A penalty looking for a crime,

Nice try, but how would you have any idea what Hannity said? Did they tell you on CNN?
I'll switch back and forth between Hannity and Query & Schultz on my way home from work. I know exactly what Hannity says to his audience. It is pure propaganda without any care for facts.
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Uhhh, no they didn't.
Fox said it so that's all he needs. We're in real trouble with our country, the right wing doesn't care one bit about what's real. If we cant' agree about what's an actual fact, we'll never be able to work through actual issues.
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You are obviously entitled to any view that you may hold but your post read in its entirety shows an absence of much actual understanding of impeachment.
Impeachment is a function of the House not the Senate. Trial and removal are Senatorial functions.
Presumption of innocence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt, each has application only in criminal trials and is not applicable to other judicial proceedings.
The impeachment process is not a judicial proceeding it is a political process.
An impeachment is not a coup but is rather an inherent part of the American Constitution and its political.process.
Support President Trump all you wish, but make an effort to at least have a passing knowledge of the process itself before you choose to attack it.
I realize that you are never going to look at the actual Mueller report itself in order to determine what it actually discovered.
It's a pity that you waste so many words and so much effort that probably could have served you better to attempt to attain some actual information and knowledge.

Thanks for the arrogant, condescending lecture. I am very aware that an impeachment is a political process and how the process is supposed to work. Unfortunately, the current effort is far more overtly political, than either Nixon or Clinton, (both of which I followed closely). At least, with Nixon & Clinton, laws were broken and there was a basis for the impeachment. Getting rid of a President that the Dems have hated. since election day seems to be the only reason for this impeachment. Yes, I read the Mueller report and found no smoking guns, despite that deck being stacked against Trump.

I didn't say that AN impeachment is a coup. In this instance, impeachment is as close to a coup as this country has ever seen. I'm not particularly a fan of Trump the person, but he's doing a lot of good things for the country, which seems to be getting lost in all the partisan hatred.
... Unfortunately, the current effort is far more overtly political, than either Nixon or Clinton, (both of which I followed closely)
Apparently not so very closely...
5) Congress has a lot of formalities that they follow as part of their procedural doctrine. The House took a vote for both the Nixon and Clinton impeachments. The vote is taken to let the people know where their representatives stand on such an important issue...
Uhhh, no they didn't.
Warren and Sanders haven't won their party's nomination.

Right now the leader of the GOP is farther right.

But US politics is acting like a pendulum. And it swung way right in 2016 -- it over compensated. I wouldn't be shocked to see it swing way left in 2020, but I hope it doesn't.

What the country needs though is for it to stop swinging to the edges and get back to the middle.

Hence my ideal candidates would be Buttigieg/Klobachar from the left and then Kasich/Romney from the right.

I don't think those battles will happen though until one of two things occurs

1) Gerrymandering is dialed way back.
2) People stop consuming 24 hours "news" networks as if they are journalistic news sources and not just talking heads telling you how to think.

By what standard do you consider Trump way Right? He's NOT a Fiscal Conservative. He wants to bring troops back home, rather than engaging in new battles. He advocated for and signed the First Step Act. These are not actions that would be associated with the hard Right.
The issue is the facts used to not be able to be so debatable or blurred.

They were what they were and there was honest debates about how to best move forward

But now facts don't even matter.... they are ignored (at best) and manipulated or lied about (at worst)

Until two sides can agree on what the facts are it will be impossible for the two sides to have an amicable path forward.

I would love to have an honest debate about any of these topics but the reality is tribalism has conquered.

As I said in another thread, gerrymandering has won the day

This country will likely not survive as a Republic if we cannot get away from the extremes.

America is sick and neither the far right nor far left will make it great again.

What made America great is a strong middle class with a strong political center.

Buttigieg (or Klobachar) vs Kasich would be a dream matchup for me.

Hopefully I'll see the center rise again.

Right now IMO the Democrats are far closer to the center than the GOP, but if they aren't careful they can suffer the same fate.
GTFO. The Ds are far closer to the Center? Medicare for All? Free medical for illegals? Free college? Open borders? Sanctuary cities, counties, and states? The Green New Deal?

