independent voters track with Trump in live reaction to debate


Gold Member
Sep 27, 2008
quite interesting link -

A second link, but don't miss the one above. Could all the independents lied?

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Thanks for sharing….🤔
the MSN link probably surprises a lot of people. The only question in my mind was the accuracy of the sampling not deliberately though. It would support that there are more people smarter than originally believed...and I'm unsure what to think on it
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Although I like the label you should know that your label is supposed to be against all women, not insecure, ugly women. You misfired with your AR
Well I don't know if it's only democratic women you choose to criticize and demean. They are the only ones you're referring to in this conversation.

It doesn't minimize your objectivity at all to make fun of only half the women in this country. Besides, all republican women are attractive and well adjusted so theirs no one to criticize.

Sounds like you get nervous around strong independent women , like trump does. Makes you feel better to call them ugly.
Well I don't know if it's only democratic women you choose to criticize and demean. They are the only ones you're referring to in this conversation.

It doesn't minimize your objectivity at all to make fun of only half the women in this country. Besides, all republican women are attractive and well adjusted so theirs no one to criticize.

Sounds like you get nervous around strong independent women , like trump does. Makes you feel better to call them ugly.
bob, you don't have to get hard petered just because someone was playing with you. Think of controlling, "insecure" , ugly democratic women and it should help. I didn't anticipate trying to explain the picture to anyone, but when someone is in need I'm more than willing to help someone (a little)...and having helped you in the past while being the arrogant A$$ you labeled...perhaps that time is now...again?

In the picture there were 18,571 respondents. 23% were "unmarried women". Of that 23% unmarried, there were more than twice as many that identified as democrats than republicans. That was by far the most significant difference between dems and repubs whether married or not. Now I did assume that the "democrat" respondents were identifying as to their DNA, not some imaginary sex, but that assumption knowing what we know could be in error. If we assume that 60% of the women are led emotionally rather than logically such as democrats in general, then we have roughly 68% of that 60% or around 40% of the population or only 80% of your 50% of the population you stated that were controlling, incompatible, insecure democratic women if we assume the sampling is representative of the overall population. Woman that are incompatible , controlling and insecure are ugly and that is before any judgement on appearance. I don't have the requisite background to diagnose your hearing with "great " accuracy, but it appears you have problems there as well, in listening to my typing. FWIW, I have no problem with strong women...if intelligence is much more dominant than emotion.
bob, you don't have to get hard petered just because someone was playing with you. Think of controlling, "insecure" , ugly democratic women and it should help. I didn't anticipate trying to explain the picture to anyone, but when someone is in need I'm more than willing to help someone (a little)...and having helped you in the past while being the arrogant A$$ you labeled...perhaps that time is now...again?

In the picture there were 18,571 respondents. 23% were "unmarried women". Of that 23% unmarried, there were more than twice as many that identified as democrats than republicans. That was by far the most significant difference between dems and repubs whether married or not. Now I did assume that the "democrat" respondents were identifying as to their DNA, not some imaginary sex, but that assumption knowing what we know could be in error. If we assume that 60% of the women are led emotionally rather than logically such as democrats in general, then we have roughly 68% of that 60% or around 40% of the population or only 80% of your 50% of the population you stated that were controlling, incompatible, insecure democratic women if we assume the sampling is representative of the overall population. Woman that are incompatible , controlling and insecure are ugly and that is before any judgement on appearance. I don't have the requisite background to diagnose your hearing with "great " accuracy, but it appears you have problems there as well, in listening to my typing. FWIW, I have no problem with strong women...if intelligence is much more dominant than emotion.
"If we assume that 60% of the women are led emotionally rather than logically such as democrats in general"

This is what you do. You start out with two BS assumptions that fit your predetermined partisan beliefs.

I didn't state anything these democratic women were controlling or insecure. You confused again? You're the old white man that thinks you know everything about women.

Claiming you're not a misogynist because you only call half the women in this country ugly and insecure..........and now controlling and incompatible........demonstrates clearly how your mind works. Like trump, when women don't agree with your views they become targets for name calling and abuse.
"If we assume that 60% of the women are led emotionally rather than logically such as democrats in general"

This is what you do. You start out with two BS assumptions that fit your predetermined partisan beliefs.

I didn't state anything these democratic women were controlling or insecure. You confused again? You're the old white man that thinks you know everything about women.

Claiming you're not a misogynist because you only call half the women in this country ugly and insecure..........and now controlling and incompatible........demonstrates clearly how your mind works. Like trump, when women don't agree with your views they become targets for name calling and abuse.
Oh Bob...I don't want you to have a stroke. WE know dems are more emotional than pubs and why they lean to emotion. We also know that women are generally more emotional than men...even dem men on average. There are books about this. You are emotional and why you had to regroup and attempt to control your emotions and so there are men (I'm assuming Bob is your real name) that are just as emotional as women. Of course you didn't state anything about these democratic women...I did. How did you get confused and no way would I pretend to know "everything about women" and reading Edgar Allen Poe would be insufficient as well.

Misogynist is a statement towards women in general, not a culling of certain women and why the misfire. My comments have NOTHING to do with women that don't agree with me and certainly unaware of any women in this thread that caused you to leap over to that spot. There is no name calling and abuse because there was nobody that was name called and abused. I made a statement that had nothing to do with 100% of anything. It should have been much easier to follow than it appears. It appears you are the mind police...something Diane Ravitch wrote years ago. Diane is a women and one I referenced in the past. Here is a primer for you...and others...
