The filibuster and the Democrats hypocrisy around the filibuster

Mail in voting needs to be restricted in my opinion. It needs to be restricted to the elderly, disabled, home bound and true absenteeism. Mail in ballots need to be counted only when received on the voting day up to the time the local polls close. Other than that any able body that wants to vote should vote in person. If you can't handle waiting in line without food/water than maybe you have a case for main in.
Why wasn't this an issue in 2016?
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Making it harder is not suppression. It's harder for me to have to go to a place in town to vote vs having someone visit my home, fill out a ballot, and have them submit it for me so I can be a lazy ass. But I'm not being suppressed.
It is suppression where they are trying to reduce the number of dems voting by making it harder to vote. Low voter turnout is the key to the repubs winning.
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That’s a myth.
You and others are in serious denial. Are the new laws successful in suppressing the vote? Who knows? But you cannot argue that these new laws are intended to suppress the dem votes.

Let me ask you. Why didn't the repubs change the laws after the 2016 election? They had mail in, drop boxes, drive by etc. then.
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You and others are in serious denial. Are the new laws successful in suppressing the vote? Who knows? But you cannot argue that these new laws are intended to suppress the dem votes.

Let me ask you. Why didn't the repubs change the laws after the 2016 election? They had mail in, drop boxes, drive by etc. then.
Maybe they didn’t realize the Ds would stoop as low as they did in 2020 in order to win?
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Wrong, MOST were tossed before hearing the merits of their case. Many for procedural error. A very small amount were tossed do to lack of merit.

I never said Europe blocked ALL mail in voting. Just that it's limited because of fraud. That's just a fact.

I had a very recent article from the BBC on mail in voting not that long ago but apparently either they recently took it down OR the google algorithm is burying it.

I don't trust shit put out by the WaPo on this matter anymore.
Ya mean we can't trust high tech and media for accuracy. I'll bet the media disagrees...
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It is suppression where they are trying to reduce the number of dems voting by making it harder to vote. Low voter turnout is the key to the repubs winning.
True or False: Regardless of whether you vote democrat or republican, you have to abide by and comply with the EXACT same voting rules and regulations?
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You and others are in serious denial. Are the new laws successful in suppressing the vote? Who knows? But you cannot argue that these new laws are intended to suppress the dem votes.

Let me ask you. Why didn't the repubs change the laws after the 2016 election? They had mail in, drop boxes, drive by etc. then.
Why does the government sometimes put a stop light at an intersection that never had one in the past?
@BNI: NY has what would be considered relatively strict voter regulations, including requiring photo ID. Do you think NY is trying to suppression democrats votes with their voting laws?
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Let me ask you. Why didn't the repubs change the laws after the 2016 election? They had mail in, drop boxes, drive by etc. then.
They did and I liked it to you before. I mean this in all seriousness, you have serious mental issues. Like you need to be committed type issues.
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Why does the government sometimes put a stop light at an intersection that never had one in the past?
That's my point. They put a stop light because previous crashes in that intersection. As far as the new voter suppression laws, there is very little voter fraud like 0.0003%. And the ones they catch are prosecuted. Why wasn't there a push to change the laws after the 2016 election?
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There was. Seriously how dense are you?? It was literally in a link I posted earlier.

Seek help for your mental issues whitey.
They don’t have mental facilities on the Democrat plantation for @BNIBoiler to check himself in to…Nancy his massah has him fetching her sweet tea for her. Vote Democrat and do not try to leave or vote for any other party. Keep the party on top of mind at all times. The party. The party. The party.
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That's my point. They put a stop light because previous crashes in that intersection. As far as the new voter suppression laws, there is very little voter fraud like 0.0003%. And the ones they catch are prosecuted. Why wasn't there a push to change the laws after the 2016 election?
Because just like in the stop light case, due to an increase in traffic, which resulted in an increase in accidents, which required a change to the process, the people who are in charge of voter integrity want to do everything they can to reduce/eliminate fraud.

And...just like in the intersection where there's now a stop light that forces you to wait where before you might have just had to stop and look both ways, voting rules might be an inconvenience to some, but they're not designed to discourage one party or one race from voting. To believe that is just ignorant.

