Live in Indiana?

Well thanks for working on them, but the roads overall are terrible. Our company has had extensive road damage causing thousands of dollars per year. Many of our bridges have gone way beyond their useful life. 31 is decent. 65 had to have a rerouting because of a bridge collapse,69, 469, 70, are in sad shape. They are finally working on the bridge on 65 that crosses the Ohio into Louisville. That was one of the 20 worst bridges in the entire country.

Obviously more work needs to be done.
Water and wastewater (my specialty) is really bad.
You have probably heard of the lead in the region.
Did a couple projects in Lake Station and all the service lines were lead. We replaced every one we found with copper.
I should add that there is a lot of discussion whether the water and wastewater problems should be addressed by the state or if its a local problem to be handled by the municipalities.
In the Past, for low income areas, USDA Rural Development had millions of dollars in grants for such projects.
Yes I have read that water and sewer projects are critical. Looking at what has happened in Flint Michigan, makes one wonder how many thousands of other towns around the country have this same problem. Trump's budget calls for a 21% cut in funding to USDA. Hopefully it's not those projects that will be cut.
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There is definitely a shortage in the "STEM" (math/science) areas. For some jobs we might get only 2-3 applicants. Elementary, English, Social Studies, Physical Education, not as much yet. We do get less applicants and the local colleges are seeing a drop off in enrollment; there will be a shortage. As a whole, looking at the Indiana DOE there are a lot more jobs open than the last few years. I think retirements play a roll, I imagine state population is growing as a whole. We would not see the wide scale shortages until 3-4 years, but I think there will be a demand.
Are you an administrator?
Good points all. The Secretary of Education position has been turned into a political appointment instead of an elected position. Pence fought with the previous secretary at every turn and placed our school system in peril. He didn't like the choice the PEOPLE of Indiana made for Secretary, so he made her life a living hell. As a result between his small minded attitude toward education and his need to help his buddies out, we have expanded the FOR PROFIT system to a level that is unsustainable.
She was/is/always will be totally unqualified and I voted for I guess that makes me stupid. I didn't make the mistake the second time because she was nothing more than a political shill for the liberal left. She did absolutely nothing during her stint except bitch, whine, and follow the rote of the Indiana Democrat and NEA.
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She was/is/always will be totally unqualified and I voted for I guess that makes me stupid. I didn't make the mistake the second time because she was nothing more than a political shill for the liberal left. She did absolutely nothing during her stint except bitch, whine, and follow the rote of the Indiana Democrat and NEA.
Your opinion. No, I don't think you're stupid, just misinformed and blinded by friendship and loyalty. Not saying I wouldn't be thinking the same way if I were in your shoes. But I'm not. We'll see it play out with the For Profits and you'll see in the end you were wrong. Your pal made it political in forcing the Charter school program down her throat and refusing to use national testing standards. That made for a testing fiasco when we had to make up our own. As a life long educator herself, she simply didn't agree with what was being done with the state's education program. Pence didn't like her challenging his authority as Governor and moved to destroy her position. He appointed a board of education and gave them authority over education issues, effectively nullifying her position and the will of the people for her to serve in that position.
Lots of talk about bad Indiana roads (and no one denies they need plenty more fixing) but having moved to OKC last Oct I can tell you I pine for the days of Indiana roads. They are worse here believe it or not.
Lots of talk about bad Indiana roads (and no one denies they need plenty more fixing) but having moved to OKC last Oct I can tell you I pine for the days of Indiana roads. They are worse here believe it or not.
Roads are generally worse the further north one drives. I know when I drive around Chicago I feel like I'm in a clothes dryer. Asphalt doesn't like it when it freezes, thaws, freezes, thaws, and then gets salt thrown on it for good measure.
Roads are generally worse the further north one drives. I know when I drive around Chicago I feel like I'm in a clothes dryer. Asphalt doesn't like it when it freezes, thaws, freezes, thaws, and then gets salt thrown on it for good measure.
Exactly. I would like them to take the German approach and layer concrete so they hold up longer than the current product.

Also I want the state to reopen the Cline Avenue Bridge. That was an awesome way to get to the city and cut a ton of miles off the commute. Granted the state felt it was more important to connect Indianapolis with metropolitan Evansville/Henderson, Kentucky.
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Wouldn't have voted for Ritz to head our local PTA let alone the office she was elected to by the teacher's union.
With Teacher's Union membership all but nonexistant, you cannot blame that one on them. Bennett was awful and his career or lack there of since leaving office is indicative of that. Well he had a glorious 7 month run in Florida before his shady dealings got him to resign. That is why he lost the election, not union thugs roughing people up for votes. He stepped on his own you know what.
With Teacher's Union membership all but nonexistant, you cannot blame that one on them. Bennett was awful and his career or lack there of since leaving office is indicative of that. Well he had a glorious 7 month run in Florida before his shady dealings got him to resign. That is why he lost the election, not union thugs roughing people up for votes. He stepped on his own you know what.

