He can blame the Jews and fix women

Only a Trump deranged mind trapped in hate would read the first part of the post as pessimistic towards women.

I read it as an optimistic, brighter future is available, and Trump is ready and able to help them and their households become successful after the Dem war on households these last 4 years.

As far as the abortion message.....not a national issue, a state issue, so irrelevant. Trump should NOT have brought it up.. That was stupid.
Only a Trump deranged mind trapped in hate would read the first part of the post as pessimistic towards women.

I read it as an optimistic, brighter future is available, and Trump is ready and able to help them and their households become successful after the Dem war on households these last 4 years.

As far as the abortion message.....not a national issue, a state issue, so irrelevant. Trump should NOT have brought it up.. That was stupid.
He lives stupid. Everyday

You think that post is optimistic to women?!!!!!!
You should try, as best you can, to consider how a woman likes being told how she feels, how depressed and unhappy she is.........and how a flaming misogynist like trump is gonna fix all her problems.
He lives stupid. Everyday

Well after the shockingly embarrassing cringe worthy Oprah interview, the school bus oration, the passage of time screed, k2's lawn harangue, her accents and K2's general Seinfeld campaign of nothing but laughs and giggles.......comparatively even the doddering old fart Trump for once looks like a Mensa member.
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He lives stupid. Everyday

You think that post is optimistic to women?!!!!!!
You should try, as best you can, to consider how a woman likes being told how she feels, how depressed and unhappy she is.........and how a flaming misogynist like trump is gonna fix all her problems.
I think the post was pessimistic to the Biden Administration so I understand how you misunderstood that, because you cannot understand how anyone thinks poorly about the great Joe Biden.
Well after the shockingly embarrassing cringe worthy Oprah interview, the school bus oration, the passage of time screed, k2's lawn harangue, her accents and K2's general Seinfeld campaign of nothing but laughs and giggles.......comparatively even the doddering old fart Trump for once looks like a Mensa member.
You noted the same thing I did last night watching reruns. That Harris is benefiting from the same “nothing” campaign that the show benefited from, although the show was significantly more entertaining. Maybe that why K giggles so much because her campaign is to gosh darn funny (which it is and it’s not).
How is this a rant against women? What a spin job. I don't necessarily agree with everything he said, but that is in no way a rant against women.
It’s just Bob grasping at his PTSD straws…Dissecting every Trump X post with more scrutiny than a HS biology students diligently at work on their frogs.
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It is a dark, dystopian rant.

It is not as much against women; it is against any sense of decency and optimism about the future.

OF NOTE: Four years ago he made similar rants. In 2020 Trump stated:
  • "If you vote for Biden, it means no kids in school, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas and no Fourth of July together. If he comes in, the Christmas season will be canceled.”
  • “If he’s elected, the stock market will crash. If he gets in, you will have a depression the likes of which you’ve never seen."
  • “If Joe Biden ever became President, our Country would COLLAPSE!”
  • "A vote for Biden is a vote to completely eradicate ... your auto industry" "If I don’t win, you will have no auto industry within two to three years. It will all be gone."
  • “Make no mistake, if you give power to Joe Biden, the radical left will defund police departments all across America, immediately releasing 400,000 criminals onto your streets and into your neighborhoods.”
  • “If the left gains power, they will demolish the suburbs, confiscate your guns and appoint justices who will wipe away your Second Amendment and other constitutional freedoms.”
  • "If Joe Biden got in, religion will be gone, OK?”
  • "Biden is against God and his election would hurt the Bible, hurt God.”
  • “If I don’t win the election, China will own the United States. You’re going to have to learn to speak Chinese.”
  • “If I lose to him, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I will never speak to you again.You’ll never see me again.”
Not sure why his thread title mentions Jews when the entire post was about women.
“I’m not going to call this a prediction, but, in my opinion, the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss if I’m at 40%,” Trump said during a campaign event titled "Fighting Antisemitism in America," citing an unnamed poll that he said showed him with two-fifths of Jewish voters’ support.
Not sure why his thread title mentions Jews when the entire post was about women.

Did you miss this in the OP?

Preemptively blaming American Jews for your potential election loss does zero to help American Jews,” he continues. “It increases their sense of alienation in a moment of vulnerability when right-wing extremists and left-wing antizionists continually demonize and slander Jews. This is happening on college campuses, in public places, everywhere. There are threats on all sides.”

He warns that Trump’s comments “will likely spark more hostility and further inflame an already bad situation.”

Did you miss this in the OP?

Preemptively blaming American Jews for your potential election loss does zero to help American Jews,” he continues. “It increases their sense of alienation in a moment of vulnerability when right-wing extremists and left-wing antizionists continually demonize and slander Jews. This is happening on college campuses, in public places, everywhere. There are threats on all sides.”

He warns that Trump’s comments “will likely spark more hostility and further inflame an already bad situation.”

Jonathan Greenblatt served under Obama so the fact that he is writing that article screams partisan bickering to me.

Imagine a democrat blaming Trump for everything. 🤔…and water is wet.
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Jonathan Greenblatt served under Obama so the fact that he is writing that article screams partisan bickering to me.

Imagine a democrat blaming Trump for everything. 🤔…and water is wet.
The Jewish Chairman of the Anti Defamation League objects to trumps words because he worked in the Obama administration and is presumably a democrat.........not because he thinks trump is scapegoating Jews with antisemitic tropes. K.

Do you have an opinion or just here to tell us how EVERYBODY who criticizes trump is doing so because they have a bone to pick? That's your first thought? Not whether trump might have been wrong?

In March he did the same thing............accused Jewish voters of hating their religion and Israel if they vote for Democrats.

