So who is the next VP?

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
Current poling looking like Trump who do you think is his VP?

I say Senator Scott, because he polls well with Evangelical crowd. And that's why he had Pence around.

But the person he should pick is Gov. Kim Reynolds out of Iowa. Suburban moms would love her and her education platform.

Your thoughts.
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Current poling looking like Trump who do you think is his VP?

I say Senator Scott, because he polls well with Evangelical crowd. And that's why he had Pence around.

But the person he should pick is Gov. Kim Reynolds out of Iowa. Suburban moms would love her and her education platform.

Your thoughts.
I think Tim Scott will be his choice.
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Current poling looking like Trump who do you think is his VP?

I say Senator Scott, because he polls well with Evangelical crowd. And that's why he had Pence around.

But the person he should pick is Gov. Kim Reynolds out of Iowa. Suburban moms would love her and her education platform.

Your thoughts.
Trump wins against Joe Crow, but the dems look to be setting up a dumping of Crow (as shown in the steady refrain of criticism by David Axelrod).

I think they dump Crow at the convention and M. Obama comes forth to "save democracy" - and that she beats Trump in Nov.
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Trump wins against Joe Crow, but the dems look to be setting up a dumping of Crow (as shown in the steady refrain of criticism by David Axelrod).

I think they dump Crow at the convention and M. Obama comes forth to "save democracy" - and that she beats Trump in Nov.

Could be. Although she said she hates politics. But the Dems love power, so it is slightly possible.

If that is the case, she would beat Trump, but we would end up with the same BAD Dem policy that is attacking the middle class.
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I think Tim Scott will be his choice.
That ain't happening. The racist Flav-Or-Aid drinkers ain't going for that. You know, the the good ones on that side. Tim Scott is sure tap dancin' for that spot that's for sure.
Not enough room up trumps ass for all of the candidates to fit. Currently Scott is the farthest up. He passes the number one requirement. The elections are rigged unless trump wins. Can’t get the job without holding that patriotic view.

What a stand up guy.

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It won’t be Barbie…….I mean Kristi……..Noem.

But she showed she’s tough for killing a young dog. And she’s got the whole lying thing down pat. Donald likes that.

Not enough room up trumps ass for all of the candidates to fit. Currently Scott is the farthest up. He passes the number one requirement. The elections are rigged unless trump wins.
Bob, do you accept by now that the 2020 election was rigged by the FBI and media in the laptop coverup orchestrated by the despicable Blinken (so he could be assured of an opportunity to become an even more incompetent Secretary of State than Kerry)?

Or are you still pretending that didn't happen?
Bob, do you accept by now that the 2020 election was rigged by the FBI and media in the laptop coverup orchestrated by the despicable Blinken (so he could be assured of an opportunity to become an even more incompetent Secretary of State than Kerry)?

Or are you still pretending that didn't happen?
Here we go with the right wing jacked up conspiracy theories.
That ain't happening. The racist Flav-Or-Aid drinkers ain't going for that. You know, the the good ones on that side. Tim Scott is sure tap dancin' for that spot that's for sure.
I'd think you'd love him. The face of success. A respected black politician married to a blonde.
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I'd think you'd love him. The face of success. A respected black politician married to a blonde.
That’s another thing. I’m glad you brought it up. All these years in the public office and Tim Scott was never married. Nobody has seen him with anyone. Now all of a sudden some chick pops out of nowhere. Becomes his girlfriend towards the end of the GOP debates. And now they are getting married. I find that odd. Of course y’all don’t see what I see. Similarly with Lindsey Graham.
That ain't happening. The racist Flav-Or-Aid drinkers ain't going for that. You know, the the good ones on that side. Tim Scott is sure tap dancin' for that spot that's for sure.
Maybe you'd like Tim Scott as VP? Might be good having a black representative in the White House as a voice to ensure that millions of migrants are not prioritized over low and middle income urban black residents?