Not sure what Bennett has to do with Ritz being completely incompetent. You're right from the aspect that the teacher's banded together to vote him out of office but unfortunately they voted for someone completely unqualified to do much of anything, let alone hold a statewide office.

As for the union, I must confess that I'm not in education but I have several friends/family that are in the profession and from their stories it sure doesn't seem like membership is nonexistent to me.
Wouldn't have voted for Ritz to head our local PTA let alone the office she was elected to by the teacher's union.
Ritz was an embarrassment. No qualifications at all to hold that position and was nothing more than a spokesperson for the ISTA.

Speaking of the ISTA - anyone see where Carmel schools are pulling out and forming their own union? Could be the beginning of the end for the ISTA. Lord I hope so - and my wife who is a school teacher agrees.
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Ritz was an embarrassment. No qualifications at all to hold that position and was nothing more than a spokesperson for the ISTA.

Speaking of the ISTA - anyone see where Carmel schools are pulling out and forming their own union? Could be the beginning of the end for the ISTA. Lord I hope so - and my wife who is a school teacher agrees.
The local area could handle union issues more effectively than the ISTA. Different parts of the state have different needs. Unions are good in principle and provide a value for certain things, but the ISTA is a lot of talk for little action and tries to be a one-sized fits all solution when that is not the case. The localized union should keep rates down as well, the one positive about the big union is the liability insurance; my advice to someone would be to make sure you supplement with that.
The local area could handle union issues more effectively than the ISTA. Different parts of the state have different needs. Unions are good in principle and provide a value for certain things, but the ISTA is a lot of talk for little action and tries to be a one-sized fits all solution when that is not the case. The localized union should keep rates down as well, the one positive about the big union is the liability insurance; my advice to someone would be to make sure you supplement with that.
Liability insurance for what?
Not sure what Bennett has to do with Ritz being completely incompetent. You're right from the aspect that the teacher's banded together to vote him out of office but unfortunately they voted for someone completely unqualified to do much of anything, let alone hold a statewide office.

As for the union, I must confess that I'm not in education but I have several friends/family that are in the profession and from their stories it sure doesn't seem like membership is nonexistent to me.
Bennett was the other choice and a poor choice. That is the correlation.

I would say teacher's union membership statewide is at 40%? Rural areas maybe 15-20%. Metro areas higher. The cost of membership has gone up so high that many cannot afford it, something like $800 a year. It used to be half that. It is interesting to see if more districts go to the local model to provide a bargaining negotiation arm and provide an outlet for concerns.
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Not sure what Bennett has to do with Ritz being completely incompetent. You're right from the aspect that the teacher's banded together to vote him out of office but unfortunately they voted for someone completely unqualified to do much of anything, let alone hold a statewide office.

As for the union, I must confess that I'm not in education but I have several friends/family that are in the profession and from their stories it sure doesn't seem like membership is nonexistent to me.

I agree, and if that still didn't convince me, all I have to do is look at their facebook pages. I'm in constant arguments with people on there when I make a comment disagreeing with one of their posts and one of the teacher friends who don't realize I'm a relative comes to defend the post. Of course the twist everything I say, last time I get fed up and commented that I felt sorry for the kids they teach when the teachers seem to completely lack any reading comprehension abilities. Man that made things interesting quickly. I'm surprised family members haven't unfriended me yet. One thing I've definitely learned through FB though, critical thinking skills is definitely nonexistent among most teachers.
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Bennett was the other choice and a poor choice. That is the correlation.

I would say teacher's union membership statewide is at 40%? Rural areas maybe 15-20%. Metro areas higher. The cost of membership has gone up so high that many cannot afford it, something like $800 a year. It used to be half that. It is interesting to see if more districts go to the local model to provide a bargaining negotiation arm and provide an outlet for concerns.

While membership maybe down, they are still following their recommendation and propaganda.

(Again, based on my own independent observations)
While membership maybe down, they are still following their recommendation and propaganda.

(Again, based on my own independent observations)
You are entitled to your observations and opinions, but it is way off. I would bet teacher unions, labor unions in general, could be nonexistent in 20 years.
While membership maybe down, they are still following their recommendation and propaganda.

