The filibuster and the Democrats hypocrisy around the filibuster

You are one of the most ignorant and childish on here. Rep. John Lewis is not just a dead black guy. That is very disappointing to just undervalue a man such as you did. John Lewis got the hell beat out of him and a metal plate put in his head for the rest of his life on "Bloody Sunday" in 1965. The famous on infamous March from Selma to Montgomery. This march was mainly for voting rights, hence the name of one of the current bills they want to pass. When they crosses over the Edwin Pettis Bridge, name after a KKK leader by the way, the AL governor unleashed the state police and beat the hell out of the PEACEFUL protestors. John Lewis was one of them. This man almost gave up his life in order for people to vote freely in this country. That is why one of the bills is named after him. This is why y'all don't want you kids to know about this history. It is called learning. It is not meant to make them feel bad about themselves.
No he’s not just a dead black guy but he is technically a dead black guy…please tell me more about being ignorant and childish when you spout crazy bullshit on here every day. So Biden got a RECORD 81 million votes…who exactly is having their votes suppressed???
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You are one of the most ignorant and childish on here. Rep. John Lewis is not just a dead black guy. That is very disappointing to just undervalue a man such as you did. John Lewis got the hell beat out of him and a metal plate put in his head for the rest of his life on "Bloody Sunday" in 1965. The famous on infamous March from Selma to Montgomery. This march was mainly for voting rights, hence the name of one of the current bills they want to pass. When they crosses over the Edwin Pettis Bridge, name after a KKK leader by the way, the AL governor unleashed the state police and beat the hell out of the PEACEFUL protestors. John Lewis was one of them. This man almost gave up his life in order for people to vote freely in this country. That is why one of the bills is named after him. This is why y'all don't want you kids to know about this history. It is called learning. It is not meant to make them feel bad about themselves.
What he did as a peaceful protester in 1965 has almost nothing to do with the bill named after him. He and the other protesters were right to do what they did. The bill named after him is just a D attempt at rewriting federal voting laws to make things more-favorable for their political fortunes. Nothing more and nothing less.
What he did as a peaceful protester in 1965 has almost nothing to do with the bill named after him. He and the other protesters were right to do what they did. The bill named after him is just a D attempt at rewriting federal voting laws to make things more-favorable for their political fortunes. Nothing more and nothing less.
Freedom reduced this wonderful man as a "dead guy". I was just giving people a history lesson that John Lewis was more than just a "dead guy". The bill is named in honor of him because of the sacrifice that he made in history that dreadful day.

The bill named after him is a bill that would undo the voter suppression laws that the repubs inacted to make things more favorable for their political fortune.
Freedom reduced this wonderful man as a "dead guy". I was just giving people a history lesson that John Lewis was more than just a "dead guy". The bill is named in honor of him because of the sacrifice that he made in history that dreadful day.

The bill named after him is a bill that would undo the voter suppression laws that the repubs inacted to make things more favorable for their political fortune.
Biden won with a RECORD 81 million votes…whose votes are being suppressed???
No he’s not just a dead black guy but he is technically a dead black guy…please tell me more about being ignorant and childish when you spout crazy bullshit on here every day. So Biden got a RECORD 81 million votes…who exactly is having their votes suppressed???
Like I said, you are ignorant. Yes, Biden got 81 million votes. That is the reason the repubs have voter suppression laws popping up in almost every state as a result.
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Like I said, you are ignorant. Yes, Biden got 81 million votes. That is the reason the repubs have voter suppression laws popping up in almost every state as a result.
Lol sure, doing things to make elections more secure is VOTER SUPPRESSION to the stupid CNN crowd…the bill is unconstitutional and won’t pass thankfully…the Dems know the RED WAVE is coming because your plantation masters are so bad at this
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You still worried about THREATS to our democracy, sir??? You scattered like a rat as soon as Democrats were shown to THREATEN our democracy and had nothing to say…
You seem like you'd be a blast at parties. Take a deep breath and go kick rocks.
hey're passing voting restriction laws in order to find ways in which they can legally discard or negate votes where they see fit.

