Pres Debate Predictions

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
With about a week are my predictions.....

1. BIden team already has the questions.

2. The moderators will weigh in on Trump's comments. At points making it 2 on 1.

3. J6 and the 2020 election will be a question......when it's not even a top issue to most Americans.

4. Top issues......inflation, economy, prices, border, crime, national security, energy & education....a few of these will be asked, but not all.

5. Both guys will exaggerate their records. But Biden will be over the top on his many, many lies......Thus, the next day the media focuses on the few Trump fabrications.

6. Biden will be assisted by moderators when his memory slips or to finish thoughts.

7. Abortion &/or health care will be a question(s).

8. Climate change will be a question.

9.. Biden will not fall asleep during the debate, and thus will be declared the winner by the media for exceeding expectations.
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With about a week are my predictions.....

1. BIden team already has the questions.

2. The moderators will weigh in on Trump's comments. At points making it 2 on 1.

3. J6 and the 2020 election will be a question......when it's not even a top issue to most Americans.

4. Top issues......inflation, economy, prices, border, crime, national security & education....a few of these will be asked, but not all.

5. Both guys will exaggerate their records. But Biden will be over the top on his many, many lies......Thus, the next day the media focuses on the few Trump fabrications.

6. Biden will be assisted by moderators when his memory slips or to finish thoughts.

7. Abortion will be a question.

8.. Biden will not fall asleep during the debate, and thus will be declared the winner by the media for exceeding expectations.
Snow Breathe GIF by DeStress Monday
With about a week are my predictions.....

1. BIden team already has the questions.

2. The moderators will weigh in on Trump's comments. At points making it 2 on 1.

3. J6 and the 2020 election will be a question......when it's not even a top issue to most Americans.

4. Top issues......inflation, economy, prices, border, crime, national security & education....a few of these will be asked, but not all.

5. Both guys will exaggerate their records. But Biden will be over the top on his many, many lies......Thus, the next day the media focuses on the few Trump fabrications.

6. Biden will be assisted by moderators when his memory slips or to finish thoughts.

7. Abortion will be a question.

8.. Biden will not fall asleep during the debate, and thus will be declared the winner by the media for exceeding expectations.
Few Chump fabrications? Are you kidding me? He said at least 30 fabrications at that Detroit black church last weekend, in a black neighborhood where most of the audience were white. What happened to the 20% black support.
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Few Chump fabrications? Are you kidding me? He said at least 30 fabrications at that Detroit black church last weekend, in a black neighborhood where most of the audience were white. What happened to the 20% black support.

Then I will be correct....the point was the media will focus on Trump & ignore Biden lies. But looks like you missed the point.....again.
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Then I will be correct....the point was the media will focus on Trump & ignore Biden lies. But looks like you missed the point.....again.
Dude, I got your point. Just more whining that Chump won't get a fair shot in the media's eyes. The 2020 election was stolen this. Fake news that. Biden's team already has the questions. The fix is in. Give me a break.
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Dude, I got your point. Just more whining that Chump won't get a fair shot in the media's eyes. The 2020 election was stolen this. Fake news that. Biden's team already has the questions. The fix is in. Give me a break.

Are you saying the Dem media hasn't leaked a past Dem candidate, the questions in advance?

History, (which I thought was your gig) says this happens. History often repeats itself as you should know.
So you know it will happen again I suppose.

History repeats itself. Certainly, the corrupt Dem party has shown itself it CANNOT be trusted. Has the Dem Party changed?.....NO.....worse now.

With Lawfare running rampant, that shows me the Dems are an even more corrupt party now.....will do anything for power. Even take our once great country to the level of a 3rd world banana Republic where they prosecute their political enemies. The evidence is right there, for the objective mind that is.

Anyway, this is my one prediction that will not be able to be verified.
So I will look back at the rest after the debate.
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I predict Biden will have the deer-in-the-headlights, confused, brain-fog look that we've become very accustomed to.
He may or may not actually fall asleep.
He'll definitely answer some questions with completely incoherent, stream of consciousness thoughts that make no sense and have zero to do with the topic asked.
He'll definitely need to be led on and off the stage by hand.
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I predict Biden will have the deer-in-the-headlights, confused, brain-fog look that we've become very accustomed to.
He may or may not actually fall asleep.
He'll definitely answer some questions with completely incoherent, stream of consciousness thoughts that make no sense and have zero to do with the topic asked.
He'll definitely need to be led on and off the stage by hand.
If the questions concentrate on J6, abortion and Trump's felonies.
If I were Trump I'd ignore the questions and talk about the important issues, the Border, our Foreign Policy and inflation.
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I predict Biden will have the deer-in-the-headlights, confused, brain-fog look that we've become very accustomed to.
He may or may not actually fall asleep.
He'll definitely answer some questions with completely incoherent, stream of consciousness thoughts that make no sense and have zero to do with the topic asked.
He'll definitely need to be led on and off the stage by hand.

