Trump 2024?

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
Been seeing ALOT of Trump 2024 flags lately in my part of Indiana. IMO...This guy is the ONLY Republican that could loose in 2024.

Sure Trump might win? Anything is possible, due to how poorly the Dems are performing & not only not helping Americans, but have policies that are combative against Americans. Moreover, the fact that Biden is turning out to be the worst President in history just helps any R so much, that even a candidate as poor as Trump could win?

But Trump has several disadvantages other Rs do not have:
1. Unless there is a swing in the electorate, the math in Georgia and PA looks like those two states might not be won by Trump, because of who he is. This almost insures a D President.
2. Trump causes infighting in the R party...putting the Rs at a disadvantage.
3. Alot of Trump hate already baked into the electorate. This just helps the Ds.
4. There are a clump of irregular voters. These voters are however motivated by their media masters...... IF backed by any negativity that might get them off the couch. Trump corners the market on this negativity, and will be an easy target by media to herd these irregular voters to the polls to vote D when alot of these might not vote.
5. There are a clump of voters in the so called middle who vote the person over policies. These voters just want a nice guy/gal & never understand that no matter who you vote for the D or R policies are all the same. These voters will not vote Trump. Alot of these voted for Biden and are now regretting that vote.....not enough to ever vote for Trump though. But they would consider other Rs.

There are many other reasons, but in short Trump will not be getting my vote in the R primary and I encourage other Rs here to do the same. Moreover, it is important to find a R candidate quickly to coalesce around to combat these crazy Trump flag wavers, that gives him an advantage in the R primary.

Tired of crazy Dem policies. Well then....forget Trump in 2024.
Been seeing ALOT of Trump 2024 flags lately in my part of Indiana. IMO...This guy is the ONLY Republican that could loose in 2024.

Sure Trump might win? Anything is possible, due to how poorly the Dems are performing & not only not helping Americans, but have policies that are combative against Americans. Moreover, the fact that Biden is turning out to be the worst President in history just helps any R so much, that even a candidate as poor as Trump could win?

But Trump has several disadvantages other Rs do not have:
1. Unless there is a swing in the electorate, the math in Georgia and PA looks like those two states might not be won by Trump, because of who he is. This almost insures a D President.
2. Trump causes infighting in the R party...putting the Rs at a disadvantage.
3. Alot of Trump hate already baked into the electorate. This just helps the Ds.
4. There are a clump of irregular voters. These voters are however motivated by their media masters...... IF backed by any negativity that might get them off the couch. Trump corners the market on this negativity, and will be an easy target by media to herd these irregular voters to the polls to vote D when alot of these might not vote.
5. There are a clump of voters in the so called middle who vote the person over policies. These voters just want a nice guy/gal & never understand that no matter who you vote for the D or R policies are all the same. These voters will not vote Trump. Alot of these voted for Biden and are now regretting that vote.....not enough to ever vote for Trump though. But they would consider other Rs.

There are many other reasons, but in short Trump will not be getting my vote in the R primary and I encourage other Rs here to do the same. Moreover, it is important to find a R candidate quickly to coalesce around to combat these crazy Trump flag wavers, that gives him an advantage in the R primary.

Tired of crazy Dem policies. Well then....forget Trump in 2024.
Yes, it’s huge that the RNC identify the best non Trump candidate ASAP, and narrow the field down quickly, so Trump can’t go thru and win a bunch of primaries with less than 50% of the vote like he did in 2016.

The Dems, to their credit, rallied around Slow Joe when it looked like Bernie was picking up steam last year.
Yes, it’s huge that the RNC identify the best non Trump candidate ASAP, and narrow the field down quickly, so Trump can’t go thru and win a bunch of primaries with less than 50% of the vote like he did in 2016.

The Dems, to their credit, rallied around Slow Joe when it looked like Bernie was picking up steam last year.
Get a nicer, calmer R candidate who espouses Trump’s policies but doesn’t demonstrate his temperament, and the Ds will get rolled. Trump is often his own worst enemy. Much of America is tired of his style, even if they like his policies. The problem is will Trump try to burn everything down if he is not the candidate in 2024? Who can pass his litmus test?
Looks like everyone on the R side is on the same page, and like minded. We strongly prefer another R candidate with the policy we like, yet would tolerate Trump if we have to, only as a last resort, as we like many of his policies.

How can that be?
I thought according to our Dem freinds here, we R people are all crazy "Trumpers" if we don't want him to run? LOL
Looks like everyone on the R side is on the same page, and like minded. We strongly prefer another R candidate with the policy we like, yet would tolerate Trump if we have to, only as a last resort, as we like many of his policies.