Georgia turned blue and Texas now has the potentially in the next few years to flip, and once that happens it's over. They're terrified.
You seem like you'd be a blast at parties. Take a deep breath and go kick rocks.
hey're passing voting restriction laws in order to find ways in which they can legally discard or negate votes where they see fit.

Georgia turned blue and Texas now has the potentially in the next few years to flip, and once that happens it's over. They're terrified.
You could learn something from me at parties!! They’re passing those laws for more secure elections…why don’t Democrats want more secure elections??? Ask yourself that. They’re terrified because they’re doing so poorly right now and know the RED WAVE is coming.

And if Texas and Georgia do flip, you’re right, the country is over. We will all suffer forever like we are now!!
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You seem like you'd be a blast at parties. Take a deep breath and go kick rocks.
hey're passing voting restriction laws in order to find ways in which they can legally discard or negate votes where they see fit.

Georgia turned blue and Texas now has the potentially in the next few years to flip, and once that happens it's over. They're terrified.
Also, they don't give a s**t about your freedom. If they did, they wouldn't be banning someones right to choose what they have to do with their body, and better yet impose a bounty system in the community to enforce it. It's the biggest mandate there can be. Completely hypocritical.

They dont give a s**t about those women nor the children, it's just about control. The party is a complete joke and is based off fear and pure hypocrisy. Also, I voted Republican for years, so this isn't some BS liberal take. Open your eyes.
Also, they don't give a s**t about your freedom. If they did, they wouldn't be banning someones right to choose what they have to do with their body, and better yet impose a bounty system in the community to enforce it. It's the biggest mandate there can be. Completely hypocritical.

They dont give a s**t about those women nor the children, it's just about control. The party is a complete joke and is based off fear and pure hypocrisy. Also, I voted Republican for years, so this isn't some BS liberal take. Open your eyes.
Who are you yelling at about it being okay to kill babies??? You fit in here with the other baby killer supporters!! Take a deep breath.
You seem like you'd be a blast at parties. Take a deep breath and go kick rocks.
hey're passing voting restriction laws in order to find ways in which they can legally discard or negate votes where they see fit.

Georgia turned blue and Texas now has the potentially in the next few years to flip, and once that happens it's over. They're terrified.
Expecting Ga and Tx to be blue in the midterms, are you?
If there are lines 2 blocks long, why not have someone give you some water or something to eat. What is wrong with that. You can't vote while in line. I'm sure if have an elderly parent or family member or yourself standing in a long line, you wouldn't want them to be without any refreshments. There were long lines in some areas before, but now with restricting mail in, absentee, drive by voting etc., there will be more long lines in more counties.
If the line was that long, I would go home. Before getting in line then get your own food and drinks if you can’t make it without eating and drinking before you vote. Can’t people do anything on their own anymore?
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If the line was that long, I would go home. Before getting in line then get your own food and drinks if you can’t make it without eating and drinking before you vote. Can’t people do anything on their own anymore?
Perhaps, but why create a law to prevent people from giving refreshments while in line. If your 82 year old mother was in a line around the corner of the voting place. She called you to bring her some water. What are you going say to your mother? "Mom I'm not bringing you anything. You should have brought some with you". Come on, give me a break.
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Perhaps, but why create a law to prevent people from giving refreshments while in line. If your 82 year old mother was in a line around the corner of the voting place. She called you to bring her some water. What are you going say to your mother? "Mom I'm not bringing you anything. You should have brought some with you". Come on, give me a break.
Tell your mother to take water with her before she goes…come up with solutions and stop wanting and wanting and wanting…it’s all you lazy ass Democrats know
Tell your mother to take water with her before she goes…come up with solutions and stop wanting and wanting and wanting…it’s all you lazy ass Democrats know
Give me this give me that just give me something as we can’t make it on our own.
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Give me this give me that just give me something as we can’t make it on our own.
Yes, or no. If your mother was standing in line to vote and called you to come give her water or food, would you give it to her?
I would, but wouldn’t expect the government to and they shouldn’t.
Who said that the govt is going to feed these people in the lines? The laws make it illegal for you, and you said you would, to give refreshments to your mother. Nobody is talking about the govt feeding these folks in line.
If there are lines 2 blocks long, why not have someone give you some water or something to eat. What is wrong with that. You can't vote while in line. I'm sure if have an elderly parent or family member or yourself standing in a long line, you wouldn't want them to be without any refreshments. There were long lines in some areas before, but now with restricting mail in, absentee, drive by voting etc., there will be more long lines in more counties.
Take no offense but it is scary how uniformed some people can be on publicly available laws and proposed legislation. Did you ever read the Georgia election reform bill? Don't you think you should read it and all others instead of taking your talking points from MSNBC and CNN talking heads and regurgitating.

