Per Sleepers throwout today, a hot rumor is that Kentucky is going after Braden in transfer portal this spring. There is no hard data behind this rumor, but....
There is no doubt teams will come after Braden after this year and offer a large bag. We know Gonzaga did a couple of years ago. Can we compete $$ wise with Kentucky(or others), not sure, do we have to match $$ to keep him, I doubt it, but probably needs to be in ball park.
Tied to this,I believe, Paint was on Indy radio the other day and I did not hear the whole interview, just a snippet from Matt. He said something to the effect that Purdue will be bringing in help this offseason and players will have to compete for their playing time. Is Matt getting out in front of this, publicly stating this, due to the fact, this could greatly influence Braden's thoughts this post season. He wants Braden to know he is going to do all he can to give him teammates that can compete at highest level.