Trump needs to help Biden off the stage. You got to look out for your elders. 😎
If the questions concentrate on J6, abortion and Trump's felonies.
If I were Trump I'd ignore the questions and talk about the important issues, the Border, our Foreign Policy and inflation.

I would too. That definitely is the way to go.

Do you think Trump can resist talking about J6, "Democracy" and his court cases/felonies? He should, and twist it to REAL issues his potential voters care about. But NOPE, I predict he does not have that ability. I know for sure the questioners are counting on Trump to take the bait. Trump can't resist....and they know it.
I predict Biden will be "medicated" to promote ultimate coherence and vigor. If that fails and his normal doddering self appears, the party will be forced to pull the plug at the convention
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I predict Biden will be "medicated" to promote ultimate coherence and vigor. If that fails and his normal doddering self appears, the party will be forced to pull the plug at the convention
Yep, that is the purpose of a record Early debate. Big test for Biden, he has a lot on the line.
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Then I will be correct....the point was the media will focus on Trump & ignore Biden lies. But looks like you missed the point.....again.
F'n A right man ! And what's with these BETA RINO CUCKS like LARRY KUDLOW doing on FOX BUSINESS saying how GREAT THE ECONOMY IS under BIDENS LEADERSHIP ! And the ROBUST JOBS MARKET under THIS ADMINISTRATION ! And the RECORD STOCK MARKET under BIDENS WATCH ! It's almost like FOX WANTS TRUMP TO LOSE ! Why, just the other night I saw BETA RINO CUCK MITCH DANIALS on CBS saying how one party rule HAS BEEN BAD FOR INDIANA and the DISTRICT MAPS NEED REDRAWN ! Who the HELL is BETA RINO CUCK MITCH DANIALS to tell anyone how to run anything, let alone the STATE OF INDIANA ??? !!! When TRUMP IS REELECTED to 8 MORE YEARS, these BETA RINO CUCKS are gonna be ROUNDED UP and TRIED FOR TREASON !! ELECTON INTERFERENCE !!! WE ARE THE STORM !!!!
Grocery prices are up 20% since Crow took office. That is the economy to a lot of people.

Biden recently said inflation was 9% when he took office. He said it again later in the same week even after he was corrected, demonstrating his incompetence.

Any more questions about the economy?
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Grocery prices are up 20% since Crow took office. That is the economy to a lot of people.

Biden recently said inflation was 9% when he took office. He said it again later in the same week even after he was corrected, demonstrating his incompetence.

Any more questions about the economy?
4Th Of July Npr GIF by GIPHY News
✅✅✅✅ Got alot right tonight

1. BIden team already has the questions.
(Sure looked like it, with his 1, 2,3 preprepared answers)

2. The moderators will weigh in on Trump's comments. At points making it 2 on 1.

(WRONG....Moderators were good, but did give Biden an extra response on 1 question and extra time on another)

3. J6 and the 2020 election will be a question......when it's not even a top issue to most Americans. ✅

4. Top issues......inflation, economy, prices, border, crime, national security, energy & education....a few of these will be asked, but not all.✅

(Bold not asked)

5. Both guys will exaggerate their records. But Biden will be over the top on his many, many lies......Thus, the next day the media focuses on the few Trump fabrications.✅

(The Biden Charlottesville Lie
(Biden spoke to ww vets that
(Biden ...sisters are raping sisters)
(Biden: "no troops dying".... Afghanistan 13)
(Biden said border patrol endorsed

6. Biden will be assisted by moderators when his memory slips or to finish thoughts.


7. Abortion &/or health care will be a question(s). ✅

8. Climate change will be a question.✅

9.. Biden will not fall asleep during the debate, and thus will be declared the winner by the media for exceeding expectations.

( "The idea" that the lib media doesn't declare him the winner is just malarkey........but Biden did so bad, they might replace him. I could be WRONG on #9)

But man Biden looked WEAK. DEM meltdown in progress. It is frightening this man leads this country.
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If Biden stays at the top of the ticket Trump will win.

This is either the worst situation possible for the Dems (if he stays on the ticket) or the best possible scenario (if it was so bad he is forced to step down)

Witmer, Klobuchar, even Newsome or Harris would have torched Trump tonight.
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If Biden stays at the top of the ticket Trump will win.

This is either the worst situation possible for the Dems (if he stays on the ticket) or the best possible scenario (if it was so bad he is forced to step down)

Witmer, Klobuchar, even Newsome or Harris would have torched Trump tonight.

You are correct. Biden is a loser.

However, Dem ideas are also a loser. Does it matter which Dem tries to screw America with them.....
Open border
Green energy inflation
Union controlled schools
Illegals getting SS & Medicare $ ...screwing the system
Housing & interest costs
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You are correct. Biden is a loser.

However, Dem ideas are also a loser. Does it matter which Dem tries to screw America with them.....
Open border
Green energy inflation
Union controlled schools
Illegals getting SS & Medicare $ ...screwing the system
Housing & interest costs

Biden already has been a winner when Trump was younger and far less damaged, pathetic, and dangerous.