That’s another thing. I’m glad you brought it up. All these years in the public office and Tim Scott was never married. Nobody has seen him with anyone. Now all of a sudden some chick pops out of nowhere. Becomes his girlfriend towards the end of the GOP debates. And now they are getting married. I find that odd. Of course y’all don’t see what I see. Similarly with Lindsey Graham.
I find it hypocritical that you are casting aspersions at Senator Graham when you belong to the party of LBGQWXYZ+.
Here we go with the right wing jacked up conspiracy theories.
I was asking Bob, not you, Uncle Pavlov. Bob won't answer because he knows it is true.

If it were not true, the former CIA director was lying in his sworn testimony:

"Morrell made the confession in private sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, saying he acted after speaking to Antony Blinken, then part of the Biden campaign and now secretary of state, because he wanted Joe Biden to "win the election."

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That’s another thing. I’m glad you brought it up. All these years in the public office and Tim Scott was never married. Nobody has seen him with anyone. Now all of a sudden some chick pops out of nowhere. Becomes his girlfriend towards the end of the GOP debates. And now they are getting married. I find that odd. Of course y’all don’t see what I see. Similarly with Lindsey Graham.
Tell us, Uncle Pavlov, what do you see?
Bob, do you accept by now that the 2020 election was rigged by the FBI and media in the laptop coverup orchestrated by the despicable Blinken (so he could be assured of an opportunity to become an even more incompetent Secretary of State than Kerry)?

Or are you still pretending that didn't happen?
Change the subject…….yet again. You’re so precious and predictable.

We have to cover this yet again? You just can’t help but try to manipulate people into playing your game of reliving your golden oldies. That’s why your posts get ignored putz.

Hunter is suing Rudy over the laptop. You want to see what they come up with or just believe Rudy?

The laptop is proof the election was rigged? You mean trying to hide unflattering info about a candidate is rigging the election? Why don’t you step outside your bubble and look at what’s coming out in the NY trial?

So the FBI not only setup the J6 riots, now they rigged the election too? Defund the FBI!!!! Like MTG wants. You’re in good company.
Change the subject…….yet again. You’re so precious and predictable.

We have to cover this yet again? You just can’t help but try to manipulate people into playing your game of reliving your golden oldies. That’s why your posts get ignored putz.
That really hurts, Bob.
Hunter is suing Rudy over the laptop. You want to see what they come up with or just believe Rudy?
I'm believing the long-time IRS whistleblower who testified to Congress that the FBI “verified” the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop in November 2019 and a federal computer expert assessed “it was not manipulated in any way,”

Not to mention the testimony of Bobulinski and the statements of WAPO, CBS and other regime media that the emails were authentic based on their investigations:

The laptop is proof the election was rigged? You mean trying to hide unflattering info about a candidate is rigging the election?
I mean when the federal government acts to cover up "unflattering info" - that is rigging the election. You see the difference?

Why don’t you step outside your bubble and look at what’s coming out in the NY trial?
That was not a coverup by the feds.

Looks like an absurdly political case, by the way - at least to thinking people.
So the FBI not only setup the J6 riots, now they rigged the election too? Defund the FBI!!!! Like MTG wants. You’re in good company.
All I have said about J6 is that government is withholding information about its own actions and involvement, as blatantly stated in its own testimony, so none of us is in a position to properly assign blame.

Yes, I am saying the feds rigged the 2020 election through its laptop coverup in cahoots with 51 "former intelligence officials" and the regime media.

I don't want to defund the FBI but clean it up - if it is even possible to do such a thing since the FBI appears to hold all the cards. Like dem icon Chuck Schumer said, “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you."
I was asking Bob, not you, Uncle Pavlov. Bob won't answer because he knows it is true.

If it were not true, the former CIA director was lying in his sworn testimony:

"Morrell made the confession in private sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, saying he acted after speaking to Antony Blinken, then part of the Biden campaign and now secretary of state, because he wanted Joe Biden to "win the election."