What the hell planet do you live on?
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Did you actually see the Benghazi hearings? You realize she didn't refuse to cooperate or testify? What were the results of the hearings......or did you bother to notice? Who are you going to blame for the results?

Sounds like you've already decided what the results of the IG report should be. Who are you going to blame IF it doesn't turn out the way you want? Did you see the results of the investigation into Comey? Who are you blaming for that?
You're so busy looking backward you are ignoring what's right in front of your the president publicly asking for foreign help against a political opponent.
Let me guess.......its not against the law right?

Actually, I watched all 11 hrs of the Benghazi hearings. Apparently, you didn't or you would have heard her perjure herself on multiple occasions. I watched her deflect her "Friend" Chris Stevens's hundreds of requests for enhanced security, by saying it wasn't her job, she had a department that handled security. I heard her offer up the LIE that the Benghazi attack was based on overreaction to a video, when she had texted her daughter on the night of the attack, that it was a terrorist attack. In HRC's mind, her only responsibility as SoS was to get photo ops with world leaders and add a bullet point to her resume for her run for the Presidency. She assumed no responsibility for the deaths of 4 people. In fact, after three years, she still hasn't assumed any responsibility for her election loss. Now, Jill Stein is a Russian asset that cost her Wisc & Mich. HRC was a total incompetent with not even a casual acquaintance with the truth and this country dodged a major bullet by electing Trump. Perhaps some of the younger members on this board aren't aware that HRC tried to steal the WH China and Silverware, when she and Bill left office. She wasn't pleased, when they made her return the items.

I guess Trump trying to get to the roots of the origin of the Dossier would be out of bounds. There is more information coming out on Obama's efforts to influence the election with his corrupt Justice Department and Clapper & Brennan's biased Intel agencies spying on the Trump campaign.

I can only hope for transparency and equal justice, but there is a lot of corruption baked into the system, so I will be pleasantly surprised if an outsider (Trump) gets an even break. I won't blame anyone, but I am hoping for some level of fairness.

BTW, can you see any light leaks on the blinders you're wearing, regarding HRC? FYI, I also watched the full testimony of Bill Clinton, in which he mused about what the definition of is, is, as he tried to run out the clock.
Actually, I watched all 11 hrs of the Benghazi hearings. Apparently, you didn't or you would have heard her perjure herself on multiple occasions. I watched her deflect her "Friend" Chris Stevens's hundreds of requests for enhanced security, by saying it wasn't her job, she had a department that handled security. I heard her offer up the LIE that the Benghazi attack was based on overreaction to a video, when she had texted her daughter on the night of the attack, that it was a terrorist attack. In HRC's mind, her only responsibility as SoS was to get photo ops with world leaders and add a bullet point to her resume for her run for the Presidency. She assumed no responsibility for the deaths of 4 people. In fact, after three years, she still hasn't assumed any responsibility for her election loss. Now, Jill Stein is a Russian asset that cost her Wisc & Mich. HRC was a total incompetent with not even a casual acquaintance with the truth and this country dodged a major bullet by electing Trump. Perhaps some of the younger members on this board aren't aware that HRC tried to steal the WH China and Silverware, when she and Bill left office. She wasn't pleased, when they made her return the items.

I guess Trump trying to get to the roots of the origin of the Dossier would be out of bounds. There is more information coming out on Obama's efforts to influence the election with his corrupt Justice Department and Clapper & Brennan's biased Intel agencies spying on the Trump campaign.

I can only hope for transparency and equal justice, but there is a lot of corruption baked into the system, so I will be pleasantly surprised if an outsider (Trump) gets an even break. I won't blame anyone, but I am hoping for some level of fairness.

