What the hell is going on in Portland?

Anarchists are literally ripping Portland and Seattle apart and you’re good with that?

Your point is stupid. Where do you see right wingers tearing cities apart like this day-after-day? Where? HINT: You don’t.

You’re right, SD: Right wingers just prefer to see people drop dead from a virus instead.
Anarchists are literally ripping Portland and Seattle apart and you’re good with that?

Your point is stupid. Where do you see right wingers tearing cities apart like this day-after-day? Where? HINT: You don’t.
You don't even understand my point or you are being evasive.

This isn't about right or left. Where the hell did you get that?

The point is federal troops are going into an American city against the wishes of the state and local governments. They are exceeding their authority to protect federal property. They are detaining citizens without due cause or process. WTF is so hard to understand?

And NO I'm not good with the destruction of property, I've said that several times. Use your GD brain and try to understand that just because I'm AGAINST the feds overstepping their authority DOESN'T MEAN I approve of what the people there are doing.

Government troops in our cities to protect statues. Yeah right.
You don't even understand my point or you are being evasive.

This isn't about right or left. Where the hell did you get that?

The point is federal troops are going into an American city against the wishes of the state and local governments. They are exceeding their authority to protect federal property. They are detaining citizens without due cause or process. WTF is so hard to understand?

And NO I'm not good with the destruction of property, I've said that several times. Use your GD brain and try to understand that just because I'm AGAINST the feds overstepping their authority DOESN'T MEAN I approve of what the people there are doing.

Government troops in our cities to protect statues. Yeah right.

And soon to be cities. I'd like to see them try and come to Chicago.
My inherently cynical view tells me that given the President's utter preoccupation with power or wealth, that this entire thing is an attempt to try to develop a backlash to further stoke fear from suburbia.
Perhaps teargassing/pepper spraying the Moms isn't a good idea, though.
I nonetheless do look for him to import federal agents to Chicago to seek to cause a series of incidents and a violent reaction in the hope of achieving a positive blowback politically.
I seriously hope that I am wrong in seeing this all as a mere election strategy.
My inherently cynical view tells me that given the President's utter preoccupation with power or wealth, that this entire thing is an attempt to try to develop a backlash to further stoke fear from suburbia.
Perhaps teargassing/pepper spraying the Moms isn't a good idea, though.
I nonetheless do look for him to import federal agents to Chicago to seek to cause a series of incidents and a violent reaction in the hope of achieving a positive blowback politically.
I seriously hope that I am wrong in seeing this all as a mere election strategy.
You aren't. I think it's clearly political, clearly an election strategy.

This is his trifecta. He gets to play the tough guy, which know he loves, loves the toughness. He gets to save America from the evil socialist hordes that are going to destroy the suburbs and tear down statues of our traitors....uhhh.......heroes. And it coalesces into the one thing he thinks will get him re-elected, law and order. He and he alone will save the cities from the do nothing democrats, who teach their children to hate America and pray to Satan every night for the death of our great nation. People say it couldn't be done.........presidents have been trying to do it for thousands of years.
You aren't. I think it's clearly political, clearly an election strategy.

This is his trifecta. He gets to play the tough guy, which know he loves, loves the toughness. He gets to save America from the evil socialist hordes that are going to destroy the suburbs and tear down statues of our traitors....uhhh.......heroes. And it coalesces into the one thing he thinks will get him re-elected, law and order. He and he alone will save the cities from the do nothing democrats, who teach their children to hate America and pray to Satan every night for the death of our great nation. People say it couldn't be done.........presidents have been trying to do it for thousands of years.

Do you people look under your beds for the boogeyman before going to sleep at night?
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You don't even understand my point or you are being evasive.

This isn't about right or left. Where the hell did you get that?

The point is federal troops are going into an American city against the wishes of the state and local governments. They are exceeding their authority to protect federal property. They are detaining citizens without due cause or process. WTF is so hard to understand?

And NO I'm not good with the destruction of property, I've said that several times. Use your GD brain and try to understand that just because I'm AGAINST the feds overstepping their authority DOESN'T MEAN I approve of what the people there are doing.

Government troops in our cities to protect statues. Yeah right.
My inherently cynical view tells me that given the President's utter preoccupation with power or wealth, that this entire thing is an attempt to try to develop a backlash to further stoke fear from suburbia.
Perhaps teargassing/pepper spraying the Moms isn't a good idea, though.
I nonetheless do look for him to import federal agents to Chicago to seek to cause a series of incidents and a violent reaction in the hope of achieving a positive blowback politically.
I seriously hope that I am wrong in seeing this all as a mere election strategy.
He's more and more likely to go into Chicago.