Here’s the only thing that matters: This was a true climactic feast or famine moment for Trump. He either runs against a now very old feeble no chance Biden and wins, or Biden was so feeble that he steps aside and Trump gets destroyed.

Now we wait about ten days for an answer.
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Biden already has been a winner when Trump was younger and far less damaged, pathetic, and dangerous.

Here’s the only thing that matters: This was a true climactic feast or famine moment for Trump. He either runs against a now very old feeble no chance Biden, or Biden was so feeble that he steps aside and Trump gets destroyed.

Now we wait about ten days for an answer.

What Dem will not continue to screw America?

Truth is no matter what DEM @ the helm, it's the DEM policies are raising these prices and allowing open border.....and screwing America
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Sorry. But Trump has got to be better. His policies are 10x better and he can’t explain them or kept using his time to address statements by Biden that nobody believes. He his so frustrating. Probably how IU fans feel watching them squeak out wins against Army.

I will say they may have been the best moderated debate I’ve seen. Maybe it was the rules but despite their hatred for Trump those were extremely fair questions and well controlled. Almost like they wanted Biden to get dunked on. But in what should have been the most important debate in my memory. That was useless. Can we just have JD Vance run so I can get something out of this?
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✅✅✅✅ Got alot right tonight

1. BIden team already has the questions.
(Sure looked like it, with his 1, 2,3 preprepared answers)

2. The moderators will weigh in on Trump's comments. At points making it 2 on 1.

(WRONG....Moderators were good, but did give Biden an extra response on 1 question and extra time on another)

3. J6 and the 2020 election will be a question......when it's not even a top issue to most Americans. ✅

4. Top issues......inflation, economy, prices, border, crime, national security, energy & education....a few of these will be asked, but not all.✅

(Bold not asked)

5. Both guys will exaggerate their records. But Biden will be over the top on his many, many lies......Thus, the next day the media focuses on the few Trump fabrications.✅

(The Biden Charlottesville Lie
(Biden spoke to ww vets that
(Biden lying about border patrol backing him)
(Biden: "no troops dying".... Afghanistan 13)

6. Biden will be assisted by moderators when his memory slips or to finish thoughts.


7. Abortion &/or health care will be a question(s). ✅

8. Climate change will be a question.✅

9.. Biden will not fall asleep during the debate, and thus will be declared the winner by the media for exceeding expectations.

( "The idea" that the lib media doesn't declare him the winner is just malarkey........but Biden did so bad, they might replace him. I could be WRONG on #9)

But man Biden looked WEAK. DEM meltdown in progress. It is frightening this man leads this country.
Moderators were great. Both did themselves well. Candidates were bad.
Witmer, Klobuchar, even Newsome or Harris would have torched Trump tonight.
Kat litter fumes are really affecting you.

Torched him about what? They would all have had to defend Biden's horrible policies and records - and Newsome would have to defend his own horrible record in CA as well.

The only one who can beat Trump is Michelle Obama, which is what I expect to happen once they dump Crow.
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Kat litter fumes are really affecting you.

Torched him about what? They would all have had to defend Biden's horrible policies and records - and Newsome would have to defend his own horrible record in CA as well.

The only one who can beat Trump is Michelle Obama, which is what I expect to happen once they dump Crow.
If Biden gets dumped then the election is compromised. Millions voted for him to be presidential candidate in the primaries.
those were extremely fair questions and well controlled. Almost like they wanted Biden to get dunked on.

Fair could say that.
Some good questions....yes.

But look what CNN left out to get their agenda driven questions in.....
Energy was not asked.
Crime & safety were not touched on.
Education? Important issue missed.

I would say those 3 questions were far more important to America's future than some of the CNN agenda questions that were asked.
If Biden gets dumped then the election is compromised. Millions voted for him to be presidential candidate in the primaries.
I expect Obama, Clinton, et al to convince him to step down and release his delegates. It is obvious Crow can't think clearly for himself, so I expect him to be convinced to step down.

Even dem hacks are now admitting what many of us have been saying all along, that it is obvious Crow is not fit in any way to be president. Right Bob ( who may now be in prolonged hiding after the debate)?
I expect Obama, Clinton, et al to convince him to step down and release his delegates. It is obvious Crow can't think clearly for himself, so I expect him to be convinced to step down.

Even dem hacks are now admitting what many of us have been saying all along, that it is obvious Crow is not fit in any way to be president. Right Bob ( who may now be in prolonged hiding after the debate)?

Biden has been a cognitive mess all along, even running from his basement in 2020. And some voted for this cognitive mess. Embarrassing for their judgement.
If Biden gets dumped then the election is compromised. Millions voted for him to be presidential candidate in the primaries.

Now we have been told by @BNIBoiler that Biden will not be "dumped' for another. @BNIBoiler has said over and over that is NOT happening. @BNIBoiler went so far to say that it is not even being discussed.........LOL.......guess he should tune in to his own lib media in total melt down.
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