Urrr, you seem to be confusing a private clinic with the government policy.
New York's
Reproductive Health Act allows practitioners to perform an abortion on a patient who is 24 weeks or more away from the start of a pregnancy
if the fetus is not viable or the abortion is necessary "to protect the patient's life or health."
So it sounds like to me that NY bans abortion after 24 weeks under normal circumstance, which makes sense to me. That it allows abortion to protect the mother's life or health also makes sense to me. That some clinic will offer that service to those who, tragically and unfortunately, really need that service, also makes sense to me.
Some of you see abortion as "birth control," but I am afraid it is really misguided. If a woman truly wants to use this as "birth control," they wouldn't be waiting till the third-trimester to do the abortion. They would have done it a lot sooner than that. In fact, 93% of abortions are done in the first trimester, 6% second, and only 1% in the third.
When a woman waited that long to have an abortion, usually it is for medical reason and heart-wrenching for her, because of the bonds that she has with the fetus all those months. I just read a story that makes me wanna cry. The mother shared her abortion story that at 17-week, her placenta was detached. The doctor said there was an issue with the fetus and they recommended abortion. Her head knew the doctor was right, but her heart wouldn't let her do it, because she has waited 8 years to get pregnant. She held on for 7 more weeks, doing more tests and hoping that she could hear a different result, but by then the umbilical cord just disconnected to the fetus. An infection spread to the fetus, who is dying although heart still beating, and the infection could get to the mother. So at that point, she finally realized the fetus was suffering and that if she didn't take it out her life could also be in danger.
It was extremely painful for her to go to the abortion clinic at 24 week. There were people outside calling her baby killer. Her other son was with her, and the people were telling him that his mother was a murderer. Her doctor carried a gun, because he was once shot in both arms. Going through the process was gut-wrenching for her. When the fetus was taken out, she held it in her palm, like holding a bird. She felt empty.
There was a footnote to the story. The woman eventually got pregnant again, and one day, with her baby, she picked up the newspaper and found out the doctor (Dr. Tiller) who did the surgery for him was shot to death. I just looked him up and he was in fact shot by some guy traveling hundreds of miles to kill him while he was serving as usher in his church.