19 children

Everything you list here, has happened already and all over the planet no less.
Again, you conveniently avoid details. It has happened elsewhere. So what? We now comparing ourselves to Sri Lanka or Syria? Was it third world countries? Was it terrorism? Was it people fighting back against a repressive government?

Does it happen as often or on the same scale in modern countries that compare to ours? That answer is clearly no.
Again, you conveniently avoid details. It has happened elsewhere.
Not avoiding anything I literally answered your question, you just didn't like the answer since it disproves your latest tantrum.

And you still just deflect and ignore what I said about the postings online and how it could of been stopped. You're just too focused on the narrative to think otherwise.
To be fair, Republicans aren't in charge now nor for Sandy Hook. But what is even more disgusting is a tragedy like this being made political.

As I said before, there was an opportunity to stop this when the person posted their plan online ......with pictures.... and no one did anything. The kid had nothing in his history that any existing nor new (other than outright banning) law would of stopped.

It is far past time to stop focusing on an object and focus on the person.
As far as Sandy Hook goes Obama used it to win reelection. Romney looked like he could win until Obama looked Presidential after the massacre. It was a turning point. I don't have an answer for stopping mass shootings but know that crazy people will always find a means to kill whether it be by gun, car, or a load of fertilizer. Congress sickens me. They hold hearings and get nothing done for months then Chuck Schumer comes up with overnight bills to vote on for show purposes. He did it two weeks ago for abortion and now says he can do it immediately for gun control. It's all about making hay off of a tragedy. I've been led to believe it takes time, debate and discussion to bring a bill to the floor for vote. I guess not when Chuck needs the publicity.
As far as Sandy Hook goes Obama used it to win reelection. Romney looked like he could win until Obama looked Presidential after the massacre. It was a turning point. I don't have an answer for stopping mass shootings but know that crazy people will always find a means to kill whether it be by gun, car, or a load of fertilizer. Congress sickens me. They hold hearings and get nothing done for months then Chuck Schumer comes up with overnight bills to vote on for show purposes. He did it two weeks ago for abortion and now says he can do it immediately for gun control. It's all about making hay off of a tragedy. I've been led to believe it takes time, debate and discussion to bring a bill to the floor for vote. I guess not when Chuck needs the publicity.
Completely agree. In this instance in Texas there was ample time to stop it and (I forget who) someone even saw/read the instagram posts with the pictures laying out what was happening ..........and no one did anything. That is what sticks with me because it was all avoidable if just SOMEONE had acted.
You do understand Bob that other countries have mass shootings too right? A simple google search will show you that answer.

You do understand that it happens A LOT more frequently in US, right? A simple google search will show you:

Not an exhaustive list, but roughly 80% of the mass shootings listed are in the US:

And US's gun death rate is 8x more than Canada, and 100x more than UK:

Guns are not easy to get contrary to the hyperbole. In fact they are harder to get than say just 30 years ago or when you could buy a shotgun at Walgreens yet these things are on the rise? Also the shooter passed every background check so no new laws would of prevented this.

Texas is a state where you don't need permit or training to obtain a gun. All it needs is for you to be 18. Used to be 21 and would have prevented this gunman.

Again and it really is this simple, when someone posts stuff online complete with plans on what they are going to do... people need to act. They didn't in this case and if they had, this tragedy doesn't happen.

People post crazy sh!t online all the time. Imagine the outcry for being arrested just for posting crazy sh!t online and didn't do anything. Killers also don't necessarily need to post crazy sh!t online. They can write in a journal too, duh.
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Texas is a state where you don't need permit or training to obtain a gun. All it needs is for you to be 18. Used to be 21 and would have prevented this gunman.
Or delayed it, or had him find other means. Other states the age is lower than 21.. Indiana is one so the age isn't the issue. Especially as I said when guns were VERY EASY to get 30+ years ago yet these things didn't happen. The gun sure didn't change so the argument over the availability over guns has no real merit.

