They Say "Money Talks" So Let's Talk

Going to be a beat down day for the markets. Futures down over 1200 points.

U.S. economy is still very strong. Created 273,000 new jobs in Feb. Unemployment down to 3.5%, lowest in 5 decades. Wages up 3% compared to year earlier.

Just need to get thru the next 3-4 weeks.
Going to be a beat down day for the markets. Futures down over 1200 points.

U.S. economy is still very strong. Created 273,000 new jobs in Feb. Unemployment down to 3.5%, lowest in 5 decades. Wages up 3% compared to year earlier.

Just need to get thru the next 3-4 weeks.

yeh, this sucks.
Can't do anything now but wait. It'll come back, just sucks to have given back all these gains.
But, very few people can time the market, and even fewer can do so consistently.
yeh, this sucks.
Can't do anything now but wait. It'll come back, just sucks to have given back all these gains.
But, very few people can time the market, and even fewer can do so consistently.
Not suggesting market timing. More 3-4 weeks for the CV scare to calm. WHO stats for new cases in China have been very low this month. Think 45 yesterday. And 100 or so each previous 4-5 days. Maybe at the peak for China.
Not suggesting market timing. More 3-4 weeks for the CV scare to calm. WHO stats for new cases in China have been very low this month. Think 45 yesterday. And 100 or so each previous 4-5 days. Maybe at the peak for China.
Agreed, but my point is, if you didn't make some moves 2 weeks ago, I don't see any sense in making them now (selling) because the market can turn north just as quickly as it turned south.
Obviously, I'm a very optimistic investor (gambler at times) and I still believe that the Coronavirus is a black swan, the underlying fundamentals haven't changed and in fact, some monetary policy has that will benefit the market even more.

Like many things, (global warming..cough cough), it depends on who you listen to in order to get your 'facts' and 'science'.

Scientists and doctors, just like everyone else, can certainly have an agenda (specifically, lobbying for more funding).
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Like many things, (global warming..cough cough), it depends on who you listen to in order to get your 'facts' and 'science'.

Scientists and doctors, just like everyone else, can certainly have an agenda (specifically, lobbying for more funding).
But what you people do with scientists is the same thing you do with media and anybody else that criticizes or disagrees with Trump. If one prediction or story is wrong, you throw them into the "they all have an agenda" or "they hate orange man" pile. From then on, you don't even consider they may be right. Trump has so instilled his paranoia and victimization mantra into you that you just default to the "trump is right and everyone else is wrong" position.
But what you people do with scientists is the same thing you do with media and anybody else that criticizes or disagrees with Trump. If one prediction or story is wrong, you throw them into the "they all have an agenda" or "they hate orange man" pile. From then on, you don't even consider they may be right. Trump has so instilled his paranoia and victimization mantra into you that you just default to the "trump is right and everyone else is wrong" position.
Oh Bullshit Bob. Your DST has taken over any rational thought process you ever had. How about we all just step back, shut up, and let those in charge figure out the best path to take. If they haven't by election time, you might get your wish.
Futures up close to 900 points. European markets all up early. Monday was bad. Oct ‘87 crash much worse. Lost nearly 25%. In one day. Just a little perspective.

I survived that one, will make it through this downturn.
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But what you people do with scientists is the same thing you do with media and anybody else that criticizes or disagrees with Trump. If one prediction or story is wrong, you throw them into the "they all have an agenda" or "they hate orange man" pile. From then on, you don't even consider they may be right. Trump has so instilled his paranoia and victimization mantra into you that you just default to the "trump is right and everyone else is wrong" position.

