illegal voting no doubt has went on for years, but is on steroids now. The last election produced some very unusual data and many understand some of the reasons how. Unfortunately, too many cower when the "racist" is thrown their way. Ensuring US citizens that are legal to vote is fair to all races. Not doing so is not! We had too many cower when the wall was attacked for being racist instead of the reality for the necessity to not only vet the people, but to control just how many are let in.
The dems want power and control and are a fundamental need for the "progressives" which are the dems of today. When you believe that you are capable of understanding all that needs understood and any failure to impact positively your theories was just poor leadership of something else that needs changed for a redo, it is understandable. This has went on for hundreds of years. Today we have almost 50% of the workers in the USA being paid by the government and many believe their self interest is in the government as a result. We truly are at a time of tipping the scales. Everyone has an island of knowledge and some islands are larger than others, but all are dwarfed by what they don't know. If that last sentence is true, which it is...the implication is that in so many things an evolutionary understanding more often than not results in a more positive direction and therein lies the conservative versus the progressive thoughts towards solutions many times...a comparison between the constrained and unconstrained visions.
The quote below has been repeated by Kamala several times in different places, but has been used before her use.
One of Karl Marx's many aphorisms addresses the social, educational, and fiscal disparities of classes; he believed the root of all evil was capitalism. Marx argued that the only solution was equity, a social construct that ensures equal outcomes, however low the common denominator must be set to achieve them. Only by abandoning capitalism and embracing equity can a society and its people, according to Karl Marx, "move forward into a future unburdened by what has been."