He can blame the Jews and fix women

Only a Trump deranged mind trapped in hate would read the first part of the post as pessimistic towards women.

I read it as an optimistic, brighter future is available, and Trump is ready and able to help them and their households become successful after the Dem war on households these last 4 years.

As far as the abortion message.....not a national issue, a state issue, so irrelevant. Trump should NOT have brought it up.. That was stupid.
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Only a Trump deranged mind trapped in hate would read the first part of the post as pessimistic towards women.

I read it as an optimistic, brighter future is available, and Trump is ready and able to help them and their households become successful after the Dem war on households these last 4 years.

As far as the abortion message.....not a national issue, a state issue, so irrelevant. Trump should NOT have brought it up.. That was stupid.
He lives stupid. Everyday

You think that post is optimistic to women?!!!!!!
You should try, as best you can, to consider how a woman likes being told how she feels, how depressed and unhappy she is.........and how a flaming misogynist like trump is gonna fix all her problems.
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He lives stupid. Everyday

Well after the shockingly embarrassing cringe worthy Oprah interview, the school bus oration, the passage of time screed, k2's lawn harangue, her accents and K2's general Seinfeld campaign of nothing but laughs and giggles.......comparatively even the doddering old fart Trump for once looks like a Mensa member.
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