I don't think this is true. But again, as I said, it depends on who you listen to. Whether it's coronovirus or global warming, you can find 'experts' who can support their position with data and facts on both sides of the argument.
But, what we've also seen, is that most of the mainstream media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC) other than Fox, have been extremely quick to condemn Trump on every single accusation he's ever faced and very rarely, if ever, give him the benefit of the doubt. So, I think his supporters have the right to be suspicious.
How often does the media (other than Fox) give Trump credit for something he's done well or accomplished? Very, very, rarely.
Agreed, but my point is, if you didn't make some moves 2 weeks ago, I don't see any sense in making them now (selling) because the market can turn north just as quickly as it turned south.
Obviously, I'm a very optimistic investor (gambler at times) and I still believe that the Coronavirus is a black swan, the underlying fundamentals haven't changed and in fact, some monetary policy has that will benefit the market even more.
MY FA guy just called this morning. Told him that I haven't looked, that I don't want to know numbers. Taking some cash that's not making anything and investing it in growth funds betting on it coming back in May/June timeline. He thinks the market will rebound at record rates early to mid Summer.
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I don't think this is true. But again, as I said, it depends on who you listen to. Whether it's coronovirus or global warming, you can find 'experts' who can support their position with data and facts on both sides of the argument.
But, what we've also seen, is that most of the mainstream media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC) other than Fox, have been extremely quick to condemn Trump on every single accusation he's ever faced and very rarely, if ever, give him the benefit of the doubt. So, I think his supporters have the right to be suspicious.
How often does the media (other than Fox) give Trump credit for something he's done well or accomplished? Very, very, rarely.
( cough...cough...)
There are still "experts" who can give you a raft of data, " proving" that smoking isn't all that hazardous to your health.
"Experts" who can "prove" that child vaccinations are dangerous/unnecessary.
"Experts" who can "prove" that Global Warming is a hoax.
Like you's who (one) listens to.
Per Henry David Thoreau: " It's not what you're looking at...…'s what you see. "
So true.
MY FA guy just called this morning. Told him that I haven't looked, that I don't want to know numbers. Taking some cash that's not making anything and investing it in growth funds betting on it coming back in May/June timeline. He thinks the market will rebound at record rates early to mid Summer.

In 2008 i panicked and bought Mutual funds and hi grade bonds. My average return on my investment is around 2 1/2%. At least it's tax free income. Yea you know how I've felt the last 3 years.
I sold because I was retiring and at least I knew I could live comfortably on that income. Now my wife's 401 K doubled so not all is bad. And my farm lease payments are still holding same as last year.
In 2008 i panicked and bought Mutual funds and hi grade bonds. My average return on my investment is around 2 1/2%. At least it's tax free income. Yea you know how I've felt the last 3 years.
I sold because I was retiring and at least I knew I could live comfortably on that income. Now my wife's 401 K doubled so not all is bad. And my farm lease payments are still holding same as last year.
Good for you. I'm still planning on retiring sometime this summer.
You know, it's going to be okay. It may not be pleasant for a month or two, but it's going to be okay.

Still avoiding looking at anything that has to do with my investments. Just riding it out and realizing that it'll go back up.
Still avoiding looking at anything that has to do with my investments. Just riding it out and realizing that it'll go back up.
I took $25K yesterday and bought growth funds on the advice of my FA. We both believe very strongly that this will be over, and when it is the market goes on the other side of 30K. And that 25 grand will be a lot more. So far, the guy has made me a lot of money.
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I took $25K yesterday and bought growth funds on the advice of my FA. We both believe very strongly that this will be over, and when it is the market goes on the other side of 30K. And that 25 grand will be a lot more. So far, the guy has made me a lot of money.
Most likely will be a very good move. 20-25% upside by mid-summer.

Mostly sitting tight. Reinvested dividends going into fixed assets. No IRA distributions for 3-6 months. Take quarterly IRA divs in late March and review. No selling anything. Since the Feb 22-25 high, portfolio down 12.9%.

Read a week or so ago that two consecutive up days could signal the low. Been down one, up one, down one, up one, down two, up one. Rinse, repeat.
Most likely will be a very good move. 20-25% upside by mid-summer.

Mostly sitting tight. Reinvested dividends going into fixed assets. No IRA distributions for 3-6 months. Take quarterly IRA divs in late March and review. No selling anything. Since the Feb 22-25 high, portfolio down 12.9%.

Read a week or so ago that two consecutive up days could signal the low. Been down one, up one, down one, up one, down two, up one. Rinse, repeat.