This is trump at his core. He recognized the Golan Heights and moved the embassy to Jerusalem. So that means Jews should love him. Simple. Purely transactional. If they don't show him the proper amount of appreciation, he attacks their most basic instincts. You don't love your country or your religion if you don't vote for me. Sound familiar? This is the extent of his persuasive abilities.

Hey! Donald Trump can propose flat-out socialism style price caps and controls!

There's your policy guru... like most politicians he'll tell people what he thinks they want to hear. With Trump there's a bonus; he's an old, delusional, divisive politician that encourages insurrection.

The editorial board of that 'liberal rag' the Wall Street Journal says that Trump's latest proposal puts him just to the left of Bernie Sanders:

The Jewish Chairman of the Anti Defamation League objects to trumps words because he worked in the Obama administration and is presumably a democrat.........not because he thinks trump is scapegoating Jews with antisemitic tropes. K.

Do you have an opinion or just here to tell us how EVERYBODY who criticizes trump is doing so because they have a bone to pick? That's your first thought? Not whether trump might have been wrong?

In March he did the same thing............accused Jewish voters of hating their religion and Israel if they vote for Democrats.

This is trump at his core. He recognized the Golan Heights and moved the embassy to Jerusalem. So that means Jews should love him. Simple. Purely transactional. If they don't show him the proper amount of appreciation, he attacks their most basic instincts. You don't love your country or your religion if you don't vote for me. Sound familiar? This is the extent of his persuasive abilities.
Ok Bob. The person is entitled to his opinion and represents a Jewish organization so his opinion matters. I doubt that his views completely reflect 90% of the individuals he represents.

Can you at least acknowledge that the individual “could” be allowing his highly connected democratic background to influence his statements?😉

Why do I believe what I believe? Because I read.

There. That was the long winded version of my post above. Politics are embedded in everything, more pronounced today than ever before. So when I read statement, I first do a quick check to see which team the individual has been on before. Having a high powered Democrat bitch about Trump is stating water is wet…at least IMO.
He lives stupid. Everyday

You think that post is optimistic to women?!!!!!!
You should try, as best you can, to consider how a woman likes being told how she feels, how depressed and unhappy she is.........and how a flaming misogynist like trump is gonna fix all her problems.
You mean like how I'm privileged and responsible for all the evil in the world? yeah I think I get it.

Hey! Donald Trump can propose flat-out socialism style price caps and controls!

There's your policy guru... like most politicians he'll tell people what he thinks they want to hear. With Trump there's a bonus; he's an old, delusional, divisive politician that encourages insurrection.

The editorial board of that 'liberal rag' the Wall Street Journal says that Trump's latest proposal puts him just to the left of Bernie Sanders:

Seems like Donald cares for the middle class and not for big business and banks. Or at least that’s what CNN/MSNbC would be saying if Harris said the same thing.

So that proposal isn't socialism? Puhlease.
Does that share ownership and property? You may want to look up the definition of socialism. Also, I don’t see where the government is paying someone (which is pretty much the basis of most of K’s and DNC policies).

The Democrats, on the other hand, would propose to have the government pay the interest for credit cards or just provide a complete bailout…like they do for college debt. Capping interest rates seems like a good idea to me, then if banks don’t want to loan money, they can make that decision. (Now there could be an issue with extending credit to really individuals with really poor credit and options, but I highly doubt this creates a supply problem like K likely proposing with her price gouging policy).

But Trump is in it for himself and doesn’t care about the middle class. Seems like that narrative is running out of steam.
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Does that share ownership and property? You may want to look up the definition of socialism. Also, I don’t see where the government is paying someone (which is pretty much the basis of most of K’s and DNC policies).

The Democrats, on the other hand, would propose to have the government pay the interest for credit cards or just provide a complete bailout…like they do for college debt. Capping interest rates seems like a good idea to me, then if banks don’t want to loan money, they can make that decision. (Now there could be an issue with extending credit to really individuals with really poor credit and options, but I highly doubt this creates a supply problem like K likely proposing with her price gouging policy).

But Trump is in it for himself and doesn’t care about the middle class. Seems like that narrative is running out of steam.
You're right about the Dems with that student loan forgiveness -- it is just the latest terrible-idea nonsense. I'm not afraid to call that crap out - I'm a free-market conservative in a major way.

But if you think that Trump's pandering with government mandated caps on what a private business can charge for interest isn't socialist? Good lord - that proposal is completely counter to free-market capitalism. Why can't you be consistent when Trump goes pander/anti-free market? Be consistent and stand up for conservative fiscal values.
You're right about the Dems with that student loan forgiveness -- it is just the latest terrible-idea nonsense. I'm not afraid to call that crap out - I'm a free-market conservative in a major way.

But if you think that Trump's pandering with government mandated caps on what a private business can charge for interest isn't socialist? Good lord - that proposal is completely counter to free-market capitalism. Why can't you be consistent when Trump goes pander/anti-free market? Be consistent and stand up for conservative fiscal values.
In general I support free market values, but I also believe that the middle class shouldn’t be held fully responsible for the crappy policies of Biden and Harris that drove up interest rates.

I’m a capitalist, but I don’t think capitalism should be implemented to fleece the population. I have a real problem today with what universities are getting away with in raising tuition without reasonable controls.

In that respect, I am probably what most would consider a moderate republican and there are issues that I would side with democrats…but I doubt I ever vote democrat anymore after Biden solely due to his train wreck on the economy. Carter had me never voting democrat, but I came to respect Clinton and even liked him more than Bush. Obama and Biden have set me fully in support of republicans again and I doubt that will ever change now.
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