I haven't been here long but have seen you post this idea several times. Why do you ignore the part of Morrell's testimony where, when asked directly if Blinken asked him to write the letter, he said no?
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I haven't been here long but have seen you post this idea several times. Why do you ignore the part of Morrell's testimony where, when asked directly if Blinken asked him to write the letter, he said no?
Thanks for the laugh, JM. I knew you would come crawling back.

You think Morrell thought it up all by himself after talking to Blinkers?
Thanks for the laugh, JM. I knew you would come crawling back.

You think Morrell thought it up all by himself after talking to Blinkers?
I don't know, but that's what his testimony says. Do you have access to his mental state at the time to support the assertion he didn't?
I don't know, but that's what his testimony says. Do you have access to his mental state at the time?
No, but according to the Newsweek (no friend of Trump), Morell said he was contacted by Blinken "on or before" October 17, 2020, which "triggered...that intent" leading him to organize the letter, which was provided to Politico.

We also know that Crow said in the debate that '51 intelligence ...said the laptop was Russian disinformation.

We have been over this several times, JM.
I haven't been here long but have seen you post this idea several times. Why do you ignore the part of Morrell's testimony where, when asked directly if Blinken asked him to write the letter, he said no?

And we know all these guys never
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No, but according to the Newsweek (no friend of Trump), Morell said he was contacted by Blinken "on or before" October 17, 2020, which "triggered...that intent" leading him to organize the letter, which was provided to Politico.

We also know that Crow said in the debate that '51 intelligence ...said the laptop was Russian disinformation.

We have been over this several times, JM.
I don't disagree with either of the first two paragraphs, and you don't even have to do "according to Newsweek." It's in the transcript, so it's truly "according to Morrell." But, neither of them support the notion that Blinken orchestrated the letter, or asked Morrell to take any action whatsoever. Do you agree that Morrell's testimony does not indicate that Blinken did any such thing? Or, perhaps, had you only read the parts that were released by Jim Jordan and referenced in the Newsweek article?
True. Do you have evidence to prove that he was lying? Or is the mere possibility of it enough for you to just assume he did?
Lol out loud. I thought Buck was referring to you, JM, in your various aliases.
I don't disagree with either of the first two paragraphs, and you don't even have to do "according to Newsweek." It's in the transcript, so it's truly "according to Morrell." But, neither of them support the notion that Blinken orchestrated the letter, or asked Morrell to take any action whatsoever. Do you agree that Morrell's testimony does not indicate that Blinken did any such thing? Or, perhaps, had you only read the parts that were released by Jim Jordan and referenced in the Newsweek article?
I will testify if called that I did not read the testimony then or now.

Are you saying that Morrell, by testifying that Blinkers contacted him, which "triggered...that intent", did not mean to say that Blinkers arranged or manipulated the letter - in other words, 'orchestrated' it?
I will testify if called that I did not read the testimony then or now.
So you're admitting that you were unaware of the part of the testimony in which Morrell stated that Blinked did not ask for the letter. That answers my initial question of why you never referenced it and indicates to me that further engagement with you on Morrell's testimony should be suspended until such time as you gain the prerequisite knowledge to speak on it accurately.
So he was lying when he said Blinken called him too, then, right?

Politicians Lie and exaggerate all the time. Trump heavy on latter, Bid n heavy on former. Not sure who "he" is in your question above, but if "he" is a politician then likely...yes.

Is Blinken your guess for VP.....I thought that was what this thread is about??
Politicians Lie and exaggerate all the time. Trump heavy on latter, Bid n heavy on former. Not sure who "he" is in your question above, but if "he" is a politician then likely...yes.

Is Blinken your guess for VP.....I thought that was what this thread is about??
Riveting and I were discussing something else, and you entered said discussion, so I'm not sure why you'd be concerned about us talking about something unrelated to the thread title. You could've stayed out of it.

Clearly, "he" references Morrell. Whether or not he's a politician could be considered debatable, considering he's never run for office. But, I'll concede one need not be a politician in order to lie.