BTW, can you see any light leaks on the blinders you're wearing, regarding HRC? FYI, I also watched the full testimony of Bill Clinton, in which he mused about what the definition of is, is, as he tried to run out the clock.
Can't use logic to fight crazy. When the delusions are this bad, I don't even know where to begin. It's just one false Fox News talking point right after the other, without a single care on finding out the facts about anything.
1) So you feel that the investigative scrutiny, so far, in the matter of HRC e-mails and Benghazi has been insufficient ??
* Perhaps the ELEVEN Republican-led congressional hearings on Benghazi were not ample enough to uncover the truth ?? Another 20 would have helped ??
* And the I.G./DOJ 's conclusion that there wasn't sufficient criminal intent to furthur involve the criminal justice system re: HRC's e-mails... just doesn't " sit right " with you ??
2) When the American public is currently asked to recall which US government officeholder evokes the term " ABOVE THE LAW "......

Just exactly whom would they be most likely to mention ????
A DEMOCRATIC politician ???
Guess the (expletive) AGAIN......

You seem to forget that Congress had to refer charges to the the Obama Justice Department and Obama would have been splattered with the Benghazi muck, since they concocted the "Video" narrative to hide the fact that terrorism was still rampant, despite Obama declaring Al Qaeda was dead. Realize the Benghazi attack was just a couple months before the election.

The same Obama Justice Department looked at HRC's server. Since Obama had communicated with HRC on that server, he would have felt repercussions, as well. The unbiased FBI agents even destroyed phones, sim cards and laptops for HRC and her top advisers. Is it obstruction of justice, if the FBI destroys the evidence? HRC's 5 top advisers also received immunity, which is interesting, since you usually get immunity, if you testify against a bigger fish. I've never seen immunity given for NOT testifying, but move along, there's nothing to see here...

My biggest complaint is that the Reps didn't have the spine to refer charges, despite knowing they would go nowhere.
I suspect that part of their thinking was: what would be the political ramifications, if we called the First Black President corrupt? They knew it would have caused riots in the streets, so they sat on their hands and the corruption continued.
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By what standard do you consider Trump way Right? He's NOT a Fiscal Conservative. He wants to bring troops back home, rather than engaging in new battles. He advocated for and signed the First Step Act. These are not actions that would be associated with the hard Right.

I'll actually give you credit for this.

You're right. I really don't even know what the GOP or right stands for anymore.

- Fiscally Conservative? No. Passed the largest tax cut that led to the largest budget deficit in history.
- Pro Constitution? No. Impeachment is a lynching and the Emolument's clause is "phony".
- Pro Military? No. Didn't bring troops home. Moved them to Iraq and sold them to Saudi Arabia and undercut long term allies in spite of broad bipartisan opposition.
- Pro Law? No. FBI and Intelligence agencies are constantly under attack ,ignored, or subverted in favor of foreign driven conspiracies.

... I could go on but really what's the point.

Trump has taken the party to a place on the scale which I didn't think existed -- and 30% of the GOP is following him blindly off the cliff.

From the sound of your rants you may have hit your head to hard when you hit the bottom....
You give new meaning to the word delusional.

1) When one person is running against a field of 20+ candidates, the smart bet is always on the field. When it becomes a one on one battle, Trump will win. Who's going to beat him?
2) The Reps are retiring from safe seats. The 35-40 Dems are in Districts that Trump won. Surely, a genius like you must have known that...LOL
3) I'm a Fiscal Conservative, so there is no one in this Presidential race that matches my concern. The alternative is looking for someone that can grow the economy and Trump is the only one whose policies will do that. I listen to a wide variety of sources and don't blindly believe any of them.
4) Schiff proudly proclaimed that his Whistle Blower would prove Trump intimidated the Ukrainian President and established a quid pro quo arrangement. Then Trump released the transcript and the second hand knowledge Whistle Blower became expendable. Schiff had a second Whistle Blower lined up, which is remarkably reminiscent of the witnesses in the Kavenaugh inquisition, but had enough sense not to bring him forward. If you;'re not smart enough to realize that both Whistle Blowers were fakes, then you have a lot to learn.
5) Congress has a lot of formalities that they follow as part of their procedural doctrine. The House took a vote for both the Nixon and Clinton impeachments. The vote is taken to let the people know where their representatives stand on such an important issue. Right now, all the people know is that a few Dem leaders (Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler) are out to get the President. If Pelosi proceeds without a vote, she is just affirming that suspicion. I really don't expect Pelosi to take the vote, because she wants to protect her majority, but if she's not able to tarnish Trump enough for him to lose, Pelosi will retire, since she doesn't wamnt to be Minority Leader again.
6) Perhaps it is a pipe dream, but I still hold out hope for the rule of law meaning something.
7) Really?? You know they dream about it daily...LOL

Give it your best shot. You really haven't said anything of substance yet.
You give new meaning to the term diminished capacity.

