Arizona admits that nearly 100,000 non-citizen 'voters' wrongly listed on voter rolls amid lawsuit


Gold Member
Sep 27, 2008
Surely not?
We have it from all the Dems in Congress that all but 3, voted against funding our Govt this week with the SAFE act attached to the CR.....that this is just not a problem.
Surely not?
We have it from all the Dems in Congress that all but 3, voted against funding our Govt this week with the SAFE act attached to the CR.....that this is just not a problem.
illegal voting no doubt has went on for years, but is on steroids now. The last election produced some very unusual data and many understand some of the reasons how. Unfortunately, too many cower when the "racist" is thrown their way. Ensuring US citizens that are legal to vote is fair to all races. Not doing so is not! We had too many cower when the wall was attacked for being racist instead of the reality for the necessity to not only vet the people, but to control just how many are let in.

The dems want power and control and are a fundamental need for the "progressives" which are the dems of today. When you believe that you are capable of understanding all that needs understood and any failure to impact positively your theories was just poor leadership of something else that needs changed for a redo, it is understandable. This has went on for hundreds of years. Today we have almost 50% of the workers in the USA being paid by the government and many believe their self interest is in the government as a result. We truly are at a time of tipping the scales. Everyone has an island of knowledge and some islands are larger than others, but all are dwarfed by what they don't know. If that last sentence is true, which it is...the implication is that in so many things an evolutionary understanding more often than not results in a more positive direction and therein lies the conservative versus the progressive thoughts towards solutions many times...a comparison between the constrained and unconstrained visions.

The quote below has been repeated by Kamala several times in different places, but has been used before her use.

One of Karl Marx's many aphorisms addresses the social, educational, and fiscal disparities of classes; he believed the root of all evil was capitalism. Marx argued that the only solution was equity, a social construct that ensures equal outcomes, however low the common denominator must be set to achieve them. Only by abandoning capitalism and embracing equity can a society and its people, according to Karl Marx, "move forward into a future unburdened by what has been."
Do we believe the 1.1 million in Texas and the 100,000 in Arizona are the only places or other places haven't just looked?

Finding and fixing mistakes (and in the Arizona instance, went on for over four administrations, fyi) is not evidence of fraud. It’s evidence of checks and balances working (albeit slowly). I get that none of this will penetrate your tightly-wrapped-with-tinfoil head but I do admire the reach you’re making.
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illegal voting no doubt has went on for years, but is on steroids now. The last election produced some very unusual data and many understand some of the reasons how. Unfortunately, too many cower when the "racist" is thrown their way. Ensuring US citizens that are legal to vote is fair to all races. Not doing so is not! We had too many cower when the wall was attacked for being racist instead of the reality for the necessity to not only vet the people, but to control just how many are let in.

The dems want power and control and are a fundamental need for the "progressives" which are the dems of today. When you believe that you are capable of understanding all that needs understood and any failure to impact positively your theories was just poor leadership of something else that needs changed for a redo, it is understandable. This has went on for hundreds of years. Today we have almost 50% of the workers in the USA being paid by the government and many believe their self interest is in the government as a result. We truly are at a time of tipping the scales. Everyone has an island of knowledge and some islands are larger than others, but all are dwarfed by what they don't know. If that last sentence is true, which it is...the implication is that in so many things an evolutionary understanding more often than not results in a more positive direction and therein lies the conservative versus the progressive thoughts towards solutions many times...a comparison between the constrained and unconstrained visions.

The quote below has been repeated by Kamala several times in different places, but has been used before her use.

One of Karl Marx's many aphorisms addresses the social, educational, and fiscal disparities of classes; he believed the root of all evil was capitalism. Marx argued that the only solution was equity, a social construct that ensures equal outcomes, however low the common denominator must be set to achieve them. Only by abandoning capitalism and embracing equity can a society and its people, according to Karl Marx, "move forward into a future unburdened by what has been." to watch using words that are outside the rubicon of normal discourse on here. Confuses simple folk. Lol

I used "sciolism" describing an individuals views on here the other day, and he told me to use spell check first when responding. Got a great laugh out of the irony of that statement.

Anyway, your last paragraph reveals the truth about K2. She is a big govt Marxist. Equity is key to them. Equality of opportunity is, well.....not so important or relevant.
Finding and fixing mistakes (and in the Arizona instance, went on for over four administrations, fyi) is not evidence of fraud. It’s evidence of checks and balances working (albeit slowly). I get that none of this will penetrate your tightly-wrapped-with-tinfoil head but I do admire the reach you’re making.