BTW, ~60 people were shot in Chicago last weekend alone. Since the beginning of the year, over 200 children have been shot in Chicago.
He's more and more likely to go into Chicago.

BTW, ~60 people were shot in Chicago last weekend alone. Since the beginning of the year, over 200 children have been shot in Chicago.
cmon sd we already know black violence doesn't matter. pointing it out just shows that you're a racist. it's the white man's fault for selling them guns.
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You aren't. I think it's clearly political, clearly an election strategy.

This is his trifecta. He gets to play the tough guy, which know he loves, loves the toughness. He gets to save America from the evil socialist hordes that are going to destroy the suburbs and tear down statues of our traitors....uhhh.......heroes. And it coalesces into the one thing he thinks will get him re-elected, law and order. He and he alone will save the cities from the do nothing democrats, who teach their children to hate America and pray to Satan every night for the death of our great nation. People say it couldn't be done.........presidents have been trying to do it for thousands of years.
haha delusion. meanwhile in reality, portland protestors set fire to Portland courthouse on monday...
He's more and more likely to go into Chicago.

BTW, ~60 people were shot in Chicago last weekend alone. Since the beginning of the year, over 200 children have been shot in Chicago.

Black on black crime doesn't matter to liberals and lefties. It's not really a 'thing'. (Plus, BonB crime is the fault of cops, racists and the system.)
Mayor BeetleJuice has lost control of Chicago. She, the DA, her minions on the city council and alderman don't support LE or law and order.

But God forbid they allow a statue of Columbus to remain!
You aren't. I think it's clearly political, clearly an election strategy.

This is his trifecta. He gets to play the tough guy, which know he loves, loves the toughness. He gets to save America from the evil socialist hordes that are going to destroy the suburbs and tear down statues of our traitors....uhhh.......heroes. And it coalesces into the one thing he thinks will get him re-elected, law and order. He and he alone will save the cities from the do nothing democrats, who teach their children to hate America and pray to Satan every night for the death of our great nation. People say it couldn't be done.........presidents have been trying to do it for thousands of years.

I'm still waiting for you to send us your home address so we can camp out in front of your house, peacefully of course, and see how long you're willing to accept it.
The only thing that might get damaged is perhaps your mailbox, maybe a shrub or two near the street. But I promise, we won't come onto your private property and will remain on the public street in front of your house.
He's more and more likely to go into Chicago.

BTW, ~60 people were shot in Chicago last weekend alone. Since the beginning of the year, over 200 children have been shot in Chicago.

He's more and more likely to go into Chicago.

BTW, ~60 people were shot in Chicago last weekend alone. Since the beginning of the year, over 200 children have been shot in Chicago.
BTW, I don't live in Chicago...about 3 hours away...and a couple of days ago about 6 blocks from my house there was an incident at a spur of the moment party with well over 100 shots fired and 13 people wounded. I live in a long Republican controlled area so spare me the demonization of either party and preachiness that others don't get it.
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BTW, I don't live in Chicago...about 3 hours away...and a couple of days ago about 6 blocks from my house there was an incident at a spur of the moment party with well over 100 shots fired and 13 people wounded. I live in a long Republican controlled area so spare me the demonization of either party and preachiness that others don't get it. talking about Peoria? that wasn't a bunch of maga hatters...
BTW, I don't live in Chicago...about 3 hours away...and a couple of days ago about 6 blocks from my house there was an incident at a spur of the moment party with well over 100 shots fired and 13 people wounded. I live in a long Republican controlled area so spare me the demonization of either party and preachiness that others don't get it.
You have an example of violence from a Republican controlled city, but there is no defense for the violence in Democratic controlled cities all across America on a daily basis year after year. No one can defend the murders, education systems, burning and looting, homelessness, drug addicts, lawlessness, in these democratically controlled cities. Their policies haven’t worked for decades and now it will be almost impossible to fix.
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I'm still waiting for you to send us your home address so we can camp out in front of your house, peacefully of course, and see how long you're willing to accept it.
Someone once said " I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Let me know when you plan on showing up at Bob's house so I can defend his right to free speech.
You have an example of violence from a Republican controlled city, but there is no defense for the violence in Democratic controlled cities all across America on a daily basis year after year. No one can defend the murders, education systems, burning and looting, homelessness, drug addicts, lawlessness, in these democratically controlled cities. Their policies haven’t worked for decades and now it will be almost impossible to fix.


