To our liberal, progressive friends on here...

Or trusting anybody else. The only guy who seemed to be involved in a scheme was a guy named Ray Epps, who briefly appeared on the FBI's Ten-Most-Wanted list, but then suddenly was taken off and cleared. Possibly you have heard of him.

It was almost as if one part of the FBI put his name on there without knowing that Epps was working for another part of the FBI. That couldn't have happened in a well-oiled machine like the FBI, could it?
Oooooh .. let’s play Riveting bingo!

“Wait, who’s got Ray Epps on their card?”
“Wait, I’ve got “Joe Crow!” Did he say that yet?”
“No, but I just filled in the Fweedom square!”
That sounds like a great trip. I have been to both and understand your enthusiasm. The trains are great - although not really feasible in a large country like the US.

Where will you be going on your next Eurovacation? Several posters were talking in another threat about how much they like Germany.
Funny enough, I initially started planning Germany but ended up with Italy because more friends had been there more recently. So Germany will be next.

I flew into and out of Zurich. That’s an amazing airport as well. Next time though I will pick a start and end city and build my trip in between. I’ve got more time behind me than in front of me. Time to explore for certain!
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Surprised both that you are back, 95, and to hear the foundation is back. The latter had dropped me from its mailing list after the 2016 election, but this was the last I recall, from the link below. You have to agree, it sounded like it was going out of business at the time:

"But the most glaring indictment of the Clinton Foundation came from what happened last year, after Hillary Clinton lost the election — and effectively ended her political career.

First, the Clinton's almost immediately shuttered the Clinton Global Initiative and laid off 22 employees.

Now, fresh financial documents show that contributions and grants to the Clinton Foundation plunged since Hillary lost her election bid. They dropped from $216 million in 2016 to just $26.5 million in 2017 — a stunning 88% fall. Throughout Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, the foundation pulled in an average of $254 million a year. (See the nearby chart below for a timeline.)

If the Clinton Foundation was as good as defenders claimed, why did all its big-time donors suddenly lose interest? The only reasonable explanation is that donors weren't interested in what the foundation supposedly did for humanity. They were interested in the political favors they knew their money would buy."

What I remembered as well
Switzerland and Italy. Switzerland is every bit as beautiful as you see in any picture. It’s also crazy expensive.

Italy was Milan, Florence, Cinque Terre, Pisa (just to rent a car and do a photo op with the leaning tower lol) and part of the Tuscan region.

The train system over there is fairly incredible. It’s amazingly easy to pop from city to city on trains that are clean and reliable. I couldn’t wait to turn the rental car back in after driving around part of the Tuscany region for a couple of days just because the trains are so easy.

If you’ve never been…..go. The one time a “trust me, bro” actually turns out to be true. 😂😂😂
The train from Naples to Sorrento is old. You need a background on the Medici family to fully appreciate Florence IMO
Funny enough, I initially started planning Germany but ended up with Italy because more friends had been there more recently. So Germany will be next.

I flew into and out of Zurich. That’s an amazing airport as well. Next time though I will pick a start and end city and build my trip in between. I’ve got more time behind me than in front of me. Time to explore for certain!
Didn’t care for Frankfurt, but liked Muchen, Dresden and Berlin. Will go again , but Italy is better IMO. Lot of history in Italy, and good food. I drove in Germany, but understand they too have a good train system.
Didn’t care for Frankfurt, but liked Muchen, Dresden and Berlin. Will go again , but Italy is better IMO. Lot of history in Italy, and good food.
The food was amazing. I am normally not a pasta eater because I always feel like crap after I eat it but I knew it was fresh there and they use different grains. Paired really well with the wine. 😂😂
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Oooooh .. let’s play Riveting bingo!

“Wait, who’s got Ray Epps on their card?”
“Wait, I’ve got “Joe Crow!” Did he say that yet?”
“No, but I just filled in the Fweedom square!”
Were you playing with yourself again?
I care about humanity, so asking about individuals is not useful.
Can you give an example of how you care about humanity and how your empathy is impacting climate change?
Do you care about all of earths humanity or just in the US?
This is a claim that requires evidence. There's plenty of evidence out there that suggests we are influencing things. Is there evidence that currently-observed warming is, in fact, natural? You just thinking "we can't do that" doesn't make it true.
Do you fear that if we don't implement radical green policies, that climate change could wipe out human civilization? (I believe Al Gore made some sort of claim to this effect about 20 years ago and we were all supposed to be dead by now.)
Does if matter if the US implements green policies but the worlds largest CO2 produces (China, India, etc) don't do anything?
Carter —- a great man and a lousy President. Worlds better than Trump though.
Once again....personality over policy. You crack me up. You'd still vote for the perceived "nice guy" even though he does the job very poorly.
Once again....personality over policy. You crack me up. You'd still vote for the perceived "nice guy" even though he does the job very poorly.
But you are missing my point. It's not that I value personality over performance...unless the personality is so bad that it affects performance and results. Trump's personality/state of mind impacted job performance and results so badly that he did his job worse than Carter.

