The filibuster and the Democrats hypocrisy around the filibuster

If the lines are long in areas where more blacks vote than they need to elect local officials worth a fk.
Voting machine numbers and locations are a local decision.
The Feds offer grants and free voting systems to local governments.
The local officials need to get off their duffs and get the money for the machines.
Lines will be long in areas where they are removing drop boxes, mail voting, drive by etc
There are no voter suppression laws. That's total bullshit. Nobody is physically preventing anyone from voting. Period.
These laws make it harder for people to vote. The repubs win elections largely when the turn out is low. Chump got 70 million votes in 2020. The dem turn put was tremendous and put Biden over the top by 11 million votes. Now the repubs claim cheating and now passing laws to lower the dem voting turn out. A few hundred less here, a few there can win a state for someonw.
These laws make it harder for people to vote.
No. They don't. Asking for an ID you already have for other things doesn't make it harder. This has been proven time after time to you. Pull your head out of CNN's ass just once.
Europe has had massive fraud from mail in voting. Just because it isn't caught, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You have to look for it to find it you know...
That's Europe. Here in the US there are only 0.0003% of fraud in elections. We've had mail in voting, absentee voting for decades. The US military has done it for decades. No fraud. Chump loses in 2020 and now all if a sudden there is cheating. This is obvious what the repubs are trying to do.
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These laws make it harder for people to vote. The repubs win elections largely when the turn out is low. Chump got 70 million votes in 2020. The dem turn put was tremendous and put Biden over the top by 11 million votes. Now the repubs claim cheating and now passing laws to lower the dem voting turn out. A few hundred less here, a few there can win a state for someonw.
Wrong, Trump got 74M votes in 2020 which was over 10M more than Obama got in 2012. Trump got more votes than any R in history by a wide margin.
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That's Europe. Here in the US there are only 0.0003% of fraud in elections. We've had mail in voting, absentee voting for decades. The US military has done it for decades. No fraud. Chump loses in 2020 and now all if a sudden there is cheating. This is obvious what the repubs are trying to do.
You leftists literally complained about voting fraud in 2016. You really are neck deep up CNN's ass. No other explanation for you being this........ dumb.
How many times are you going to get this wrong? How many times do I have to point out the truth before you stop posting this lie. voter ID started a long time before 2008. 2002 was the first federal requirement for ID if registered by mail and the state of Indiana submitted it's voter ID laws in 2006. The courts didn't approve it until 2008. STOP LYING!!
Perhaps you are correct. But I'm telling counties or what may not have been enforcing voters to have an ID. After 2008 there was a huge push in Republican controlled states to require ID after Obama won. Repub strategist wisely noticed that a lot of blacks, particularly the elderly in the major cities did not have an ID. That's fine, get an ID. In recent years and the steam pickup after the 2020 election is that they now restricting mail in voting, absentee, drive by etc.
And? You don't hear Republicans saying we need to get rid of it do you? Dems only want it gone because they are the majority now and they don't want anything blocking their agenda. The filibuster is a very much needed item for our government to not grow out of control.
Mitch got rid of it for the supreme court. Yes, Reid did it first for lower judicial appointments.......and if your argument is gonna be, "But they did it first!!!!" then you're just taking a partisan position and not acknowledging that both sides are to blame. Mitch had no problem doing a 180 on the timing of supreme court appointments.

Both parties have abused the process since the '70s. That's my point and that's the point of the article.

The filibuster is not in the constitution and has been changed many times throughout history. But once they got away from having to actually stand up and make an argument.......or read poetry or whatever, it's gotten too easy to use.
The funny thing here is that you don't have a shred of evidence that voter ID laws are suppressing votes other than talking heads claiming it's so.
And you have no evidence that was widespread cheating in the 2020 election that required all these voter suppression laws to pop up in over 40 states.

As far as suppressing votes, whether there is evidence or not or whether it does or not, the point is that the very intention is to suppress the vote. Particularly since the repubs did not like the out come of the 2008 and 2020 elections. Where was the outcry from the repubs about cheating when Chump won in 2016? Crickets, crickets, crickets.
Lines will be long in areas where they are removing drop boxes, mail voting, drive by etc
So what? Are blacks the only people who have to wait in line to vote?
If you're too lazy to stand in line for a little while once every 4 years, then you shouldn't be voting to begin with.
No. They don't. Asking for an ID you already have for other things doesn't make it harder. This has been proven time after time to you. Pull your head out of CNN's ass just once.
Y'all are fixated on voter ID. The repubs have moved on to other things to make it harder to vote. In some states they took ar trying to take away Sunday voting. Blacks called it "Souls to the Polls". After church, Blacks enjoyed going to vote. They are now disenfranchising all dem voters by removing mail in, Absentee voting, drop by. In GA the removed drop boxes from the urban areas and added drop boxes to the rural areas.
These laws make it harder for people to vote. The repubs win elections largely when the turn out is low. Chump got 70 million votes in 2020. The dem turn put was tremendous and put Biden over the top by 11 million votes. Now the repubs claim cheating and now passing laws to lower the dem voting turn out. A few hundred less here, a few there can win a state for someonw.
So, are you saying dems are lazier when it comes to voting? That they're not willing to comply with additional voting laws?