(Again, based on my own independent observations)
Yup - my favorite is that if you don't agree with the teacher's union that you are anti student or anti public education. I always laugh as my wife and I are products of public education, my two kids attend a public school, and my wife teaches at a public school. Its like when people criticized Obama - "well you must be a racist." I find the left to be incredibly closed minded.
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How often does that happen in Indiana?
Do teachers get sued? There are a few every year in Indiana. Most are without merit and get dismissed. It is a litigious world and it takes one nutso parent with an axe to grind or one freak incident to cause a problem. In the districts I have worked, there was litigation in 2 of the 5 over the course of 15 years. Being able to choose your own lawyer is something I would definitely want.
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Do teachers get sued? There are a few every year in Indiana. Most are without merit and get dismissed. It is a litigious world and it takes one nutso parent with an axe to grind or one freak incident to cause a problem. In the districts I have worked, there was litigation in 2 of the 5 over the course of 15 years. Being able to choose your own lawyer is something I would definitely want.
My sister is retiring this year after 30+ years as a math teacher, my wife has taught for 8+ years, my aunt taught for 30+ years, I have several good friends who have taught for over 20 years. I've never heard of a teacher getting sued in Indiana. Not even sure what a teacher would get sued for? Have any ever gone to trial? Or is this possibly an ISTA scare tactic to keep membership up?
Yup - my favorite is that if you don't agree with the teacher's union that you are anti student or anti public education. I always laugh as my wife and I are products of public education, my two kids attend a public school, and my wife teaches at a public school. Its like when people criticized Obama - "well you must be a racist." I find the left to be incredibly closed minded.

Yea it's always that if you don't support the teacher's union you don't care about "the kids" or "our future". Ridiculous arguments.
One of the things unions did was to keep class sizes down. Now without the union class sizes in our town are too large. One example is AP Chem - not only are there not enough lab facilities but I consider it dangerous to have that many teenagers in a chem lab. At the elementary level it means children do not get the individual attention they need, etc.
My sister is retiring this year after 30+ years as a math teacher, my wife has taught for 8+ years, my aunt taught for 30+ years, I have several good friends who have taught for over 20 years. I've never heard of a teacher getting sued in Indiana. Not even sure what a teacher would get sued for? Have any ever gone to trial? Or is this possibly an ISTA scare tactic to keep membership up?
Do a Google search. Things like alleged spanking, claims of discrimination, etc. It takes one claim.
One of the things unions did was to keep class sizes down. Now without the union class sizes in our town are too large. One example is AP Chem - not only are there not enough lab facilities but I consider it dangerous to have that many teenagers in a chem lab. At the elementary level it means children do not get the individual attention they need, etc.
Part of that is the funding. The property tax caps with the remainder to be funded from sales tax did not work. The best rated corporations - Carmel, Westfield, West Lafayette, Munster, all just passed referendums. When the funding went down, class sizes got larger. Without $, there is not much unions can do.
More infrastructure work was done under Pence in his short time in office than was done under Mitch in his terms. Check the budgets.

As for teachers, they are not entering the field because of Pence, but because of all the liberal legislation such as no discipline, special needs kids in regular classrooms, asinine federally mandated testing, and the federal government sticking their nose in what should be a state responsibility. As for our public schools falling apart and the "rise" in charter schools...see my post about no discipline and the rest which has led to a desire for competition. While I support our local schools 100% and while I love the really good and dedicated teachers, competition is needed and good. Take the liberal legislation out of the equation, make it state mandated and put it back in local's hands, put discipline back in the classroom (and the home), allow the bad teacher to be fired, and all schools will get better.

Your post proves that you're of the leftist/Bernie/Hillary bent, and with that you're going to trash any conservative. Pence simply believes as many of us do that the LGBT community, nor any other doesn't need special laws just for them. We don't need more government, we need less.

Mike would have won by a much larger margin the second time.
That's hitting the nail on the head.
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Do a Google search. Things like alleged spanking, claims of discrimination, etc. It takes one claim.
"It takes one claim" - sounds like an ISTA selling point to continue someone paying their dues. Are you aware of any suits going to trial and a teacher having to pay?
"It takes one claim" - sounds like an ISTA selling point to continue someone paying their dues. Are you aware of any suits going to trial and a teacher having to pay?
You didn't listen... I said if you are NOT in the ISTA, at least do yourself a favor and buy a policy for $100-$200. You can buy them from anyone and as a college student at Purdue they made it mandatory to buy one before we entered a school to student teach. That was my beef with the ISTA dues- the nice perk is the insurance, but you can buy it for yourself for a reasonable price.

I personally knew a coach who was sued for an injury at wrestling practice so not a teaching situation, but a suit was brought against the coach. He did not have to pay but had a former wrestler who was a well known local attorney who worked pro bono for his old coach. I am not sure what he was offered from the school. Another local district had a hazing issue with a team as well with the coach mentioned as a defendant. District provided a lawyer but he hired his own out of fear for his own interests. That one went to trial. Again not a classroom situation, but a school issue.
My sister is retiring this year after 30+ years as a math teacher, my wife has taught for 8+ years, my aunt taught for 30+ years, I have several good friends who have taught for over 20 years. I've never heard of a teacher getting sued in Indiana. Not even sure what a teacher would get sued for? Have any ever gone to trial? Or is this possibly an ISTA scare tactic to keep membership up?

