The filibuster and the Democrats hypocrisy around the filibuster

If there if fraud all the time, why didn't the repubs change the laws in 2016 when Chump won?
Laws tend to change when a) one party of another loses and b) because there was suspicion of fraud. OR new issues arise that were otherwise not thought of before, OR laws change to adjust with the changes to society/technology, etc.
Arizona had an audit and they actually found more votes for Biden.
Yes, they are the only ones that did an audit, but long after the fact. And no, that is not what they found. If that's your knowledge of their audit, it just goes to show how inept the news you get really is.

Yes, in a recount, they found more votes for Biden, but they also found thousands and thousands of issues that needed to be investigated further to find out what was legit and what wasn't. Notably there were thousands of duplicate ballots as well as many other issues.
I like old sayings. Anyhow, yes rules change but y'all don't seem to or want to understand the reason behind the change and that is to lower the dems turnout in future elections. Y'all didn't like the 2020 results and want to take back power. GA lost 2 repub senators in 2020. They couldn't change the voting laws fast enough.
Why do you keep making appear that dems are too lazy to comply with any new voting laws?
Are dems really that lazy?
I hope it discourages dems from voting. It'll certainly confirm what you're implying about their laziness.

But again, if Dems were given a $100 bill if they showed up and voted in person with photo ID. they'd be boardin that church bus on Saturday, I guarantee it.
Don't know what those laws are but they were probably in place for several voting cycles. The recent voting changes are the direct result of the 2020 election.
So, why aren't you harping on Delaware to change their laws? In your eyes, any strict voting laws are racist and designed to stop blacks from voting.
Laws tend to change when a) one party of another loses and b) because there was suspicion of fraud. OR new issues arise that were otherwise not thought of before, OR laws change to adjust with the changes to society/technology, etc.
Your a) is correct. The losing party is the ONLY reason for the change.
One reason is so that they can get one of the 2 voting rights bills passed since the 2 modern day dixiecrats won't play ball.
What’s wrong with voter ID? You need vax ID’s in certain areas and photo ID”s are required to board a plane and to enter government offices among other places as well. If the excuse is the poor can’t get an ID, I say the Republicans should propose using some of the Biden money to provide the poor LEGAL residents with photo ID’s and encourage each LEGAL resident to vote
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So, why aren't you harping on Delaware to change their laws? In your eyes, any strict voting laws are racist and designed to stop blacks from voting.
Read my post again and you will find my answer. Not going to repeat.
What’s wrong with voter ID? You need vax ID’s in certain areas and photo ID”s are required to board a plane and to enter government offices among other places as well. If the excuse is the poor can’t get an ID, I say the Republicans should propose using some of the Biden money to provide the poor LEGAL residents with photo ID’s and encourage each LEGAL resident to vote
Man, I'll say it again, y'all are fixated on voter ID. I said this many many posts ago, it started out several years ago about voter ID. But the repubs moved on and now placed additional voting suppression laws that disenfranchise all dem voters such as drop boxes removal, removed mail in voting, absentee voting, drive by etc.
A and B go hand in hand. It sometimes happens just because of A, but still, there is NO evidence whatsoever that these new laws will prevent people from voting. Nothing but your want to believe in it.
These laws don't prevent per se. They will discourage voters who may not have the opportunity to vote in person. Dems have been voting mail in for years. Or absentee for years. Blacks enjoyed voting on Sundays after church etc. A few hundred discouraged voters here a few there can make a difference in a candidate winning a state.
That just means there is a shortage of polling machines, which I do think is an issue. But it doesn't mean you should use a less secure method to vote. Voting is to important to not make sure the votes are accurate and the process is secure.
Sounds like the districts with long lines are in areas controlled by Democrats. Any correlation between food and gas shortages and voting machine shortages? Tic
Man, I'll say it again, y'all are fixated on voter ID. I said this many many posts ago, it started out several years ago about voter ID. But the repubs moved on and now placed additional voting suppression laws that disenfranchise all dem voters such as drop boxes removal, removed mail in voting, absentee voting, drive by etc.
Republicans aren’t against absentee voting. The key is verifying if they are legally registered. I’m sorry, there’s no excuse for anyone not being able to vote. The key point is making sure each voter is following the rules
These laws don't prevent per se. They will discourage voters who may not have the opportunity to vote in person. Dems have been voting mail in for years. Or absentee for years. Blacks enjoyed voting on Sundays after church etc. A few hundred discouraged voters here a few there can make a difference in a candidate winning a state.
So can ballot harvesting of illegal voters
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These laws don't prevent per se. They will discourage voters who may not have the opportunity to vote in person. Dems have been voting mail in for years. Or absentee for years. Blacks enjoyed voting on Sundays after church etc. A few hundred discouraged voters here a few there can make a difference in a candidate winning a state.
Proof it discourages people? Are they that lazy?
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So why wasn't there a repub push to change voting laws after the 2016 election?
The power to create/change State election laws resides in the State Legislatures. In several states democratic governors and Secretary of States unconstitutionally sent mass mailings of ballots w/o voter initiated request citing “public health concerns.” These actions were found to exceed executive authority by State courts (e.g. PA, MI, WI) and State legislatures enacted voting integrity laws in response. These unconstitutional actions occurred in the 2020 election. Not 2016.

