Cohen gets 3 years

Why is Clinton constantly brought into these discussions? He is an old man who was president like 20 years ago. He is totally irrelevant.
Sorry, the Clinton Foundation had quite a little to do with the 2016 election. You know, like HRC benefitted greatly from it? Bill Clinton was intimately involved with the Foundation.

Uh no it didn’t dude. Quit lying. Jfc.
Here in lies the problem. If anything less than smoking gun evidence of collusion is evident, folks like you will chalk this up as a huge waste of time and crown Trump as squeaky clean and vindicated. The fact that this investigation has already identified over 30 criminals and putting people very close to Trump in jail is irrelevant to you all.

I, for one, hope there is no collusion, because that would mean that Trump is just an idiot who surrounds himself with idiots, but our POTUS is not a traitor.

There is no collusion. This is.. claim there’s collusion with no evidence, and then, because you’re investigating an oligarch, you find regular corruption..

This was never about collusion.

What do you do when you lose to an orange clown after cheating a progressive in the primary? What do you do?

Do you address the fact that the democrats ceased to be an opposition party a long time ago? Do you cop to the fact that the democrat politicians are paid by a slightly varied group of donors as those who pay the republicans?

Do you explain to working people that they’re paying a dollar in taxes, but thanks to the military and endless war, thanks to the prison industrial complex and so many other from of patronage, they’re lucky to get twenty cents back in services?

No! You follow the playbook of Freel, Bernard, Woodrow Wilson, George w. Bush and Iraq, the Cold War... and you yell “it was the Russians! Your mom didn’t go bankrupt when she got sick because we can’t have a health care system that they take for granted in almost every other country on earth ... it was Stalin! He’s the one that made Cal Berkeley cost 70k when Chomsky went to Penn for $100 a semester. Putin is why we had to close your kids school but we have plenty of money, HALF OF OUR BUDGET, for war.”

“Oh you used to make cars for UAW, your job got shipped overseas (with Bill Clinton’s help), and now the only job in your town is working for a prison? Well, Trotsky ass hole ... duh...”
There is no collusion. This is.. claim there’s collusion with no evidence, and then, because you’re investigating an oligarch, you find regular corruption..

This was never about collusion.

What do you do when you lose to an orange clown after cheating a progressive in the primary? What do you do?

Do you address the fact that the democrats ceased to be an opposition party a long time ago? Do you cop to the fact that the democrat politicians are paid by a slightly varied group of donors as those who pay the republicans?

Do you explain to working people that they’re paying a dollar in taxes, but thanks to the military and endless war, thanks to the prison industrial complex and so many other from of patronage, they’re lucky to get twenty cents back in services?

No! You follow the playbook of Freel, Bernard, Woodrow Wilson, George w. Bush and Iraq, the Cold War... and you yell “it was the Russians! Your mom didn’t go bankrupt when she got sick because we can’t have a health care system that they take for granted in almost every other country on earth ... it was Stalin! He’s the one that made Cal Berkeley cost 70k when Chomsky went to Penn for $100 a semester. Putin is why we had to close your kids school but we have plenty of money, HALF OF OUR BUDGET, for war.”

“Oh you used to make cars for UAW, your job got shipped overseas (with Bill Clinton’s help), and now the only job in your town is working for a prison? Well, Trotsky ass hole ... duh...”

That’s exactly what it is. We all pay taxes, and instead of services for those taxes, we are told we don’t have money for ANYTHING, and then one of every two dollars are spent on an empire that usurps other countries resources and pays those out to a very small group of plutocrats ..

And everyone knows it, and everyone knows neoliberalism is bullshit, and even attempting to refute leaves one with zero chances not to sound like a bumbling moron. That’s why you responded with “k” and that’s why..: “Russia.”

That’s exactly what it is. We all pay taxes, and instead of services for those taxes, we are told we don’t have money for ANYTHING, and then one of every two dollars are spent on an empire that usurps other countries resources and pays those out to a very small group of plutocrats ..

And everyone knows it, and everyone knows neoliberalism is bullshit, and even attempting to refute leaves one with zero chances not to sound like a bumbling moron. That’s why you responded with “k” and that’s why..: “Russia.”

