What the hell is going on in Portland?

I think PurdueFan1 suffers from the Napoleon Complex. I suspect that we would bother tower over him. He’s the annoying poodle which never stops yapping at strangers.....

Oh I forgot, you’re the one who goes around bragging about how tall you supposedly are. Cool flex, bro.
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I think PurdueFan1 suffers from the Napoleon Complex. I suspect that we would bother tower over him. He’s the annoying poodle which never stops yapping at strangers.....
Haha for sure. And regarding poodles, I think they're known to be pretty smart. I think we should go with "Afghan Hound" as they are known as the dumbest dog breed alive.
I knew it.....Napoleon Complex......

It's interesting that the party who preaches the dems are going to take away the 2nd amendment..........which they say is necessary so citizens can protect themselves from a tyrannical the same party that has unidentified people in camo grabbing people of the street and throwing them in unmarked civilian vehicles.
It's interesting that the party who preaches the dems are going to take away the 2nd amendment..........which they say is necessary so citizens can protect themselves from a tyrannical the same party that has unidentified people in camo grabbing people of the street and throwing them in unmarked civilian vehicles.
Looks like it’s started already in St. Louis to see how far it can go.
It's interesting that the party who preaches the dems are going to take away the 2nd amendment..........which they say is necessary so citizens can protect themselves from a tyrannical the same party that has unidentified people in camo grabbing people of the street and throwing them in unmarked civilian vehicles.

I don't understand what is going on in Portland both from the protestors and from the Homeland Security Federal Agents. The photos that I have seen show mostly white protestors which is not too surprising as Portland is one of the "whitest cities in the country" with only 5.8% black residents and 77% white. It is not even clear to me who sent the Federal Agents??? but I find it strange and frightening that "Federal Agents" were sent to a state without the governor's knowledge. Why is Congress so quiet about this? It seems like a violation of state sovereignty.
I don't understand what is going on in Portland both from the protestors and from the Homeland Security Federal Agents. The photos that I have seen show mostly white protestors which is not too surprising as Portland is one of the "whitest cities in the country" with only 5.8% black residents and 77% white. It is not even clear to me who sent the Federal Agents??? but I find it strange and frightening that "Federal Agents" were sent to a state without the governor's knowledge. Why is Congress so quiet about this? It seems like a violation of state sovereignty.
Legal battles start tomorrow. Oregon AG and ACLU among others.
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Love Portland, hate their politics.

Doesn't mean federal agents can pluck people off the streets at will.

the rest of the story, Bob

It has been clear for weeks that the Portland authorities are completely unwilling or incapable of controlling these anarchists. Bring in the Feds. [/URL]
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"Doesn't mean federal agents can pluck people off the streets at will."

Deal with the issue of overreaching federal authority Bruce. Unconstitutional police action. Arrests without cause or due process.

We've had riots in this country for decades and managed to get through them without shredding the constitution. You can't ignore it when it suits you. You sound like a third world dictator.
"Doesn't mean federal agents can pluck people off the streets at will."

Deal with the issue of overreaching federal authority Bruce. Unconstitutional police action. Arrests without cause or due process.

We've had riots in this country for decades and managed to get through them without shredding the constitution. You can't ignore it when it suits you. You sound like a third world dictator.

But those boots aren't gonna lick themselves.
"Doesn't mean federal agents can pluck people off the streets at will."

Deal with the issue of overreaching federal authority Bruce. Unconstitutional police action. Arrests without cause or due process.

We've had riots in this country for decades and managed to get through them without shredding the constitution. You can't ignore it when it suits you. You sound like a third world dictator.

there is zero evidence that people are plucked at will. Bob. Zero. SMH.
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I'm still trying to figure out what the Navy veteran did to receive a beating that requires hand surgery.
What crime was committed? Was there an effort to detain or arrest him if a crime was committed? Why not?
Or are the oficers just there to beat on people?

Trump is expanding the fed officers to other cities this week. I hope they come to Dallas. I will be asking the same oath questions to those officers.
I'm still trying to figure out what the Navy veteran did to receive a beating that requires hand surgery.
What crime was committed? Was there an effort to detain or arrest him if a crime was committed? Why not?
Or are the oficers just there to beat on people?

Trump is expanding the fed officers to other cities this week. I hope they come to Dallas. I will be asking the same oath questions to those officers.
I’m sure the officers were yelling “Blut und Boden” while committing this atrocity.
there is zero evidence that people are plucked at will. Bob. Zero. SMH.
Certainly many of the reasons for actions are questionable, at best.
Read my above post about the Annapolis grad accompanied by video and consider the following.
This is a section from an early article by a Portland station...(the entire article is available HERE )
...Interviews conducted by Oregon Public Broadcasting show officers are detaining people on Portland streets who aren't near federal property. Demonstrators such as O'Shea and Pettibone said they think they were targeted by federal officers for simply wearing black clothing in the area of the demonstration.

