A penalty looking for a crime,


Jul 7, 2004
Since Donald Trump had the audacity to win the Presidency, which the Dems had thought they had rigged for HRC, the cry of "Impeach 45" began. For almost three years, we have heard the Dems talk about all the charges that Trump could/should be impeached for, but no provable crime has surfaced.

Mueller wasted about $40 Million with the phony Russia-gate conspiracy and came up empty. Didn't Adam Schiff say that he had positive proof of Trump's guilt? Of course, if you paid any attention to Schiff, you would realize that most of what he says is far from the truth.

Between the Dems, CNN, MSNBC and the MSM, we've heard constant rants about all the crimes that they are convinced Trump is guilty of having committed. All they are missing is the PROOF.

I always thought that in this country, we were all presumed innocent, until proven guilty. I guess that presumption of innocence is suspended, if you happen to be a combative Republican President, who is intolerant of a biased media.

I believe that the Dems and their media lapdogs are well aware that there will never be any actual proof of any impeachable crimes against Trump, but they knew from the beginning that they couldn't impeach him, since they didn't have the votes in the Senate. This has all been a ruse to give Trump a political colonoscopy, in hopes of finding something, anything, that they could actually charge him with. Short of that, their purpose was to create as much doubt and suspicion as possible to keep him from being reelected. They've been throwing crap at the wall for three years. hoping something will stick.

What you're watching is the first attempt at a political coup in the US. If this really makes you happy, then you've lost sight of all the great things that this country and all it's Constitutional guarantees represent.

Trump is an outsider and he represents an existential threat to the establishment Dems and Reps (swamp creatures) and the way they've corrupted this government. There is no depth that they will not go to protect the status quo and we're seeing it now.
Since Donald Trump had the audacity to win the Presidency, which the Dems had thought they had rigged for HRC, the cry of "Impeach 45" began. For almost three years, we have heard the Dems talk about all the charges that Trump could/should be impeached for, but no provable crime has surfaced.

Mueller wasted about $40 Million with the phony Russia-gate conspiracy and came up empty. Didn't Adam Schiff say that he had positive proof of Trump's guilt? Of course, if you paid any attention to Schiff, you would realize that most of what he says is far from the truth.

Between the Dems, CNN, MSNBC and the MSM, we've heard constant rants about all the crimes that they are convinced Trump is guilty of having committed. All they are missing is the PROOF.

I always thought that in this country, we were all presumed innocent, until proven guilty. I guess that presumption of innocence is suspended, if you happen to be a combative Republican President, who is intolerant of a biased media.

I believe that the Dems and their media lapdogs are well aware that there will never be any actual proof of any impeachable crimes against Trump, but they knew from the beginning that they couldn't impeach him, since they didn't have the votes in the Senate. This has all been a ruse to give Trump a political colonoscopy, in hopes of finding something, anything, that they could actually charge him with. Short of that, their purpose was to create as much doubt and suspicion as possible to keep him from being reelected. They've been throwing crap at the wall for three years. hoping something will stick.

What you're watching is the first attempt at a political coup in the US. If this really makes you happy, then you've lost sight of all the great things that this country and all it's Constitutional guarantees represent.

Trump is an outsider and he represents an existential threat to the establishment Dems and Reps (swamp creatures) and the way they've corrupted this government. There is no depth that they will not go to protect the status quo and we're seeing it now.
I give you a lot of credit and gumption for posting. The group on this board has already started with the snide remarks.
I give you a lot of credit and gumption for posting. The group on this board has already started with the snide remarks.
Only way to treat something that is utterly devoid of reality. You should really look to get out of the right wing bubble and be better informed.
Could be......
Very well could be......

The single piece of written expression, ever seen here, that provides a glimpse into the level of devastation that hallucinogenic drugs can produce.

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Only way to treat something that is utterly devoid of reality. You should really look to get out of the right wing bubble and be better informed.
Democrats have a real problem. They do not have a candidate that Republicans could possibly vote for. Trump's problem is nobody in his party will stick up for him except Kevin M . The rest are like sheep.
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Democrats have a real problem. They do not have a candidate that Republicans could possibly vote for. Trump's problem is nobody in his party will stick up for him except Kevin M . The rest are like sheep.
Do you honestly think it’s a problem with everyone else instead of a problem with Trump? If people can’t defend Trump’s words and actions is it because they’re sheep, or is it because Trump has issues that really can’t be defended? Giving up all intellectual honesty and integrity to defend Trump isn’t a good thing.
Since Donald Trump had the audacity to win the Presidency, which the Dems had thought they had rigged for HRC, the cry of "Impeach 45" began. For almost three years, we have heard the Dems talk about all the charges that Trump could/should be impeached for, but no provable crime has surfaced.

