They would regardless. Most of the conspiracies have nothing to do with things like voter ID. It's just a bunch of made-up lies. 2000 Mules was based on nothing but BS like cell phone pings and a bunch of people, including a chunk of this board, bought right into it. The entire premise of voter fraud from the last few years is built on things that did not happen, have never happened, but have been sold as if they happened in great quantities, and is now something that must be fixed.
I have zero issue with voter ID. But I'm also smart enough to know that even if everyone is required to have one, it will just shift to 'well X amount of Dems had fake IDs', and the end result is just a movement of the goalposts.
And let's not forget the hypocrisy in all of this: Republicans only cried fraud about the presidential election, even though Republicans picked up plenty of seats on THE SAME BALLOTS.