O'Shea said he ran when he saw people wearing camouflage jump out of an unmarked vehicle. He said he hid when a second unmarked van pursued him.

Video shot by O'Shea and provided to OPB shows a dark screen as O'Shea narrates the scene. Metadata from the video confirm the time and place of the protesters' account.

"Feds are driving around, grabbing people off the streets," O'Shea said on the video. "I didn't do anything f****** wrong. I'm recording this. I had to let somebody know that this is what happens."

Pettibone did not escape the federal officers.

"I am basically tossed into the van," Pettibone said. "And I had my beanie pulled over my face so I couldn't see, and they held my hands over my head."

Pettibone and O'Shea both said they couldn't think of anything they might have done to end up targeted by law enforcement. They attend protests regularly, but they said they aren't "instigators." They don't spray-paint buildings, shine laser pointers at officers or do anything else other than attend protests, which law enforcement have regularly deemed "unlawful assemblies."

Blinded by his hat, in an unmarked minivan full of armed people dressed in camouflage and body armor who hadn't identified themselves, Pettibone said he was driven around downtown before being unloaded inside a building. He wouldn't learn until after his release that he had been inside the federal courthouse.

"It was basically a process of facing many walls and corners as they patted me down and took my picture and rummaged through my belongings," Pettibone said. "One of them said, 'This is a whole lot of nothing.' "

Pettibone said he was put into a cell. Soon after, two officers came in to read him his Miranda rights. They didn't tell him why he was being arrested. He said they asked him whether he wanted to waive his rights and answer some questions, but Pettibone declined and said he wanted a lawyer. The interview was terminated, and about 90 minutes later, he was released. He said he did not receive any paperwork, citation or record of his arrest.

"I just happened to be wearing black on a sidewalk in downtown Portland at the time," Pettibone said. "And that apparently is grounds for detaining me."
there is zero evidence that people are plucked at will. Bob. Zero. SMH.
See what 70 posted. I'm not going to waste time proving something that is readily available online because you're too lazy to look it up or unwilling to accept your president doesn't really care about civil rights in his quest to make law and order his campaign slogan.
Silly liberals. I love the Feds have come in and started cracking skulls. These 'peaceful protesters' need to be taught a lesson. And as my Dad says, some lesson's have to be learned the hardway.
Kind of like when protesters blocking a highway complain when a car plows through them. Well, get out of the way next time dummy.
Silly liberals. I love the Feds have come in and started cracking skulls. These 'peaceful protesters' need to be taught a lesson. And as my Dad says, some lesson's have to be learned the hardway.
Kind of like when protesters blocking a highway complain when a car plows through them. Well, get out of the way next time dummy.
I love when the party that wraps itself up in the constitution then chooses to ignore it for political reasons.......or any reason.
You don't really understand what America is about........and it's not cracking skulls.
See what 70 posted. I'm not going to waste time proving something that is readily available online because you're too lazy to look it up or unwilling to accept your president doesn't really care about civil rights in his quest to make law and order his campaign slogan.

Typical, support two “innocent” guys who were out demonstrating at 2am and then believe their story. Did you read the article you posted? Here is a quote from our Gov Officials. I totally support the police, local and Federal.

"I fully expect that as long as people continue to be violent and to destroy property that we will attempt to identify those folks," he added. "We will pick them up in front of the courthouse. If we spot them elsewhere, we will pick them up elsewhere. And if we have a question about somebody's identity, like the first example I noted to you, after questioning determine it isn't someone of interest, then they get released. And that's standard law enforcement procedure, and it's going to continue as long as the violence continues."

Customs and Border Protection released a statement Friday about one incident on video, though it did not specify which one. It said its agents approached a person suspected of assaulting federal agents or destroying federal property, but "a large and violent mob moved towards their location" so they moved to a safer place. "The CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

if people don’t want to be arrested, don’t break the law. If you are with people who are breaking the law you can expect the same treatment. Portland has been under siege for weeks and local officials haven’t protected Federal Property. By the way, use of unmarked police vehicles is not unusual. Also, all of the photos I saw of officers in khakis in Portland had the word “Police” in large letters in their khaki uniforms, but you knew that.
Typical, support two “innocent” guys who were out demonstrating at 2am and then believe their story. Did you read the article you posted? Here is a quote from our Gov Officials. I totally support the police, local and Federal.

"I fully expect that as long as people continue to be violent and to destroy property that we will attempt to identify those folks," he added. "We will pick them up in front of the courthouse. If we spot them elsewhere, we will pick them up elsewhere. And if we have a question about somebody's identity, like the first example I noted to you, after questioning determine it isn't someone of interest, then they get released. And that's standard law enforcement procedure, and it's going to continue as long as the violence continues."