Mueller wasted about $40 Million with the phony Russia-gate conspiracy and came up empty. Didn't Adam Schiff say that he had positive proof of Trump's guilt? Of course, if you paid any attention to Schiff, you would realize that most of what he says is far from the truth.

Between the Dems, CNN, MSNBC and the MSM, we've heard constant rants about all the crimes that they are convinced Trump is guilty of having committed. All they are missing is the PROOF.

I always thought that in this country, we were all presumed innocent, until proven guilty. I guess that presumption of innocence is suspended, if you happen to be a combative Republican President, who is intolerant of a biased media.

I believe that the Dems and their media lapdogs are well aware that there will never be any actual proof of any impeachable crimes against Trump, but they knew from the beginning that they couldn't impeach him, since they didn't have the votes in the Senate. This has all been a ruse to give Trump a political colonoscopy, in hopes of finding something, anything, that they could actually charge him with. Short of that, their purpose was to create as much doubt and suspicion as possible to keep him from being reelected. They've been throwing crap at the wall for three years. hoping something will stick.

What you're watching is the first attempt at a political coup in the US. If this really makes you happy, then you've lost sight of all the great things that this country and all it's Constitutional guarantees represent.

Trump is an outsider and he represents an existential threat to the establishment Dems and Reps (swamp creatures) and the way they've corrupted this government. There is no depth that they will not go to protect the status quo and we're seeing it now.
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It didn't take long to identify the CNN and MSNBC audience. Don't think about what's really happening in our country, just sing along with the people indoctrinating you.
I'm not defending Trump as much as I'm pointing out how corrupted this whole process has been. The Dems have no one that can beat Trump in an election, so their only hope is to damage him as much as possible. If you refuse to even see that, you're so blinded by hatred that you can't think straight. C'mon, they were talking about impeachment within two days of the election and the only Russian collusion that's provable so far has been between the DNC , HRC and the Russians.

If Trump's impeachment is such a lock, why hasn't Pelosi taken a vote yet to get the process officially started? If Schiff has all the proof of impeachable crimes that he's been claiming for over two years, why hasn't he produced it? Why is Schiff doing all his hearings behind closed doors, rather than letting the public know what's going on? These are obvious questions that some of you are afraid to think about.

TDS and hating Trump are not impeachable offenses. Schiff lied to Pelosi, telling her he had a whistle blower that could derail Trump, which prompted her to announce the impeachment investigation. Then Trump released the transcript of the phone conversation and blew the whistle blower out of the water. Now Pelosi is stuck on a road she didn't want to travel. I suspect that the Dems are going to spend the next year huffing and puffing and leaking and lying and Pelosi will never make her members go on record with a vote. She knows she'll lose about 35 - 40 House Dems, if they go on record for impeachment. She's smart enough not to let that happen in a battle that she can't win.

You can continue to listen to Morning Joe, Don Lemon, Van Jones and Brian Stelter, etc., as they tell you about all of Trump's crimes and it will only be a matter of days, before they perp walk him out of the WH. Dare to dream...LOL
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It didn't take long to identify the CNN and MSNBC audience. Don't think about what's really happening in our country, just sing along with the people indoctrinating you.
I'm not defending Trump as much as I'm pointing out how corrupted this whole process has been. The Dems have no one that can beat Trump in an election, so their only hope is to damage him as much as possible. If you refuse to even see that, you're so blinded by hatred that you can't think straight. C'mon, they were talking about impeachment within two days of the election and the only Russian collusion that's provable so far has been between the DNC , HRC and the Russians.

If Trump's impeachment is such a lock, why hasn't Pelosi taken a vote yet to get the process officially started? If Schiff has all the proof of impeachable crimes that he's been claiming for over two years, why hasn't he produced it? Why is Schiff doing all his hearing behind closed doors, rather than letting the public know what's going on? These are obvious questions that some of you are afraid to think about.