Do actually know what “mail in voting” is? It’s sending out ballots unsolicited. There are a couple of states that do operate mail voting but they have a very rigorous process to clean and ensure roll integrity. But I assume you know the States?

By chance did you read GA SB 202 yet. Do you now know that grandma can get a bottle of water? Did you see the statutory language says the prohibition is 150 feet from the polling place? If so, have you reconsidered your sources which have constantly told you different? #IndependentThought
Republicans aren’t against absentee voting. The key is verifying if they are legally registered. I’m sorry, there’s no excuse for anyone not being able to vote. The key point is making sure each voter is following the rules
Yes they are. Republican strategists analyze this stuff and found that the dems use absentee voting, mail in voting, early voting more than the repubs. Then if they restrict these methods. They hope that some will he discourage and won't. The repub strategists also know that low voter turn out favor the repubs. That's how the repubs took control of Congress in 2012.
Yes they are. Republican strategists analyze this stuff and found that the dems use absentee voting, mail in voting, early voting more than the repubs. Then if they restrict these methods. They hope that some will he discourage and won't. The repub strategists also know that low voter turn out favor the repubs. That's how the repubs took control of Congress in 2012.
Versus anything goes voting is how the Dems won in 2020.
I like old sayings. Anyhow, yes rules change but y'all don't seem to or want to understand the reason behind the change and that is to lower the dems turnout in future elections. Y'all didn't like the 2020 results and want to take back power. GA lost 2 repub senators in 2020. They couldn't change the voting laws fast enough.
Georgia lost those senators because Democrats promised voters money to vote for their candidates. That’s all Democrats do is give people stuff for their votes to remain in power.
Georgia lost those senators because Democrats promised voters money to vote for their candidates. That’s all Democrats do is give people stuff for their votes to remain in power.
How about the 2 repubs were horrible candidates, particularly Loeffler. Her debate performance against Warnock was pathetic.
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There were the same voting methods in 2016.
In 2016 only CO, OR, and WA operated "mail-in voting." A system where ballots are sent to voters automatically and without a request. Utah added in 2018. This process was also only implemented after an intense audit of the State's voter rolls to ensure that only current and living legal voters receive a ballot, Please see info at non-partisan voter information non-profit BallotPedia:,_2016-2018

Therefore I award your statement "4 Pinocchios"

As I alluded to above several Democratic Governors (e.g. MI, NV, PA, WI) circumvented the State legislatures (the law- making body) and State election law and directed their SOS to mail out unsolicited ballots. If you believe in the rule of law and oppose authoritarian leaders you should agree that this action was wrong.

In 2016 only CO, OR, and WA operated "mail-in voting." A system where ballots are sent to voters automatically and without a request. Utah added in 2018. This process was also only implemented after an intense audit of the State's voter rolls to ensure that only current and living legal voters receive a ballot, Please see info at non-partisan voter information non-profit BallotPedia:,_2016-2018

Therefore I award your statement "4 Pinocchios"

As I alluded to above several Democratic Governors (e.g. MI, NV, PA, WI) circumvented the State legislatures (the law- making body) and State election law and directed their SOS to mail out unsolicited ballots. If you believe in the rule of law and oppose authoritarian leaders you should agree that this action was wrong.

In Michigan, it Wasn’t uncommon for multiple ballots to be mailed to same address along to people no longer living there
In Michigan, it Wasn’t uncommon for multiple ballots to be mailed to same address along to people no longer living there
I had a co-worker in DC metro tell me he got three. Not surprising given the transitory nature of the area. He was honest and tossed the other two. But he could have voted - no proof of who he was required. What I cant understand is this process (unless handled the way the 4 states did) is ripe w/integrity issues. Anybody regardless of who your candidate is or party affiliation should realize this process is not good.

In 2005 Jimmy Carter (freaking Jimmy Carter) headed a voter integrity commission after Bush v. Gore. Carter was selected as he was long a proponent of free-and-fair election throughout the globe:

Key to the Carter-Baker 2005 report's findings:

(1) increase voter ID requirements; (2) be leery of mail-in voting; (3) halt ballot harvesting; (4) maintain voter lists, in part to ensure dead people are promptly removed from them; (5) allow election observers to monitor ballot counting; and (6) make sure voting machines are working properly.

