So who replaces Biden @ the Convention?

As far as Cheatle, her qualifications prior to serving as director were comparable to many of her predecessors. It's up to her to perform.
Cheatle’s an idiot. “The secret service couldn’t get on that roof because it’s sloped.”

She’s not qualified to watch my dog, let alone the President. And those panicky female DEI agents she put there to protect President Trump should be fired too.
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No, it's not a DEI hire just when it's a black female, it's a DEI hire ON EITHER PARTY when someone is highly unqualified. Your boy Biden picked Harris for two reasons only...she's a faux black, and she is a female. She had no qualifications for the job, She quit the primary early because she had and had Bedpan Joe died or become incapacitated early, even you have to admit that we all would have been in a tub of chit with Kammi at the helm, just as we will be if she gets elected. Her idiotic giggle won't sit well with other leaders such as Putin and Che.
To say that Harris was unqualified when Biden selected her is undervaluing and underestimating her like y’all do other blacks, black women in particular. Harris was Senator of CA and CA attorney general prior to that.

So DEI hires goes for both sides, correct? So why is that for Biden selecting Harris for VP was a DEI hire and Chump considering Sen Tim Scott for VP was not a DEI hire? Not one republicans said that was a DEI hire. Tim Scott’s has comparable qualifications as he is a US Senator. Seem like DEI hires don’t apply for republicans.
An Orange fascist cult leader sleeping with and paying off porn stars while his wife is pregnant don’t sit well the rest of the country either. Or an orange fascist rapist and 34 time convicted felon doesn’t sit well with the rest of the country either.

Because Harris will lock up Detroit, Flint, Benton Harbor, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, & Philadelphia, she will take MI, GA, & PA.

Rolling back Roe vs Wade is going hurt the repubs. Now that a woman is now running to reiterate that fact is going be detrimental to the repubs among women voters.

The grifter black folks will stick with Chump. However, the non-grifters blacks were considering Chump will now go solid for Harris.

Harris being a better communicator than Biden will better communicate the aforementioned issues and then some.
Trump was the elected nominee in a democratic process. Who voted for Harris?
Harris just received all of the necessary delegates needed for nomination. It’s a wrap.

How long until the leftist media goes ga-ga over KH? I am sure they will be saying soon she gives them "chills & shivers" like they claimed Pres O did. Lol...Give it time you know it's coming ......
Besides lying, there pattern of doing things is fairly predictable....
How long until the leftist media goes ga-ga over KH? I am sure they will be saying soon she gives them "chills & shivers" like they claimed Pres O did. Lol...Give it time you know it's coming ......
Besides lying, there pattern of doing things is fairly predictable....
Saw numerous headlines to that effect already.

And if they allow comments, the comments are usually filled with people quoting her previous examples of word salad or people coming up with their own mocking her. Some of those have been hilarious to read.
How long until the leftist media goes ga-ga over KH? I am sure they will be saying soon she gives them "chills & shivers" like they claimed Pres O did. Lol...Give it time you know it's coming ......
Besides lying, there pattern of doing things is fairly predictable....
Well Faux News has been ga-ga, as you put it, for Chump ever since he came down that escalator in 2015. Faux News has promoted several conspiracy theories concerning Chump. One conspiracy theory alone cost Faux News cost them almost $800 million and a cult member anchor lost his job over it.
How long until the leftist media goes ga-ga over KH? I am sure they will be saying soon she gives them "chills & shivers" like they claimed Pres O did. Lol...Give it time you know it's coming ......
Besides lying, there pattern of doing things is fairly predictable....
Why do black women rub you right wingers the wrong way?
Harris just received all of the necessary delegates needed for nomination. It’s a wrap.
The left-wing media lied and covered for Biden for 4 years. The brainwashed Dim sheep lapped it up and regurgitated it at every turn. The media will have to double down with lies to make Harris look good. And we see here that the Dims are incapable of learning, already touting her "accomplishments" spoon-fed to them by the same media. Maybe it isn't just black schoolchildren who don't want to learn (your words).
To say that Harris was unqualified when Biden selected her is undervaluing and underestimating her like y’all do other blacks, black women in particular. Harris was Senator of CA and CA attorney general prior to that.

So DEI hires goes for both sides, correct? So why is that for Biden selecting Harris for VP was a DEI hire and Chump considering Sen Tim Scott for VP was not a DEI hire? Not one republicans said that was a DEI hire. Tim Scott’s has comparable qualifications as he is a US Senator. Seem like DEI hires don’t apply for republicans.
Harris is totally unqualified Brother. She has had one VP under Bedpan Joe and she has totally screwed the pooch on that one job. One huge f up
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Why do black women rub you right wingers the wrong way?
Wow, what a wrong assumption and another time you wrongly toss all into one lump sum. Condi Rice...great lady. Didn't agree with her politics, but Sheila Jackson Lee certainly has my respect because she would work across the asile. Kammi....she didn't work on any aisle and was only selected to be Joe's VP because of her sex and supposed faux blackness.

You gotta get some help Brother.
Why do black women rub you right wingers the wrong way?
Got nothing to do with skin color.
Conservatives like black females like Mia Love, Candace Owens and Harris Faulkner.