But I'll make the point again....if you're too lazy to accept a little inconvenience ONCE EVERY 4 YEARS, then perhaps you're too lazy to understand the issues and what you're voting for.
Because just like in the stop light case, due to an increase in traffic, which resulted in an increase in accidents, which required a change to the process, the people who are in charge of voter integrity want to do everything they can to reduce/eliminate fraud.

And...just like in the intersection where there's now a stop light that forces you to wait where before you might have just had to stop and look both ways, voting rules might be an inconvenience to some, but they're not designed to discourage one party or one race from voting. To believe that is just ignorant.

But I'll make the point again....if you're too lazy to accept a little inconvenience ONCE EVERY 4 YEARS, then perhaps you're too lazy to understand the issues and what you're voting for.
So why wasn't there a repub push to change voting laws after the 2016 election?
Because just like in the stop light case, due to an increase in traffic, which resulted in an increase in accidents, which required a change to the process, the people who are in charge of voter integrity want to do everything they can to reduce/eliminate fraud.
As usual you don't understand. The ain't no fraud. It's a solution looking for a problem. If there were fraud I'll be for some of these changes. But there is none.
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It is suppression where they are trying to reduce the number of dems voting by making it harder to vote. Low voter turnout is the key to the repubs winning.
You have no evidence that they are trying to suppress Dems and are suppressing Dems. You're being duped by talking heads. The Dems just want it to be easier for people to vote that shouldn't. Hence why they are pushing for criminals and illegals to vote. Not to mention lower the voter age to 16. Like we don't have enough uneducated voters as it is...
You and others are in serious denial. Are the new laws successful in suppressing the vote? Who knows? But you cannot argue that these new laws are intended to suppress the dem votes.

Let me ask you. Why didn't the repubs change the laws after the 2016 election? They had mail in, drop boxes, drive by etc. then.
Yes. We can 100% argue that these votes are targeted at keeping Dems from voting. Look, here's the deal. If you're an American, it's actually pretty easy to vote. It really is. To claim that any of the current laws on the books are suppressing votes of a particular party is just flat out dumb and you're insane if you believe it. The Democrats have been dirty since their inception. They are the only party that I am aware of that has gotten away with straight up voter fraud to win elections (see Chicago, Philly, New York, etc). They are the party that wanted to keep slavery and started the KKK. EVERY SINGLE F@CKING THING THE DEMS HAVE DONE THEY'VE CONVINCED YOU THAT IT'S THE OTHER PARTY! It's stupidity at it's finest!
So why wasn't there a repub push to change voting laws after the 2016 election?
Maybe those who control the voting laws determined that the opportunity to commit fraud was getting easier.
Maybe the means of committing fraud had become very sophisticated.
Maybe it's because a pig has a curly tail.
The point being, the REASON doesn't matter (and it's most certainly not to discourage blacks from voting), what matters is that the rules change, and whether you like the new rules or why the new rules were enacted, they changed regardless.
If voting is important, you'll play by the new rules. If it's not, you won't. Super simple.
As usual you don't understand. The ain't no fraud. It's a solution looking for a problem. If there were fraud I'll be for some of these changes. But there is none.
As I said, the reason doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what reason they give for changing voting laws, they change. As a voter, you have to now abide by the new rules.
My uncle used to say "you can shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first".
@BNI: NY has what would be considered relatively strict voter regulations, including requiring photo ID. Do you think NY is trying to suppression democrats votes with their voting laws?
@BNIBoiler Hell Delaware, Biden's own state, has tougher voting laws than ANY of the new Republican laws that have been passed, yet you don't hear the shit media crying about that do you? NO. Why? Because it's not about truth, it's about keeping you focused on what they want you to be focused on and not the real issues.
That's my point. They put a stop light because previous crashes in that intersection. As far as the new voter suppression laws, there is very little voter fraud like 0.0003%. And the ones they catch are prosecuted. Why wasn't there a push to change the laws after the 2016 election?
You're hopeless. Seriously, you need help. If you don't look for fraud you will never find it. They aren't going to just come up to you and say "hey, did you see what we did there?" There were no audits this past election. Only recounts. You cannot find fraud in recounts. Also, it's especially hard to find fraud from mail in votes. So even if they looked, they could easily miss it.
As usual you don't understand. The ain't no fraud. It's a solution looking for a problem. If there were fraud I'll be for some of these changes. But there is none.
Dude, there was tons of fraud this last election. The evidence was out there. Nobody officially wanted to look.
As I said, the reason doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what reason they give for changing voting laws, they change. As a voter, you have to now abide by the new rules.
My uncle used to say "you can shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first".
I like old sayings. Anyhow, yes rules change but y'all don't seem to or want to understand the reason behind the change and that is to lower the dems turnout in future elections. Y'all didn't like the 2020 results and want to take back power. GA lost 2 repub senators in 2020. They couldn't change the voting laws fast enough.
I like old sayings. Anyhow, yes rules change but y'all don't seem to or want to understand the reason behind the change and that is to lower the dems turnout in future elections. Y'all didn't like the 2020 results and want to take back power. GA lost 2 repub senators in 2020. They couldn't change the voting laws fast enough.
Based on what? What evidence do you have that this is the motive other than Dem talking points? Voter fraud, (even if it is low) is a known thing and happens all the time. They are trying to slow it down. The rest of the world already have these laws. Why are you so afraid of catching up with them in election security?