Say a public company files 15ish years of incorrect financial statements but catches this year. Is that company's controls working?
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It’s like you didn’t read what I wrote.

It also is not an indication of fraud, which is what’s being implied.

I read it, and you said it's "evidence of checks and balances working (albeit slowly)".

1. Checks and Balances generally refers to different governmental bodies keeping others from getting too much power.

2. In my scenario, is the control working if it takes 15+ years to find and fix the problem?

3. If a non-US citizen votes, it is a fraudulent vote. And for what other purpose than voting, would a person register to vote?
I read it, and you said it's "evidence of checks and balances working (albeit slowly)".

1. Checks and Balances generally refers to different governmental bodies keeping others from getting too much power.

2. In my scenario, is the control working if it takes 15+ years to find and fix the problem?

3. If a non-US citizen votes, it is a fraudulent vote. And for what other purpose than voting, would a person register to vote?
I don’t disagree that it took too long to find it and in this case, definitely didn’t work timely. But the premise, given who wrote it, is that it’s proof of a rigged system, when it’s not.
Do we believe the 1.1 million in Texas and the 100,000 in Arizona are the only places or other places haven't just looked?

Pretty funny how your thread title--and the article headline--doesn't come close to accurately representing the article content, given that it doesn't, at any point, say there are 100,000 non-citizens who are registered.
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Finding and fixing mistakes (and in the Arizona instance, went on for over four administrations, fyi) is not evidence of fraud. It’s evidence of checks and balances working (albeit slowly). I get that none of this will penetrate your tightly-wrapped-with-tinfoil head but I do admire the reach you’re making.
What I most enjoy about your posts are your inability to extract the concepts that someone presents (even without a lot of math) and then follow up with a personal attack on the poster.
Pretty funny how your thread title--and the article headline--doesn't come close to accurately representing the article content, given that it doesn't, at any point, say there are 100,000 non-citizens who are registered.
Not sure what is funny? No words deleted...presented as is. Texas and AZ...Georgia... and every state has the potential for fraud enough to throw some elections and if not on a national level, certainly in a state or district level. Fraud is real and until we know how large it is by eliminating it, or almost eliminating it, we will never know. What is more funny is that libs on the whole don't want a secure election and repubs do...that says all that needs said about the two sides and what is going on.
What I most enjoy about your posts are your inability to extract the concepts that someone presents (even without a lot of math) and then follow up with a personal attack on the poster.
Calling a conspiracy theorist a conspiracy theorist isn’t a personal attack, tj. You know this, of course, but you just feel the need to try to project away from your personal attacks on here as well.
I believe the AZ supreme court just let them back in to vote for Nat election only. Can't vote for state & local though as the court said it is against AZ State law for unverified perhaps likely noncitizens to vote
Do we believe the 1.1 million in Texas and the 100,000 in Arizona are the only places or other places haven't just looked?

Of course not. It's been happening all over. Especially in swing states. I post about this quite some time back.
Not sure what is funny? No words deleted...presented as is. Texas and AZ...Georgia... and every state has the potential for fraud enough to throw some elections and if not on a national level, certainly in a state or district level. Fraud is real and until we know how large it is by eliminating it, or almost eliminating it, we will never know. What is more funny is that libs on the whole don't want a secure election and repubs do...that says all that needs said about the two sides and what is going on.
It's about the article headline, which doesn't represent the article content (not super surprising from a right-wing conspiracy rag like Just the News), and which you copy-pasted without correcting or commenting on the fact that the article doesn't say there are 100,000 non-citizens who are registered in Arizona. I give JTN a tiny bit of credit for the article itself apparently being accurate, but since they know lots of people just read headlines (or maybe also the summary, which also misrepresents that the article isn't actually talking about non-citizens), it's clear to me they knew what they were doing when using the headline they did.
It's about the article headline, which doesn't represent the article content (not super surprising from a right-wing conspiracy rag like Just the News), and which you copy-pasted without correcting or commenting on the fact that the article doesn't say there are 100,000 non-citizens who are registered in Arizona. I give JTN a tiny bit of credit for the article itself apparently being accurate, but since they know lots of people just read headlines (or maybe also the summary, which also misrepresents that the article isn't actually talking about non-citizens), it's clear to me they knew what they were doing when using the headline they did.
Were you this upset when the Clinton campaign took fake evidence to the FBI that a Trump tower computer was communicating with Russia? I'm guessing no.
Were you this upset when the Clinton campaign took fake evidence to the FBI that a Trump tower computer was communicating with Russia? I'm guessing no.
I mean, I'm not upset at all, so...