People post crazy sh!t online all the time. Imagine the outcry for being arrested just for posting crazy sh!t online and didn't do anything. Killers also don't necessarily need to post crazy sh!t online. They can write in a journal too, duh.
And there it is. We're more worried about someone's feelings than stepping up and stopping someone. Especially in this instance when it was apparently very evident and they literally talked about shooting up the school.
I shed a few tears just looking at the pictures of these strangers whom I do not know. These are 16 of the 19 kids that were killed 😭

I hope people can stop seeing them as statistic, and feel the insurmountable pain that their families must be going through.

You'd have to be heartless to not feel for the families and be sad when looking at these pictures. That doesn't change the fact that the solutions the Dems want will not fix the issue and will only cause more death in other areas.
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Really disgusting how republicans watch all these school shooting and just shrug their shoulders. The Stoneman Douglas shooting was 4 years ago. Has enough time passed that we can talk about that? How about Sandy Hook, that was 10 years ago. Has enough time passed with those mass murders that republicans can finally do something?
What republicans just shrug their shoulders? Why would you think that? Simply because they don't share the same misguided solutions that you want?
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Huh?!? Report says "An Uvalde school district police officer, who worked at the school, saw Ramos emerge from the vehicle carrying a rifle and wearing body armour, according to Erick Estrada from the Texas Department of Public Safety. The officer 'engaged' the suspect but was unable to stop him, Mr Estrada said. Two more officers from Uvalde Police Department also attempted to stop Ramos but were unable to do so, and called for back-up."

The problem is not how easy to access school, or whether the school has security guards. The problem is that in Texas, anyone who is 18 can get semi-automatic weapon without permit and without training.
This 100% is NOT the issue...
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Do all the other countries in the world have less crazy "person"s than we do? Do they have as many "object"s and easy access to them as we do?

It's past time to stop acting like the number of guns in this country.......and more importantly, the easy access to them, has nothing to do with these massacres.
No, they have just as many crazy people. That's why there are more deaths with knives and explosives vs guns here. They have the same issues. Guns are not the problem. It's the people as well as gun free zones. If someone knows there is a chance they will be confronted with a gun, they much MUCH less likely to commit a crime there.
Yes, other countries have it. Does frequency matter?

Do they have laws that say an 18 year old can buy a semi automatic military style weapon at 18 years this kid did? You the say the laws would not have prevented this. Then change the laws. No license required. No training required. Don't have to be 21. Change the damn laws.

But did Texas just do? Made it even easier to buy guns.

Everytime one of these things happens another mixed up kid sees it and starts thinking about doing it too.
THAT statement right there is all I needed to read to know that you don't know SHIT about guns.
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If all of a sudden in a 2 day span 100,000 black people bought and registered guns, I’ll bet the right wingers will be for gun control then.
Figures you'd bring out the racist talk. You're so dumb. People on the right would applaud it. They also know that it would stop a lot of the shootings going on in black neighborhoods because criminals would have to worry about the regular Joe being armed.
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Figures you'd bring out the racist talk. You're so dumb. People on the right would applaud it. They also know that it would stop a lot of the shootings going on in black neighborhoods because criminals would have to worry about the regular Joe being armed.
You are so out of touch it is not funny. I think you are challenged as far as intelligent. In Chi-town, if someone from the Gangster Disciples wants to take out members of the Latin Kings on the corner of 71st Street and Stoney Island, you are telling me that some average Joe with gun is going to stop that? Is that what you are telling us?
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I'm one that grew up going to a country school. In highschool, there was no shortage of guns in vehicles in the parking lot. Students would hunt before or after school. No one thought twice about it. You would have fights break out after school, no one thought about going and grabbing their gun from their vehicle.