Customs and Border Protection released a statement Friday about one incident on video, though it did not specify which one. It said its agents approached a person suspected of assaulting federal agents or destroying federal property, but "a large and violent mob moved towards their location" so they moved to a safer place. "The CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

if people don’t want to be arrested, don’t break the law. If you are with people who are breaking the law you can expect the same treatment. Portland has been under siege for weeks and local officials haven’t protected Federal Property. By the way, use of unmarked police vehicles is not unusual. Also, all of the photos I saw of officers in khakis in Portland had the word “Police” in large letters in their khaki uniforms, but you knew that.
I love when the party that wraps itself up in the constitution then chooses to ignore it for political reasons.......or any reason.
You don't really understand what America is about........and it's not cracking skulls.

I didn't say anything political and I certainly didn't bring up the constitution.
All I said, is that I enjoy seeing when the cops have had enough and start using a little more force to put the protesters in their place.
What I enjoy even more is the screaming from the people wondering why they're getting a baton across the head.
...Here is a quote from our Gov Officials. I totally support the police, local and Federal.

"I fully expect that as long as people continue to be violent and to destroy property that we will attempt to identify those folks," he added. "We will pick them up in front of the courthouse. If we spot them elsewhere, we will pick them up elsewhere. And if we have a question about somebody's identity, like the first example I noted to you, after questioning determine it isn't someone of interest, then they get released. And that's standard law enforcement procedure, and it's going to continue as long as the violence continues."
I have practiced criminal law in state and federal courts since 1974 and am reasonably sure that, not only is activity performed in that specific way not "standard law enforcement procedure" but is violative of the Constitutional standards set out by the Supreme Court in Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968) and its progeny.
I didn't say anything political and I certainly didn't bring up the constitution.
All I said, is that I enjoy seeing when the cops have had enough and start using a little more force to put the protesters in their place.
What I enjoy even more is the screaming from the people wondering why they're getting a baton across the head.
Lol. No, you certainly wouldn't bring up the constitution when your president is violating it.

It's political because the president has fallen back on law and order as his last shot at being elected. It's got hayseeds like you all worked up, must be working.

You enjoy watching people scream as they get their heads cracked. I'm flabbergasted at your attitude, I guess you're just a psycho.......far worse than the protesters you love to see attacked. At least they have a purpose, you're just a nut job who enjoys your own admission.

@HoosierfanJM. Here's another one for you.
See what 70 posted. I'm not going to waste time proving something that is readily available online because you're too lazy to look it up or unwilling to accept your president doesn't really care about civil rights in his quest to make law and order his campaign slogan.
The Portland Police Union agrees with Trump. They want the help. The retarded, socialist Mayor and his Police Chief lackey are getting embarrassed because their town is completely out-of-control.
Lol. No, you certainly wouldn't bring up the constitution when your president is violating it.

It's political because the president has fallen back on law and order as his last shot at being elected. It's got hayseeds like you all worked up, must be working.

You enjoy watching people scream as they get their heads cracked. I'm flabbergasted at your attitude, I guess you're just a psycho.......far worse than the protesters you love to see attacked. At least they have a purpose, you're just a nut job who enjoys your own admission.

@HoosierfanJM. Here's another one for you.

And you're a bleeding heart liberal enabler.
Tell you what...give me your home address, and tomorrow, I'll come park my car in front of your driveway so you can't leave for work or anywhere else for that matter. I'll stay there, blocking your driveway for as long as I please.
Let's see how long it takes for you to get frustrated and decide something has to be done so I'll move.
Well the union chief isn't in charge.......and the feds are there to protect federal property.......nothing else. It's not their jurisdiction.

This is what you people tell us we're supposed to be afraid of. Unmarked government troops arresting people without due process, without cause. It's unlikely many citizens in Portland are exercising their 2nd amendment rights. That may be a mistake.

If this was the Obama admin you would be losing your freaking mind.
Well the union chief isn't in charge.......and the feds are there to protect federal property.......nothing else. It's not their jurisdiction.

This is what you people tell us we're supposed to be afraid of. Unmarked government troops arresting people without due process, without cause. It's unlikely many citizens in Portland are exercising their 2nd amendment rights. That may be a mistake.

If this was the Obama admin you would be losing your freaking mind.

"Without cause"? What little credibility your posts may have had (and that's being generous) is now gone.

Again, let me know your home address so I can come block your driveway and we can see how much you're willing to put up with before you decide to take action.
Well the union chief isn't in charge.......and the feds are there to protect federal property.......nothing else. It's not their jurisdiction.

This is what you people tell us we're supposed to be afraid of. Unmarked government troops arresting people without due process, without cause. It's unlikely many citizens in Portland are exercising their 2nd amendment rights. That may be a mistake.

If this was the Obama admin you would be losing your freaking mind.
Anarchists are literally ripping Portland and Seattle apart and you’re good with that?

Your point is stupid. Where do you see right wingers tearing cities apart like this day-after-day? Where? HINT: You don’t.