And Trump' worst qualities and instincts are more forward than ever in this election cycle.
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But you are missing my point. It's not that I value personality over performance...unless the personality is so bad that it affects performance and results. Trump's personality/state of mind impacted job performance and results so badly that he did his job worse than Carter.

And Trump' worst qualities and instincts are more forward than ever in this election cycle.
Unfortunately, the fatal flaw in your response is that you’re responding to someone who totally aligns with Trump and could never comprehend the perspective you’re providing and that many actually agree with.
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But you are missing my point. It's not that I value personality over performance...unless the personality is so bad that it affects performance and results. Trump's personality/state of mind impacted job performance and results so badly that he did his job worse than Carter.
Are you referring to the 1.4% inflation when he left office, the Abraham accords, the closed border, or what? Those were bad results to you?

Also, no stupid wars like your hero "Jumbo".
Unfortunately, the fatal flaw in your response is that you’re responding to someone who totally aligns with Trump and could never comprehend the perspective you’re providing and that many actually agree with.
It really is hard to comprehend the perspective JM is providing, as you say.
The four years of Biden will likely largely be remembered as the administration that started the country on the road to recovery from Trump.
If Joe Biden was so successful, why is he not running for President? Why did so many Democrats want him to step down?

Please remind us of why Biden isn’t running against Trump!
Can you give an example of how you care about humanity and how your empathy is impacting climate change?
Do you care about all of earths humanity or just in the US?
Stop trying to change the subject, this has nothing to do with whether or not anthropogenic climate change is real. And the second question just seems really weird coming from someone in the "America first" crowd or from the folks who regularly announce that they "vote for what's best for my pocketbook."
Do you fear that if we don't implement radical green policies, that climate change could wipe out human civilization? (I believe Al Gore made some sort of claim to this effect about 20 years ago and we were all supposed to be dead by now.)
Characterization of such policies as "radical" is poisoning the well, as that's just your opinion. Your characterization of Al Gore's statements indicating that we are "supposed to be dead by now" seems like a misrepresentation of what he said, but I'm happy to be corrected if I'm the one misremembering it. But, what Al Gore said or didn't say has nothing to do with whether or not anthropogenic climate change is real, stop changing the subject.
Does if matter if the US implements green policies but the worlds largest CO2 produces (China, India, etc) don't do anything?
As I've already answered to another poster, yes it does. But discussions of what action we should or should not take, while ripe for debate, are only relevant if we both accept that anthropogenic climate change is real, which you don't, so why are you asking me about this? Can you support your claim that humans cannot affect the climate or not? Can you demonstrate that all those scientists who support the notion that we can and are affecting the climate are wrong? Or is it just your own personal incredulity that says "climate big, people small?"

And, because I grow weary of your deflections, if you cannot or will not answer my question, this will be my last response to you on this matter.
If Joe Biden was so successful, why is he not running for President? Why did so many Democrats want him to step down?

Please remind us of why Biden isn’t running against Trump!
I didn’t say “so successful.” I said the road to recovery from Trump. So he weaned us away from anti-democracy, vulgar, and reactionary rhetoric from our leadership.

Biden isn’t running because he is too old and fading fast. If elected, crazy-ass Trump will be even older while President. The prospect of a second Trump term is terrifying.
I didn’t say “so successful.” I said the road to recovery from Trump. So he weaned us away from anti-democracy, vulgar, and reactionary rhetoric from our leadership.