TDS and hating Trump are not impeachable offenses. Schiff lied to Pelosi, telling her he had a whistle blower that could derail Trump, which prompted her to announce the impeachment investigation. Then Trump released the transcript of the phone conversation and blew the whistle blower out of the water. Now Pelosi is stuck on a road she didn't want to travel. I suspect that the Dems are going to spend the next year huffing and puffing and leaking and lying and Pelosi will never make her members go on record with a vote. She knows she'll lose about 35 - 40 House Dems, if they go on record for impeachment. She's smart enough not to let that happen in a battle that she can't win.

You can continue to listen to Morning Joe, Don Lemon, Van Jones and Brian Stelter, etc., as they tell you about all of Trump's crimes and it will only be a matter of days, before they perp walk him out of the WH. Dare to dream...LOL

You watch way too much Fox News....

Ignore that and hell even ignore MSNBC and CNN.

If you watch or read any intellectual, reputable, journalistic source you will quickly find many fallacies in your posts on this thread.

Heck you can find them even time to time on but it's so easy to see where your talking points come from.

They aren't original, and more concerning just aren't based in facts.

Let me know when they walk back all of the Obama Birth Certificate scandals, or the HRC email/Bengjazi scandals...

You talk about indoctrination but fail to see your own.

Irony is lost.
It didn't take long to identify the CNN and MSNBC audience. Don't think about what's really happening in our country, just sing along with the people indoctrinating you.
I'm not defending Trump as much as I'm pointing out how corrupted this whole process has been. The Dems have no one that can beat Trump in an election, so their only hope is to damage him as much as possible. If you refuse to even see that, you're so blinded by hatred that you can't think straight. C'mon, they were talking about impeachment within two days of the election and the only Russian collusion that's provable so far has been between the DNC , HRC and the Russians.

If Trump's impeachment is such a lock, why hasn't Pelosi taken a vote yet to get the process officially started? If Schiff has all the proof of impeachable crimes that he's been claiming for over two years, why hasn't he produced it? Why is Schiff doing all his hearing behind closed doors, rather than letting the public know what's going on? These are obvious questions that some of you are afraid to think about.

TDS and hating Trump are not impeachable offenses. Schiff lied to Pelosi, telling her he had a whistle blower that could derail Trump, which prompted her to announce the impeachment investigation. Then Trump released the transcript of the phone conversation and blew the whistle blower out of the water. Now Pelosi is stuck on a road she didn't want to travel. I suspect that the Dems are going to spend the next year huffing and puffing and leaking and lying and Pelosi will never make her members go on record with a vote. She knows she'll lose about 35 - 40 House Dems, if they go on record for impeachment. She's smart enough not to let that happen in a battle that she can't win.

You can continue to listen to Morning Joe, Don Lemon, Van Jones and Brian Stelter, etc., as they tell you about all of Trump's crimes and it will only be a matter of days, before they perp walk him out of the WH. Dare to dream...LOL
1) Dems have "no one that can beat Trump in 2020 ??" Check wagering odds all over the country, and beyond. He's @ 40% apprv. and a 5-4 underdog, at this pt.
2) Dems lose 35-40 seats in House w/impeachment ?? Hallucinatory.( Over 20 GOPers are retiring )
3) Who do YOU listen to ? Hannity ? Limbaugh ? Delusion.
4) "Blew the whistleblower out of the water " ??? WTF . There's two of them, and , for now, their anonymity is being protected under federal law.
5) The "vote", as you put it, is a formality without an imperative. Look somewhere else for something meaningful.
6) If the "whole process...has been corrupted", as you claim...then I suppose we'll see the DOJ or federal prosecutors in court to see the "corruptors" punished, huh ?? Sorry. Pipedream.
7) The media is talking about " perp-walking Trump out of the White House " ?? Can you link us all to the tapes of these stories ??

Nice try.
No fun playing defense, huh ?
More to come. Way more.
it is great to see the posse on patrol. Do any of you have the ability to see anything that doesnt 100 % agree with you ? do you guys take shifts or what ? Every thread is finished by 4 posters who think they are holier than thou and if anyone dare disagree run run run run to go be as a big of a dick as I can be. This is so funny to any normal people .
it is great to see the posse on patrol. Do any of you have the ability to see anything that doesnt 100 % agree with you ? do you guys take shifts or what ? Every thread is finished by 4 posters who think they are holier than thou and if anyone dare disagree run run run run to go be as a big of a dick as I can be. This is so funny to any normal people .

The issue is the facts used to not be able to be so debatable or blurred.

