I had a co-worker in DC metro tell me he got three. Not surprising given the transitory nature of the area. He was honest and tossed the other two. But he could have voted - no proof of who he was required. What I cant understand is this process (unless handled the way the 4 states did) is ripe w/integrity issues. Anybody regardless of who your candidate is or party affiliation should realize this process is not good.
In 2005 Jimmy Carter (freaking Jimmy Carter) headed a voter integrity commission after Bush v. Gore. Carter was selected as he was long a proponent of free-and-fair election throughout the globe:
Key to the Carter-Baker 2005 report's findings:
(1) increase voter ID requirements; (2) be leery of mail-in voting; (3) halt ballot harvesting; (4) maintain voter lists, in part to ensure dead people are promptly removed from them; (5) allow election observers to monitor ballot counting; and (6) make sure voting machines are working properly.
Specific to ballot harvesting:
“State and local jurisdictions should prohibit a person from handling absentee ballots other than the voter, an acknowledged family member, the U.S. Postal Service, or other legitimate shipper, or election officials,” .... “The practice in some states of allowing candidates or party workers to pick up and deliver absentee ballots should be eliminated.”
As for Voter ID, here is what Jimmy Carter (a guess now a racist?) said on Voter ID:
Think about it, from what we hear now uber-liberal Jimmy Carter is on the side of Bull Connor, George Wallace, and Jefferson Davis,