Have you ever been to the border in a federal capacity? No? Good stop talking about it.Vision? His vision is to take the MAGA hard line position on every cultural, social, and controversial issue that comes up. Just like trump. He knows getting you pissed of and worked about those issues makes you like him.
He’s clearly uncomfortable in public. Stiff and awkward. His campaign has been a disaster. He has been hemorrhaging cash. His plan seems to be to out trump trump, moving farther to the right.
The perfect example of his core beliefs……..when the candidates were asked if they would support trump if he were the nominee, he looked left, then right, then left again before raising his hand. He had to check the room before deciding what to do. One would think the question should have been expected and the number two guy would be sure of his position.
His vision also includes using lethal force to stop suspected drug smugglers and sending the military into a sovereign country. Never mind that the vast majority of drugs come across at the ports of entry and not on individuals.
How can you tell someone is carrying drugs anyway? Apparently is doesn’t matter to Ron. Just shoot ‘em.
More drugs are confiscated at port of entry. more drugs enter at non port of entry. It’s common sense.
Last week the CPB released footage of a caravan of cartel members entering the country with military weapons. There has also been countless occasion where US and State LEO has been fired on by foreign combatants. Just because Pod Save America doesn’t report it….technology also allows you to visualize. And to “use lethal force” means you authorize under rules of engagement. Not be publicly convicted “of whipping people” w/o a trial (any apology yet?)
And we have been entering and executing missions in “sovereign” countries for a long time. Geez your guy Obama was the droner in chief. Those were foreign countries w/no declaration of war. Stop being naive.