And what does that have to do, in the slightest, with Just the News writing a headline that misrepresents its own article in such a way that the OP thinks there are 100,000 non-citizens who are registered to vote in Arizona? Or shall I presume this is just a deflection, given that you have no argument against my statement?
Are you referring to the concepts of your plan?
yes, my plan is to give $25,000 to every patriot that protested on Jan 6 the insurrection. My plan is to reduce the number of people getting paid by the government and to secretly spy on the people that constantly change names for a different facade while maintaining the same talking points from the media and to continue to take notes to add to my research on abnormal psychology. Obviously, that plan is secret and somewhat limited in quantity!

Sadly, the physiology of the misfits is confounded by not knowing the potential of any cell effects due to fetal microchimerism due to the truncated data of the offspring and may prevent me from understanding all I wish to know relative to such before my life expires ,which will lack the longitudinal results desired to encapsulate the many social ills, but probably still have some value on the insecurity of changing monikers and seeking refuge in "a" herd. It may be difficult to gather that data due to the women not having the Y chromosome. That plan is ongoing with no target date for completion and concerning, knowing many walk among us

My plans for the short term is to gather up trash in the house and garage, detached garage and pole barn and try to fit all that in a plastic container before rain today. My plan for today is to also prepare more for a trip and possibly buy a gun at a gun show to shoot zombies should I see some come down the lane should I have time. No worries, I won't confuse anyone by describing the gun attributes. Later, I must plan for a procedure tomorrow where the space properties square the actual distance effectiveness. There may be other contingency plans depending on time, but I've already went past a couple of sentences. Solving for X may require different conceptual understandings depending on the equation.
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I mean, I'm not upset at all, so...

And what does that have to do, in the slightest, with Just the News writing a headline that misrepresents its own article in such a way that the OP thinks there are 100,000 non-citizens who are registered to vote in Arizona? Or shall I presume this is just a deflection, given that you have no argument against my statement?
It's a minor attention grabber. At least the truth is in the details. I get it, you don't hold the same standards for news you wish were true.
It's a minor attention grabber. At least the truth is in the details.
It's not though, because it worked on this forum exactly as intended, the article was shared to indicate that there are 100,000 non-citizens registered Arizona, despite the fact that the article itself doesn't make that claim, nor does the data released by the state of Arizona.
I get it, you don't hold the same standards for news you wish were true.
As if you know anything about my standards lol. For the record, I always consider it a problem when the headline and/or summary of an article does not accurately represent the content of said article, regardless of source.
Yeah we'll see. You're just another in the long and indistinguishable list of partisan outrage artists on here that change their handle every few months.
Do the ones that assaulted a police officer get a special bonus payment under your plan?
only if there were ties to the FBI and CIA leadership to them. Retaliation resulting from being shot with a rubber bullet, a flash bang or just getting wacked or shot at with a real bullet is not that patriotic and just assumed normal, natural behavior and therefore no special recognition.
only if there were ties to the FBI and CIA leadership to them. Retaliation resulting from being shot with a rubber bullet, a flash bang or just getting wacked or shot at with a real bullet is not that patriotic and just assumed normal, natural behavior and therefore no special recognition.
Good. So absolutely no one that assaulted law enforcement gets money under your plan.

What about the ones that ran through the halls of the Capitol screaming “Hang Mike Pence!”

Do they get a $25,000 payment of our tax dollars under your plan?
only if there were ties to the FBI and CIA leadership to them. Retaliation resulting from being shot with a rubber bullet, a flash bang or just getting wacked or shot at with a real bullet is not that patriotic and just assumed normal, natural behavior and therefore no special recognition.
What about the ones who paraded through the Capitol with a Confederate flag?

Do they get a $25,000 payment under your plan?
Oh, and what about the ones who defacated in the halls of the Capitol. Do they get a $25,000 taxpayer funded payment under your plan?
What about people who were proven in court to be Proud Boys and Oath Keepers organizers. Do they get a $25,000 taxpayer funded payment under your plan?

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