I can’t vote multiple times because of the voter ID requirement in my state. But there are places (mostly liberal) where a government-issued ID isn’t required to vote.
How is it in 2016 that there were precincts in the Detroit area where more votes were counted for D candidates than there were registered voters in those districts? How is that possible? HINT: VOTER FRAUD, anyone?
During the 2020 election, there were cases where people filled out ballots for other people and mailed them in. They were allowed to be counted by liberal state courts. In the aftermath of the 2020 election, there were cases where people admitted under oath to filling out ballots for other people and mailing them in.
How do dead people vote? When voter registries aren’t updated for 10 or 20 years and some (mostly liberal) states sent out ballots to every registered voter regardless of if they asked for one, there were cases where people filled out ballots made out for people who had died and mailed them in or dropped them in voting boxes. This is obvious voter fraud.
Bob, you don’t see or acknowledge this stuff because you don’t want to. And for the record, not all voter fraud was perpetrated by Ds. In NC and other places people were convicted of voter fraud after the 2020 election.
I don't have to show ID in my precinct in NC.
When I tell them my name, it gets recorded that I voted.
If someone else comes in and says they are me and tries to vote, the officials immediately see that I've already voted. The person that tried to vote for me is asked to show ID and is charged with election fraud.
If they voted as me before I voted, they will ask for my ID when I come into to vote. Once they see who I am and I'm legitimate, the previous vote for me is nullified. Hopefully they can indentify the cheating bastard from video.
The other possibility is Joe knows Bill isn't going to vote so he decides he will vote for him. First of all, is he 100% sure Bill isn't going to vote? What if someone recognizes him when he goes to vote for himself? What if the official knows Bill and immediately catches Joe in the act?
Joe is risking being charged will a felony for voter fraud in NC. Is he going to take that risk for ONE freaking vote? Even if he is an idiot, takes the chance, and gets away with it. How many other people do it too? How many have to do it to actually make a difference?
If you listen closely to election officials, they never say there was no fraud. They say there wasn't fraud significant enough to change the results.
But that doesn't matter to you. It doesn't matter when you throw out these BS possibilities but NEVER say how your "no voter ID" theories actually translate into real election fraud. How does this stuff happen in real life? You won't talk about that. You just throw out a election fraud talking point and call it a day.
And did you really just repeat a trump talking point about Detroit? I mean, seriously? All your accusations about non trumpers that repeat what they're told by the MSM......and you just did the same damn thing. FFS you're unbelievable.
Lol just say it was rigged. Stop farting around with one toe in the water. I could have sworn you said you weren't contesting the election results and yet, here you are, spreading the disinformation as if you were trump himself.