Card is absolutely bad, but we don’t have anyone close to a Moore or Bell on this team at WR, even if we had a QB.

I do feel bad for Klare, because we are wasting his talent. He could light it up with a half decent offense.
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I have a feeling that the Universities of Texas or Georgia are not missing the players they lost to us in the portal.
What good do some of those players do if they never see the field due to injuries which seems to be a permanent thing? But still the ones that do, don't help. Also, where's that "promising" receiver corps? Dropping balls?
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Last year's receiving corps was better just saying.....
Nope. Brohm couldn’t recruit and had no clue what he’s doing and was a terrible coach and Harrel is CLEARLY better…

Convinced that half this board would think WL high school was a good college team just to support this HC. He’s not smart. He can’t prepare a team and is in substantially over his head.
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Gonna be a cost savings for the fans that aren’t gonna go to any more games this year. Recruiting will definitely be in the crapper!
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