The more appropriate question is "Why do black conservative women rub YOU the wrong way?"
Harris is totally unqualified Brother. She has had one VP under Bedpan Joe and she has totally screwed the pooch on that one job. One huge f up
You would think, that as Biden's appointed Border Czar, she would visit said border.
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Why do black women rub you right wingers the wrong way?

You missed the point.....Again.
The post was not about her, as much as about the media's over exuberant promoting her with exaggerations ....
They did the same with Pres O...

Here a quick Google search and you see I am right, (that didn't take long).......LOL

MSNBC, CNN left 'blown away,' with 'chills' after Harris' first campaign speech: 'Jumping out of my seat'

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Got nothing to do with skin color.
Conservatives like black females like Mia Love, Candace Owens and Harris Faulkner.

The more appropriate question is "Why do black conservative women rub YOU the wrong way?"
I’ve said this thousands of times, I don’t like the white supremacist applogist black consevatives male or female. They rub me the wrong way. The black grifters. Mia Love, Condoleezza Rice, JC Watts, Colin Powell(RIP), Michael Steele and others are not white supremcist apologists. They are cool. Basically I like all non-MAGA conservatives regardless of race or gender.

Y’all are seemingly so desperate for black repub support, you will gravitate to any black person that make you feel comfortable.

You did not answer my previous question. Since Harris and Scott have similar credentials since they were and are US Senators. You say that Harris was a DEI hire. Was Scott a potential DEI hire since he was considered for VP.

There aren’t many black women conservatives that hold public office. Most of the black women conservatives are the black grifters on podcasts and Faux News.
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As far as Cheatle, her qualifications prior to serving as director were comparable to many of her predecessors. It's up to her to perform. Now she failed at protecting Chump at the rally and now y'all call her a DEI hire. What about Stuart Knight? He had secret service failures under Ford and Reagan. He resigned after the Reagan assassination attempt if I recall.
I call BS. You might have been told to believe this by MSNBC, but it's laughable to think you actually thought for yourself and looked at her and past director's qualifications.

This board's biggest racist is also its biggest liar.
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Got nothing to do with skin color.
Conservatives like black females like Mia Love, Candace Owens and Harris Faulkner.

The more appropriate question is "Why do black conservative women rub YOU the wrong way?"
Pull the string in the back of his neck…
You did not answer my previous question. Since Harris and Scott have similar credentials since they were and are US Senators. You say that Harris was a DEI hire.
I didn’t know if Harris was a DEI hire in 2020. Her performance the last 4 years has proven that she was. Just like Kim Cheatle.
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You say that Harris was a DEI hire. Was Scott a potential DEI hire since he was considered for VP.
Seriously? How could someone NOT hired be considered a DEI hire? Shaking my head at the empty-headedness of your arguments. Are you a musician (making magic), by any chance?
Harris is going to be Chump's worse nightmare.
She was one of the least likeable candidates, according to Dims, in the 2020 primary. You didn't vote for her. Racist. Several Dims were wanting her to be replaced on the 2024 ticket. You were probably one of them.

The ONLY thing she has going for her is the MSM will say or do anything to beat Trump. They don't even like her, but they have a job to do. And it isn't journalism.
Here's a couple more in media touring the Great and Mighty KH. LOL

Hilarious how she has went from worse than incompetent to amazing in the media's eyes in less than a week.....

The left media is so predictable.....

As a reference point here is what the left media was saying about her.....BEFORE she all the sudden was anointed as the Great & Mighty KH ......

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Andy, I keep telling you that BNI ain't at all black. He's an unemployed or retired old, bald, fat guy with no family or friends who just wants to stir the pot because he has nothing else to do. Right BNI?
I'm new to this board so it didn't occur to me that he claimed to be black. He comes across as a typical brainwashed LBJ-style racist Democrat. If he pretends to be black for cover on an anonymous message board, he is the worst kind of human being. But I think I have already seen that he is.
Reverse discrimination? Again you are playing the victim again.
No. An example of playing the victim card is saying that enhanced voting integrity measures discriminate against blacks because they're not smart enough to get an ID, or they can't figure out how to vote if the Sunday church bus don't take them to the polls.
I’ve said this thousands of times, I don’t like the white supremacist applogist black consevatives male or female. They rub me the wrong way. The black grifters. Mia Love, Condoleezza Rice, JC Watts, Colin Powell(RIP), Michael Steele and others are not white supremcist apologists. They are cool. Basically I like all non-MAGA conservatives regardless of race or gender.

Y’all are seemingly so desperate for black repub support, you will gravitate to any black person that make you feel comfortable.

You did not answer my previous question. Since Harris and Scott have similar credentials since they were and are US Senators. You say that Harris was a DEI hire. Was Scott a potential DEI hire since he was considered for VP.

There aren’t many black women conservatives that hold public office. Most of the black women conservatives are the black grifters on podcasts and Faux News.
Scott wouldn't have been a DEI hire because Trump didn't say "I've narrowed down my choice of VP to 5 black men. The VP will be a black man".

Biden literally said that when choosing his VP, it would be a black woman.
You don't see the difference?

When Mayor Beetlejuice was messing up Chicago a couple of years ago and held a press conference where only black members of the press were allowed in, did you have a problem with that?