1) The rule of law will always mean something. To believe that principle currently works to the favor of the GOP in 2020 is mind-numbing.
2) No, fool, what Dems. REALLY dream about is a return to American governance that doesn't bear any resemblance to 20th century fascism.
3)If N. Pelosi proceeds w/o a floor vote, the only people who care 2 whits are the hard-core Trumpers/Officials, who, like you, think the poor guy is being unfairly persecuted by not being allowed, before the trial, to call their own subpoenaed witnesses. The rest of the country knows better. At some point, the Speaker will likely call for the vote, but not until the majority part, as is their privilege, calls for it.
4) A GOP House in 2021 ??!! Whatever.
5) The whistleblowers are FAKES ??!! Even YOU aren't that stupid. A steady stream of deposed witnesses in the past 2 + wks., in hearings, have verified all the important info., anyway. And more to come.
(And if the wb's were fake, why would Trump & Co. spend days trying to discredit (them) ???!!)

6) You bring up the subject of the " smart bet ". Let's discuss "smart ".
On one side, we've got professional oddsmakers who are responsible for setting the betting line for the 2020 election. Worldwide total wagering might top $ 200,000,000, it's said. Today, those odds favor Trump's opponent......WHOEVER THAT MIGHT BE, at around 6-5.
On the other side, we've got all of the BoilerMadnesses of the world.
Which way to go.....
Tough call......

If you've got anything furthur to say that might possibly reach the threshold of know where to find me.
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You seem to forget that Congress had to refer charges to the the Obama Justice Department and Obama would have been splattered with the Benghazi muck, since they concocted the "Video" narrative to hide the fact that terrorism was still rampant, despite Obama declaring Al Qaeda was dead. Realize the Benghazi attack was just a couple months before the election.

The same Obama Justice Department looked at HRC's server. Since Obama had communicated with HRC on that server, he would have felt repercussions, as well. The unbiased FBI agents even destroyed phones, sim cards and laptops for HRC and her top advisers. Is it obstruction of justice, if the FBI destroys the evidence? HRC's 5 top advisers also received immunity, which is interesting, since you usually get immunity, if you testify against a bigger fish. I've never seen immunity given for NOT testifying, but move along, there's nothing to see here...

My biggest complaint is that the Reps didn't have the spine to refer charges, despite knowing they would go nowhere.
I suspect that part of their thinking was: what would be the political ramifications, if we called the First Black President corrupt? They knew it would have caused riots in the streets, so they sat on their hands and the corruption continued.
The last paragraph is....THE.....most ridiculous crap imaginable.
" Riots in the Streets" !!!!!!?????? You right-wing lunatics DID call Obama corrupt !! 10,000 times !!
The GOP didn't lack spine. They lacked facts. And integrity.

Starting tomorrow, why don't you sit down at a keyboard and COMPLETELY REWRITE AMERICAN POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE LAST 20 YEARS ???!!!
You've already used this forum for your preview.
Hilarious, to say the least.
I'll actually give you credit for this.

You're right. I really don't even know what the GOP or right stands for anymore.

- Fiscally Conservative? No. Passed the largest tax cut that led to the largest budget deficit in history.
- Pro Constitution? No. Impeachment is a lynching and the Emolument's clause is "phony".
- Pro Military? No. Didn't bring troops home. Moved them to Iraq and sold them to Saudi Arabia and undercut long term allies in spite of broad bipartisan opposition.
- Pro Law? No. FBI and Intelligence agencies are constantly under attack ,ignored, or subverted in favor of foreign driven conspiracies.

... I could go on but really what's the point.