So, uhh, what’s your point?
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So, uhh, what’s your point?

No evidence of collusion
Democrats no longer serve traditional constituents
So instead of addressing how you’re failing as a party, you yell Russia

If ballot access and debates were Open, Democrats would not withstand a progressive party
So, uhh, what’s your point?

No evidence of collusion
Democrats no longer serve traditional constituents
So instead of addressing how you’re failing as a party, you yell Russia

If ballot access and debates were Open, Democrats would not withstand a progressive party

How do you know there’s no evidence of collusion? Is this Robert mueller in disguise? :rolleyes:
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How do you know there’s no evidence of collusion? Is this Robert mueller in disguise? :rolleyes:

If there was evidence you would have seen it. If they have a shred of a shred of a he said she said.. that they end up having to retract, they can’t wait to run to Rachel Maddows desk.

What I thought you were gonna say is “that’s not true! The Democratic Party really does fight for working people (I.e. most of the electorate). I was disappointed
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How do you know there’s no evidence of collusion? Is this Robert mueller in disguise? :rolleyes:

If there was evidence you would have seen it. If they have a shred of a shred of a he said she said.. that they end up having to retract, they can’t wait to run to Rachel Maddows desk.

What I thought you were gonna say is “that’s not true! The Democratic Party really does fight for working people (I.e. most of the electorate). I was disappointed

So sorry to disappoint you. And here i was waiting for you to go against how the Republican Party is keen on making the rich richer and continuing to stomp on the rights of minorities. Talk about disappointment

But no, you sit on this claim of no collusion even though you don’t know anything more than i do about it, which is nothing.
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If there was evidence you would have seen it. If they have a shred of a shred of a he said she said.. that they end up having to retract, they can’t wait to run to Rachel Maddows desk.

What I thought you were gonna say is “that’s not true! The Democratic Party really does fight for working people (I.e. most of the electorate). I was disappointed
If there's no evidence you have nothing to worry about. Why the rant?
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There is no collusion. This is.. claim there’s collusion with no evidence, and then, because you’re investigating an oligarch, you find regular corruption..

This was never about collusion.

What do you do when you lose to an orange clown after cheating a progressive in the primary? What do you do?

Do you address the fact that the democrats ceased to be an opposition party a long time ago? Do you cop to the fact that the democrat politicians are paid by a slightly varied group of donors as those who pay the republicans?

Do you explain to working people that they’re paying a dollar in taxes, but thanks to the military and endless war, thanks to the prison industrial complex and so many other from of patronage, they’re lucky to get twenty cents back in services?

No! You follow the playbook of Freel, Bernard, Woodrow Wilson, George w. Bush and Iraq, the Cold War... and you yell “it was the Russians! Your mom didn’t go bankrupt when she got sick because we can’t have a health care system that they take for granted in almost every other country on earth ... it was Stalin! He’s the one that made Cal Berkeley cost 70k when Chomsky went to Penn for $100 a semester. Putin is why we had to close your kids school but we have plenty of money, HALF OF OUR BUDGET, for war.”

“Oh you used to make cars for UAW, your job got shipped overseas (with Bill Clinton’s help), and now the only job in your town is working for a prison? Well, Trotsky ass hole ... duh...”

Hmm, trying to figure out how you can be concerned about the plight of the common man but then support Republicans? There's a huge disconnect there.
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How many more years of investigating the alleged Russian collusion does it take to satisfy the Democratic party?
How many more years of investigating the alleged Russian collusion does it take to satisfy the Democratic party?
How many did it take for Benghazi or the IRS investigation? Figments of the Republican imagination. We know that Russia attacked our country and continues to attack our country. It's important that we get to the bottom of finding anyone that helped them do it. You should want to know as well. The fact that Russia wanted to help Republicans shouldn't make you turn against your country so easily.
Oh i see. So it only goes one way huh?

As bob said, if nothing is there then you have nothing to worry about right? So just calm your panties down and let it play out.
OK I see you have nothing to add but nonsense. Bye bye!
Oh i see. So it only goes one way huh?