The issue isn't the guns, the issue is something has changed with the people that suddenly they think this is acceptable. I think a lot of it is people looking for media notoriety and wanting to end their life anyways. So they go out infamous then and people will remember their names.
First, the AR isn't a military style weapon. It looks scary I know, but that is the only thing remotely militaristic about it. And all those laws you want to change, still wouldn't of stopped it .. why? Because he passed the existing laws that already do background checks. You can keep circling back to that all you want, but it's just the facts. No laws no or future other than outright making every gun illegal stops this...... but then again, drugs and murder are illegal so I doubt that would help.

And you keep ignoring the hard fact that this kid posted online that this was coming ...... why are you not as up in arms over what REALLY could of stopped it had someone just stepped in?
I've got one, call it whatever the hell you want to call it. It wasn't designed for hunting.....although I know people who do. You want to call it a target rifle, a range gun, a recreational firearm. Whatever. But it's a fact that an AR with a 30 round mag is pretty damn effective at killing people.

To be clear, arguing that we can't stop ALL these types of incidents so therefore we do nothing is BS. Similarly, arguing this one couldn't be stopped is also BS because you don't know that. We hear the same thing after every one of these from you people.......the laws weren't enforced or there should have been guards or the government should have done that or he posted online/why didn't SOMEBODY do SOMETHING? There's always a reason for why it couldn't have been stopped. You never look for a way it could have been.

You keep circling back to existing laws when I'm clearly saying CHANGE THE DAMN LAWS. An 18 year old shouldn't be able to buy an AR. Period. There should be a waiting period. Make him go through the process of getting licensed. Make him get training. It's possible during that time he changes his mind or an instructor or family member sends up a flare. A hell of a lot of growing up usually happens from 18 to 21.

You want the government to pay people to scan through all the internet posts of an 18 year old looking for manifestos, have at it. Otherwise, you're putting the responsibility of catching him before the fact on his friends and contacts online. Is that where the responsibility lies?
bravely sacrificed their lives to preserve our beautiful 2nd Amendment rights. Let freedom ring.
Dude, this has nothing to do with second amendment rights. It has everything to do with a deranged, psychopath who shot his friggin' grand mother and then turned his anger to the school.

Ever wonder had he not wrecked in front of that school where he would have gone to shoot people? He had a boat load of weaponry and was intent on killing a lot of folks that day.

Society failed in this shooting rampage.
I've got one, call it whatever the hell you want to call it. It wasn't designed for hunting.....although I know people who do. You want to call it a target rifle, a range gun, a recreational firearm. Whatever. But it's a fact that an AR with a 30 round mag is pretty damn effective at killing people.

To be clear, arguing that we can't stop ALL these types of incidents so therefore we do nothing is BS. Similarly, arguing this one couldn't be stopped is also BS because you don't know that. We hear the same thing after every one of these from you people.......the laws weren't enforced or there should have been guards or the government should have done that or he posted online/why didn't SOMEBODY do SOMETHING? There's always a reason for why it couldn't have been stopped. You never look for a way it could have been.

You keep circling back to existing laws when I'm clearly saying CHANGE THE DAMN LAWS. An 18 year old shouldn't be able to buy an AR. Period. There should be a waiting period. Make him go through the process of getting licensed. Make him get training. It's possible during that time he changes his mind or an instructor or family member sends up a flare. A hell of a lot of growing up usually happens from 18 to 21.

You want the government to pay people to scan through all the internet posts of an 18 year old looking for manifestos, have at it. Otherwise, you're putting the responsibility of catching him before the fact on his friends and contacts online. Is that where the responsibility lies?
I keep circling back to the laws because you do and keep glossing over that the shooter passed all the current laws and would pass any new ones. I just don't see how you can fail to grasp that. The kid had no priors, nop connections to gans.. nothing... NOTHING .. that ANY background check/law would of stopped. I've already disproven your age thing so I'm not going to bother with it.........again other than to say, you can fire off rounds just as fast in a long rifle (which is what is being reported as the weapon) than you can with an AR. Again not the's the person pulling the trigger.