Do you know what the voting laws are in NY? NY is a super blue state run by libs, lefties and dems yet they have strict voter ID requirements. Does that upset you?
Wrong, Trump got 74M votes in 2020 which was over 10M more than Obama got in 2012. Trump got more votes than any R in history by a wide margin.
70M or 74M, cool. The point is that the dem turnout was huge and put Biden over the top of whatever votes Chump got. Then now the repubs are trying to claim fraud and cheating to restrict that because they know when the dem turn out is high, they lose.
Perhaps you are correct. But I'm telling counties or what may not have been enforcing voters to have an ID. After 2008 there was a huge push in Republican controlled states to require ID after Obama won. Repub strategist wisely noticed that a lot of blacks, particularly the elderly in the major cities did not have an ID. That's fine, get an ID. In recent years and the steam pickup after the 2020 election is that they now restricting mail in voting, absentee, drive by etc.
It sounds to me like they're restricting lazy voting. I see nothing wrong with this.

If voting is important to blacks, they'll figure out a way to comply with the rules. If it's not, they won't.
@BuilderBob6 European countries have all but completely done away with mail in voting. Why? Widespread fraud.

Nice to see an actual journalist admit they were wrong about something. In this case, mail in voting. Too bad the USA didn't have the balls to dive in the way the UK did. Instead we had court cases tossed before hearing evidence and fake audits that were nothing more than recounts.

Not true.

"Currently, 14 countries in Europe provide in-country postal voting opportunities to voters,” Heinmaa said in an email. “In eight of these countries, all voters are eligible, and in six only voters in certain outlined categories may vote.”

This article is from 2020. Your's was last updated in 2005. Maybe you should post more current information.

Some court cases were tossed for filing errors or because the petitioners lacked standing. But most were tossed because they lacked merit based on the facts or the law. For instance, one in Pennsylvania wasn't heard because the claim was that observers we're not allowed to watch the count. It wasn't true. There were observers, the law was followed concerning who and how many. The lawsuit was tossed immediately because the claim wasn't true. Just because the trump lawyers thought their people should observe means nothing. That's their opinion, it's not law.

To claim the cases were never heard ignores the judicial process and is disingenuous at best.
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The Voting Rights Bill enables and encourages cheating. Please explain the issues you have with the voting bill that was passed in Georgia?

1) It requires an ID to vote. That’s a good thing. Shit, residents in DC can’t even leave their home without one, per the Mayor and their new Covid rules. Just about every democracy in the world requires an ID to vote

2) It reduces ballot drop boxes. Good. Easier to manage and ensure votes are protected. Drop boxes in Georgia didn’t even exist before 2020 and no one complained. And, people can still drop their ballot in the mail. Limiting drop boxes only causes issues for those wanting to cheat or those who are entirely incompetent.

3) It limits (it does not eliminate) mail in ballots. Big deal. Go vote in person like they do everywhere else in the western world.

Maybe you’re upset the government doesn’t feed you while you wait in line? Too damn bad. Bring a granola bar.
My rare succinct response
Y'all are fixated on voter ID. The repubs have moved on to other things to make it harder to vote. In some states they took ar trying to take away Sunday voting. Blacks called it "Souls to the Polls". After church, Blacks enjoyed going to vote. They are now disenfranchising all dem voters by removing mail in, Absentee voting, drop by. In GA the removed drop boxes from the urban areas and added drop boxes to the rural areas.
Church bus don't run on Saturdays (once every 4 years......I"ll say that again...ONCE every four years).
So what? Are blacks the only people who have to wait in line to vote?
If you're too lazy to stand in line for a little while once every 4 years, then you shouldn't be voting to begin with.
The repubs have moved on from from just targeting black voters. The latest round of voter suppression laws, yes still disenfranchise blacks, they disenfranchise mostly democratic voters in general by removing drop boxes, mail voting, absentee voting, drive by voting etc. These are voting methods that mostly dem voters have been doing for years. Now by removing all this stuff. The repubs mostly like to vote in person. The line will be long. They were long in some areas anyhow.
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The repubs have moved on from from just targeting black voters. The latest round of voter suppression laws, yes still disenfranchise blacks, they disenfranchise mostly democratic voters in general by removing drop boxes, mail voting, absentee voting, drive by voting etc. These are voting methods that mostly dem voters have been doing for years. Now by removing all this stuff. The repubs mostly like to vote in person. The line will be long. They were long in some areas anyhow.
Tough $hit, deal with it.
It sounds to me that dems are lazy and if voting requires the least amount of extra effort (which anyone voting Repub will have to exert as well), they won't do it. I say good! Don't vote.
If you're too lazy to comply with a couple of rules ONCE EVERY FOUR YEARS, they your lazy mind should be deciding the leadership of our country.