Biden isn’t running because he is too old and fading fast. If elected, crazy-ass Trump will be even older while President. The prospect of a second Trump term is terrifying.
Is it anti-democracy to kick out the leading vote getter from the Democratic Party to appoint a candidate that not one American voter voted for?
Is it anti-democracy to kick out the leading vote getter from the Democratic Party to appoint a candidate that not one American voter voted for?
No. A political party is not a government entity. A private enterprise can do whatever the hell they want as long as there is no statutory prohibition.
No. A political party is not a government entity. A private enterprise can do whatever the hell they want as long as there is no statutory prohibition.
Seems like an excuse by the hypocritical democrats to me. Why bother to have a primary if the voters are ignored? No different than should Harris win, well let’s make Walz president even though no one voted for him directly.
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No. A political party is not a government entity. A private enterprise can do whatever the hell they want as long as there is no statutory prohibition.
I read his thoughts as philosophical and not limited to a legal view
Could have been.

Have you been to Europe before? It was my first time. I’m already ready to go back. Definitely missed some creature comforts of home but I’m afraid I’ve caught the travel bug friends warned me I would get.
Where in Europe? Belgium is American friendly and beautiful. Luxemburg and the American cemetery is a great place to pay respects for those of ours still over there, Italy is as good as it gets, the food is so good and the wine if incredible, and I thought about buying a place in Venice. But I still prefer the Good ol' USA.
That sounds like a great trip. I have been to both and understand your enthusiasm. The trains are great - although not really feasible in a large country like the US.

Where will you be going on your next Eurovacation? Several posters were talking in another threat about how much they like Germany.
My next is either the Alps and northern Italy or a Viking river cruise.
Funny enough, I initially started planning Germany but ended up with Italy because more friends had been there more recently. So Germany will be next.

I flew into and out of Zurich. That’s an amazing airport as well. Next time though I will pick a start and end city and build my trip in between. I’ve got more time behind me than in front of me. Time to explore for certain!
If you do Germany, see Belgium as well. Stay in Durbuy at the Hotel Sanglier and have their wild Boar. Visit Bruge and their canals, and stay on the North Sea, which is incredibly beautiful.
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My next is either the Alps and northern Italy or a Viking river cruise.
My neighbors two doors down (who happen to have a son currently playing on the Purdue football team) were coincidentally in Europe at the same time as us. They did a Viking River cruise and absolutely loved it. Then they spent another week traipsing around Poland and somewhere else. But the river cruise got big thumbs up from them and I admit do look incredible.
If you do Germany, see Belgium as well. Stay in Durbuy at the Hotel Sanglier and have their wild Boar. Visit Bruge and their canals, and stay on the North Sea, which is incredibly beautiful.
Thanks. I keep adding places to my list and just added all of these. I appreciate the hotel recommendation especially because i tried to balance expenses and used Marriott points for a good chunk of my stays but my most enjoyable nights were at the couple of boutique hotels I stayed at.
Where in Europe? Belgium is American friendly and beautiful. Luxemburg and the American cemetery is a great place to pay respects for those of ours still over there, Italy is as good as it gets, the food is so good and the wine if incredible, and I thought about buying a place in Venice. But I still prefer the Good ol' USA.
There are places in Italy that are very cheap where towns are dying and they want new blood infused into the area, but you have to sign a contract to update and I believe may need to spend a certain amount of money in the update. I think it is Venice in Oct/Nov that has a rainy season and floods a bit. I have never been south of Positano, but like Florence a lot since it is small and easy to get to other places as well.
If you do Germany, see Belgium as well. Stay in Durbuy at the Hotel Sanglier and have their wild Boar. Visit Bruge and their canals, and stay on the North Sea, which is incredibly beautiful.
Had I had more time, I would have made the trip to see Patton's grave and would enjoy so much a Band Of Brother's tour Bastone etc.
I didn’t say “so successful.” I said the road to recovery from Trump. So he weaned us away from anti-democracy, vulgar, and reactionary rhetoric from our leadership.

