Morton Redshirt

I actually found Painter’s answer and reaction interesting. It almost seemed awkward. Like he answered knowing that Morton would eventually here his response. Seems like he wants to get him in the game to get him experience and keep him happy, but it’s hard when the other guys are playing well.
Painter has said he wants to play everyone so that they can step in should covid hit. Up to this game, he has been true to his word. He just didn't get Ethan into this game, but I'm sure he'll play against Minny.
Painter has publicly stated that the Ethan Morton we're seeing is not the same player he was in high school (or even pre-season at Purdue); he's still feeling the affects of Mononucleosis. He's taking his lumps this year, doing what he can...but I highly suspect next year we'll see the 'real' Morton.

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