1956 Republican Party Platform: What the Republican Party used to be.

Bingo!! You got it!! That’s what I’ve been saying for the longest here. Today’s Republican Party is the party of white America supremacy.

meanwhile, Joe sells out the US to non-Americans and let’s China, Russia and their allies rule the world
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meanwhile, Joe sells out the US to non-Americans and let’s China, Russia and their allies rule the world
Hmmm. He’s kinda standing up against Russia now. The “tear down this wall!” party is ready to reward Russian aggression and is threatening to pull out of NATO. The hardline “America First”crowd are the ones that seem ready to cede the world to others.
Hmmm. He’s kinda standing up against Russia now. The “tear down this wall!” party is ready to reward Russian aggression and is threatening to pull out of NATO. The hardline “America First”crowd are the ones that seem ready to cede the world to others.
Ol Joes got the Russkies on the run (🤣). Meanwhile, your version of GI Joe, oops, I mean Geriatric Joe is off to save Hamas from obliteration to appease the far left.
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What happened to the republicans since the 1950s?

Looks like today’s democrats.

Except one major thing was left out of above.....the MAIN tenant of the platform....... fiscally sound.
From the platform.....

"In order to progress further in correcting the unfortunate results of unwise financial management during 20 years of Democrat Administrations, we pledge to pursue the following objectives:

Further reductions in Government spending as recommended in the Hoover Commission Report, without weakening the support of a superior defense program or depreciating the quality of essential services of government to our people.

Continued balancing of the budget,"

Thus while some of your above meme pictured has elements of truth.......mainly spending was NEVER to be above revenue. It was spending with a heart & head.

And reading the platform, they referred to LEGAL immigration and LEGAL expansion of refugee act which back then were very small & miniscual numbers vs today's numbers.

So again you are skewing history.
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Except one major thing was left out of above.....the MAIN tenant of the platform....... fiscally sound.
From the platform.....

"In order to progress further in correcting the unfortunate results of unwise financial management during 20 years of Democrat Administrations, we pledge to pursue the following objectives:

Further reductions in Government spending as recommended in the Hoover Commission Report, without weakening the support of a superior defense program or depreciating the quality of essential services of government to our people.

Continued balancing of the budget,"

Thus while some of your above meme pictured has elements of truth.......mainly spending was NEVER to be above revenue. It was spending with a heart & head.

And reading the platform, they referred to LEGAL immigration and LEGAL expansion of refugee act which back then were very small & miniscual numbers vs today's numbers.

So again you are skewing history.
@BNIBoiler always skews history. That's nothing new.
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Nice slight of hand to try and plant something that doesn't belong.

He wants racism to still exist. Injects it in most threads. He needs it. Keeps trying to think the rare, rare occurrences that can be skewed to toward racism are the norm. So much so, he scours the Internet to try to find justification of his race centric life narrative. That's why the Republicans in his warped view must be the white supremacist. His life race centric narrative demands it. Someone needs to be the bad guy. The evils of the past cannot die, his mind will not allow it. Comical. Lol
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