three questions.
When addressing a one and done player, am I correct in assuming all he has to do to play 2 semesters is to declare a major and maintain his eligibility his first semester? Would any dual credit classes from high school count towards maintaining his eligibility? Can he test out of courses? Does he have to take math 151 his first semester? or can he put that on the back burner? I doubt it's a prerequisite to any other class. What I'm hinting at, is can a player come to Purdue with about 12 college hours, declare a major, and then take a bunch of easy courses that are part of that major his first semester. I recall as part of my major, I was required to take pysch, a foreign language , English. and also 2 hours of some athletic activity. I also took a music appreciation class one semester and a couple of music theory classes. . is it possible a recruit could take those 5 classes their first semester and be considered as taking classes towards completion of their major? and they maintain their eligibility, and then play and don't care about their second semester? and attend their NBA combine and leave? is that possible.?
second question. At Purdue, I started as a computer science major in the school of science. My memory is pretty bad - a total data dump.. But I thought Purdue used to offer a degree in General Science. And I'll l admit, it was a tough degree because it required a student to take the basic chemistry, biology, physics and calculus courses a normal student in the school of science would take. .
a third question. Does Purdue offer a degree in Sports Administration?
I'll answer in order of your questions:
1. He does not need to declare a major until the end of his freshman year, so a 1-dn does not need to declare a major.
2. If PU accepts his dual-credit, then yes, they would count toward his 24 hours for his 1st year. This is why summer school is so important. Todd and Seth push all student athletes to take math 151/9 and comm 201 in the summer. Honestly, tough courses, Comm is way to difficult, but the instructors design it, so be it. It is NOT easy. But if they pass them, they have 6 hours toward the 24, if they don't pass, they still have 2 semesters plus maymester to pass them.
3. Math 159 was designed as a way for student athletes to "test out of" math 151 (it's complicated). I've not seen an athlete test out of any course other than Span 101/102 in my many years.
4 Most student take a music appreciation class online from ISU ... not easy, but online helps. that fulfills that requirement.
5. They cannot put math 151/9 off ... it is a frosh requirement for every degree that PU has.
6. SInce PU has never had a 1-dn player, some of your questions are hard to answer, but yes, if he is really 1-dn, what he does 2nd semester is not important and he does not need to declare a major, BUT, his first semester needs to have some classes that lead toward a major ... which isn't hard because the core frosh requirements are all the same.
7. No idea about a GS degree, but as you say, it is still a tough degree ... Akeem Hunt pursued a degree in Kinethesiology - which is essentially a PE degree from way back. I want to tell you... that is one TOUGH degree. The degree that tends to be promoted is an OLS degree, which is not easy, but is highly useful for many future pursuits.
8. I need to research the sports admin degree. I know most of the grad assistants in the athletic academics area are getting masters in some form of sports admin, so I am pretty sure they do.