As bob said, if nothing is there then you have nothing to worry about right? So just calm your panties down and let it play out.
OK I see you have nothing to add but nonsense. Bye bye!

Adios. I’ll just go back to watching Flynn getting sentenced for what was that? Lying.

Yep, only hires the best. Draining the swamp. All that BS
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Sorry, the Clinton Foundation had quite a little to do with the 2016 election. You know, like HRC benefitted greatly from it? Bill Clinton was intimately involved with the Foundation.
and his wife was running for, uh, the President of the US..... Oh. She is and has been the Boss of the Clinton Cartel
Sorry, the Clinton Foundation had quite a little to do with the 2016 election. You know, like HRC benefitted greatly from it? Bill Clinton was intimately involved with the Foundation.
and his wife was running for, uh, the President of the US..... Oh. She is and has been the Boss of the Clinton Cartel

How ironic that i just got a pop up on my phone stating Trumps charitable foundation will be dissolved after a lawsuit was filed accusing it to illegally boost his presidential campaign. But do go on about the Clinton foundation please
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How ironic that i just got a pop up on my phone stating Trumps charitable foundation will be dissolved after a lawsuit was filed accusing it to illegally boost his presidential campaign. But do go on about the Clinton foundation please
I have no problem if Trump's foundation gets nailed, of course you saw what happened to the Clinton foundation funds when she lost?

I am not a Trump fan but anyone who wants to believe that one party is better than the other is nuts. The problem is that BOTH parties are totally corrupt and neither represents the people and haven't for a long long time.
How ironic that i just got a pop up on my phone stating Trumps charitable foundation will be dissolved after a lawsuit was filed accusing it to illegally boost his presidential campaign. But do go on about the Clinton foundation please
Aren’t you one of the people on here constantly harping about “whataboutisms”?
How ironic that i just got a pop up on my phone stating Trumps charitable foundation will be dissolved after a lawsuit was filed accusing it to illegally boost his presidential campaign. But do go on about the Clinton foundation please
Aren’t you one of the people on here constantly harping about “whataboutisms”?

I was responding to a comment about the Clinton no. Try again.
How many did it take for Benghazi or the IRS investigation? Figments of the Republican imagination. We know that Russia attacked our country and continues to attack our country. It's important that we get to the bottom of finding anyone that helped them do it. You should want to know as well. The fact that Russia wanted to help Republicans shouldn't make you turn against your country so easily.
people DIED in benghazi. It's not like the repubs paid for some dossier that kicked the investigation off. The email investigation was because HILLARY LIED about benghazi. you have no brain man.
people DIED in benghazi. It's not like the repubs paid for some dossier that kicked the investigation off. The email investigation was because HILLARY LIED about benghazi. you have no brain man.
And every Republican investigation found no wrongdoing with regards to Benghazi. Of course Benghazi the event happened, but none of the right's conspiracy theories came to be. It's a dangerous place and things can happen, nothing found nefarious with regards to Clinton. Republicans investigated because they wanted to find dirt on Clinton. Use your brain once in a while.
If there's no evidence you have nothing to worry about. Why the rant?

I’m not pro trump .. why the rant? Because the party that claims patent on the left lost to a ****in orange clown. And you’re supposed to have a post mortem. You’re supposed to say “what changes need to be made.” You’re supposed to spare working people neoliberal “New Democrat” Koch funded garbage
Hmm, trying to figure out how you can be concerned about the plight of the common man but then support Republicans? There's a huge disconnect there.

Because I’m against McCarthyism in all of its form. I know about the black lists of the 1950s. I know the history of it being turned on progressives.

Additionally, I see the deflection. You’re too deep to see what’s right in front of your face.

You lost to an orange clown. You’re supposed to ask, “what is the Democratic Party not doing for people ON THE LEFT, that allowed this to happen?” Instead, you’re chanting Russia. Because the donor class doesn’t want the Democratic Party fixed. It’s working quite well for them now.