But, I don't know how to have a conversation with you about it, as you've now asserted that Morrell was lying when he said Blinken contacted him and was ALSO lying when he said Blinken did NOT ask him for the letter. But, Blinken could not have asked Morrell for a letter (as would be the case if Morrell lied about it) without contacting him about it (as would be the case if Morrell lied about THAT). So, these two assertions of yours are in logical conflict, unless you think there's a way for someone to ask for something without communicating in some way.

Then again, since you weren't even able to track who we were talking about, perhaps my appealing to logic overestimates your ability to think clearly.

If you must know, I think Haley gives Trump the best chance to win, but I don't know that he'll be smart enough to pick her. She'd also likely have to bend the knee first, which I don't know that she'll do.
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So you're admitting that you were unaware of the part of the testimony in which Morrell stated that Blinked did not ask for the letter. That answers my initial question of why you never referenced it and indicates to me that further engagement with you on Morrell's testimony should be suspended until such time as you gain the prerequisite knowledge to speak on it accurately.
True, I don't reference things I don't know about, nor do I make up things to support an argument like others, JM.

Newsweek said this about Morrell's testimony:
"Morell said he was contacted by Blinken "on or before" October 17, 2020, which "triggered...that intent" leading him to organize the letter, which was provided to Politico. Morell admitted he acted because "I wanted him [Biden] to win the election."

It doesn't matter that much to me who 'orchestrated' it, but obviously Morrell was directly involved after being "triggered" by Blinked.

What does matters is that Crow stood in front of the nation and lied in the debate: "There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what this — he's accusing me of is a Russian plan — they have said that this has all the characteristics — four — five former heads of the CIA — both parties, say what he's saying is a bunch of garbage."

Based on that lie, as planned by the Biden campaign and the FBI, the regime media covered it up to protect Crow. That is how the election was rigged.

Blinked, by the way, has refused to take any time away from destroying our foreign policy and betraying our allies to answer questions about it.
True, I don't reference things I don't know about, nor do I make up things to support an argument like others, JM.

Newsweek said this about Morrell's testimony:
"Morell said he was contacted by Blinken "on or before" October 17, 2020, which "triggered...that intent" leading him to organize the letter, which was provided to Politico. Morell admitted he acted because "I wanted him [Biden] to win the election."

It doesn't matter that much to me who 'orchestrated' it, but obviously Morrell was directly involved after being "triggered" by Blinked.

What does matters is that Crow stood in front of the nation and lied in the debate: "There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what this — he's accusing me of is a Russian plan — they have said that this has all the characteristics — four — five former heads of the CIA — both parties, say what he's saying is a bunch of garbage."

Based on that lie, as planned by the Biden campaign and the FBI, the regime media covered it up to protect Crow. That is how the election was rigged.

Blinked, by the way, has refused to take any time away from destroying our foreign policy and betraying our allies to answer questions about it.
Your response here still indicates that you have not understood the testimony -- or rather, that you refuse to read anything other than the parts of it that Jim Jordan published -- nor, apparently, my position on it. Once again, I'll be happy to engage further once you demonstrate that you hold the prerequisite knowledge of Morrell's testimony to comment on it accurately.
Your response here still indicates that you have not understood the testimony -- or rather, that you refuse to read anything other than the parts of it that Jim Jordan published -- nor, apparently, my position on it. Once again, I'll be happy to engage further once you demonstrate that you hold the prerequisite knowledge of Morrell's testimony to comment on it accurately.
Does the testimony say anything that indicates Morrell denies organizing the letter after talking to Blinkers?

Does it indicate that Morrell did not testify that he acted because he wanted Crow to win?
Does the testimony say anything that indicates Morrell denies organizing the letter after talking to Blinkers?

Does it indicate that Morrell did not testify that he acted because he wanted Crow to win?
If you want to know what the testimony says, read it for yourself rather than just saying "no I haven't read it" and then using that ignorance to justify your position.

Again, your response here indicates that you don't understand my position, even though it has been clearly articulated in earlier posts. If you did, you would realize that these are not relevant questions.