Trump has taken the party to a place on the scale which I didn't think existed -- and 30% of the GOP is following him blindly off the cliff.

From the sound of your rants you may have hit your head to hard when you hit the bottom....
Fiscally Conservative? No. Passed the largest tax cut that led to thelargest budget deficit in history. - you may want to fact check your statement. Obama had 4 yrs of deficits that were all over 1T dollars. He had 1.1T, 1.3T twice and 1.4T.
Fiscally Conservative? No. Passed the largest tax cut that led to thelargest budget deficit in history. - you may want to fact check your statement. Obama had 4 yrs of deficits that were all over 1T dollars. He had 1.1T, 1.3T twice and 1.4T.

You're correct. Thanks for the fact check. I appreciate it.
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I agree with all of this, but I do think "left vs right" is overplayed. Labels are a way to put someone in a box without needing to explore the nuance of their positions. Where does appointing a coal lobbyist to head the EPA fall on the political spectrum - right, left, or corrupt?

At this point, I'd go for anyone who possesses characteristics of basic human decency and leadership ability (e.g. taking responsibility for problems or not throwing everyone under the bus after they leave the administration), but Buttigieg and Klobuchar are my favorites.

Buttigieg understands the systemic problems we face; from gerrymandering to citizens united to a politicized supreme court. Were he elected, I'm not sure he'd be able to change those things, but he's excellent at explaining the problems.
Those labels have rotted the system to the point of collapse, and no politician right now appears to be capable of articulating the need for restoration, let alone how.

Degeneration is all encompassing right now, every repetitive thing you do in your job, which is what jobs are, no matter the sector, your level of education or professional achievement, is being engineered away. When that is accomplished, what jobs are on the horizon? It's not like our recent past history, where, as an example, iron and steel led to bridges and railroads, disrupting teamsters and ferries, yes, but those displaced, and their families, moved, en masse, to better opportunities created by those advancements.

What do you look forward to today? Lose your middling accounting job at middle age thanks to the latest software and become an Uber driver, that is, until they can perfect self driving cars?

Is it any wonder society has become meaner, tribal, hates science, hates the "other" and seeks answer from an a la carte God? Humans are like electricity and water, they seek the path of least resistance.
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You give new meaning to the term diminished capacity.

1) The rule of law will always mean something. To believe that principle currently works to the favor of the GOP in 2020 is mind-numbing.
2) No, fool, what Dems. REALLY dream about is a return to American governance that doesn't bear any resemblance to 20th century fascism.
3)If N. Pelosi proceeds w/o a floor vote, the only people who care 2 whits are the hard-core Trumpers/Officials, who, like you, think the poor guy is being unfairly persecuted by not being allowed, before the trial, to call their own subpoenaed witnesses. The rest of the country knows better. At some point, the Speaker will likely call for the vote, but not until the majority part, as is their privilege, calls for it.
4) A GOP House in 2021 ??!! Whatever.
5) The whistleblowers are FAKES ??!! Even YOU aren't that stupid. A steady stream of deposed witnesses in the past 2 + wks., in hearings, have verified all the important info., anyway. And more to come.
(And if the wb's were fake, why would Trump & Co. spend days trying to discredit (them) ???!!)

6) You bring up the subject of the " smart bet ". Let's discuss "smart ".
On one side, we've got professional oddsmakers who are responsible for setting the betting line for the 2020 election. Worldwide total wagering might top $ 200,000,000, it's said. Today, those odds favor Trump's opponent......WHOEVER THAT MIGHT BE, at around 6-5.
On the other side, we've got all of the BoilerMadnesses of the world.
Which way to go.....
Tough call......

If you've got anything furthur to say that might possibly reach the threshold of know where to find me.