There is absolutely no prohibition to hand out water or food. The prohibition is on "who." The GA law prohibits any partisan or political organization from providing the food or water. Why, because voters should be free of any coercion or influence with a certain area around a polling station. It's called "electioneering" and its illegal everywhere. GA simply codified the checkerboard rules throughout the state to provide a uniform rule and penalty. Read the bill and you will see that if a city, a community center hosting a polling station, a non-political group wants to hand out simple water bottles or have a water station on a hot day there is NOTHING that prohibits that. And actually your "two block" example would even allow a partisan group as this would be outside the controlled area.

EDIT: Since i didnt think you would look here is the statutory citation which allows the polling station to make available unattended water stations in polling area:

Prohibits giving cash or gifts (including food or drinks) to voters. (GA SB 202, § 33, p. 73, ln. 1872- 1875.) Note that poll officers may provide self-service water available from an unattended container. (GA SB 202, § 33, p. 74, ln. 1888-1889)

Now how do you feel about all your news sources that have told you some grandma cant be offered a bottle of water on a hot day? Does it make you pause that they (1) intentionally mislead you; or (2) are too dumb to read the bill. WIll you take more caution next time and read the source documents before repeating something you heard?

As for mail in voting fraud. In just the past several people have been prosecuted and some elections have been required to "redo" due to fraud. I can link you to the court documents.

Want to know how it work, here's a tutorial. Pretty freaking simple. But nothing I didn't know:
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You seem like you'd be a blast at parties. Take a deep breath and go kick rocks.
hey're passing voting restriction laws in order to find ways in which they can legally discard or negate votes where they see fit.

Georgia turned blue and Texas now has the potentially in the next few years to flip, and once that happens it's over. They're terrified.
Texas had the potential a couple cycles ago. With the sharp move left of the Democratic Party to open border and anti-fossil fuel policies Texas has turned deeper red.

The last poll shows Abbott up 52-37 over Beto. McAllen (85% Hispanic) just elected its first Republican mayor since the 90s, and the rio grand valley (a D stronghold) is turning red due to the shit show on the border (aided by inroads by Trump w/Hispanic voters). Add in the spike in violent crime in Houston and Austin peeling off suburban independent and Dems have a hard road ahead.

If you don’t agree ask yourself why is no serious candidate challenging Abbott? It’s just Beto. And Beto is getting zero National support. Cuz politicos don’t want to be associated with that failure.
Georgia turned blue and Texas now has the potentially in the next few years to flip, and once that happens it's over. They're terrified.
Thanks to the complete ineptitude of Brandon and Democrats, we don’t have to worry. You could add Puerto Rico and DC as states and still lose both the House and Senate. Sadly, Nancy and Chuck know it.

I would not be surprised if there is a Republican President by 2023.