It's becoming more and more common. You look at a kid wrong and parents will try to sue. God for bid you touch a kid, I do mean just touch, not actually beat the shit out of them like some need.

If you can't tell, no I could never handle being a teacher and I freely admit that.
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Part of that is the funding. The property tax caps with the remainder to be funded from sales tax did not work. The best rated corporations - Carmel, Westfield, West Lafayette, Munster, all just passed referendums. When the funding went down, class sizes got larger. Without $, there is not much unions can do.

I'm in HSE, referendums pass with ease here. I'm fine with the current setup because it puts more burden on the school districts and people in that area. The entire state shouldn't be forced to pay additional cost in districts where people don't value the education. If people value education, they will approve their local referendums because the actual out of pocket cost is usually pretty small, so a small price to pay for your child's education.
I'm in HSE, referendums pass with ease here. I'm fine with the current setup because it puts more burden on the school districts and people in that area. The entire state shouldn't be forced to pay additional cost in districts where people don't value the education. If people value education, they will approve their local referendums because the actual out of pocket cost is usually pretty small, so a small price to pay for your child's education.
I think that is the new way of doing the old way for sure. I never minded paying high property taxes when I lived in certain places because I got excellent services. Cops were there within a minute of a call, garbage pickup weekly, streets plowed and salted before work. I agree getting what you pay for is awesome. I think referendums pass at 70%. Those in really urban areas or really rural areas have struggled. For example if you have a lot of rental properties, in some cases landlords will fight it (East Chicago just had this happen) or in rural areas farmers would fight it or so I have heard.
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Classic Pence yesterday talking about how important this religious executive order is.... We have a lot of problems in this country and in this world. Is protecting my religious liberty that important? Has my religious liberty been infringed upon? Where is this happening? Even religious leaders were not thrilled with the idea. When I go to church I want a break from the real world, not political ads. That is Mike Pence- this was a pressing issue for him and "mom," aka Mrs. Pence.
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Yes this has Pence written all over it. Poor oppressed Christians. What BS. I've gone to my church for years and have never been oppressed. Oppressed to his group of "believers" is not being able to withhold services to others on religious grounds.
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Classic Pence yesterday talking about how important this religious executive order is.... We have a lot of problems in this country and in this world. Is protecting my religious liberty that important? Has my religious liberty been infringed upon? Where is this happening? Even religious leaders were not thrilled with the idea. When I go to church I want a break from the real world, not political ads. That is Mike Pence- this was a pressing issue for him and "mom," aka Mrs. Pence. the legislation before declaring it something horrible. Just because it's Pence/Conservative it's not going to take any of your rights away, but it re-establishes some of your Christian friends rights and freedoms they have lost due to Obama. They can now have some what the same voice and rights you do.

The order does two things: it weakens rarely enforced regulations on the political speech and activities of tax-exempt organizations, including churches and religious groups, and it tells federal agencies to consider changing Obamacare rules that require companies to provide contraception as part of their employee health plans.

"We are giving churches their voices back," Trump told an audience in the Rose Garden of the White House on Thursday.

But the order is controversial on both ends of the political spectrum.

Civil rights groups argue the order will empower employers to undermine women's access to health care. The American Civil Liberties Union has called it "a license to discriminate" and is promising to sue the Trump administration.

On the other side, far-right religious freedom advocates are arguing that the order does not go far enough. Robert George, a prominent conservative intellectual, called the order "meaningless."
Yes this has Pence written all over it. Poor oppressed Christians. What BS. I've gone to my church for years and have never been oppressed. Oppressed to his group of "believers" is not being able to withhold services to others on religious grounds.
Really????? Trump was speaking about just this legislation before he'd begun the interview process for VP.
ive read the new order makes no changes to the law.

the Aclu was planning to sue. but since it did not do anything, they see no need to now.

the other side seemed less pleased, as again this did not alter existing laws/regulations, which was seemingly rarely enforced anyway.
Really????? Trump was speaking about just this legislation before he'd begun the interview process for VP.
Yes, similar to the same garbage that he tried here. Typical empty gesture that accomplishes nothing and guarantees no more rights than we had before.
Yes, similar to the same garbage that he tried here. Typical empty gesture that accomplishes nothing and guarantees no more rights than we had before.
Since you used the term "we", I'll address this to you....You have always had the same rights as anyone else. No other rights are necessary other than those.