They were what they were and there was honest debates about how to best move forward

But now facts don't even matter.... they are ignored (at best) and manipulated or lied about (at worst)

Until two sides can agree on what the facts are it will be impossible for the two sides to have an amicable path forward.

I would love to have an honest debate about any of these topics but the reality is tribalism has conquered.

As I said in another thread, gerrymandering has won the day

This country will likely not survive as a Republic if we cannot get away from the extremes.

America is sick and neither the far right nor far left will make it great again.

What made America great is a strong middle class with a strong political center.

Buttigieg (or Klobachar) vs Kasich would be a dream matchup for me.

Hopefully I'll see the center rise again.

Right now IMO the Democrats are far closer to the center than the GOP, but if they aren't careful they can suffer the same fate.
It didn't take long to identify the CNN and MSNBC audience. Don't think about what's really happening in our country, just sing along with the people indoctrinating you.
I'm not defending Trump as much as I'm pointing out how corrupted this whole process has been. The Dems have no one that can beat Trump in an election, so their only hope is to damage him as much as possible. If you refuse to even see that, you're so blinded by hatred that you can't think straight. C'mon, they were talking about impeachment within two days of the election and the only Russian collusion that's provable so far has been between the DNC , HRC and the Russians.

If Trump's impeachment is such a lock, why hasn't Pelosi taken a vote yet to get the process officially started? If Schiff has all the proof of impeachable crimes that he's been claiming for over two years, why hasn't he produced it? Why is Schiff doing all his hearing behind closed doors, rather than letting the public know what's going on? These are obvious questions that some of you are afraid to think about.

TDS and hating Trump are not impeachable offenses. Schiff lied to Pelosi, telling her he had a whistle blower that could derail Trump, which prompted her to announce the impeachment investigation. Then Trump released the transcript of the phone conversation and blew the whistle blower out of the water. Now Pelosi is stuck on a road she didn't want to travel. I suspect that the Dems are going to spend the next year huffing and puffing and leaking and lying and Pelosi will never make her members go on record with a vote. She knows she'll lose about 35 - 40 House Dems, if they go on record for impeachment. She's smart enough not to let that happen in a battle that she can't win.

You can continue to listen to Morning Joe, Don Lemon, Van Jones and Brian Stelter, etc., as they tell you about all of Trump's crimes and it will only be a matter of days, before they perp walk him out of the WH. Dare to dream...LOL
Talk about indoctrination. That sounded exactly like a fact free Hannity rant, that's not a good thing. You're in so deep with the propaganda, you don't have a clue what's real life.
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You watch way too much Fox News....

Ignore that and hell even ignore MSNBC and CNN.

If you watch or read any intellectual, reputable, journalistic source you will quickly find many fallacies in your posts on this thread.

Heck you can find them even time to time on but it's so easy to see where your talking points come from.

They aren't original, and more concerning just aren't based in facts.

Let me know when they walk back all of the Obama Birth Certificate scandals, or the HRC email/Bengjazi scandals...

You talk about indoctrination but fail to see your own.

Irony is lost.

“If you watch or read any intellectual, reputable, journalistic source you will quickly find many fallacies in your posts on this thread.”

Hey Bleeding! Maybe you can help me by identifying an intellectual, reputable, journalistic source. I have never seen one. I would really appreciate it.
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“If you watch or read any intellectual, reputable, journalistic source you will quickly find many fallacies in your posts on this thread.”

Hey Bleeding! Maybe you can help me by identifying an intellectual, reputable, journalistic source. I have never seen one. I would really appreciate it.

You can start with

PBS Nightly News. BBC America.

Keep away from opinionated talking heads.

Look for sources that make the news about the news and not about themselves.

I know your post was facetious as if there aren't those options available, but there are.... Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham are not it.
You can start with

PBS Nightly News. BBC America.

Keep away from opinionated talking heads.

Look for sources that make the news about the news and not about themselves.

I know your post was facetious as if there aren't those options available, but there are.... Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham are not it.

The PBSNewshour is one of the best sources around. No adverts, quality discussions, no histrionics - I try to watch every day.
it is great to see the posse on patrol. Do any of you have the ability to see anything that doesnt 100 % agree with you ? do you guys take shifts or what ? Every thread is finished by 4 posters who think they are holier than thou and if anyone dare disagree run run run run to go be as a big of a dick as I can be. This is so funny to any normal people . the Orkin man.........
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You can start with

PBS Nightly News. BBC America.

Keep away from opinionated talking heads.