Specific to ballot harvesting:

“State and local jurisdictions should prohibit a person from handling absentee ballots other than the voter, an acknowledged family member, the U.S. Postal Service, or other legitimate shipper, or election officials,” .... “The practice in some states of allowing candidates or party workers to pick up and deliver absentee ballots should be eliminated.”

As for Voter ID, here is what Jimmy Carter (a guess now a racist?) said on Voter ID:

Think about it, from what we hear now uber-liberal Jimmy Carter is on the side of Bull Connor, George Wallace, and Jefferson Davis,
I had a co-worker in DC metro tell me he got three. Not surprising given the transitory nature of the area. He was honest and tossed the other two. But he could have voted - no proof of who he was required. What I cant understand is this process (unless handled the way the 4 states did) is ripe w/integrity issues. Anybody regardless of who your candidate is or party affiliation should realize this process is not good.

In 2005 Jimmy Carter (freaking Jimmy Carter) headed a voter integrity commission after Bush v. Gore. Carter was selected as he was long a proponent of free-and-fair election throughout the globe:

Key to the Carter-Baker 2005 report's findings:

(1) increase voter ID requirements; (2) be leery of mail-in voting; (3) halt ballot harvesting; (4) maintain voter lists, in part to ensure dead people are promptly removed from them; (5) allow election observers to monitor ballot counting; and (6) make sure voting machines are working properly.

Specific to ballot harvesting:

“State and local jurisdictions should prohibit a person from handling absentee ballots other than the voter, an acknowledged family member, the U.S. Postal Service, or other legitimate shipper, or election officials,” .... “The practice in some states of allowing candidates or party workers to pick up and deliver absentee ballots should be eliminated.”

As for Voter ID, here is what Jimmy Carter (a guess now a racist?) said on Voter ID:

Think about it, from what we hear now uber-liberal Jimmy Carter is on the side of Bull Connor, George Wallace, and Jefferson Davis,
Carter had/has integrity that is sorely lacking in today’s Democratic Party
Yes they are. Republican strategists analyze this stuff and found that the dems use absentee voting, mail in voting, early voting more than the repubs. Then if they restrict these methods. They hope that some will he discourage and won't. The repub strategists also know that low voter turn out favor the repubs. That's how the repubs took control of Congress in 2012.
Oh really? You have a Republican actually saying this right? Not just a Dem suggesting that's the case.
Man, I'll say it again, y'all are fixated on voter ID. I said this many many posts ago, it started out several years ago about voter ID. But the repubs moved on and now placed additional voting suppression laws that disenfranchise all dem voters such as drop boxes removal, removed mail in voting, absentee voting, drive by etc.
It’s clearly all designed to prevent blacks from voting, except of course, the increasing number of blacks who vote Republican. Because we all know that blacks who vote Democrat and blacks who vote Republican live in totally different areas and it’s harder for blacks who vote democrat to comply with the rules.
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Oh really? You have a Republican actually saying this right? Not just a Dem suggesting that's the case.
Yes, really. Isn't that the job of political strategists to analyze voting patterns and suggest strategy to help win elections?
Bullshit. With all of the time that people have to get to the polls, you can't tell me there isn't a time that everyone could make it.
No it's not. A lot of times I can't make it or want to avoid long lines that I've been in before. Therefore, I prefer early voting. A lot of dems prefer early voting. Again, knowing that, early voting is another voting method that the repubs are trying to curtail in some countied.
It’s clearly all designed to prevent blacks from voting, except of course, the increasing number of blacks who vote Republican. Because we all know that blacks who vote Democrat and blacks who vote Republican live in totally different areas and it’s harder for blacks who vote democrat to comply with the rules.
And you guys call me race centric. I haven't even talked about blacks voting much in these discussions. I've been mainly talking about the dems in general that are disenfranchised by these laws. Heck, these laws will disenfranchised the few repubs black or white that like to vote early, Sundays, mail in, absentee etc.
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No it's not. A lot of times I can't make it or want to avoid long lines that I've been in before. Therefore, I prefer early voting. A lot of dems prefer early voting. Again, knowing that, early voting is another voting method that the repubs are trying to curtail in some countied.
If voting is important, you'll figure out a way to comply with the laws. If it's not, you won't.
And you guys call me race centric. I haven't even talked about blacks voting much in these discussions. I've been mainly talking about the dems in general that are disenfranchised by these laws. Heck, these laws will disenfranchised the few repubs black or white that like to vote early, Sundays, mail in, absentee etc.
Sorry brother, but every thing with you is about race.

All of your complaints about voter suppression are centered around blacks. You know....the whole 'souls to the polls" and the church bus don't run on Saturdays.