BTW, I don't live in Chicago...about 3 hours away...and a couple of days ago about 6 blocks from my house there was an incident at a spur of the moment party with well over 100 shots fired and 13 people wounded. I live in a long Republican controlled area so spare me the demonization of either party and preachiness that others don't get it.
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Someone once said " I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Let me know when you plan on showing up at Bob's house so I can defend his right to free speech.

You going to join the camp out in front of Bob's house? We won't be violent. We'll just block his driveway so he can't go anywhere. We'll be very peaceful. I'm just interested to see how long Bob is willing to tolerate these peaceful protests.
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BTW, I don't live in Chicago...about 3 hours away...and a couple of days ago about 6 blocks from my house there was an incident at a spur of the moment party with well over 100 shots fired and 13 people wounded. I live in a long Republican controlled area so spare me the demonization of either party and preachiness that others don't get it.
The bodies pile up up day-by-day and week-by-week in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, LA......and you equate that with a drunken shooting spree in Peoria where no one died? Come on. Admit it, long-standing D-run cities are dangerous and deadly.
The bodies pile up up day-by-day and week-by-week in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, LA......and you equate that with a drunken shooting spree in Peoria where no one died? Come on. Admit it, long-standing D-run cities are dangerous and deadly.
Oh please. This community had 25 murders last year. Shootings are regular occurrences here. There are two separate murder trials underway in court this week involving 3 dead and several others wounded.
The issue is not whether mayors and city councils are Republican or Democratic controlled.
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I think it's safe to say that cities with Democrat leadership see much higher rates of violence.
Here's a quote from an USAToday article on the subject.

"Elected leadership skews heavily Democratic in these cities as well. Among the 25 cities with the highest murder/manslaughter rate in 2018, three had Republican mayors, according to Ballotpedia and our research. (But again, the FBI discourages ranking cities in this way.) Some of those cities, like Milwaukee, are led by a Democrat even if the office is officially nonpartisan."
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I think it's safe to say that cities with Democrat leadership see much higher rates of violence.
Here's a quote from an USAToday article on the subject.

"Elected leadership skews heavily Democratic in these cities as well. Among the 25 cities with the highest murder/manslaughter rate in 2018, three had Republican mayors, according to Ballotpedia and our research. (But again, the FBI discourages ranking cities in this way.) Some of those cities, like Milwaukee, are led by a Democrat even if the office is officially nonpartisan."
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See what 70 posted. I'm not going to waste time proving something that is readily available online because you're too lazy to look it up or unwilling to accept your president doesn't really care about civil rights in his quest to make law and order his campaign slogan.
There’s zero evidence that people are being plucked off the street, Bob. Zero. The Feds are within the law doing what their doing. POTUS cares about Law and Order, Bob. I will join fish and sit in your driveway and see how you handle that, Bob. You are high and mighty in your responses as long as it doesn’t happen to you.
There’s zero evidence that people are being plucked off the street, Bob. Zero. The Feds are within the law doing what their doing. POTUS cares about Law and Order, Bob. I will join fish and sit in your driveway and see how you handle that, Bob. You are high and mighty in your responses as long as it doesn’t happen to you.
Let me know when! Lets see how many people we can get to come peacefully demonstrate in front of Bob's! I will bet we could find people he ''built'' for that aren't too happy with him either.
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Let me know when! Lets see how many people we can get to come peacefully demonstrate in front of Bob's! I will bet we could find people he ''built'' for that aren't too happy with him either.
I’ll bring and cooler full of frozen water bottles so us protestors have enough to drink on these hot days. Maybe we can also request the police to be there to serve and protect.
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I’ll bring and cooler full of frozen water bottles so us protestors have enough to drink on these hot days. Maybe we can also request the police to be there to serve and protect.
I'm sure if Builder Bobs post are any reflection on him and IF he actually has built much he has plenty of people that will be glad to help protest. The ignorance people show on here is just hilarious!
I’ll bring and cooler full of frozen water bottles so us protestors have enough to drink on these hot days. Maybe we can also request the police to be there to serve and protect.
We are looking for Bob.