Look for sources that make the news about the news and not about themselves.

I know your post was facetious as if there aren't those options available, but there are.... Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham are not it.

I will have to try PBS again. Years ago I felt they were one of the most liberal news shows because they routinely reported on US failures without balance. Of course back then CNN was the gold standard in my view but my how times have changed.
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I will have to try PBS again. Years ago I felt they were one of the most liberal news shows because they routinely reported on US failures without balance. Of course back then CNN was the gold standard in my view but my how times have changed.
If PBS' reporting on " US failures ", back when, was largely an expose of the WMD-Iraq Clstfk and its subsequent unmanageable quagmire, then they might have appeared liberal. To some . To others, just truth-tellers.
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Since Donald Trump had the audacity to win the Presidency, which the Dems had thought they had rigged for HRC, the cry of "Impeach 45" began. For almost three years, we have heard the Dems talk about all the charges that Trump could/should be impeached for, but no provable crime has surfaced.

Mueller wasted about $40 Million with the phony Russia-gate conspiracy and came up empty. Didn't Adam Schiff say that he had positive proof of Trump's guilt? Of course, if you paid any attention to Schiff, you would realize that most of what he says is far from the truth.

Between the Dems, CNN, MSNBC and the MSM, we've heard constant rants about all the crimes that they are convinced Trump is guilty of having committed. All they are missing is the PROOF.

I always thought that in this country, we were all presumed innocent, until proven guilty. I guess that presumption of innocence is suspended, if you happen to be a combative Republican President, who is intolerant of a biased media.

I believe that the Dems and their media lapdogs are well aware that there will never be any actual proof of any impeachable crimes against Trump, but they knew from the beginning that they couldn't impeach him, since they didn't have the votes in the Senate. This has all been a ruse to give Trump a political colonoscopy, in hopes of finding something, anything, that they could actually charge him with. Short of that, their purpose was to create as much doubt and suspicion as possible to keep him from being reelected. They've been throwing crap at the wall for three years. hoping something will stick.

What you're watching is the first attempt at a political coup in the US. If this really makes you happy, then you've lost sight of all the great things that this country and all it's Constitutional guarantees represent.

Trump is an outsider and he represents an existential threat to the establishment Dems and Reps (swamp creatures) and the way they've corrupted this government. There is no depth that they will not go to protect the status quo and we're seeing it now.
You are obviously entitled to any view that you may hold but your post read in its entirety shows an absence of much actual understanding of impeachment.
Impeachment is a function of the House not the Senate. Trial and removal are Senatorial functions.
Presumption of innocence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt, each has application only in criminal trials and is not applicable to other judicial proceedings.
The impeachment process is not a judicial proceeding it is a political process.
An impeachment is not a coup but is rather an inherent part of the American Constitution and its political.process.
Support President Trump all you wish, but make an effort to at least have a passing knowledge of the process itself before you choose to attack it.
I realize that you are never going to look at the actual Mueller report itself in order to determine what it actually discovered.
It's a pity that you waste so many words and so much effort that probably could have served you better to attempt to attain some actual information and knowledge.
You are obviously entitled to any view that you may hold but your post read in its entirety shows an absence of much actual understanding of impeachment.
Impeachment is a function of the House not the Senate. Trial and removal are Senatorial functions.
Presumption of innocence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt, each has application only in criminal trials and is not applicable to other judicial proceedings.
The impeachment process is not a judicial proceeding it is a political process.
An impeachment is not a coup but is rather an inherent part of the American Constitution and its political.process.
Support President Trump all you wish, but make an effort to at least have a passing knowledge of the process itself before you choose to attack it.
I realize that you are never going to look at the actual Mueller report itself in order to determine what it actually discovered.
It's a pity that you waste so many words and so much effort that probably could have served you better to attempt to attain some actual information and knowledge.
About as good a post as we'll see, around here.
Since Donald Trump had the audacity to win the Presidency, which the Dems had thought they had rigged for HRC, the cry of "Impeach 45" began. For almost three years, we have heard the Dems talk about all the charges that Trump could/should be impeached for, but no provable crime has surfaced.

Mueller wasted about $40 Million with the phony Russia-gate conspiracy and came up empty. Didn't Adam Schiff say that he had positive proof of Trump's guilt? Of course, if you paid any attention to Schiff, you would realize that most of what he says is far from the truth.