I also read that about two consecutive days up but not sure that will be true with this pandemic
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I read yesterday that Goldman Sachs head commodities researches was very concerned about the oil issue, entirely apart from Covid-19, saying there were very serious issues.
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Most likely will be a very good move. 20-25% upside by mid-summer.

Mostly sitting tight. Reinvested dividends going into fixed assets. No IRA distributions for 3-6 months. Take quarterly IRA divs in late March and review. No selling anything. Since the Feb 22-25 high, portfolio down 12.9%.

Read a week or so ago that two consecutive up days could signal the low. Been down one, up one, down one, up one, down two, up one. Rinse, repeat.
Once everyone shuts down and we're all staying at home.....the virus dies out, the market goes back up and
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Correct me if I'm wrong:
China reporting the domestic air travel has increased over 40% in the last 2 weeks.
New cases in China are growing at a declining rate (I think I learned that in calculus class).
In several recent commentaries from financial experts, they believe we're close to or at the bottom of the market decline (we shall see).
I'm looking for this blood bath to be over....
I'm gonna take one for the team here:
I moved my cash into TAIL (no....not that kind of 'tail'). This is an ETF that's been one of the few bright spots in this $hit storm of a market.

Why is that important you ask? Because that pretty much guarantees that since I've now gone a little bit on the defensive, the market rebound should be right around the corner and I'll be paying more to get back in.
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I'm gonna take one for the team here:
I moved my cash into TAIL (no....not that kind of 'tail'). This is an ETF that's been one of the few bright spots in this $hit storm of a market.

Why is that important you ask? Because that pretty much guarantees that since I've now gone a little bit on the defensive, the market rebound should be right around the corner and I'll be paying more to get back in.
Bone....I sure hope you're right and that you're the catalyst.
wake up this AM to Dow Futures being up over 800. Happens every damn time.

Up to over 1100 in the subsequent 35 minutes.
While I certainly prefer this to yesterday, it is of little actual consolation, since it seems to support the theory that the market is running amok and without much guidance or security. I decided a couple days ago to just stay seated in my roller coaster car, scream, shout and endure the ride... although I admit that yesterday afternoon I came close to jumping out.
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Up to over 1100 in the subsequent 35 minutes.
While I certainly prefer this to yesterday, it is of little actual consolation, since it seems to support the theory that the market is running amok and without much guidance or security. I decided a couple days ago to just stay seated in my roller coaster car, scream, shout and endure the ride... although I admit that yesterday afternoon I came close to jumping out.
Futures have a 5% up limit. Stop trading when it gets to 5%. Did not know that. Market opens way over 1200-1300 points. Could be higher. Would be awesome. Love to see a 2500-3000 point up day.
I would guess that a significant portion of this morning's optimism stems from suggestions that Pelosi and Mnuchin are near an agreement for a financial aid package to ameliorate economic damages. I hope they are successful
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I would guess that a significant portion of this morning's optimism stems from suggestions that Pelosi and Mnuchin are near an agreement for a financial aid package to ameliorate economic damages. I hope the are successful

Read early this morning that Apple reopened all stores in China.
Futures have a 5% up limit. Stop trading when it gets to 5%. Did not know that. Market opens way over 1200-1300 points. Could be higher. Would be awesome. Love to see a 2500-3000 point up day.

I'm almost laughing at how easy it was to predict as soon as I got defensive. God's just messing with me now.....
But, if you've followed my posts on this thread (which is a great thread), I'm generally very, very optimistic about the market. Where I got spooked yesterday was the fact that there's so many things closing/cancelled, that if that results in layoffs and any blip in an unemployment number inching up, that there's now a 'fundamental' indicator of the impact of the CV compared to the reaction we've seen in the market which has mostly be due to fear/black swan.
On the other hand, it's very plausible to say "hey, we're down almost 30% from the highs, it can't possibly go much lower and as soon as positive news starts flowing, it'll shoot back up"
I'm the first to tell people "you can't time the market", but I'll admit, I'm not doing a good job of practicing what I preach in this situation.