And I said nothing about the government but pointed to the FACT that his actions were online and being reported on and no one did anything. You're focus on an object and not the root cause....... It's just too bad you're so bought in to the narrative that you can't see the facts.

Good luck Bob, you're trapped in a circular argument with no foundation.
The person that did this posted his plans online and no one did anything so his has nothing to do with the 2A or even owning a gun. Had they acted when they saw those posts, then this tragedy (likely) doesn't happen.

Edit: I would also add that there have been guns in our culture for generations and when they were easy to get, we didn't have mass shootings like this. So the object used or access to it isn't the problem, but something has changed over the last 30 years that needs to be investigated.
The slow disintegration of the traditional family unit and Christian values.
The slow disintegration of the traditional family unit and Christian values.
Ding ding. That and taking the parents out of the schools. Guns are not a new concept and as I have said repeatedly, were easier to get decades ago but these mass shootings are more of a modern problem.

I'll add this then I am likely out of this thread because it's only going to back and forth:

Really disgusting how republicans watch all these school shooting and just shrug their shoulders. The Stoneman Douglas shooting was 4 years ago. Has enough time passed that we can talk about that? How about Sandy Hook, that was 10 years ago. Has enough time passed with those mass murders that republicans can finally do something?
To be fair, Republicans aren't in charge now nor for Sandy Hook. But what is even more disgusting is a tragedy like this being made political.

As I said before, there was an opportunity to stop this when the person posted their plan online ......with pictures.... and no one did anything. The kid had nothing in his history that any existing nor new (other than outright banning) law would of stopped.

It is far past time to stop focusing on an object and focus on the person.
Well stated BBG....I highlighted the most important part because we can no longer profile this individual.
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You republicans disgust me. You watch these children get turned into hamburger meat constantly and you make excuse after excuse instead of doing anything at all that would upset the NRA or gun manufacturers.
Huh?!? Report says "An Uvalde school district police officer, who worked at the school, saw Ramos emerge from the vehicle carrying a rifle and wearing body armour, according to Erick Estrada from the Texas Department of Public Safety. The officer 'engaged' the suspect but was unable to stop him, Mr Estrada said. Two more officers from Uvalde Police Department also attempted to stop Ramos but were unable to do so, and called for back-up."

The problem is not how easy to access school, or whether the school has security guards. The problem is that in Texas, anyone who is 18 can get semi-automatic weapon without permit and without training.
Why were the school doors not locked?
No, they have just as many crazy people. That's why there are more deaths with knives and explosives vs guns here. They have the same issues. Guns are not the problem. It's the people as well as gun free zones. If someone knows there is a chance they will be confronted with a gun, they much MUCH less likely to commit a crime there.
Then let's make this 18 year old get the explosives necessary to build the bomb, take the time to learn how to build it, build it without blowing himself up, transport it to the school .....again without killing himself, get it into the school past the security guards, and hope that his first bomb actually works. I'll take take that chance, including the possibility he changes his mind in the amount of time it takes to do all that or gets frustrated and gives up and the chance that someone picks up on his bomb making and calls the police....VS. the ease with which he purchased a semi automatic rifle days before he killed 20 kids, with ZERO time needed to reconsider his act or resist what could be impulsive act.

Knives? Ok, let's see him get past the armed security into the school and then kill 20 kids with it.

This whole " if they want to kill they will find a way" BS completely ignores reality.
Libs in charge son. Get something done.
the fact is the dums are under the same lobbyists that the Reps are under and really dont want to do anything about it. otherwise they would already have done something. We are willing to send tens of billions to Ukraine for weapons but wont provide money to protect our kids in schools, hell , lets take some more cops off he street and provide free guns to gang bangers. In fact we are further endangering kids in schools by putting boys in girls bathrooms. dums are really really dum
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Do all the other countries in the world have less crazy "person"s than we do? Do they have as many "object"s and easy access to them as we do?