Your head must be empty now, since you dumped a lot of ignorance in this post. Not worth the time to point out all the flaws in your illogical thought process. I'd have better luck teaching my dog calculus. smh
Your head must be empty now, since you dumped a lot of ignorance in this post. Not worth the time to point out all the flaws in your illogical thought process. I'd have better luck teaching my dog calculus. smh
I love the posse, they see everything through their view as an ultimate 100% truth and anything else is just crazy and we will just be rude and nasty to them . Who is on patrol tonight? It is so amusing to watch them. You are fighting an uphill battle Boiler !
I'll switch back and forth between Hannity and Query & Schultz on my way home from work. I know exactly what Hannity says to his audience. It is pure propaganda without any care for facts.
You don't know exactly about anything but the fantasies in you and W's own mind. It's really quite amusing to watch you two in action patrolling every message on here .
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The last paragraph is....THE.....most ridiculous crap imaginable.
" Riots in the Streets" !!!!!!?????? You right-wing lunatics DID call Obama corrupt !! 10,000 times !!
The GOP didn't lack spine. They lacked facts. And integrity.

Starting tomorrow, why don't you sit down at a keyboard and COMPLETELY REWRITE AMERICAN POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE LAST 20 YEARS ???!!!
You've already used this forum for your preview.
Hilarious, to say the least.

Speaking of integrity, I imagine you believed Obama, when he said you could keep your doctor and your health plan. Ooops.
You can bury your head in the sand and say it ain't so, but Obama was corrupt. Fast & Furious being run out of his Justice Department. Weaponizing the IRS. Lying to the American people about the bogus video. Having Clapper & Brennan spying on Trump's campaign. Covering up HRC's crimes. Reps were calling him corrupt, because he was. If he had an R after his name, I'm sure you would see it too. Since he is a Dem, you and all the blind ideologues like you, don't want to acknowledge the truth. It is what it is.

Obama is relying on the fact that historically, Presidents didn't go after their predecessors for improprieties. The Dems had gone after Trump from the outset, because he is unconventional and they weren't sure that he would follow that protocol. They figured their best bet was to incapacitate Trump from the outset with the Russian Collusion farce and all the rest of the garbage they've thrown at him. I think they underestimated the fight in Trump.

I really wasn't much of a Trump fan at the outset, but he has done some good things for the economy. He's reworking a lot of bad trade deals ultimately making them better. He's also improved the VA and the military, so despite the worst efforts of the Dem politicians and the Never Trumpers, he's done well. The more rabid the Dems get to impeach him, the more likely I am to support him, unless I see a tangible reason not to. So far, all I hear is a lot of noise from the Left, with no facts to support the noise.
Boiler Madness. What do you think of Trump’s environmental policies? Look at earth or environmental defense fund if you need more information. His policies with regard to our national parks, air and water pollution, endangered species, desecration of tribal lands, FDA, etc are the main reasons I oppose Trump. I also do not approve of his economic policies (bullying the Fed, the increase in the federal debt, etc).

Also, who cares about Hillary and Obama and Clinton? It’s over, done, finished. Let it go
Your head must be empty now, since you dumped a lot of ignorance in this post. Not worth the time to point out all the flaws in your illogical thought process. I'd have better luck teaching my dog calculus. smh
And I'd have better luck trying to win the Kentucky Derby on a Clydesdale than I would trying to enlighten someone who ought to be undergoing electroconvulsive shock therapy.
Speaking of integrity, I imagine you believed Obama, when he said you could keep your doctor and your health plan. Ooops.
You can bury your head in the sand and say it ain't so, but Obama was corrupt. Fast & Furious being run out of his Justice Department. Weaponizing the IRS. Lying to the American people about the bogus video. Having Clapper & Brennan spying on Trump's campaign. Covering up HRC's crimes. Reps were calling him corrupt, because he was. If he had an R after his name, I'm sure you would see it too. Since he is a Dem, you and all the blind ideologues like you, don't want to acknowledge the truth. It is what it is.

Obama is relying on the fact that historically, Presidents didn't go after their predecessors for improprieties. The Dems had gone after Trump from the outset, because he is unconventional and they weren't sure that he would follow that protocol. They figured their best bet was to incapacitate Trump from the outset with the Russian Collusion farce and all the rest of the garbage they've thrown at him. I think they underestimated the fight in Trump.