Trust me, we understand just fine. What the Dems also understand is that the more people wake up to their bullshit, the more votes they lose, so they need every loophole they can get to win.
@BNIBoiler Hell Delaware, Biden's own state, has tougher voting laws than ANY of the new Republican laws that have been passed, yet you don't hear the shit media crying about that do you? NO. Why? Because it's not about truth, it's about keeping you focused on what they want you to be focused on and not the real issues.
Don't know what those laws are but they were probably in place for several voting cycles. The recent voting changes are the direct result of the 2020 election.
Don't know what those laws are but they were probably in place for several voting cycles. The recent voting changes are the direct result of the 2020 election.
So? What fvcking difference does that make? They still aren't as restrictive as Delawares. That's all the matters.

If they are making these laws because of the 2020 election, then that tells me that they KNEW there was fraud and they are trying to prevent it. Suppression of cheaters, not legal voters. You have to understand that the people that make the laws were at the hearings that presented them evidence. I watched every single hearing. I can tell you there was a LOT to be very concerned about. Can't help that the courts didn't want to hear it. So the people that have the power to do something about it are.
Dude, there was tons of fraud this last election. The evidence was out there. Nobody officially wanted to look.
You sound like Faux News. IF THERE WAS FRAUD, WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? The states recounted, audited, 60 judges, most Chump appointees, threw out the cases because of NO evidence.
You sound like Faux News. IF THERE WAS FRAUD, WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? The states recounted, audited, 60 judges, most Chump appointees, threw out the cases because of NO evidence.
The evidence was presented in all of the hearings. I highly suggest you watch them instead of listening to others. You will never gain knowledge by allowing others to tell you what to think.

There was plenty of fraud. The evidence is there for you to find. There were NO audits. None. There were recounts and you can't find fraud in a recount.
So? What fvcking difference does that make? They still aren't as restrictive as Delawares. That's all the matters.

If they are making these laws because of the 2020 election, then that tells me that they KNEW there was fraud and they are trying to prevent it. Suppression of cheaters, not legal voters. You have to understand that the people that make the laws were at the hearings that presented them evidence. I watched every single hearing. I can tell you there was a LOT to be very concerned about. Can't help that the courts didn't want to hear it. So the people that have the power to do something about it are.
If there if fraud all the time, why didn't the repubs change the laws in 2016 when Chump won?
The evidence was presented in all of the hearings. I highly suggest you watch them instead of listening to others. You will never gain knowledge by allowing others to tell you what to think.

There was plenty of fraud. The evidence is there for you to find. There were NO audits. None. There were recounts and you can't find fraud in a recount.
Arizona had an audit and they actually found more votes for Biden.