Cohen gets 3 years

Given his conduct, if that judge is allowed to sentence Flynn in March we will see another American institution burned to the ground. It doesn't matter a bit about guilt, innocence, or procedure. This is what I was talking about earlier but then it got derailed into talking points and being black.
Given his conduct, if that judge is allowed to sentence Flynn in March we will see another American institution burned to the ground. It doesn't matter a bit about guilt, innocence, or procedure. This is what I was talking about earlier but then it got derailed into talking points and being black.
lol. WTF are you talking about? As opposed to Flynn's conduct? Do you think Flynn was treated unfairly?

I saw a montage today of about 5 FOX hosts praising him for how tough he has been on prosecutors in his career.........before Flynn's court appearance. Hilarious.

You used to at least make logical arguments. Now you're nothing but just another Trump shill.

The only institution being burned down is the presidency. Today he ignored the advice of the ENTIRE defense community and walked away from the one thing he absolutely did better than Obama. We have been promising our allies for months we wouldn't abandon them. Please defend this move after you call me a neocon.

BTW, who benefits from this move, other than the military personnel who get to come home? Turkey, sure. Anybody else?
lol. WTF are you talking about? As opposed to Flynn's conduct? Do you think Flynn was treated unfairly?

I saw a montage today of about 5 FOX hosts praising him for how tough he has been on prosecutors in his career.........before Flynn's court appearance. Hilarious.

You used to at least make logical arguments. Now you're nothing but just another Trump shill.

The only institution being burned down is the presidency. Today he ignored the advice of the ENTIRE defense community and walked away from the one thing he absolutely did better than Obama. We have been promising our allies for months we wouldn't abandon them. Please defend this move after you call me a neocon.

BTW, who benefits from this move, other than the military personnel who get to come home? Turkey, sure. Anybody else?
ehhh what? so this won't greatly deter people from future cooperation with the fbi? If he's gonna get jail anyway, he could have gone the manafort route and walked on half the charges.
If they are going to get jail anyway, they will just fight the charges in court. what are you not understanding? It has nothing to do with it "working out". In fact the opposite.
I understand the value of a 2 level reduction in Federal sentencing guidelines for a clear acceptance of responsibility, as well as the value of a 5K(1) letter for guideline downward departure issued by the government and the value of a Rule 35 post sentence request by the government to reduce the sentence. I'm making a wild guess that you don't see those values.
I understand the value of a 2 level reduction in Federal sentencing guidelines for a clear acceptance of responsibility, as well as the value of a 5K(1) letter for guideline downward departure issued by the government and the value of a Rule 35 post sentence request by the government to reduce the sentence. I'm making a wild guess that you don't see those values.
the process is immaterial. However the outcome is not.
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So Cohen goes before House Oversight tomorrow. Should be interesting.

Matt Gaetz showing some class today. Where did he learn to be such a POS?

So Cohen goes before House Oversight tomorrow. Should be interesting.

Matt Gaetz showing some class today. Where did he learn to be such a POS?

Good ole Matt DUI/Speeding tickets Gaetz, he’s like he is because he’s gotten away with it for his whole life. How do these a-holes keep getting elected??
Good ole Matt DUI/Speeding tickets Gaetz, he’s like he is because he’s gotten away with it for his whole life. How do these a-holes keep getting elected??
He's throwing totally unsubstantiated claims about Cohen having affairs the night before he testifies.............when we know Trump had affairs which Cohen helped try to cover up.
You can't make this shit up. Welcome to Trumpworld.
Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows are showing how fascism can happen in the United States. Set aside all morals and principles and use power to try and protect someone from the party at all costs.
Just like with the long list of other items, I doubt this move the needle much at all with Trump supporters.
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Not a single Republican was able to offer a defense of Trump, all they did was attack Cohen. Shameless actions from congressional Republicans.
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Not a single Republican was able to offer a defense of Trump, all they did was attack Cohen. Shameless actions from congressional Republicans.
Defend what? It was a total attack on Trump. I did not realize it was illegal to pay off blackmailing women. Let's watch Purdue beat the Illini.
Defend what? It was a total attack on Trump. I did not realize it was illegal to pay off blackmailing women. Let's watch Purdue beat the Illini.
Is there a single thing that Trump can do that you wouldn’t defend completely?
Is there a single thing President Trump can do or say that you won't screech hysterically about it?
He could conduct himself with a bit of decorum. He could at least attempt not to engage in blatant corruption. He could try not demonizing people that don't agree with him every single day. He could solve a lot of his problems by just acting like a halfway decent person, the problem is his base (people like you) love the corruption and immoral behavior, so he'll never change.
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Defend what? It was a total attack on Trump. I did not realize it was illegal to pay off blackmailing women. Let's watch Purdue beat the Illini.[/QUOTE

I was confused about that also. I think it was the use of campaign funds to a person to keep them quiet and thus affect an election. Can someone on board explain the illegality?
I was confused about that also. I think it was the use of campaign funds to a person to keep them quiet and thus affect an election. Can someone on board explain the illegality?
I believe the most relevant theory of any illegality would deal with campaign finance issues.
Reuters has an article with some explanation
as does USAToday

Thank you. I read the articles and it appears that it was a violation of the Campaign Finance Law. Cohen pleaded guilty to a violation of that law.
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It is entirely possible that General Flynn will have his charges reduced or dropped entirely in the next few days by Judge Sullivan. Mueller and his team of henchmen have not provided Flynn's legal team "all exculpatory evidence" as required to date, and Judge Sullivan will not allow this, based on his past precedent.

The issue I have with the entire Flynn deal is the fbi could not even decide if he lied. His case kept dragging out, the guy sold his house, could not afford legal fees, and ‘admitted’ to wrongdoing.

That ought to scare the living crap out of every American out there.

If he was up to no good with his consulting deals that is another matter. Not aware of that though.
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His case kept dragging out, the guy sold his house, could not afford legal fees, and ‘admitted’ to wrongdoing.

That ought to scare the living crap out of every American out there.
being expensive has become the design, and also the price of mass incarceration.
unfortunately this happens to all - including the average person.
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