You’re only shocked because the media is corporate owned speaking to a corporate class. The 85% of people whom the Princeton study determined have no impact on policy .. are ignored by the media and shut out of it.
I’m not pro trump .. why the rant? Because the party that claims patent on the left lost to a ****in orange clown. And you’re supposed to have a post mortem. You’re supposed to say “what changes need to be made.” You’re supposed to spare working people neoliberal “New Democrat” Koch funded garbage
lol. I can get by just fine without you telling me what I'm supposed to do.
Sounds like you have problems with the elites on both sides. Whatever. We need to send the clown home before anything else.
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lol. I can get by just fine without you telling me what I'm supposed to do.
Sounds like you have problems with the elites on both sides. Whatever. We need to send the clown home before anything else.

I wasn’t speaking about you personally.

Getting trump out addresses absolutely nothing for working people in this country. Say you’re a single mom working your ass off and barely getting by because we don’t have affordable housing in this country. Say that trump is sent home and mike pence becomes president. This helps you how?

But congrats. You’re as in a bubble as any Fox News viewer I’ve ever encountered
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lol. I can get by just fine without you telling me what I'm supposed to do.
Sounds like you have problems with the elites on both sides. Whatever. We need to send the clown home before anything else.

By the way, this means “I don’t have an argument that losing to an orange clown means you ARENT supposed to ask what the party is not doing that allowed that to happen.”

You’d love to say “hey, that’s not true. The Democratic Party isn’t beholden to a slightly different group of donors than the republicans. They really do benefit Working people just like they did in the new deal era” .. but you can’t.

You’re a republican who is down with gay marriage. And deep down, you know it
By the way, this means “I don’t have an argument that losing to an orange clown means you ARENT supposed to ask what the party is not doing that allowed that to happen.”

You’d love to say “hey, that’s not true. The Democratic Party isn’t beholden to a slightly different group of donors than the republicans. They really do benefit Working people just like they did in the new deal era” .. but you can’t.

You’re a republican who is down with gay marriage. And deep down, you know it
lol. ok. You're one pissed off socialist I suppose. I really don't know nor do I care.
lol. ok. You're one pissed off socialist I suppose. I really don't know nor do I care.

But see that’s what your republican yet down with abortion (err democrat) media tells you. It’s a corporate owned media who speaks only to very high income earners...

It tells you that most Americans don’t feel the way I DO. And yet, what polls bare out, is that socialist positions are held by most Americans ..

Why? Because it’s a socialist opinion for example, yet a very reasonable one, to say that “hey, I pay a dollar in taxes I should get a dollar in services right.”

Except you don’t. You pay a dollar, you get fifty cents in services, and then 50 cents goes to make a bomb. Yes, it is socialist, yet very reasonable, to be against spending half of our money on empire when that half could go to you know, the people who pay it.

But guess who isn’t against endless war.. the Democratic Party ... good luck engaging in voter suppression as time goes on. 90% of people under 29 on the left identify with third parties.. that’s a lottttt of Brooklyn voter purging
It is entirely possible that General Flynn will have his charges reduced or dropped entirely in the next few days by Judge Sullivan. Mueller and his team of henchmen have not provided Flynn's legal team "all exculpatory evidence" as required to date, and Judge Sullivan will not allow this, based on his past precedent.
This is one long ass thread, but this is by far the most entertaining post in it!!
Thank you Swami!!
Well, Mueller recommended no jail time - a lenient sentence. I suspect that still holds in the end.
Not sure. The judge basically rebuked Mueller for being leniant. He wanted to give Flynn time yesterday.

Think the judge wants more from Flynn based on the redacted info in the filing. Gave him some time to do so. The judge doesn't always follow the recommendations.
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Not sure. The judge basically rebuked Mueller for being leniant. He wanted to give Flynn time yesterday.

Think the judge wants more from Flynn based on the redacted info in the filing. Gave him some time to do so. The judge doesn't always follow the recommendations.
In essence, Flynn made a plea deal with Mueller. The judge has some discretion, but typically will follow the recommendation of the prosecutor.

Flynn’s legal team did him no favors by trying to make the government prosecutors look bad at the last minute, although the judge had asked for the 302 forms for months and Mueller’s team did not hand them over until the last minute. Had Flynn’s team shown more contrition at the end, he probably would already be a free man officially, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.