee voting etc. Basically voting methods blacks used legally to vote overwhelmingly for Barack Obama. Now Georgia is doing the same thing after Biden won this election. More states are following.
More than you would think do not have an ID. First of all there are a lot of elderly people that do not have ID’s. There are one the most demographic groups affected by the voter suppression laws. Then combined with the fact that a lot of elderly blacks don’t have their birth certificate anymore or transportation to even try to apply for one. There is a story of an elderly black lady that has been voting for 60 years. After they changed the laws she could not vote in the 2012 election cycle.

Also, there are quite a few blacks in the inner cities that do not have ID’s either or at least didn’t have them at the time when they first implemented these suppression laws in 2009.

The repubs knew all this and changed the laws in the red states.
Tell her to get an id. Pretty simple.
The elderly who don't drive anymore. The poor. Inner city people who don't drive. If you've voted forever with no ID or yours expires........and now have to show it, do you know what's it's like to prove your identity these days?
Yes, very simple if you have half a brain and get off you ass.
It's probably really difficult to get a super accurate number, but here's what the research says, at least:

Brennan Center's 11% estimate is probably way too high, but even if it's only, say, 1% of the voting-eligible population, you're talking about 2+ million people. How often do you suppose people show up at the polls pretending to be someone they're not or trying to vote twice? I bet it's several orders of magnitude less than 2 million. It's less common than being struck by lightning, at least in Texas, where there were 4 cases of confirmed in-person voter fraud between 2000 and 2014. Even if for every person that got caught there were 100 that got away with it, you're talking about 400 votes over the course of 14 years, a fraud rate of .0005% based on the 72 million ballots cast in Texas during that time frame.

So, do we prevent 2 million people from voting to protect against something that just doesn't happen? Which would be more likely to change the election results, MAYBE a few dozen fraudulent votes that we don't catch or, say 250,000 people prevented from voting because they don't have proper ID (if only 25% of those without ID even want to vote)?

It's easy to say that those people should just go get an ID, but if they cost money, a poor person might understandably save their money for necessities, if they require proof of residence (ie. utility bills and whatnot) a homeless person can't get one. Some may not have transportation to get to the location to get one, some may not be able to afford to take off work to spend the time to go get one. There are many reasons why someone may not have an ID that could be used for voting (including, ridiculously, a misspelling on one's birth certificate), and it's not always the most convenient task to get one.
I’ve never heard so many excuses made for people. My mom always told me that if you want something badly enough you’ll find a way to get it. These people must be so lazy it’s remarkable.
Have you ever lost your social security card and tried to get another one? Have you tried to get a REAL ID to fly?
Why am I asking the idiot.
Yep; in the process of getting a new SS card now. Pretty damn simple, actually. That is if you have half a brain. Wife had to do the same. Pretty simple for her too.
Just because you choose to live in your little bubble and and don't bother to think about people less fortunate than yourself doesn't mean you know a damn thing about how some of these American citizens live. Do you know anything about life in rural America?

Are all these people living on self sustaining farms? Do they never have to leave the homestead to get anything?

I can guarantee is they had to physically go pick up their stimulus checks someplace, they'd find a way to get there.
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Yes, very simple if you have half a brain and get off you ass.

As said before, if these people had to physically go pick up their stimulus checks someplace, you can bet they'd find a way to get there.
If voting were really that important, they'd find a way to do so.
The elderly who don't drive anymore. The poor. Inner city people who don't drive. If you've voted forever with no ID or yours expires........and now have to show it, do you know what's it's like to prove your identity these days?
If you have a SSN you can get a photo ID.
I you don't have a SSN you aren't a citizen.
If you have a SSN you still have to prove you are a citizen but it isn't difficult to do so.
This isn't about race, this is about voter integrity.
As a citizen you have the right to vote. As a citizen you have the right for your vote to not be invalidated by an illegal vote.
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If you have a SSN you can get a photo ID.
I you don't have a SSN you aren't a citizen.
If you have a SSN you still have to prove you are a citizen but it isn't difficult to do so.
This isn't about race, this is about voter integrity.
As a citizen you have the right to vote. As a citizen you have the right for your vote to not be invalidated by an illegal vote.
It is all about race. In 2008, the repubs knew a lot of blacks did not have ID’s, voted on Sundays. Voted absentee etc. So they changed the laws. If they could turn back time prior to 1964 they would have made blacks guess how many jelky beans in s jar again. Even now, throughout the US there are at least 250 voter suppression laws trying to be changed. You also need your birth certificate to get ID. A lot of older folks don’t have it anymore.
I'm assuming all of those people never have jobs? Don't buy alcohol or cigarettes? Do they have a bank account? Food stamps, welfare, social security/medicaid, rent/buy a home, fly, get married, get a hotel room, buy a cell phone, buy medical prescriptions? Every single one of these things require an ID and many more. Spare me that there are that many people that don't have an ID.

small limited government conservatives used to be against requirements for government issued ID / permission to conduct daily life activity
It is all about race. In 2008, the repubs knew a lot of blacks did not have ID’s, voted on Sundays. Voted absentee etc. So they changed the laws. If they could turn back time prior to 1964 they would have made blacks guess how many jelky beans in s jar again. Even now, throughout the US there are at least 250 voter suppression laws trying to be changed. You also need your birth certificate to get ID. A lot of older folks don’t have it anymore.
Do Hispanic and Asian people have these same issues? I really don’t know just asking because we don’t hear about it.
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They do not; they don’t play the victim card.
That is ridiculous. I point out some serious issues about voting and you dismiss it as playing the victim card. When President Slick and supporters cries about the 2020 election is rigged are they playing the victim card? They are so much victims that they storm the Capitol building looking to hang the VP Pence. 5 people are dead as a result of lies that the election was rigged.
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small limited government conservatives used to be against requirements for government issued ID / permission to conduct daily life activity
I am all for as limited of governemnt as possible. I do believe, however, that government is needed in only the areas prescribed in the constitution. One of those areas are to ensure a free and fair election.
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You just can't let this go can you? No matter how many times you are proven wrong, you just can't help that it was the racists that did it.
Comments like that is why your cities get torn up by rioters. You guys to hear what we have to say. You see another on this board that dismiss racism when is brought to attention.
Comments like that is why your cities get torn up by rioters. You guys to hear what we have to say. You see another on this board that dismiss racism when is brought to attention.
Facts obviously don't matter to you. This is exactly what we've been trying to say to you for a long time. You're so brainwashed by the left that even when faced with the truth, you don't believe it. I've given you facts that disprove your ridiculous claim that things changed because of Obama. You've also seen the FBI data on police brutality. When does a fact actually penetrate that bubble of oppression you live in?
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