I really wasn't much of a Trump fan at the outset, but he has done some good things for the economy. He's reworking a lot of bad trade deals ultimately making them better. He's also improved the VA and the military, so despite the worst efforts of the Dem politicians and the Never Trumpers, he's done well. The more rabid the Dems get to impeach him, the more likely I am to support him, unless I see a tangible reason not to. So far, all I hear is a lot of noise from the Left, with no facts to support the noise.
Defend the indefensible Donald Trump.
Demonize Obama.
Dementia ?
Beth do you support the Green Deal? You realize that would bankrupt this country.

You bring up a fair point, but when exactly does the country become "bankrupt?" Over the past 20 years we have seen our budget go from a surplus to a monumental amount of debt on the backs of multiple wars (ongoing), big programs like Obamacare (still going, partially), and the most recent tax plan that severely cut revenue to the country.

To this point every politicians likes to ask "how do we pay for this?" but even current fiscal conservatives don't really care to answer that question. So in that vein, where is bankrupt? And if we can't answer that question, why should we hold back progress in the name of cost savings?
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I will have to fact check but the tax cut actually has increased revenue...The tax base increases dramatically
You bring up a fair point, but when exactly does the country become "bankrupt?" Over the past 20 years we have seen our budget go from a surplus to a monumental amount of debt on the backs of multiple wars (ongoing), big programs like Obamacare (still going, partially), and the most recent tax plan that severely cut revenue to the country.

To this point every politicians likes to ask "how do we pay for this?" but even current fiscal conservatives don't really care to answer that question. So in that vein, where is bankrupt? And if we can't answer that question, why should we hold back progress in the name of cost savings?
At the very least tax cuts paid for themselves. Also i would rather keep my money than have some bureaucrat piss it away!
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The tax cut should be credited to Paul Ryan not Trump. Trump ran on a middle class tax cut only. Ryan was the one that push for the corporate tax cuts,
I will have to fact check but the tax cut actually has increased revenue...The tax base increases dramatically

At the very least tax cuts paid for themselves. Also i would rather keep my money than have some bureaucrat piss it away!
So where did the record deficit come from? Government staffing is way down under Trump, for various reasons. Seems like we should be in better shape.
But I guess we have we the bestest military ever.......that we don't want to there's that.
Beth do you support the Green Deal? You realize that would bankrupt this country.

No - - but I do support the FDA and do not approve of the deregulations and of reducing standards for drug approvals. I support the Endangered Species Act. I support the National Parks and do not approve of giving/selling them. I want clean water and clean air and do not approve of the rollback of clean water regulation. I dislike his attacks on solar energy. And on and on.
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how can you be a liar for a prediction not coming through. Most people did end up keeping their doctors by the way.
* I PREDICT a Boiler victory over Illinois and I PROMISE you that Plummer will go for 350+.....
Hope my Boilers don't make me a LIAR....
* The overwhelming % of people covered by the private insurance industry, in 2010, wound up having the choice of keeping their current care.....
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I read that Mitch McConnell instructed Republicans to "attack the process" not the facts/evidence/testimony so that is what they are doing.
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I will have to fact check but the tax cut actually has increased revenue...The tax base increases dramatically

At the very least tax cuts paid for themselves. Also i would rather keep my money than have some bureaucrat piss it away!
That is actually pretty interesting thank you. I saw it was from 2018 so checked if there was anything current, and the WSJ actually had an article in May that supported tax revenue on the rise.

in nominal dollars,
yes tax revenue rose in the previous fiscal year, as it typically does in times of non recession.

in real dollars,
tax revenue decreased significantly in the tax year after the tax bill.

with plans of continued big spending,
the near future will bring unprecedented deficit during a "great" economy.

and now in recent weeks, the government has inundated the market with treasury debt.
republicans got their wish... quantitative easing is back now too.


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Defend the indefensible Donald Trump.
Demonize Obama.
Dementia ?

Defend the indefensible - Obama
Demonize Trump
Your mental capacity would have to double to get you to the level of severe dementia.
You probably think the Green New Deal, providing free healthcare for illegals and having the government (taxpayers) provide free college educations for everyone are really neat deals.