Celebration is over....Time to Refocus

I anticipate this to be a better game than expected. the DJ's are very capable players. I expect Diarra to be posted against Edey to avoid Burns fouls. However, when Burns is posted against Edey the big man could be a difficult play for Edey as he will be hard to move. On offense Burns is quick, has a nice spin move, Edey could be challenged. Does TKR post him? And the point guard Horne is very quick and disruptive, if he can knock Smith off his game it may cause more turnovers than usual. - How do you the match-ups? Where will we be challenged?
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I don’t know what ratio the

Mental is to the physical. It typically is mentioned as 4:1. What we do know is the resolve this team has is different. It is the mental to get shots up, to improve your game, to stay focused, to show poise, to do what you can do successfully and at the end of the game to know you did your best .

This team has brought me a lot of good basketball and really impressed with all the sacrifices the team, players &coaches and parents have made to become as good as they are.

I'll say this regarding NC State before all of the online interaction starts this week

and we develop a dislike for one another. Their team has been so much fun to watch during this run and has been such a great story coming from the national media shadows of UNC and Duke in their own backyard. I literally felt good for their fans seeing them get there by going through Duke. Their Final Four drought was nearly as long as ours (1983) and they had to sit back and watch their rivals down the interstate dominate the college basketball spotlight over the past 40 years. This had to feel GREAT for them.

In 2004 I went on a college basketball road trip in early February. I managed to score a ticket to Duke/UNC at Chapel Hill so I planned to drive down there to experience that rivalry. I stopped in Cincinnati on the way to watch UC play at Xavier, then drove down to Chapel Hill the following day. The night I stayed in Chapel Hill was the night before the game and I became aware that Wake Forest was playing at NC State the night before so I scored a ticket to that just to see that experience. That experience was pretty cool. It is a very different experience though as they play in a huge arena that they share with the NHL Carolina Hurricanes. Wake was ranked and NC State had a tournament team as well and NC State pulled out the W in a very tightly-contested game. All the NC State fans I encountered were fun and very hospitable.

And finally regarding NC State, we played them just 2 seasons ago at, I think, Barclays Center in New Jersey. It was the game after Harper beat us with the halfcourt shot to knock us out of our first-ever stint at number 1. They led us for much of the game if I'm not mistaken and we managed to win it in overtime. Wasn't a good season for them I don't think but they gave us one hell of a game that day. And Zach would've played in that one so they have seen him a little before although I don't know how many players they still have around from that game.

Purdue men's basketball Purdue Basketball goes to the Final Four | The revolution is televised

"Robbie Hummel is calling the game. On his knees, the scars are still there. The team that could have done it. The team that never got a chance, too.

The team that started this revolution. His eyes are full of tears. For a program that's tasted so much pain, the sweet can be overwhelming."

Purdue recruiting Priority DL wowed by Purdue’s family feel after visit

Top Purdue target Kyler Garcia wowed by family feel after first visit to West Lafayette on Friday.

“Coach Kane said they're big on brotherhood, and I truly felt the brotherhood while I was there.”

Thought from Detroit...

I was in Lake Orion Michigan for Easter with family. Decided early Sunday morning to attend the Purdue game with brothers and spouses. Wow, glad I did as I've not been to a NCAA tournament game before.

  • Purdue outnumbered UT fans 10:1.
  • LCA holds 20K and 65%-75% Purdue fans present, it really was Mackey North.
  • Purdue fans were easily louder and drowned out UT's band and cheering section.
  • Purdue vs. UT cheerleader head to head challenge during a break had Purdue winning...a sign of greater things to come.
  • Little Ceasars Arena (LCA) not a bad place for a game, similar to Indy's Gainbridge fieldhouse.
  • Could not be happier for CMP and former players and coaches.
  • Jumbotron showed Jaden Ivey in a suite at the game and the Purdue crowd went nuts cheering.
  • Recognizing and honoring Gene Keady post-game was special.
  • Someone said Rick Mount was there in Purdue-Hawaii themed shirts.
  • UT has some fine looking individuals.
  • Going to a game takes WAY MORE energy than watching from home, I think man hands are bruised from clapping and high-fiving people.
  • Nothing builds community faster than a win, people were hugging and high-fivi g strangers, "Boiler Up" could be heard as expressions of greetings/departures.
  • Lack of replays made it hard to determine fouls or not--but man did it look like Loyer and Edey were hacked on every trip to the rim.
  • Post-games tears amoung the coaches, players, and folks like Robbie Humnel made it real.
  • All SWA flights from IND to Arizona were sold out as of 10p last night.
  • Neat experience with family on Easter day, a day so uniquely special for Believers and non-believers alike.
Overall, a blessed experience that I would not trade for anything, I just wish my couch could have been there to see this one, like it has so many times before.

Boiler Up.

Who Are We Going Forward? What Can We Change?

1. Purdue is very good every year and that's fun to be a part of as a fanbase. We have the (or one of the) best fanbases and the loudest arenas in the country. We ARE lucky! Historically we're one of the best teams over decades and no I wouldn't trade 100 years of amazing teams for one lucky run in the tournament and a National Championship.

2. Matt Painter is going no where. Come to grips with that now and support the man. He is a great coach that (at least for now) can't get over the hump in the NCAA Tournament. He is our ride or die for the next 20 years if we're lucky. He is a stellar recruiter and keeps the Purdue family together spanning back to 1981 and we won't be able to hire someone better. He is a great coach and does thing the right way... but yes, he 100% sucked against Saint Peters, that was an embarrassment. This is all on CMP.

All that being said... do we all need a sports psychologist to come in and help this program? What can we CHANGE? What can be done differently? There is no excuse for losing to Saint Peters, we had way more talent than that team. As the minutes clicked off, it was panic and frozen terror NOT the aggression and killer instinct Purdue shows at times in the regular season. Purdue BEAT two of these Final Four teams to start the year (NC and Villanova). This is the most devastated I've been in the history of Purdue failures dating back to being a little kid in the 80's. I couldn't even post or come here until today. This SHOULD have been the team. Maybe we would have lost to North Carolina, but we should not have lost Friday night to Saint Peters. That is unacceptable. What can be done? Is it our lot in life to be the Buffalo Bills or are we the Cubs and Red Sox that finally get it done after decades of "being close"? Thoughts?

