From the start of 2013, two things appauled me about Hazell; the lack of effort, and the simplicity of the schemes. So I read that team chesmistry is improved, and I find myself believing it.
However, Im still thinking about 4 wins. Last year, I was troubled by the simplicity of our system. Once there was tapes on our offense, it quit working. The staff waited until after MSU to realize they should not fix cbs to a part of the field and allow the opponent to put their best wr against our number 2 cb.
I want to believe that improved team chemistry means more sophistication, because I dont believe we will be successfull without it. However, I just dont see the connection. Anyone feel differently?
However, Im still thinking about 4 wins. Last year, I was troubled by the simplicity of our system. Once there was tapes on our offense, it quit working. The staff waited until after MSU to realize they should not fix cbs to a part of the field and allow the opponent to put their best wr against our number 2 cb.
I want to believe that improved team chemistry means more sophistication, because I dont believe we will be successfull without it. However, I just dont see the connection. Anyone feel differently?