Here is the good news


Mar 20, 2002
Took one on the chin today but I can easily see us beating OSU in a future matchup.

Their guards are outstanding. Our defensive strategy seemed to be to help on their guards and make others beat us. The problem is that we neither limited their guards and in the process let others beat us too. Defensively I'm not sure we can do much worse than this. OSU is going to score but we have to take something away. Today we took nothing away. I don't think we can take Alston and Mitchell away so the better strategy is to do the best we can on them straight up and not let them get their teammates open shots that they are capable of knocking down.

There were a ton of things that ended up going against us in this game. OSU shooting. Turnovers. Bad calls. Not all of those things we can control but some we can. Fortunately we put ourselves in a position where we were playing with house money in this one. We just have to learn from this experience and the next time we play a top five team we have to be good defensively and not throw the ball away so much and hopefully give ourselves a chance. I think we have the talent to do that. Hopefully we see this team again in Indy and we can see what we learned from today.

Book closed on this one. Got to win the next game vs Nebraska and get back on track.
Took one on the chin today but I can easily see us beating OSU in a future matchup.

Their guards are outstanding. Our defensive strategy seemed to be to help on their guards and make others beat us. The problem is that we neither limited their guards and in the process let others beat us too. Defensively I'm not sure we can do much worse than this. OSU is going to score but we have to take something away. Today we took nothing away. I don't think we can take Alston and Mitchell away so the better strategy is to do the best we can on them straight up and not let them get their teammates open shots that they are capable of knocking down.

There were a ton of things that ended up going against us in this game. OSU shooting. Turnovers. Bad calls. Not all of those things we can control but some we can. Fortunately we put ourselves in a position where we were playing with house money in this one. We just have to learn from this experience and the next time we play a top five team we have to be good defensively and not throw the ball away so much and hopefully give ourselves a chance. I think we have the talent to do that. Hopefully we see this team again in Indy and we can see what we learned from today.

Book closed on this one. Got to win the next game vs Nebraska and get back on track.
Same story, different players. UFT. (unforced turnovers) have become the one consistent statistic of Versyp's teams since her arrival. Over and over and over again. Poor, lazy passes that the recipient doesn't go after, just waits on the ball.

How many times today (I lost count) did we throw a lazy pass that ended up as an uncontested 3 pt basket for OSU? Up until today, our turnovers have improved tremendously this year over past years. Result? We have been winning. Today? Unforced turnovers cost us the game.

CSV needs to spend time at every practice working on crisp passing and catching, punishing offenders with a couple Mackeys each time they turn the ball over. We will never reach the next level again until the unforced turnovers stop and total turnovers are under 10 per game.
Turnovers have not been that bad this year. Today they were an issue. It's up to this squad to learn from this and take care of the ball better the next time they play a top team like this. Experience is part of the equation and now this team has this experience to draw on. What they do with it remains to be seen. I just don't think the turnover issue from prior years has been a huge problem this season so far.
Seldom have I watched a team lose by 20 and still have some hope for the future. Ohio State shot their brains out and it seemed every time we made a run at them they would hit a couple of 3's and push us back and it never stopped. It caused us to overplay on D and gave them too many easy penetration baskets at the end. Also a lot of our shots rolled out and the ball sure did not seem to bounce our way. These are not excuses. OSU is a team that beat Maryland by ten and blasted a lot of others. They have more raw talent with those two guards than we do. But they lost to NW on the road and we beat NW handily. If we play them in the BTT and they don't shoot like this we can beat them, which is all that matters.
Much more important this week is how we play at home against two solid but beatable teams in Nebraska and Iowa . If we let this whipping affect us mentally then we will lose our really good momentum. If we get by this week there are two tough road games but we have shown we can win on the road. I do not expect this team to win the BTT, but now I expect them to be in the top 4 and a threat in the tourney and at least in the early games in the NCAA. That is far, far higher than any of us projected for this year.
Absolutely. We didn't get any breaks today, and their shooters hit at a clip that they can't match in every game they play. We need to stay positive and regroup for our games with the Huskers and with Iowa. We can beat them both if we take care of business.
Absolutely. We didn't get any breaks today, and their shooters hit at a clip that they can't match in every game they play. We need to stay positive and regroup for our games with the Huskers and with Iowa. We can beat them both if we take care of business.
What you say is true. Very few teams are going to hit like OSU did today.
I also like the way McBride is improving as the year goes on. I didn't realize she was not at 100% earlier in the year. She could really turn into something special.
McBryde is really coming on.

Really changes the outlook for next year. Add McBryde to Morrissette and Perry who will both be seniors and we could be pretty good. Incoming recruit Harris could add some scoring punch as well. The big question mark will be the point guard situation. We'll have Murphy back but she's not getting much experience this year with Wilson playing so much and so well. Two incoming freshmen in Oden and Gray might be in the mix and you'd think Tyasha Harris, if they can land her, would have a good shot to play a bunch from game 1. Anyway, if they can find a good answer to the point guard situation they might be in pretty good shape next year.
Every woman's BB team except maybe Conn has tons of unforced turnovers. Plus there are alot of forced turnovers because most women aren't strong with their hands. So this certainly isn't unique to our team. Actually they have done a better job this year than in the past as has already been stated.

Next year and probably for years to come it appears that Ohio State is going to have superior talent compared to the rest of the BIg Ten.