On this impeachment thing

Tonight the New York Times is reporting that John Bolton referred to Rudy Giuliani being a "hand genade" .
It further reports
"Mr. Bolton instructed Fiona Hill, the senior director for Russian and Eurasian affairs, to notify the chief lawyer for the National Security Council that Mr. Giuliani was working with Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, on a rogue operation with legal implications, Ms. Hill told the investigators, according to two people familiar with her closed-door testimony."
In further disclosure of the Fiona Hill testimony, WaPo reports that
"Fiona Hill, the White House’s former top Russia adviser, told impeachment investigators on Monday that Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, ran a shadow foreign policy in Ukraine that circumvented U.S. officials and career diplomats in order to personally benefit President Trump, according to people familiar with her testimony."
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I think this all requires more investigation. I am all for furthering this impeachment inquiry. Every rock that's turned over a snake crawls out Drain the swamp.
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It's happening.......meanwhile the pubs complain about Schiff and the whistleblower or Matt Gaetz getting kicked out of a hearing where he didn't belong.
The attacks on Bolton start today. He's definitely deep state lol.
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Where is the whistleblower?
Probably hiding from Trump, who's illegally trying to expose him.

You realize it doesn't matter right? Trump himself released the transcript which says the same thing as the whistleblower. And Trump admitted in public that he was trying to get two countries to investigate his political opponent. At this point the Whistleblower means nothing, other than a talking point for the pubs.
You need to pay attention. People from inside this Administration are talking to Congress about what happened, more are testifying every day. Pubs can talk about the whistleblower all day long, they're just wasting their time.
Where is the whistleblower?

Do you mean the whistle blowers? I have not read that either has testified probably because their lives would be endangered. It appears that their testimony has become irrelevant as people with first hand knowledge and higher positions are coming forward to testify. The pace has quickened with more revelations daily (hourly?).
George Will, in far more elegant language than I could ever hope to pen, says impeach him and in the 2020 elections throw out his Congressional and Senatorial enablers.
Will is superb at using the English language, if I agree or disagree I can always appreciate his mastery of his craft, this part of a sentence, one I agree with, is to me... awesome "...injected into him by subordinates who understand that absurdity is his vocation,..."
Will is superb at using the English language, if I agree or disagree I can always appreciate his mastery of his craft, this part of a sentence, one I agree with, is to me... awesome "...injected into him by subordinates who understand that absurdity is his vocation,..."
Reading that quoted section caused a literal LOL from me.
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Just that I called this from the get go. Another lazy attempt by the Dems to make something up and it backfired in their faces
Lol. You doing a TD dance now? It's just getting good.
I guess you have explanations for Rudy and his pals and Yavinovitch and Fiona and Kent......and those still coming like McKinley and Sondland?
Rudy was running a shadow foreign policy on Trump's orders to get dirt on Biden......just like he has asked for publicly.

Be sure to pass through again after impeachment and tell us how right you were.
Tonight the New York Times is reporting that John Bolton referred to Rudy Giuliani being a "hand genade" .
It further reports
"Mr. Bolton instructed Fiona Hill, the senior director for Russian and Eurasian affairs, to notify the chief lawyer for the National Security Council that Mr. Giuliani was working with Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, on a rogue operation with legal implications, Ms. Hill told the investigators, according to two people familiar with her closed-door testimony."
In addition, Bolton referred to the entire Ukrainian shadow diplomacy charade as " a drug deal " during that period of time.
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Just that I called this from the get go. Another lazy attempt by the Dems to make something up and it backfired in their faces
Not looking all that " lazy " according to multiple White House aides.
The SDNY doesn't have a reputation, as well, for laziness.
Still not sure what "this"...… in " I called this "......refers to.
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Lol. You doing a TD dance now? It's just getting good.
I guess you have explanations for Rudy and his pals and Yavinovitch and Fiona and Kent......and those still coming like McKinley and Sondland?
Rudy was running a shadow foreign policy on Trump's orders to get dirt on Biden......just like he has asked for publicly.

Be sure to pass through again after impeachment and tell us how right you were.
oh I will. This won't be as glorious a letdown as the russia hoax, but it will still be entertaining watching this circle jerk move the goal posts again.
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oh I will. This won't be as glorious a letdown as the russia hoax, but it will still be entertaining watching this circle jerk move the goal posts again.
It's convenient that you don't actually stake out a position. Trump will get impeached and you'll declare Victory if he doesn't get kicked out of office.
oh I will. This won't be as glorious a letdown as the russia hoax, but it will still be entertaining watching this circle jerk move the goal posts again.

It's truly sad that 1) this is just a game to you, 2) you're a massive gaslighter, and 3) there are so many folks similar to you.
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It's convenient that you don't actually stake out a position. Trump will get impeached and you'll declare Victory if he doesn't get kicked out of office.
I said I don't think they will vote to impeach him . It is pretty clear this is all a political dog and pony show. No amount of facts will change the 6 of your minds on here, but it is funny to watch you guys get excited and the move the goal posts
I said I don't think they will vote to impeach him . It is pretty clear this is all a political dog and pony show. No amount of facts will change the 6 of your minds on here, but it is funny to watch you guys get excited and the move the goal posts

Lol a show, even after Trump straight up admitted to asking Ukraine to investigate a political opponent and is actively ignoring subpoenas from an equal branch of government. How gullible are you?
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I said I don't think they will vote to impeach him . It is pretty clear this is all a political dog and pony show. No amount of facts will change the 6 of your minds on here, but it is funny to watch you guys get excited and the move the goal posts
What amount of facts lol? Hunter got paid a crapload of money because his name is Biden?
Are you watching the Rudy Show? Of course not. You don't have to because Trump says it's a witchhunt......that's all you need to know.
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I said I don't think they will vote to impeach him . It is pretty clear this is all a political dog and pony show. No amount of facts will change the 6 of your minds on here, but it is funny to watch you guys get excited and the move the goal posts
Apparently Mitch McConnell disagrees with you.
He is reported to have told Senate Republicans on Wednesday that he expects Speaker Nancy Pelosi to approve articles of impeachment as early as Thanksgiving. But of course, this is the fake news of the media, so I am sure that you must be correct.
I said I don't think they will vote to impeach him . It is pretty clear this is all a political dog and pony show. No amount of facts will change the 6 of your minds on here, but it is funny to watch you guys get excited and the move the goal posts
" No amount of facts will change....minds, here"

If you'd pass along ONE demonstrable "fact"....that'd be a start.....
Ol' Shitty Shifty Schiff will just keep telling more and more lies until someone has to guts to take him to task. But we know Pelosi won't do it.
Hey !! YOU can take Schiff " to task ", Twin. YOU'VE got guts !!
Just spell out the lies WITH QUOTES attached -
And then the list of links for confirmation.

All we need !!
Just the worst 15-20 will suffice.
Twin: Stop with the name-calling already. It does not improve your posts in any way. In fact, I find myself thinking about the language you are using rather than the message.
Lol sorry I don’t watch ABC and their doctored videos
Then where DO you watch doctored videos of Trump mowing down media members, Pelosi with slurred speech, Jim Acosta at the White House press conference , or the Pelosi/Nadler altered one ???