Between the Dems, CNN, MSNBC and the MSM, we've heard constant rants about all the crimes that they are convinced Trump is guilty of having committed. All they are missing is the PROOF.

I always thought that in this country, we were all presumed innocent, until proven guilty. I guess that presumption of innocence is suspended, if you happen to be a combative Republican President, who is intolerant of a biased media.

I believe that the Dems and their media lapdogs are well aware that there will never be any actual proof of any impeachable crimes against Trump, but they knew from the beginning that they couldn't impeach him, since they didn't have the votes in the Senate. This has all been a ruse to give Trump a political colonoscopy, in hopes of finding something, anything, that they could actually charge him with. Short of that, their purpose was to create as much doubt and suspicion as possible to keep him from being reelected. They've been throwing crap at the wall for three years. hoping something will stick.

What you're watching is the first attempt at a political coup in the US. If this really makes you happy, then you've lost sight of all the great things that this country and all it's Constitutional guarantees represent.

Trump is an outsider and he represents an existential threat to the establishment Dems and Reps (swamp creatures) and the way they've corrupted this government. There is no depth that they will not go to protect the status quo and we're seeing it now.
SPOT on Madness
The issue is the facts used to not be able to be so debatable or blurred.

They were what they were and there was honest debates about how to best move forward

But now facts don't even matter.... they are ignored (at best) and manipulated or lied about (at worst)

Until two sides can agree on what the facts are it will be impossible for the two sides to have an amicable path forward.

I would love to have an honest debate about any of these topics but the reality is tribalism has conquered.

As I said in another thread, gerrymandering has won the day

This country will likely not survive as a Republic if we cannot get away from the extremes.

America is sick and neither the far right nor far left will make it great again.

What made America great is a strong middle class with a strong political center.

Buttigieg (or Klobachar) vs Kasich would be a dream matchup for me.

Hopefully I'll see the center rise again.

Right now IMO the Democrats are far closer to the center than the GOP, but if they aren't careful they can suffer the same fate.
Gold you think Warren/Sanders are more to the center than Trump? There is no way that is true.
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Gold you think Warren/Sanders are more to the center than Trump? There is no way that is true.

Warren and Sanders haven't won their party's nomination.

Right now the leader of the GOP is farther right.

But US politics is acting like a pendulum. And it swung way right in 2016 -- it over compensated. I wouldn't be shocked to see it swing way left in 2020, but I hope it doesn't.

What the country needs though is for it to stop swinging to the edges and get back to the middle.

Hence my ideal candidates would be Buttigieg/Klobachar from the left and then Kasich/Romney from the right.

I don't think those battles will happen though until one of two things occurs

1) Gerrymandering is dialed way back.
2) People stop consuming 24 hours "news" networks as if they are journalistic news sources and not just talking heads telling you how to think.
Warren and Sanders haven't won their party's nomination.

Right now the leader of the GOP is farther right.

But US politics is acting like a pendulum. And it swung way right in 2016 -- it over compensated. I wouldn't be shocked to see it swing way left in 2020, but I hope it doesn't.

What the country needs though is for it to stop swinging to the edges and get back to the middle.

Hence my ideal candidates would be Buttigieg/Klobachar from the left and then Kasich/Romney from the right.

I don't think those battles will happen though until one of two things occurs

1) Gerrymandering is dialed way back.
2) People stop consuming 24 hours "news" networks as if they are journalistic news sources and not just talking heads telling you how to think.

I agree with all of this, but I do think "left vs right" is overplayed. Labels are a way to put someone in a box without needing to explore the nuance of their positions. Where does appointing a coal lobbyist to head the EPA fall on the political spectrum - right, left, or corrupt?

At this point, I'd go for anyone who possesses characteristics of basic human decency and leadership ability (e.g. taking responsibility for problems or not throwing everyone under the bus after they leave the administration), but Buttigieg and Klobuchar are my favorites.

Buttigieg understands the systemic problems we face; from gerrymandering to citizens united to a politicized supreme court. Were he elected, I'm not sure he'd be able to change those things, but he's excellent at explaining the problems.
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Warren and Sanders haven't won their party's nomination.

Right now the leader of the GOP is farther right.

But US politics is acting like a pendulum. And it swung way right in 2016 -- it over compensated. I wouldn't be shocked to see it swing way left in 2020, but I hope it doesn't.

What the country needs though is for it to stop swinging to the edges and get back to the middle.

Hence my ideal candidates would be Buttigieg/Klobachar from the left and then Kasich/Romney from the right.