Biden's approval rating drops to new low of 33% on concerns about his handling of COVID, economy: poll

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Perhaps, but why create a law to prevent people from giving refreshments while in line. If your 82 year old mother was in a line around the corner of the voting place. She called you to bring her some water. What are you going say to your mother? "Mom I'm not bringing you anything. You should have brought some with you". Come on, give me a break.
If the lines are long in areas where more blacks vote than they need to elect local officials worth a fk.
Voting machine numbers and locations are a local decision.
The Feds offer grants and free voting systems to local governments.
The local officials need to get off their duffs and get the money for the machines.
Since 2009, 657 filibusters were recorded under Democratic minorities while 609 filibusters were recorded under Republican minorities.

And? You don't hear Republicans saying we need to get rid of it do you? Dems only want it gone because they are the majority now and they don't want anything blocking their agenda. The filibuster is a very much needed item for our government to not grow out of control.
The Voting Rights Bill enables and encourages cheating. Please explain the issues you have with the voting bill that was passed in Georgia?

1) It requires an ID to vote. That’s a good thing. Shit, residents in DC can’t even leave their home without one, per the Mayor and their new Covid rules. Just about every democracy in the world requires an ID to vote

2) It reduces ballot drop boxes. Good. Easier to manage and ensure votes are protected. Drop boxes in Georgia didn’t even exist before 2020 and no one complained. And, people can still drop their ballot in the mail. Limiting drop boxes only causes issues for those wanting to cheat or those who are entirely incompetent.

3) It limits (it does not eliminate) mail in ballots. Big deal. Go vote in person like they do everywhere else in the western world.

Maybe you’re upset the government doesn’t feed you while you wait in line? Too damn bad. Bring a granola bar.
@BNIBoiler Why aren't you complaining about Delaware's voting laws. They are more restrictive than Georgia's is right now.
Senate Republicans invoked the "nuclear option" to gut the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees Thursday, a historic move that paves the way for Neil Gorsuch's confirmation and ensures that future high court nominees can advance in the Senate without clearing a 60-vote threshold.

Funny. Who's the Senator who paved the way for that to happen. Yeah, that's right. Harry Reid...

"Seven years after cutting a deal that preserved the filibuster, Reid himself went nuclear in 2013, eliminating the threshold for executive and most judicial confirmations."

So add more in person polling places. Most people would support that. People will spend all night waiting in line to get into Walmart on Black Friday but they can’t wait 2 hours to vote?

And people are arrested, on both sides, all the time for election fraud. All of which happens because there was no ID requirement or they were sending in multiple ballot via mail. It may not be widespread (yet) but allowing everyone to vote by mail will certainly encourage more and more people to take advantage of the obvious weakness. If vote by mail was so secure every nation on earth would do it and close down in person voting stations.
@BuilderBob6 European countries have all but completely done away with mail in voting. Why? Widespread fraud.

Nice to see an actual journalist admit they were wrong about something. In this case, mail in voting. Too bad the USA didn't have the balls to dive in the way the UK did. Instead we had court cases tossed before hearing evidence and fake audits that were nothing more than recounts.

And? You don't hear Republicans saying we need to get rid of it do you? Dems only want it gone because they are the majority now and they don't want anything blocking their agenda. The filibuster is a very much needed item for our government to not grow out of control.
Whats funny is the left used the filibuster many more times during Trump's term than the right did during Obama's. I forget the exact numbers, but I think it is nearly 2 times more. If you take away the left's hypocrisy, they have no platform whatsoever.

