Our nation's COVID-19 response is a disaster !

Some good news is that deaths seam to be decreasing even though there are more new cases

Meanwhile, the number of new deaths in the U.S. is still going down...

BSIT: I read that deaths are dropping because more people under age 35 are being diagnosed with COVID-19. Younger people seem not to suffer the same fate as older people.
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BSIT: I read that deaths are dropping because more people under age 35 are being diagnosed with COVID-19. Younger people seem not to suffer the same fate as older people.
Yep and I think states have learned from the nursing home mistakes of some states. I also wonder how much of this is due to the protests and reopening of bars?
Some good news is that deaths seam to be decreasing even though there are more new cases

This is GREAT to see, but the process management side of me tells me that it's just a matter of time before all of those cases start causing deaths. I do agree with Beth and others that the younger folks help explain some of it, but as we found out from the other states, the drivers of the deaths were "people with underlying conditions" and "when hospitals get overrun".

We should know how this is going to play out by the end of July, as the hospitals are filling up quickly and the pace of spreading will make it awfully hard to keep it out of the retirement areas/nursing homes.

Multiple days of over 40,000 cases is NOT a healthy sign ! that's worse than anything we saw in late March or early April.

Let's hope for the best.
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This is GREAT to see, but the process management side of me tells me that it's just a matter of time before all of those cases start causing deaths. I do agree with Beth and others that the younger folks help explain some of it, but as we found out from the other states, the drivers of the deaths were "people with underlying conditions" and "when hospitals get overrun".

We should know how this is going to play out by the end of July, as the hospitals are filling up quickly and the pace of spreading will make it awfully hard to keep it out of the retirement areas/nursing homes.

Multiple days of over 40,000 cases is NOT a healthy sign ! that's worse than anything we saw in late March or early April.

Let's hope for the best.
I think hospitals have come up with better treatment that are saving lives and this may be a factor as well
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I think hospitals have come up with better treatment that are saving lives and this may be a factor as well

Good point - I buy that ! . . . but again . . there is no doubt in my mind that southern hospitals will be pretty full in late July, so that will be tested. I hope you are right - We should know within 30 days
We are finally starting to see VP Pence, Mc Connell, other staffers suggesting that masks could be beneficial. That's a good thing. Now let's see if the white house can actually model this behavior when around people or whether it will be a " do as I say, not as I do" thing.

One thing is clear. Even Washington has gotten the message that we HAVE a problem, not a HOAX, not something that is just going to go away.
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We are finally starting to see VP Pence, Mc Connell, other staffers suggesting that masks could be beneficial. That's a good thing. Now let's see if the white house can actually model this behavior when around people or whether it will be a " do as I say, not as I do" thing.

One thing is clear. Even Washington has gotten the message that we HAVE a problem, not a HOAX, not something that is just going to go away.
Apparently Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago hasn't received the message
The trends says it all:

June 14th - 19,811 new cases
June 15th - 21,235 new cases
June 19th - 33,522 new cases
June 24th - 39,175 new cases
June 30th - 45,942 new cases

The exponential growth is back and the big question with respect to deaths will be answered in July. (ie How well new treatments, age differences, etc.. will help us)

Curious: Does anyone really think the United States is doing a good job on managing the virus? ? ?
Another record number of cases for one day - Now over 50,000 !

Like I said weeks ago, this is a disaster ! (& July could be ugly in the south)
Earlier testing now that people recognize the symptoms thus earlier diagnoses may also be a factor.

If everyone remembers, the lack of testing early on basically meant the only people getting them were the sickest. I think the early case count was way larger than the charts.

It is good that doctors and nurses are treating it better but when a hospital gets overwhelmed it becomes Sophie’s Choice time again.
If everyone remembers, the lack of testing early on basically meant the only people getting them were the sickest. I think the early case count was way larger than the charts.

It is good that doctors and nurses are treating it better but when a hospital gets overwhelmed it becomes Sophie’s Choice time again.

You are 100% correct !

1.) Public health officials just stated that there are about 10 times as many cases as we are officially reporting

2.) This morning an ICU Director in San Antonio said that he just had to make a decision on which of the 10 "young" patients were going to get the 3 last specialized rooms for oxygenation, knowing the others would most likely die.

Hopefully the deaths of younger people will be a wake-up call to the younger generation.

I think people are falsely believing the worst cases are "only" related to underlying conditions. I believe they are also related to "total viral load" which each person gets.

Sitting in packed bars for long periods of time while weakening their immune system with alcohol consumption is making it much more likely for younger people to get massive loads of the virus. Then the lack of healthcare capacity is going to seal their fate. July is going to be a very bad month in the South.
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The trends says it all:

June 14th - 19,811 new cases
June 15th - 21,235 new cases
June 19th - 33,522 new cases
June 24th - 39,175 new cases
June 30th - 45,942 new cases

The exponential growth is back and the big question with respect to deaths will be answered in July. (ie How well new treatments, age differences, etc.. will help us)

Curious: Does anyone really think the United States is doing a good job on managing the virus? ? ?
obviously a lot of people. not everyone is terrified of catching it and most aren't sitting around screeching on the internet. they are living their lives.
Top conservative lawmaker demands White House disband coronavirus task force - Politico Article

Imagine that ! A Republican politician more worried about his political odds in Nov, than the health of the country and it's citizens. SHOCKER ! ! !

The health officials are just finally doing their job, after being initially bullied and threatened by Drumpf. Kudos to them for finally standing up for science and the American people.

I was beginning to wonder if we were going to have to revisit the theory that the world is flat !
You think violently dispersing crowds is really the answer here? Is tear gassing and rubber bullets in the name of public health seem like the solution to this problem to you?
Did I say that? No, I did not, not once, not ever. All we’re asking for is consistency. The mayor in Chicago publicly shames those who are going out to a park yet is silent when that parade was going on. Seriously? You really don’t see the irony in that?
Did I say that? No, I did not, not once, not ever. All we’re asking for is consistency. The mayor in Chicago publicly shames those who are going out to a park yet is silent when that parade was going on. Seriously? You really don’t see the irony in that?
You linked a statement by the Mayor saying they were no longer going to violently disperse protests, someone complaining about how that made it somehow impossible too get the police to break up a block party and a picture of a large protest parade, and you made a comment about the Mayor not getting it. Perhaps the Mayor doesn't have messaging, but nothing in your post demonstrates that. Your post communicates: Mayor bad, mayor not violently disperse crowns, people make big crowds. If you meant to write a post about a lack of consistent messaging you need to actually include that in your content.
You linked a statement by the Mayor saying they were no longer going to violently disperse protests, someone complaining about how that made it somehow impossible too get the police to break up a block party and a picture of a large protest parade, and you made a comment about the Mayor not getting it. Perhaps the Mayor doesn't have messaging, but nothing in your post demonstrates that. Your post communicates: Mayor bad, mayor not violently disperse crowns, people make big crowds. If you meant to write a post about a lack of consistent messaging you need to actually include that in your content.
I responded to a post that ended with “One thing is clear. Even Washington has gotten the message that we HAVE a problem, not a HOAX, not something that is just going to go away.“ with “Apparently Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago hasn't received the message” and the attachments regarding Mayor Lightfoot. Just so you know, Alderman Raymond Lopez in the first picture is a DEMOCRAT. I offer an apology to you since you thought I was saying ‘Mayor bad, mayor not violently disperse crowns, people make big crowds’