It's past time to stop acting like the number of guns in this country.......and more importantly, the easy access to them, has nothing to do with these massacres.
Are you personally going to Baltimore, Chicago, New York, or even Dallas and tell the gang members and criminals to give there guns to you?

See, you want to gripe, but you have no real solutions.
Well when we have people building homemade bombs and killing groups of people on a regular basis we can have that conversation. It's like people who say you could use your car or a freakin butter knife to kill people.

If somebody wants to kill groups of people using means other than guns, they will.......has always been the argument. Ok, make them. Make it a lot harder.
No Bob, it's like the argument that your fork is why you're fat.
Yes, other countries have it. Does frequency matter?

Do they have laws that say an 18 year old can buy a semi automatic military style weapon at 18 years this kid did? You the say the laws would not have prevented this. Then change the laws. No license required. No training required. Don't have to be 21. Change the damn laws.

But did Texas just do? Made it even easier to buy guns.

Everytime one of these things happens another mixed up kid sees it and starts thinking about doing it too.
Then allow profiling of "mixed up kids". He'd had problems at school, his grandma had worked at the school, he posted on line that he was going to do this.....yet the actions of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan ended that ability to profile him
First, the AR isn't a military style weapon. It looks scary I know, but that is the only thing remotely militaristic about it. And all those laws you want to change, still wouldn't of stopped it .. why? Because he passed the existing laws that already do background checks. You can keep circling back to that all you want, but it's just the facts. No laws no or future other than outright making every gun illegal stops this...... but then again, drugs and murder are illegal so I doubt that would help.

And you keep ignoring the hard fact that this kid posted online that this was coming ...... why are you not as up in arms over what REALLY could of stopped it had someone just stepped in?

They don't want to hear facts man. They just don't.
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I'm one that grew up going to a country school. In highschool, there was no shortage of guns in vehicles in the parking lot. Students would hunt before or after school. No one thought twice about it. You would have fights break out after school, no one thought about going and grabbing their gun from their vehicle.

The issue isn't the guns, the issue is something has changed with the people that suddenly they think this is acceptable. I think a lot of it is people looking for media notoriety and wanting to end their life anyways. So they go out infamous then and people will remember their names.
I'm one of those who hunted after school and had shotguns in my trunk as did most of my friends.

Difference is, if you and I didn't like each other we went behind the gym.
I've got one, call it whatever the hell you want to call it. It wasn't designed for hunting.....although I know people who do. You want to call it a target rifle, a range gun, a recreational firearm. Whatever. But it's a fact that an AR with a 30 round mag is pretty damn effective at killing people.

To be clear, arguing that we can't stop ALL these types of incidents so therefore we do nothing is BS. Similarly, arguing this one couldn't be stopped is also BS because you don't know that. We hear the same thing after every one of these from you people.......the laws weren't enforced or there should have been guards or the government should have done that or he posted online/why didn't SOMEBODY do SOMETHING? There's always a reason for why it couldn't have been stopped. You never look for a way it could have been.

You keep circling back to existing laws when I'm clearly saying CHANGE THE DAMN LAWS. An 18 year old shouldn't be able to buy an AR. Period. There should be a waiting period. Make him go through the process of getting licensed. Make him get training. It's possible during that time he changes his mind or an instructor or family member sends up a flare. A hell of a lot of growing up usually happens from 18 to 21.

You want the government to pay people to scan through all the internet posts of an 18 year old looking for manifestos, have at it. Otherwise, you're putting the responsibility of catching him before the fact on his friends and contacts online. Is that where the responsibility lies?
Bob....his F'in friends saw this post and did nothing about it. So did others.
You republicans disgust me. You watch these children get turned into hamburger meat constantly and you make excuse after excuse instead of doing anything at all that would upset the NRA or gun manufacturers.
Wow Indy, you Liberals disgust me too. Do you as a black man own a gun of any type?