This gem really brings home the point
Voter ID. I don't have too much problems with it. I just didn't like the timing when having an ID becane an issue. Nobody complained about having an ID until 2008 after Obama was elected.
How many times are you going to get this wrong? How many times do I have to point out the truth before you stop posting this lie. voter ID started a long time before 2008. 2002 was the first federal requirement for ID if registered by mail and the state of Indiana submitted it's voter ID laws in 2006. The courts didn't approve it until 2008. STOP LYING!!
Mail in ballots have been used for years with NO widespread fraud. No cheating. The 2020 election was audited and recounted from 6 ways to Sunday in several states and little to no fraud. It's funny the same voting systems were used in 2016, Chump won and no whining of voter fraud. Why is that?
Europe has had massive fraud from mail in voting. Just because it isn't caught, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You have to look for it to find it you know...
If that ia the case, then every election since 1776 should of had an audit. The percent fraud un US elections is only 0.0003%. Most of the folks committing the fraud that does happen are caught and convicted. Therefore, it is a bunch if BS to now change voting laws. These voting suppression laws are there for one reason only is to disenfranchise voters; making it harder to do so. The first round of these laws started after the 2008 election targeted at black voters. The recent rounds of voter suppression are targeted at mostly democratic voters in general because they are ones that vote mostly on Sundays, early, drive by, mail on, absentee etc.
Gotta look for it to find it.
Freedom reduced this wonderful man as a "dead guy". I was just giving people a history lesson that John Lewis was more than just a "dead guy". The bill is named in honor of him because of the sacrifice that he made in history that dreadful day.

The bill named after him is a bill that would undo the voter suppression laws that the repubs inacted to make things more favorable for their political fortune.
There are no voter suppression laws. That's total bullshit. Nobody is physically preventing anyone from voting. Period.
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You seem like you'd be a blast at parties. Take a deep breath and go kick rocks.
hey're passing voting restriction laws in order to find ways in which they can legally discard or negate votes where they see fit.

Georgia turned blue and Texas now has the potentially in the next few years to flip, and once that happens it's over. They're terrified.
Oh boy, another one that thinks voter suppression laws exist. Show me the evidence.
If that ia the case, then every election since 1776 should of had an audit. The percent fraud un US elections is only 0.0003%. Most of the folks committing the fraud that does happen are caught and convicted. Therefore, it is a bunch if BS to now change voting laws. These voting suppression laws are there for one reason only is to disenfranchise voters; making it harder to do so. The first round of these laws started after the 2008 election targeted at black voters. The recent rounds of voter suppression are targeted at mostly democratic voters in general because they are ones that vote mostly on Sundays, early, drive by, mail on, absentee etc.

No one cares about your crack pot nonsense. You have zero credibility here. Leave the discussion to the grownups and sane people.
Also, they don't give a s**t about your freedom. If they did, they wouldn't be banning someones right to choose what they have to do with their body, and better yet impose a bounty system in the community to enforce it. It's the biggest mandate there can be. Completely hypocritical.
The massive problem with your argument here is that once someone is pregnant, it's no longer just their body. There is another living being in there that doesn't get a say. Idiots seem to forget that massive fact. I can't say I'm necessarily pro life since I'm Libertarian, but at the same time, the "it's my body" argument is completely devoid of all the facts and realities. Republicans are fighting for the rights of the unborn, which I think makes a ton of sense. I think there are valid reasons for abortion to be available, but the reality also is that the vast majority of people getting abortions should have either taken birth control, the day after pill or have the guy wrap it up ffs. There are plenty of options out there to prevent pregnancy.

They dont give a s**t about those women nor the children, it's just about control. The party is a complete joke and is based off fear and pure hypocrisy. Also, I voted Republican for years, so this isn't some BS liberal take. Open your eyes.
This is a serious accusation to say they don't care. What's your proof? Or do you just assume this because they don't hold the same misguided values you do? Sounds more like your eyes have been covered by propaganda.
Perhaps, but why create a law to prevent people from giving refreshments while in line. If your 82 year old mother was in a line around the corner of the voting place. She called you to bring her some water. What are you going say to your mother? "Mom I'm not bringing you anything. You should have brought some with you". Come on, give me a break.
Nobody made a law preventing people from giving refreshments. They made a law preventing people that are a part of the system from giving refreshments. If you need something that bad, you can have someone you know get you something. You can't, however, have someone running for office give you something because it may skew how you were going to vote.
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