But, I bet you if you were giving out $100 bills and that required dems to show up with picture ID and to wait in line for a couple of hours, you'd have a line down around the corner with dems holding their hand out.
Tough $hit, deal with it.
It sounds to me that dems are lazy and if voting requires the least amount of extra effort (which anyone voting Repub will have to exert as well), they won't do it. I say good! Don't vote.
If you're too lazy to comply with a couple of rules ONCE EVERY FOUR YEARS, they your lazy mind should be deciding the leadership of our country.

But, I bet you if you were giving out $100 bills and that required dems to show up with picture ID and to wait in line for a couple of hours, you'd have a line down around the corner with dems holding their hand out.
Hell they are too lazy to work let alone vote. But they sure don't mind showing that ID to cash those government checks!
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Perhaps you are correct. But I'm telling counties or what may not have been enforcing voters to have an ID. After 2008 there was a huge push in Republican controlled states to require ID after Obama won. Repub strategist wisely noticed that a lot of blacks, particularly the elderly in the major cities did not have an ID. That's fine, get an ID. In recent years and the steam pickup after the 2020 election is that they now restricting mail in voting, absentee, drive by etc.
Mail in voting needs to be restricted in my opinion. It needs to be restricted to the elderly, disabled, home bound and true absenteeism. Mail in ballots need to be counted only when received on the voting day up to the time the local polls close. Other than that any able body that wants to vote should vote in person. If you can't handle waiting in line without food/water than maybe you have a case for main in.
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These laws make it harder for people to vote. The repubs win elections largely when the turn out is low. Chump got 70 million votes in 2020. The dem turn put was tremendous and put Biden over the top by 11 million votes. Now the repubs claim cheating and now passing laws to lower the dem voting turn out. A few hundred less here, a few there can win a state for someonw.
Making it harder is not suppression. It's harder for me to have to go to a place in town to vote vs having someone visit my home, fill out a ballot, and have them submit it for me so I can be a lazy ass. But I'm not being suppressed.
That's Europe. Here in the US there are only 0.0003% of fraud in elections. We've had mail in voting, absentee voting for decades. The US military has done it for decades. No fraud. Chump loses in 2020 and now all if a sudden there is cheating. This is obvious what the repubs are trying to do.
Dude, you honestly think that ALL fraud is caught? We didn't even seriously look for it this past election. Anyone claiming we did is a ****ing liar.
Mitch got rid of it for the supreme court. Yes, Reid did it first for lower judicial appointments.......and if your argument is gonna be, "But they did it first!!!!" then you're just taking a partisan position and not acknowledging that both sides are to blame. Mitch had no problem doing a 180 on the timing of supreme court appointments.

Both parties have abused the process since the '70s. That's my point and that's the point of the article.

The filibuster is not in the constitution and has been changed many times throughout history. But once they got away from having to actually stand up and make an argument.......or read poetry or whatever, it's gotten too easy to use.
It's still needed. Our government is growing far to quickly as it is. Filibuster is a necessity.
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And you have no evidence that was widespread cheating in the 2020 election that required all these voter suppression laws to pop up in over 40 states.

As far as suppressing votes, whether there is evidence or not or whether it does or not, the point is that the very intention is to suppress the vote. Particularly since the repubs did not like the out come of the 2008 and 2020 elections. Where was the outcry from the repubs about cheating when Chump won in 2016? Crickets, crickets, crickets.
Stop being a moron. Calling them voter suppression is skewing the facts. It's a barrier to vote yes, but ONLY to those that want to cheat. If you're an American citizen there is NO barrier to overcome.
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Not true.

"Currently, 14 countries in Europe provide in-country postal voting opportunities to voters,” Heinmaa said in an email. “In eight of these countries, all voters are eligible, and in six only voters in certain outlined categories may vote.”

This article is from 2020. Your's was last updated in 2005. Maybe you should post more current information.

Some court cases were tossed for filing errors or because the petitioners lacked standing. But most were tossed because they lacked merit based on the facts or the law. For instance, one in Pennsylvania wasn't heard because the claim was that observers we're not allowed to watch the count. It wasn't true. There were observers, the law was followed concerning who and how many. The lawsuit was tossed immediately because the claim wasn't true. Just because the trump lawyers thought their people should observe means nothing. That's their opinion, it's not law.

To claim the cases were never heard ignores the judicial process and is disingenuous at best.
Wrong, MOST were tossed before hearing the merits of their case. Many for procedural error. A very small amount were tossed do to lack of merit.

I never said Europe blocked ALL mail in voting. Just that it's limited because of fraud. That's just a fact.

I had a very recent article from the BBC on mail in voting not that long ago but apparently either they recently took it down OR the google algorithm is burying it.

I don't trust shit put out by the WaPo on this matter anymore.
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Hell they are too lazy to work let alone vote. But they sure don't mind showing that ID to cash those government checks!

Sounds like they’ll vote only if their given donuts and coffee while they wait. Oh, such a violation of civil liberties to not feed us while we wait in a line.