How can that be?
I thought according to our Dem freinds here, we R people are all crazy "Trumpers" if we don't want him to run? LOL
In 2016, Trump only got 45% of the GOP primary vote. So the majority of R voters preferred Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, etc.
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Get a nicer, calmer R candidate who espouses Trump’s policies but doesn’t demonstrate his temperament, and the Ds will get rolled. Trump is often his own worst enemy. Much of America is tired of his style, even if they like his policies. The problem is will Trump try to burn everything down if he is not the candidate in 2024? Who can pass his litmus test?
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Seriously, there needs to be an age limit for the presidency. Maybe you can’t take office after you turn 70?

In the United Methodist Church, where I pastor, we have a mandatory retirement age for bishops. If we're smart enough to figure that out, then the government should be, too.

I would love to see a limit, and the one you suggested makes sense. But not just for President...Congress, too. Perhaps even consider a mandatory retirement age for judges (though I could see that being a bit more problematic).
We need Nikki Haley with a VP like Mitch Daniels or Rubio.

Her or Desantis is my preference based on electability. Love Desantis policy.

Haven't figured her out yet though, if she is establishment Bush type...
No thanks.
trump remains the best candidate, outsider -
he is the greatest president of all time.

the others are Rino politicians,
big step down from the greatest.

maybe, a new outsider will emerge later.
trump remains the best candidate, outsider -
he is the greatest president of all time.

the others are Rino politicians,
big step down from the greatest.

maybe, a new outsider will emerge later.
Can you imagine Trump's policies and accomplishments with Ronald Reagans personality and demeanor?
If you want a great shot at another Dem Present in 2024, keep thinking that way.
As much as I like Trump, there is no way he should run again. Aside from age, the left has shown they will stop at nothing to cheat to win and will just do it again.

Trump has much more power as a civilian king maker now anyway.
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Looks like everyone on the R side is on the same page, and like minded. We strongly prefer another R candidate with the policy we like, yet would tolerate Trump if we have to, only as a last resort, as we like many of his policies.

How can that be?
I thought according to our Dem freinds here, we R people are all crazy "Trumpers" if we don't want him to run? LOL
I don't know anyone who has said that. It does make you hypocrites. All the "but mean tweets!" replies when all you seem to agree he's an ahole and actually hurts the chances of the pubs taking back the WH. Defending him and crying TDS when anyone criticizes him. It's like a trumper mea culpa in this thread.
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As much as I like Trump, there is no way he should run again. Aside from age, the left has shown they will stop at nothing to cheat to win and will just do it again.

Trump has much more power as a civilian king maker now anyway.
Can you explain again on how the Dems cheated. Didn’t 60 judges, several appointed by Chump, throw out cases of alleged fraud? Didn’t states recounted votes several times. Didn’t states investigated fraud a found nothing? Didn’t Chump’s own audit in Arizona, a state he won actually, found no evidence of cheating? In all these audits and stuff Biden even had more votes in some cases. Enjoy your Flav-Or-Aid and warm weather in the the jungles of Guyana.
Can you explain again on how the Dems cheated. Didn’t 60 judges, several appointed by Chump, throw out cases of alleged fraud? Didn’t states recounted votes several times. Didn’t states investigated fraud a found nothing? Didn’t Chump’s own audit in Arizona, a state he won actually, found no evidence of cheating? In all these audits and stuff Biden even had more votes in some cases. Enjoy your Flav-Or-Aid and warm weather in the the jungles of Guyana.
Just in. Conservative group finds no evidence of widespread voter fraud in Wisconsin.
That would be a winning combination.
Does that exist in today’s Republican Party though? I’m being serious here. Because if that person does exist, that would be someone I could get behind. But that person would be essentially opposite of most of the party as it stands now. How does that person deal with the Boeberts etc? Heck, even the Ted Cruz’s and Rubio’’s, who are squarely still team Trump and his style. I have a feeling a person with that combo would not fare that well. I’d like to be wrong but it seems like it would be a big uphill climb.
Does that exist in today’s Republican Party though? I’m being serious here. Because if that person does exist, that would be someone I could get behind. But that person would be essentially opposite of most of the party as it stands now. How does that person deal with the Boeberts etc? Heck, even the Ted Cruz’s and Rubio’’s, who are squarely still team Trump and his style. I have a feeling a person with that combo would not fare that well. I’d like to be wrong but it seems like it would be a big uphill climb.
Chump jacked the repub party so much that if they don’t play, their political careers are toast. For some success in blue and purple states, they will have to do what Youngkin did in Virginia. They need to accept any Chump endorsement and never invite him to speak in their behalf. He’ll just talk about himself anyhow.
She's openly opposed to jihad and didn't buy into "Some people did something." That's a problem?
Lol and you just showed why I asked my question. Boebert has openly lied about Omar, but never let a chance for some blatant racism wrapped in some fearmongering and served up to the dumbest people (aka you) get in the way!