I.......I can't believe you continually do this. You accuse others of believing propaganda and then CLEARLY spout your own. I used to think you just didn't do your homework but I'm coming around to the idea you just don't care about the truth. Your argument has been in the press and disproven since day one of the bill. SmhNo it isn't. You obviously have bought into the propaganda about the bill.
The bill would allow 5,000 people to cross illegally a day before they start to turn people back. During the Obama administration, 1,000 a day overwhelmed the border agents. The bill would have made it mandatory for the agents to let them cross until that threshold was met. That's almost 2,000,000 people a year to come in illegally.
The bill also wanted to make it possible for these people to get work visas immediately.
This bill would not secure the border. No, instead it would codify what is already happening. This isn't a border security bill. It's a mass amnesty bill.
Are you gonna deflect or blame the media?

Immigration bill doesn’t let 5,000 people in illegally a day
A new Senate immigration bill allows the Biden administration to bar most migrants from seeking asylum if unauthorized i