I don't think those battles will happen though until one of two things occurs

1) Gerrymandering is dialed way back.
2) People stop consuming 24 hours "news" networks as if they are journalistic news sources and not just talking heads telling you how to think.
I hope the voters show they are tired on the extremes on both sides in the coming election.
Michael Bennett is another on the left that would be great. Like a democratic Kasich without the flair........which means he's boring. But he is a moderate who understands the issues and will work across the aisle to actually solve that won't be easily reversed when the next wacko becomes president.
If we can get some bipartisan solutions into law, people can see how they work for both sides and we can get off this teeter totter.
I don't want a politician that gives me everything I want. Give me something that works for the masses and let's move on.
Warren and Sanders haven't won their party's nomination.

Right now the leader of the GOP is farther right.

But US politics is acting like a pendulum. And it swung way right in 2016 -- it over compensated. I wouldn't be shocked to see it swing way left in 2020, but I hope it doesn't.

What the country needs though is for it to stop swinging to the edges and get back to the middle.

Hence my ideal candidates would be Buttigieg/Klobachar from the left and then Kasich/Romney from the right.

I don't think those battles will happen though until one of two things occurs

1) Gerrymandering is dialed way back.
2) People stop consuming 24 hours "news" networks as if they are journalistic news sources and not just talking heads telling you how to think.
* Buttigieg, Klobachar, Kasich & Romney are 4 good examples of political knowledge and integrity
* It's going to be a slow, legislative slog through the process of dialing back gerrymandering, given
SCOTUS 'recent decision
*Depending on one's thirst for knowledge, it's possible to glean insight from viewing cable news...IF one has the requisite BS detector........and a remote to change channels...
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You watch way too much Fox News....

Ignore that and hell even ignore MSNBC and CNN.

If you watch or read any intellectual, reputable, journalistic source you will quickly find many fallacies in your posts on this thread.

Heck you can find them even time to time on but it's so easy to see where your talking points come from.

They aren't original, and more concerning just aren't based in facts.

Let me know when they walk back all of the Obama Birth Certificate scandals, or the HRC email/Bengjazi scandals...

You talk about indoctrination but fail to see your own.

Irony is lost.

I love all the vague generalities. Amusing that you think that HRC e-mail and Benghazi are fake scandals. Obama Justice Department protected both HRC and Obama on both counts. Doesn't it disturb you even a little bit that HRC set up a private server to avoid FOIA, and subsequently destroyed over 30K subpoena'd e-mails with no consequences? That's not even talking about the hundreds of Classified e-mails that she had on an unsecure server. Apparently you're comfortable with a justice system, where the laws only affect the little people and our Democrat politicians are somehow above the law.

The IG is currently looking at the genesis of the FISA warrants and the Justice Department's handling of HRC's e-mail scandal. Let's hope justice actually does prevail.
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I love all the vague generalities. Amusing that you think that HRC e-mail and Benghazi are fake scandals. Obama Justice Department protected both HRC and Obama on both counts. Doesn't it disturb you even a little bit that HRC set up a private server to avoid FOIA, and subsequently destroyed over 30K subpoena'd e-mails with no consequences? That's not even talking about the hundreds of Classified e-mails that she had on an unsecure server. Apparently you're comfortable with a justice system, where the laws only affect the little people and our Democrat politicians are somehow above the law.

The IG is currently looking at the genesis of the FISA warrants and the Justice Department's handling of HRC's e-mail scandal. Let's hope justice actually does prevail.
Did you actually see the Benghazi hearings? You realize she didn't refuse to cooperate or testify? What were the results of the hearings......or did you bother to notice? Who are you going to blame for the results?

Sounds like you've already decided what the results of the IG report should be. Who are you going to blame IF it doesn't turn out the way you want? Did you see the results of the investigation into Comey? Who are you blaming for that?
You're so busy looking backward you are ignoring what's right in front of your the president publicly asking for foreign help against a political opponent.
Let me guess.......its not against the law right?
I love all the vague generalities. Amusing that you think that HRC e-mail and Benghazi are fake scandals. Obama Justice Department protected both HRC and Obama on both counts. Doesn't it disturb you even a little bit that HRC set up a private server to avoid FOIA, and subsequently destroyed over 30K subpoena'd e-mails with no consequences? That's not even talking about the hundreds of Classified e-mails that she had on an unsecure server. Apparently you're comfortable with a justice system, where the laws only affect the little people and our Democrat politicians are somehow above the law.