Biden isn’t running because he is too old and fading fast. If elected, crazy-ass Trump will be even older while President. The prospect of a second Trump term is terrifying.
If he’s too old and fading fast, why not transition to Harris now?
Had I had more time, I would have made the trip to see Patton's grave and would enjoy so much a Band Of Brother's tour Bastone etc.
There is so much to see in Belgium the way history has been preserved. Our foxholes are still preserved in the Ardennes. Our Ameircan caretaker of the Luxemborg cemetery came out and asked me to help her fold the flags in the evening. Very sentimental for me as my father was in the 101st and fought in Belgium.
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There are places in Italy that are very cheap where towns are dying and they want new blood infused into the area, but you have to sign a contract to update and I believe may need to spend a certain amount of money in the update. I think it is Venice in Oct/Nov that has a rainy season and floods a bit. I have never been south of Positano, but like Florence a lot since it is small and easy to get to other places as well.
Venice is losing population at an alarming rate, but it's a great place still. I may still look for property to rent and to stay a couple of months a year.
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Thanks. I keep adding places to my list and just added all of these. I appreciate the hotel recommendation especially because i tried to balance expenses and used Marriott points for a good chunk of my stays but my most enjoyable nights were at the couple of boutique hotels I stayed at.
We actually spent four nights in a castle in Tuscany where we were able to branch out to other small cities. You may want to check something like that out too. We had drivers and guides every day and learned so much through them. If you can afford it, it's the best way to go.
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Because he would have to agree to it and it would be too much of a death blow to the old guy’s ego?

Just a guess, but that’s likely it.
So Joes ego is more important than the country…got it. I thought Joe wasn’t a narcissist. Guess what the Democrats sold was pure BS.
For those of you on here who liked to talk about Biden’s mental acuity or what you perceived to be a lack thereof, I’m curious as to your thoughts on this.

Here’s Trump, being asked a specific policy question, and his full answer. Please watch this and then reconcile your defense of this man as some sort of policy wonk with your comments about Biden.

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For those of you on here who liked to talk about Biden’s mental acuity or what you perceived to be a lack thereof, I’m curious as to your thoughts on this.

Here’s Trump, being asked a specific policy question, and his full answer. Please watch this and then reconcile your defense of this man as some sort of policy wonk with your comments about Biden.

He calls that his weave.
English professors it's the most brilliant thing they've ever seen. Usually it's "people say". He getting more specific.

lol so funny how democrats and republicans need to make sure we only have two choices. Because if we had five they’d both get blown the f out.

Some Democrat stooge at a bar I was at (talking about 3rd party candidates getting more then 5%) “that’s only happened once in my life”

Me “yeah cause of people like you dude. You don’t want that to happen more then once in your life.”

The dude then proceeded to act like Obama didn’t print trillions of dollars just like Trump. Both of your candidates suck.
Who was your choice then? I mean no one is going to please everyone, of course, so I’m curious as to who you would prefer.
He calls that his weave.
English professors it's the most brilliant thing they've ever seen. Usually it's "people say". He getting more specific.

Tremendous word salad, yet there are people on this board who will defend this with all their being while also calling Biden senile (which, fine, and is why he’s not running). There’s absolutely no way this is any better. None.
Tremendous word salad, yet there are people on this board who will defend this with all their being while also calling Biden senile (which, fine, and is why he’s not running). There’s absolutely no way this is any better. None.
I think you are not looking at the big picture, 95 -- that is, the policies at the top of people's lists according to numerous polls.

Immigration is one, and Trump has a far better record than Harris/Biden in restricting the flow of illegals, drugs and child/sex trafficking due to the remain-in-Mexico policy he forced on Mexico.

Inflation: 1.4% when Trump left office, 9% 18 months later under Biden/Harris.

Foreign policy: Biden/Harris made the mil-industrial backed decision not to announce the US does not support Ukraine entering NATO, giving Putin a major propaganda edge and reason for the Ukraine invasion.

Foreign policy: Biden/Harris let up on sanctions on Iran as a key part of their shameful Iran appeasement program.

Trump says many foolish things, but look at his record v. Biden/Harris.
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I think you are not looking at the big picture, 95 -- that is, the policies at the top of people's lists according to numerous polls.

Immigration is one, and Trump has a far better record than Harris/Biden in restricting the flow of illegals, drugs and child/sex trafficking due to the remain-in-Mexico policy he forced on Mexico.

Inflation: 1.4% when Trump left office, 9% 18 months later under Biden/Harris.

Foreign policy: Biden/Harris made the mil-industrial backed decision not to announce the US does not support Ukraine entering NATO, giving Putin a major propaganda edge and reason for the Ukraine invasion.

Foreign policy: Biden/Harris let up on sanctions on Iran as a key part of their shameful Iran appeasement program.

Trump says many foolish things, but look at his record v. Biden/Harris.
Nope, you’re not going to move the goalposts here. You and others enjoyed bashing on Biden and calling him a dementia patient etc and when asked a specific policy question, that was the answer Trump gave. So again, why does he get a pass from you?