The IG is currently looking at the genesis of the FISA warrants and the Justice Department's handling of HRC's e-mail scandal. Let's hope justice actually does prevail.
1) So you feel that the investigative scrutiny, so far, in the matter of HRC e-mails and Benghazi has been insufficient ??
* Perhaps the ELEVEN Republican-led congressional hearings on Benghazi were not ample enough to uncover the truth ?? Another 20 would have helped ??
* And the I.G./DOJ 's conclusion that there wasn't sufficient criminal intent to furthur involve the criminal justice system re: HRC's e-mails... just doesn't " sit right " with you ??
2) When the American public is currently asked to recall which US government officeholder evokes the term " ABOVE THE LAW "......

Just exactly whom would they be most likely to mention ????
A DEMOCRATIC politician ???
Guess the (expletive) AGAIN......
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1) Dems have "no one that can beat Trump in 2020 ??" Check wagering odds all over the country, and beyond. He's @ 40% apprv. and a 5-4 underdog, at this pt.
2) Dems lose 35-40 seats in House w/impeachment ?? Hallucinatory.( Over 20 GOPers are retiring )
3) Who do YOU listen to ? Hannity ? Limbaugh ? Delusion.
4) "Blew the whistleblower out of the water " ??? WTF . There's two of them, and , for now, their anonymity is being protected under federal law.
5) The "vote", as you put it, is a formality without an imperative. Look somewhere else for something meaningful.
6) If the "whole process...has been corrupted", as you claim...then I suppose we'll see the DOJ or federal prosecutors in court to see the "corruptors" punished, huh ?? Sorry. Pipedream.
7) The media is talking about " perp-walking Trump out of the White House " ?? Can you link us all to the tapes of these stories ??

Nice try.
No fun playing defense, huh ?
More to come. Way more.

You give new meaning to the word delusional.

1) When one person is running against a field of 20+ candidates, the smart bet is always on the field. When it becomes a one on one battle, Trump will win. Who's going to beat him?
2) The Reps are retiring from safe seats. The 35-40 Dems are in Districts that Trump won. Surely, a genius like you must have known that...LOL
3) I'm a Fiscal Conservative, so there is no one in this Presidential race that matches my concern. The alternative is looking for someone that can grow the economy and Trump is the only one whose policies will do that. I listen to a wide variety of sources and don't blindly believe any of them.
4) Schiff proudly proclaimed that his Whistle Blower would prove Trump intimidated the Ukrainian President and established a quid pro quo arrangement. Then Trump released the transcript and the second hand knowledge Whistle Blower became expendable. Schiff had a second Whistle Blower lined up, which is remarkably reminiscent of the witnesses in the Kavenaugh inquisition, but had enough sense not to bring him forward. If you;'re not smart enough to realize that both Whistle Blowers were fakes, then you have a lot to learn.
5) Congress has a lot of formalities that they follow as part of their procedural doctrine. The House took a vote for both the Nixon and Clinton impeachments. The vote is taken to let the people know where their representatives stand on such an important issue. Right now, all the people know is that a few Dem leaders (Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler) are out to get the President. If Pelosi proceeds without a vote, she is just affirming that suspicion. I really don't expect Pelosi to take the vote, because she wants to protect her majority, but if she's not able to tarnish Trump enough for him to lose, Pelosi will retire, since she doesn't wamnt to be Minority Leader again.
6) Perhaps it is a pipe dream, but I still hold out hope for the rule of law meaning something.
7) Really?? You know they dream about it daily...LOL

Give it your best shot. You really haven't said anything of substance yet.
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5) Congress has a lot of formalities that they follow as part of their procedural doctrine. The House took a vote for both the Nixon and Clinton impeachments. The vote is taken to let the people know where their representatives stand on such an important issue...
Uhhh, no they didn't.
Right now IMO the Democrats are far closer to the center than the GOP, but if they aren't careful they can suffer the same fate.

Seriously?? Trump is NOT a Conservative, which apparently you haven't noticed. The Dems have several Socialists running and Warren and Bernie are in the Top 3 in popularity. How does this make the Dems closer to the center?
Talk about indoctrination. That sounded exactly like a fact free Hannity rant, that's not a good thing. You're in so deep with the propaganda, you don't have a clue what's real life.

Nice try, but how would you have any idea what Hannity said? Did they tell you on CNN?
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